
By prettymarais100

513 82 5

"Know seasons change, but it felt like it never would. No one seemed to understand me but you understood." More

About Me:
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49. MUST READ

Chapter 9.

19 3 0
By prettymarais100

"We should do those moves more often." he says as I giggle and we clean up. I put on my bra and panties and Jonah puts on his boxers. He turns off everything  and we go upstairs and lay down. 

"Jonah can I ask you something?" I ask. "Anything baby." he says. "I keep feeling like someone is watching me. Should I just ignore it?" I ask. "Babe, when I get that feeling it's always nothing. Try not to think about it." he suggests as I sigh. "Okay. Love you doofus." I say as he chuckles. "Love you too goofball." he says as I smile. 

"I like that." I say as he smiles and we fall asleep. 

I wake up in the middle of the night to glass shattering and I look around. I heard banging and voices. It was coming from downstairs and I wake Jonah up. He groans and looks at me. 

"Babe what's wrong?" he asks sleepily. "I heard glass shattering and voices downstairs." I say. He listens and nothing happened. "I don't hear anything." he says. "Jonah I swear. I heard something." I say as he groans. 

"You heard something. I'm gonna show you there's nothing downstairs." he says getting up and putting on his shirt. "Jonah no! Please just call 911 first!" I say grabbing his hand. "It's okay I'll be back." he says grabbing his house shoes. "Jonah please don't go downstairs! Please stay here!" I say as I tear up. 

"Calm down. Stay your pretty ass in this room." he says putting on his shoes and I pull him back. "Please." I say as he wipes my tears and kisses me. "I'll be back goofball." he says as he opens the door and closes it behind him. 

*Jonah's POV* 

I walk in the hallway and turn on the light. 

"Yo! Anyone down there." I yell down the stairs. I walk downstairs and turn on the lights. I look around and see nothing. I roll my eyes and walk upstairs. 

*Lizzy's POV* 

Jonah opens the door and I look at him. 

"See. Nothing." he says as someone grabs him and holds a knife to his neck. They take off their mask and it was Andrew. 

"Andrew! Please!" I say as he presses the knife against Jonah's neck. "Stay calm Liz." he says. 

"Because of him our life plan got fucked up! So if I just take him away from you, you'll have no one." Andrew says as I cry and Jonah looks at me. "It's okay Lizzy. I'm fine." he says. 

"Shut up!" Andrew yells. "Andrew please! Take anything you want! You can have anything!" I yell as he smirks. "Give me all the money you have." he says. "Okay! I'll get it! Please don't kill him!" I beg and I run to the closet. Andrew turns on the light and watches me. 

I grab the safe and unlock it. I put it on the bed and grab a bag. "Elizabeth you don't have-" "Shut the fuck up and let her." I put all the money in the bag and zip it up. I grab the bag and walk up to Andrew. I hand him the bag and he takes it. 

He pushes Jonah towards me and I wrap my arms around his waist tight. He rubs my hair and Andrew leaves. I cry in Jonah's chest and he shushes me. 

"It's okay. I'm okay." he says. "Why didn't you believe me?" I ask. "I thought you were just being my goofball. I'm sorry." he says as I pull him in and kiss him. He kisses me back and we pull away. "This is the band house. Want to stay at my place?" he asks as I nod. 

"We'll leave in the morning okay." he says and I nod. "Please listen to me next time." I say as he sighs and nods kissing my forehead. "I will." he says as he turns off the lights and walks back in the room. I sit on the bed and he closes and locks the door. He lays down and I lay in his arms.

 "I can't lose you Jonah." I say as he sighs. "I'm sorry." he says. 

*2 months later* 

I wake up and look next to me. Jonah must've been downstairs. I check my phone and I heard Jonah coming up the stairs. He walks in the room and I read the text from the girls' group chat. Jonah smacks my ass and crawls behind me. 

He kisses my waist and I giggle. Gabbie's text read 'we all need to talk. meet me at Starbucks at 3.' I put my phone down as Jonah kisses my shoulder and I sigh. 

"I have to go meet the girls." I say turning on my back and he smiles. "We can't have some nice morning sex?" he asks as I chuckle. "I want to, baby but Gabbie said it's urgent and she hates being late." I say as he frowns and I laugh. 

"Fine. We'll just wait till you get home." he says as I smile and he kisses me. I kiss him back and he gets up. I sit up and he pulls me by my thighs. He grabs my bra straps and pulls them up making my boobs bounce. 

"Stop!" I say laughing and he stops. I get up and shower. I check the time and it was 2. "Shit." I get out and put on some clothes. Jonah puts on some clothes and I grab his hand dragging him downstairs. I grab some of the food he made and we walk out. 

"Damn it. I'm gonna be late." Jonah says. "I'll drive." I say as we get in the car. I check the time and it was 2:50. I drive Jonah to the studio then he kisses me and I kiss him back. 

"I love you." he says. "I love you too." I say and he gets out. I drive to Starbucks and it was 3:20. I get out and rush in. "I'm here guys." I say rushing to their table and they look at me. Gabbie was crying and I look at her. 

"What's going on?" I ask. "I'm fucking pregnant! And you were late! Again!" she yells as I cover my mouth. "Gabbie...I am so so sorry. I was up late last night..." 

"Let me guess, giving all your attention to Jonah." she interrupts. "No! I was working on a few paintings!" I say honestly and she scoffs. "Yeah right. You and Jonah were probably having sex as usual. You can't be our friend anymore." she says as she tears up and I do too. 

"Gabbie.." "She doesn't want to hear your shit! Just don't bother talking to us anymore!" Kylie yells and I sigh. "I'm sorry guys.." "Get the fuck out Elizabeth!!" they all yell, causing people to look at us as I jump and I sigh. "I'm so sorry..." I say as Kylie walks up to me and pushes me away. "Nobody fucking wants you here!" she yells and a guy gets up. "Don't talk to her like that." he says and I walk away. 

I order my pink drink and walk out. I sit in the car and cry laying my head on the steering wheel. I start the car and drive home. 

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