Always Mine

De SamadiW

365K 6.4K 5.4K

**MATURE CONTENT** (Smut alert!) She felt herself lean back into him and he didn't move. "You've been avoidin... Mais



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De SamadiW

Fun chapter! I hope everyone likes it too. :)

Please read and review. I love reading reviews because it helps motivate my writing, while other reviews help me become a better writer.

Enjoy Chapter Four!

Let me know your thoughts so far! Trust me. It helps loads! :) Stay safe, beautiful people!


Two weeks to the ball, Ginny cornered Hermione after Arithmancy class with a crazy look on her face and her usually neat red hair in disarray.

Hermione held her books up in defence and asked cautiously, "What's up, Gin?"

Ginny had a wild look in her eyes, and her whole demeanour was terrifying.

She stepped closer to Hermione and squealed excitedly, "SHOPPING!" A few students standing close to him jumped and eyed them suspiciously.

"We need new dresses for the ball," Ginny explained further, and Hermione visibly relaxed.

Well, the redhead had her there, she thought. She desperately needed a nice new dress.

Besides, she wanted to shake things up, step out of her comfort zone and wear something sexy and daring.

Her only female best friend was the perfect person to help make that a reality.

"Sure, Gin, this weekend, let's hop over to Hogsmeade," Hermione replied, suddenly excited at the prospect.

Ginny linked her arm through hers and beamed, "My thoughts exactly."

Hermione fell into a pattern around Draco. At least he wasn't a complete prat.

They usually ignored each other, or he stared at her intently enough to make her flee to her room.

Draco did, however, have a long line of women at his door, a new one practically every other day and the only repeat was Astoria.

It was near torture to endure these girls gush and swoon over him like he was something special.

Just the other day, he caught her looking and raised an eyebrow.

Rolling her eyes, she proceeded to show him a disgusted throwing up face with elaborate actions.

He laughed and continued to snog the living daylights out of Astoria.

Grudgingly, they tolerated each other's existence.

The weekend came fast, and the girls were glad.

The demanding nature of their last year at Hogwarts took its toll on even the brightest of witches and wizards.

Homework and coursework had them up till late into the night. Even the meticulous Head Girl was exhausted.

Draco grimaced, pushed her papers around and asked in shock, "How can you study so much?"

Hermione ignored him, her nose buried in books. She concentrated on the passage.

Shaking his head in bewilderment at the creature Granger was, he exited the dorm.

Ginny and Hermione walked along the streets of Hogsmeade hand in hand, admiring the many dresses put on display.

They went into their usual store, and Wendy greeted them cheerfully, "Heard about the Ball darlings, we have some stunning new designs."

The girls squealed in delight. Ginny was the first to find her dress after three tries. It was a light purple off-shoulder dress that flowed to the ground.

Hermione gushed, "You look absolutely gorgeous. Harry is going to love it."

Ginny made a face and grinned mischievously, "I have to love it before he does, and I really do."

She did a quick twirl and asked, "So, have you found yours?"

Hermione shook her head, "Not yet, I'll keep looking."

She didn't find the perfect dress at the store. They walked around and kept looking until she spotted it on a store dummy. It grabbed her fancy at once.

Grabbing Ginny's hand, Hermione ran towards the store.

It was a black and white short dress that stopped just above the knees with an exquisite

Sleeveless, with a high neck halter and daring full open back, the top was intricately done with black lace, and it looked classy and elegant and had a certain dangerous appeal to it.

It was perfect. Hermione did a turn and came out to show Ginny.

Her hands went to her face, and Ginny squealed, "Oh, wow, Mi!"

She added enthusiastically, "You look sexy. You have to buy it."

Hermione nodded in agreement.

Satisfied with their purchases, they went over to get a bite to eat at The Three Broomsticks.

Ginny bit into her sandwich and asked curiously, "Come on, what's it like living with Malfoy?"

"Exciting!" came the smooth reply from behind them.

"Good afternoon, Granger, Girl Weasel," Draco drawled lazily, his eyes sparkling in the sun.

They looked over their shoulders, Draco, Blaise and Theo were standing behind them and scanning the room for a table.

Theo seemed to be carrying and balancing a lot of packages. In the blink of an eye, they crashed to the ground and littered the floor.

"Bugger!" Theo cried as he bent to pick up the stuff.

Nobody paid him much attention.

Hermione looked at the Slytherin trio and noticed how different the three men were.

They were all handsome in their own right but so different in looks.

Of course, Draco was in a league of his own, but the other two boys had a certain charm and air about them.

Blaise, with his hypnotic eyes, smooth skin and tall, lean built, made him quite popular among the ladies.

With his dirty blonde hair and tall, lanky frame, Theo made him pleasing to look at, but it was his quick wit that kept him interesting.

He was the undisputed funny one of the group and could be counted on to defuse a tense situation or create one with his witty and sarcastic jokes.

Draco brushed Hermione's shoulder lightly with his fingers as they passed by and an involuntarily shudder went down her spine.

The boys walked away from the girls, settled into an empty table on the other side of the room and ordered Firewhisky and butterbeer.

The girls were having a good time, chatting and devouring delicious plates of fish and chips.

Hermione and Ginny spoke about Harry, Ron and Luna's new fascination with yet another make-believe magical creature and looked back to study Blaise.

He was good looking, Parvati had good taste.

Parvati confided in them that she recently started to develop feelings for Blaise after their shared Transfiguration class.

Hermione loved spending time with Ginny, and the deeper they got into their conversation, they could hear the hearty laughter from the Slytherin boys.

Theo was doing an impression that looked like Professor Flitwick, Draco laughed hard, and Blaise doubled over with laughter.

Hermione stared at the blonde Slytherin with an amused expression.

She hardly ever heard Malfoy laugh, and it tickled her senses. It was a nice, pleasing sound.

Ginny finished her butterbeer, and they got up to leave, "Byeee, Girls!" Theo's drunken voice trailed after them.

Hermione glanced over her shoulder and caught Draco's eyes on her.

Back inside the comfort of the dorm, she cuddled on the couch and nursed a hot chocolate.

Hermione saw Draco enter, and without going straight to his room like he normally did, he sat down on the bean bag in front of her and closed his eyes.

This might be the best time to ask him about Blaise, she thought to herself.

Hermione put aside her book and plucked up the courage to ask.

She cleared her throat, "Malfoy?"

His eyes were still closed, but he muttered, "Hmm...."

"Can I ask you something?" she asked rather timidly and out of character.

His eyes flew open. He stretched his long legs and sat up a bit straighter.

He took in her nervous state and frowned, "If it's not some annoying bloody shite, yeah, sure, go ahead and ask."

Draco watched her closely. Why the hell was she so anxious?

Hermione crossed her legs, tied her hair up in a bun and quizzed, "Does Blaise have a girlfriend and er..what kind of girls does he like?"

What the fuck! Did Granger just ask about his sodding best friend?

He played it cool, "Why do you ask, Granger, sick of Weasel shit already?"

She hesitated and looked away, "No, it's for a friend of mine."


Draco shot to his feet and hissed, "Do you have a fucking crush on my best friend?"

Before she could respond, he stalked off with a final cruel, "Well, you're not his type."

The absolute arrogance of Malfoy was staggering.

Why was he so angry?

Even if she did like Blaise, what the hell was it to him?

Draco closed the door behind him and threw the book at the wall. His behaviour disappointed him greatly.

The day of the ball was upon them, and Hermione stood in front of the mirror. She wore very little makeup.

It wasn't needed. She had clear skin minus the freckles and only opted for natural colours to emphasise her cheekbones.

Using a Muggle invention on her hair called the straightening iron, she let her hair fall in straight short waves around her face and down her back.

The dress fit well around the neck; it hugged her figure, leaving the whole back exposed. She stepped into high heels and did a final turn before heading out the door.

She caught sight of her reflection and grinned. She looked good and felt bloody awesome.

Draco stood in the middle of the common room fixing a cufflink on his black shirt.

The cufflinks were a gift from his mother.

Miniature versions of the Slytherin house symbol with an intricately carved white gold snake with emerald eyes.

He wore it with all his dress shirts, but they were simply not cooperating tonight.

Fast losing his patience with the stubborn cufflinks, he swore, "Fuck this!"

The sound of high heels distracted him, and he looked up, annoyed. He did a double-take and stared openly.

Time stood still.

Draco froze, transfixed and not daring to look away in case she disappeared.

He knew he must have looked absolutely mental just staring at her, but he couldn't take his eyes off her.

His grey orbs took in her curves, hair, smooth, creamy skin, and long legs.

Merlin, looked exquisite. He swallowed hard, his trousers felt uncomfortable, and he shifted his weight to allow some freedom.

"Malfoy!" Hermione cried in alarm.

Draco snapped back to attention and asked through a daze, "Hmm...what?"

Hermione smoothed down her dress and frowned, "Why are you staring at me?'

"Do I look that bad?" She asked, genuinely curious but also partially afraid.

He adapted a sneer, "Grow up, Granger! You look fine."

"At least for a fugly Gryffindor," he shot back insultingly and tried his best to cover up the idiotic way he reacted.

He braved another look at her. Granger looked beyond beautiful.

Hermione bit back a nasty remark. He was such an a fucking prat.

A gorgeous prat, she had to admit grudgingly.

He had gone with his signature all-black ensemble.

Seriously, how many ways could you wear the same colour and come up looking so unbelievably sexy every time?

Apparently, Malfoy did.

He looked absolutely sexalious, if that was even a word.

Hermione bit her lip unconsciously and let her eyes devour him whole.

His husky voice was laced with wanting, "Granger, if you bite your lip like that while looking at me, I'm going to take you into my room and bend you over the table."

The serious remark cut through her rather steamy thoughts.

Blushing, she quickly turned to leave and wondered if there was any truth to his threat.

As Head boy and Head girl, they had to be there early to make sure everything was done and in their proper place.

The prefects would have already gone to the Great Hall. Hermione was almost out of the door when Draco cursed out loud.

She threw her head back and sighed.

Merlin, What now?

"Blast this tie!" He groaned and pulled the silk material from under his collar.

Everything was determined to fuck up his life tonight.

Hermione rolled her eyes and closed the distance between them.

Draco studied the petite frame in front of him curiously. He mentally counted the number of freckles on her nose. They resembled tiny blobs of chocolate.

She reached to touch the collar of his expensive shirt. He took a step back hesitantly and muttered, "What the hell are you doing, Granger?"

"Just shut up and hold still," Hermione shot back, irritated and impatient.

Draco watched closely as Hermione's fingers raised the collar and placed the tie in its rightful place.

He had been so intently focused on her face. He hardly realized that he had bent for better access.

Merlin, she smelled heavenly! Slightly of lavender and roses.

Face scrunched up in concentration, Hermione expertly tied the knot, brought it to the centre and tightened it before releasing him.

Draco felt the Windsor knot under his fingers. It was perfect.

She hadn't even used her wand, just used her small fingers to work her own brand of magic.

Their fingers brushed against each other, and they both took a step back.

She looked away first, breaking their intense eye contact, and he mumbled a quick, "Thank you."

Hiding the smile that lit up her face, she left the dorm leaving the door open for him to follow.

Pretty Gryffindor in front and sexy Slytherin right behind her, he itched to steal a kiss against the cool stone wall of the castle but thought it was a horrible idea.

They heard the loud chatter come from within the Great Hall, students dressed in their finest made their way down the stairs and towards the festivities.

The Great Hall looked amazing. Their theme, Unity, had been a great idea. It had a profound meaning.

The whole place was decorated using the house colours, and rows of food and beverage were arranged to the left.

Draco and Hermione did a quick look around, satisfied they shared a warm, happy smile.

Professor McGonagall headed their way and declared proudly, "Everything looks wonderful. Good job, Miss Granger, Mr Malfoy."

She looked around, greeted a few students and said, "And before I forget, it would be prudent if the prefects and Heads take to the dance floor first."

The Headmistress told them offhandedly while looking over their heads at the Professors who gathered near the entrance.

"Oh, is that really necessary?" Hermione asked timidly.

"Yeah, no problem, Professor," Draco replied quietly and looked away, distracted.

They answered at the same time, and McGonagall looked at them curiously.

She smiled and, turning to Hermione, asked impatiently, "Thank you, Mr Malfoy, I trust it won't be an issue, Miss Granger?"

"Of course not, Professor, no problem at all," Hermione replied, keeping her eyes fixed on Malfoy.

The ice blonde had agreed way too easily. It was so unlike him that it was downright bloody unnerving.

No snarky comment, nothing.

She tried to read his face, but it didn't give out a damn thing. He simply stared past her head with his hands in his pockets and grinned.

Hermione felt a hard slap on her back, "Damn Granger, you clean up good," Theo said, with an admiring look and low whistle, "Save a dance for me," he requested boldly.

Draco glared at Theo. Astoria snaked her hands around the fuming blonde and kissed him on the cheek.

Hermione rolled her eyes at the Slytherin girl, she reeked of desperation, and it repulsed her.

Taking the opportunity to approach Blaise, she went to stand by him, touched his arm and requested politely, "If time permits, will you come by our table?"

Blaise was clearly shocked but very intrigued.

Granger was an intelligent and pretty woman. He nodded enthusiastically, "Of course, Granger, I will definitely come by later on."

Hermione gave him a small encouraging smile.

Draco eyed the exchange frustratedly and gave her the death stare he was so famous for; she simply shrugged and turned away.

He almost took a step towards them when small hands cupped his face and kissed him.

Hermione stared at Astoria Greengrass, kissing him. She had seen them tongue wrestling many times, so why was this time different? Why did she heartache?

Beginning to feel uncomfortable around all the Slytherins and taking the slurping noises as her cue to get out of there, she went in search of her friends.

The minute Granger was out of earshot, Draco broke free from Astoria, pushed her away and rounded on Blaise, "What the fuck did Granger want?"

Blaise threw him a funny look, "Steady on, mate. She just asked me to stop by their table later on."

He looked at the fiery Head girl walking towards the Gryffindors and frowned.

What the fuck was she up to?

Ron, Harry, Ginny, Neville and Luna commandeered the table closest to the dance floor, and Hermione waved at them cheerfully.

Ron hugged her tightly and ran his fingers down her bareback suggestively.

"You look great," he gushed, running hungry eyes over her body. She grimaced, took a step back and scrunched up her nose.

The stench of Firewhisky was strong on his breath. She took a step back and eyed her boyfriend disapprovingly.

Locking eyes with Ginny, she asked, irritated, "Has he been drinking?"

Ginny threw her brother a cold look, "Yeah, they started in the common room."

Harry glanced over at Ron and frowned. His best friend needed good talking too.

Hermione smacked her forehead and asked curiously, "The Heads and prefects have to sort of open the dance floor. Who do you fancy a dance with?"

Ginny groaned, thought for a bit and replied, "I guess Michael's fine. At least he won't try to grab my arse. What about you?"

Hermione felt her gaze shift to the Slytherins gathered near the beverage table.

"Malfoy," she almost whispered like it was a sin.

Ginny gasped, "Oh bloody hell! No way! Is that why he's staring at you?"

Staring at you? What in the world?

Perplexed, Hermione followed Ginny's gaze to find Draco glaring at her in anger.

She shuddered at the intensity in his penetrating grey eyes. What had she done to deserve that look?

Ron's hand around her waist tightened. He pulled her close to him and ran another finger down her back.

Rolling her eyes in exasperation, she broke free from his touch and went to sit next to Harry.

Parvati joined them, and to Hermione's annoyance, Lavender plopped down next to Ron and refused to budge.

The fucking bint batted her ridiculous eyelashes at him, who thrived on the attention he was receiving.

Parvati leaned closer to Ginny and Hermione and whispered, "He looks so dangerously sexy, doesn't he?"

Ginny nodded her approval at once and grinned.

"I thought you had a thing for Blaise. I asked him to stop by our table later on," Hermione told Parvati excitedly.

Parvati blushed, "Thanks, but I was talking about Malfoy right now."

Hermione turned to look at him. Astoria was firmly by his side, trying to assert herself into his life shamelessly.

She couldn't shake his strong, masculine smell from earlier. It felt like his glorious smell had taken up permanent residency inside her nose.

He flooded her senses, overpowering each one. She wasn't overly pleased with her defiant reaction to it.

Once everyone settled in, McGonagall made a brief speech about unity and the way forward without prejudice.

She kindly went on to thank the committee for organizing such a great event.

The band started up their first song, the prefects had already moved towards the dance floor, and Hermione's heart started to flutter as Malfoy started to come towards her.

He buttoned his jacket, slicked back his hair and grinned, oh hell! Here we go, she thought.

Pushing back her chair at once, Hermione got up, rushed over and met him halfway before he reached their table.

The last thing she wanted was to defuse a confrontation between the Head boy and her jealous boyfriend.

Ron's eyes narrowed to mere slits. He carefully watched as Malfoy lead Hermione onto the dance floor, twirling her once before they got to the middle.

Draco took her hand nervously and screamed at his inner thoughts.

Get a grip, you idiot! She is just another bloody girl.

No, she was anything but another girl.

Tenderly placing one hand on her waist, Draco pulled Hermione closer to his body, and she let out an involuntary whimper.

His smell was messing with her again.

He entwined his fingers through her with the other, and she placed her free trembling hand on his shoulder.

Draco sensed her tension and teased gently, "Relax, Granger, I don't bite."

He rasped, "Unless you ask me too."

Hermione swallowed hard. She needed a glass of water or anything to lubricate her dry throat.

Merlin, he was standing so close! What the hell was wrong with her? That bloody intoxicating smell.

Dammit! She was too tantalizing.

Putting caution to the wind, he moved his hand to the small of her back. His fingertips danced across her bare skin.

The intimate gesture sent tiny shockwaves throughout her already trembling body, and another small whimper escaped her lips.

Draco watched her intently, her eyelashes were lowered, and in each other's arms, they moved in rhythm to the music.

He bent down slowly to whisper in her ear, "You look beautiful."

His lips barely grazed her ear lobe, and Hermione's knees almost gave out.

Twirling her once again, he pulled her up against his body and once more, she leaned in willingly.

Merlin and all the God's above, she was lost! Her body was betraying her mercilessly.

She felt her hand move from his shoulder to go around his neck.

Draco tensed at her touch on the back of his neck. Her fingers lightly touched his hair and caressed it gently.

Hermione looked into his eyes, refusing to back down. He stared back, mesmerized and confused.

She could have sworn he almost bent to kiss her, but the song ended, and Astoria made her presence known, "Let him go, Mudblood!"

Hermione stepped back reluctantly, glared at the Slytherin girl and warned menacingly, "I am the Head Girl, and if you dare call me that again, you will find yourself in big trouble."

In anger, she was about to step away when Draco grasped her wrist and pulled her back. He boldly raised her hand to his lips and gently kissed her knuckles.

Astoria stared at him in disbelief and humiliation. How dare they embarrass her like this.

The filthy Mudblood would pay dearly.

Hermione backed away slowly from the dancefloor. She bumped into a couple and apologized.

Rubbing her hand and area where Draco's lips touched, she sat down and stared at her heated flesh.

She swallowed hard. The sensation of his lips on her body, no matter how brief or small, had awakened something dangerous in her.

Harry and Ginny sat down next to her, laughing and giving each other quick pecks of affection.

Ron was nowhere to be found, and thankfully no one noticed what happened on the dancefloor except a whimsical and very observant Luna.

The quirky blonde eyed her through long eyelashes and smiled.

Still rubbing her knuckles, Hermione looked up and was met with Luna's curious yet knowing gaze.

The intelligent Ravenclaw smiled at her knowingly.

Ron appeared out of nowhere. The stench had steadily increased. He put his arms around Hermione and dragged her to the dance floor.

Hours went by, and despite their distance, Hermione felt her gaze drift to where Draco was.

Hands in his pockets, he locked eyes with her and ran his hand through his fine hair.

Everyone was having a great time, and she felt incredibly lightheaded.

It was bloody strange. She thought, swaying dangerously.

She had not drunk anything except pumpkin juice and butterbeer. She was sure of it.

So, what the hell was going on?

After another inspection of the hall, Ron joined Hermione by the buffet table and asked desperately, "You okay, darling? You want to get out of here."

He had been coming on strong throughout the night, and she was exhausted trying to keep him in his place. She was getting really tired of him pushing her all the time.

"No, Ron, I cannot leave. McGonagall will have my head," she told him firmly for the millionth time.

Letting out a frustrated groan, he stormed off, leaving her to her thoughts.

Ron had been livid at the dance she shared with Head boy, and no matter how much she tried to explain that it was McGonagall's idea, he was convinced Malfoy wanted to bed her.

Ginny and Harry joined her and looked over her in concern, "Hermione, I think you need to call it a night."

Brushing them off, she got to her feet and replied, "No, really, I'm fine." What she needed was some fresh air, the air inside the hall was suffocating.

She almost stumbled out of the entrance, went down the stairs and took in a deep breath.

The fresh air felt amazing against her skin. It filled her lungs but went straight to her head.

Draco's eyes followed the departing Head girl. Astoria was beginning to piss the living daylights out of him. She hung onto him like a protective girlfriend.

Blaise tried to calm the situation by asking the clingy girl to dance, and Theo was deep in conversation with Lovegood.

He had been completely off in his assumption that Hermione liked Blaise; apparently, it was the Patil who had a crush on him.

He sighed in relief, much to his annoyance. Why did he care who Granger liked?

However, he did know that he would've kissed her on the dancefloor if Astoria had not interrupted them.

That small revelation frightened the living fuck out of him.

Draco had followed Hermione's movements for most of the night.

Stalker much, Malfoy? Why the fuck was she heading outside?

He followed her and found her moments later with a stupid bloody grin on her face without hesitation.

"Granger, what the fuck are you doing outside? It's freezing!" He scolded, irritated that she was outside without a jacket.

He quickly slipped his off and draped it around her shoulders.

Blurry eyed, she turned to face him and grinned sloppily.

Holy fuck! She was drunk.

"Heeeeey Malfoy!, the stars look so pretty, don't they, but not as pretty as you," she giggled and touched the tip of his nose with her forefinger.

Stepping closer, he bundled her in his jacket and hissed, "Come on, let's get you back inside. I don't want to be held responsible for you dying of fucking hypothermia."

She cupped his face, and he felt himself lean into her touch, "You're so funny, Malfoy!" with that, her eyes rolled back into her head, and she passed out.

He caught her easily before she hit the ground and frowned.

Oh, fuck this!

He picked her up bridal style, walked up the steps and almost collided with a concerned Potter and Weaselette.

"Oh shit, what happened?" The red-haired girl asked in concern.

"Well, fuck if I know, she was properly wasted. I guess she's passed out," Draco replied, not bothering to hide his annoyance that they had let her drink too much.

Harry eyed him suspiciously, and Draco shot back, "Wipe that look off your face, Potter! It's a good thing I was there to catch her."

Harry didn't like it one bit. His voice strained, he asked through clenched teeth, "Are you taking her back to the dorm?"

"No, I'm taking her back to the party," Draco replied sarcastically.

He then threw Harry a cold look. "Of course, I'm taking our shit faced Head Girl to the dorm. If McGonagall sees her like this, I am going to get my arse handed to me!"

He cradled Hermione closer to his body, straightened and hissed, "So please get the fuck out of my way."

Harry and Ginny stepped aside reluctantly and watched Malfoy carry Hermione back to their dorm as quickly as possible.

Outside the door, Draco recited the password impatiently and kicked the door in.

Fuck! How did he get himself into this bloody situation?

He had no idea what her password was, and he debated internally about leaving her on the common room couch.

Looking down at the girl in his arms with a faint smile on her face made him smile as well; she looked so peaceful and beautiful.

Her so-called boyfriend was a cheating, horny, fucking prat.

A funny feeling settled in his stomach. Was he feeling sorry for Granger? The feeling repulsed him, but it lingered.

Draco fought the urge to steal a kiss. She looked that fucking delectable but never, not like this and not without her consent.

Fuck it. Against his better judgement, he took her to his room and laid her down on his silk bedding.

Waving his wand over her, he transfigured her clothes into something more comfortable.

He quickly changed into his boxers, looked over her one last time before sliding between the sheets.

An arm under his head, he thought back to the events of the night, and before he knew it, he felt his eyelids droop and close.

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