~The Puppetmaster~(On Hold)

By Nightstar246

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First time posting so try to work with me people. Error now lives in the Creepypasta AU world after jumping i... More

Puppet Master Story Idea/ Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 3

4.9K 191 520
By Nightstar246

Hi everyone!

Here is Chapter 3! Yay!

I do want to thank keiko error~UwU @1234567aph for helping me out so much with the chapter! Go check her out whenever you can !

So, here you go and enjoy!

Chapter 3

EJ, aka Eyeless Jack, was very confused what is going on. Granted he should be lucky he isn't dead. Error was very strong and bet he hiding a lot other tricks. But is either bored or very lucky to not get him angry. He doesn't want to know what those strings can do.

He found out about the string the next day when he watches Error using them to move packages around. Taken back as the glowing string move around and lifting packages like they were nothing.

"Jeff I need to drop these off."

"Yeah, yeah I get it. I'll get EJ here to clean the window up."

"I'll deal with it. Should I get him some kidneys?"

"I personally wouldn't mind him starving. But don't want to lose a kidney. So, yeah grab him a few."

"What kind?''

"Whatever at the butcher shop...You do know what a butcher shop is right?''

"Yes, im not that dense."

"You sure?''

"Shut it Ronald."

"Fuck you too pile of bones."

EJ was so confused what is going on. But also a little taken back the skeleton getting him kidney. Wait Jeff told him about him! What else did he tell him?

"They're not going to be any others people than him right?"

"Nah we should be fine."

Error leaves out the door with the packages coming with him. EJ wondering where his car is to bring them. Did he hide them. Before he could look out the window. He was suddenly lifted up and a knife to the neck.

"Okay cannibal boy what the fuck you doing here?''

"Like I said boss send me to get you and bring you back home."

"Boo Hoo Slenderass misses me. Well im not going back till Smiley back."

"Are you serious? You leaving!"

"Im still going to work for the ass. Just going to stay here to bunk and not share with you lot." He really should go back to get some stuff and bring Smiley here. Error will like him plus he potty trained so bonus!

"You're really serious."

"Hell yeah I am. Now when he comes back. You take those kidneys and leave. Give him a message I'll be back later and I got shit to do here."

"Why don't you do it?"

"Because I got shit like I said to do."

EJ glared and goes to sit on the couch. "Then im staying till you leave."

"Oh fuck you are!"

Error returns back like in a few minutes, along with a bag of kidneys, to find the two fighting on the ground. Jeff haves EJ in a choke hold while EJ suddenly elbow him in the chest. Error used his strings to put the kidneys up and goes to the window to start repairing the mess. He didn't ask for this. Well he hopes this one leaves sooner.

Nope! His wish doesn't come true and the guy stayed 5 extra days. Jeff was clearly pissed about it and clearly shows it when he yells and curse at EJ. EJ would either ignore him, flips him off and soon talks back at him. Error didn't want this but hey they guy wasn't too bad. Even offered to help around the house to clean for breaking the window. Error didn't see a point why he should help. Yeah he broke his window but it's his house and responsibility to fix. Well as much fixing a glitch like him can do.

EJ was a but curios about Error. He was blunt and honest. Which he didn't mind but some responses he had to think about. Will be confused of things he says that is normal and had to explain it to him. Heck he had to explained to him what season the food means when he cooks his kidney now and then. Or to tell him to not eat the whole bowl when he was joking! Error wasn't nice but has a few soft moments like he scene around with him and Jeff. Now Jeff catches him off guard. Yes, Jeff is still Jeff but seems to lay off a little and gaze slightly soften or protective if he himself does something wrong.

Like the time EJ was going to touch Error back to tell him something. Jeff grab his wrist out of known where. EJ was ready to shout at Jeff what he was doing till he stops at this look he was giving him. It was calm and but the look in his eyes were so cold that it quite taken him off guard. Yes, everyone in Slenderman group has killed and need to watch out for them. They are killers at the end but a group of killers that are like a team. Jeff Is no different and he could possible kill a few of them if pushed too far. EJ himself wouldn't be easy to beat but he doesn't want to take that chance if the two of them ever do fight. HE backs off but had a look to Jeff that he does want an explanation later.

Explanation he does get again when Error has to leave to go in town and by some yarn and some boxes. Now he didn't expect what Jeff told him. Almost didn't believe it if it wasn't from how serious Jeff looked at him and wasn't joking at all.

"Jeez Jeff if he is that bad then I can't believe im saying this. But he needs some help."

"From who? Those therapist? Ha! They wouldn't know how to help him."

"And you do?''

Jeff throws back his head and laughed. Till he clams down and look at EJ. "Why EJ. One messed up with another messed up can help the other in many ways than you think. Even if it's just the littlest shit."

After that EJ kept a very close eye on Error and Jeff interaction. He notices little things like before that would be considered red flags. Heck eating the whole bowl from the day before was one! But he began to notice how Jeff have to say certain wording carefully too Error. The skeleton would have this look of confusion and annoyance of the littlest things that is normal to them. But for Error it wasn't. He doesn't know what happen but a lot of crap happen to this skeleton from a baby to now.

Boss would have a field day having this mysterious skeleton as his proxy, team and he won't admit it like a crazy dysfunctional family of sorts.

EJ blinks behind the mask and stare at the puppet sitting on the kitchen counter. He picks it up and study the puppet and the details. Heck he made the black liquid from his mask the right amount and shade. Glance up at Error to see him just staring at him.  "Thanks I like him. He cuter than Jeff mini me."

"I heard that! Mini me awesome than yours! I have a knife!" Jeff hollered from the living room.

EJ rolled his eyes behind the mask and study the little puppet again.

"So, you like it."

"A lot."

''I didn't have enough red and brown to make a little kidney for you too hold."

"...I don't mind waiting for you to make a little one. It could just go in the pocket."

"Hmm alright I'll have to see it'll fit in it."

EJ nods and place his puppet down by the plate of kidneys. Began to show Error how he cooks them when he not in the mood to eat them rare. Well good thing he doesn't mind a bit of burnt kidney till they finally got the cooking down.

Night time arrives and the three relaxing in the room. As they enjoy a good quite time to watch tv.

"I don't give a fuck my turn to pick what shit were watching!"

"Give him the damn remote Jeff."

"Yeah share."

"Like you know about sharing till a piece of kidney in front of your face!"

"Oh like you and Error any better with your chocolate!"


"See why can't you admit like tear face here."

"Tear face seriously?"

"I thought I was tear face Jeffy."

"Shut it Jackey or im taking mini you. He actually cooler"

"Come near him and ill flush yours down the toilet."

"Flush any of them down the toilet ill flush you down with them next."

"Hey why do you have toilet anyway when I first got here. Wait can skeletons poop!"



The three turn their head at the door. With a piece of wood here and there falling on the ground after two swings. It had a decent hole for something, or someone, to have their head through. Wait was that door always in the living room? Well Error didn't pay much attention as long as the tv was far away from it. Then suddenly a head was poking out the hole just made.  The guy has pale, almost grey skin, messy, dark brown hair coming out of his grey hoodie. Eyes couldn't see from the pair of goggles that have bright yellow-tinted lenses. Along with couldn't see his mouth since a striped mask or a mouth guard covering his well face.


Error, Jeff & EJ Looked at him and loo back to the TV.

"My door."

"Hey at least it's not the windows this time. Besides its just Toby."


The door unlocked, after the guest unlocked it with hand doing through the hole, and slam it to the wall. Sees him better now. Look like Jeff height if slightly a inch shorter. He was a patterned sweater with greyish-brown striped sleeves, with a black sweater underneath, jeans, and white, grey converse. Along with holding two nice size hatchets.

Toby look clearly annoyed being ignored and quite a little hurt Jeff said it was just Toby. He is not just Toby dang it. Lift the hatchet up to throw at Jeff as a warning. Just a small little warning to miss him and hit the wall. Well he must have been a little out of it, along with sugar high a bit, as the hatchet misses Jeff. Like he wanted it to be. But he wasn't expecting or wanting this to happen. For instead the hatchet was lodge into the skeleton head and just sitting there like nothing happen. Yes, Toby doesn't feel pain but he thrown his hatchet a lot time at the head, on purpose, and no human or monster doesn't usually handle it like this.  He didn't know to be awed or feel a little scared right now.



Error who just set there on the couch, tilt his head and sipping his milkshake not even flinching at the Sudden Impact that's been hit directly at his skull

"Hmm? Oh this." Point at the axe in his head. He grabs the handle and rip it out of skull. "It's fine I felt way more pain than this before. Heck I barely even feel anything. Got to say you throw quite well just look next time for the right target if you meant to kill them. Or a warning."

Not at all caring about himself or the huge open crack on his skull. All 3 of the horrified and slight awed faces.

"Fuck Error how many times had this happen."

"I stop counting."

"Hello! Shouldn't we do something!" EJ demanded and standing up.

While the 4 yelling, well really 3 Error just now quite, two more people enter the house behind Toby. The one in a yellow hoodie was like a inch shorter than Toby. Had on a pair of dark jeans and black tennis shoes. Their skin was black pigment skin and red glowing eyes. Even his own mouth was red and look glowing. Oh and was holding a knife. The next person was EJ height. They were wearing a yellow jacket, dark blue jeans. Messy brown hair. They were wearing a white with black around the eyebrows, eyeholes and lips. They were holding a gun. Said person holding gun and see Error. Out of either fear seeing the wound in Error head or instincts he shot Error.

Error didn't flinch and look slightly annoyed just being shot. Okay now he was getting angry. About to get up and throw these guys out.

"What the hell you two?!" Jeff shouted out at them. "Since when are you fricken trigger happy Mask face!"

"There a skeleton standing there not dead and holding Toby hatchet!" Masky shouted back

Error no longer holding said hatchet since Jeff took it. Looking ready to chopped a few idiots down.

"How about I test that theory with the living!"

"RUN AWAY!" Toby shouted and began to run to the kitchen. While grabbing hold of the back of Masky and Hoodie jackets. "Save the waffles!"

"Get back here you three dead meats!" Jeff chases after them

"Okay look their annoying and was rude with the gun. But don't need to kill them." Error explained getting up.

"Don't move! Jeez this isn't normal even for skeleton monster! Or any monster" EJ explained and holding back to touch Error. He wasn't at the touch zone yet with Error compared to Jeff. "Just come on sit down. I'll see what we have- Jeff where the first aid!"

"How the fuck should I know!" Jeff hit in the face with a taco shell

"Back savage!"

"Toby let us go dammit!"

"You are dead Toby! You hear me dead! Error sit your ass down!"

"My house so I can sit my ass whenever!"

Then suddenly static surrounded the room as lights going on and off, the tv going fuzzy and 5, expect one, shake their heads at the static like sound. Then a figure in the middle of the living room. The figure was a tall humanoid creature. Heck at least 10ft tall., Was wearing a black business suit, white undershirt, and black tie. The face white and abnormal with no facial features. Pure blank face and nothing else.

Error was a little taken back how tall this guy was. Heck he was tall compared to other monster of any AU he saw. Then what next caught him a bit off guard as black tentacles came out this thing back and suddenly reach out and stab him in the chest.


"Boss no!"

Slenderman glance at Jeff and EJ. He was quite annoyed at the two, especially Jeff, not coming back to the mansion. Won't admit worried just alarm. It was out of luck, from EJ cell phone to trace where they were at. HE brought Hoodie, Masky, and Toby with him. Now he should have kept Toby back to investigate. But that's why he sent Masky and Hoodie to follow him. Barely 5 minutes and screams coming out of the house. Teleported inside and didn't have time to take in, till after, the skeleton he stabbed along with the look of annoyance on the crack face. Then realize something.

How come he hearing no screaming, crying or a yell of pain.

Turn his head back and see a completely unamused red and yellow mix match eyes.

"You're not the first one to stab me with damn tentacles octopus."


Before Slenderman could stab the rude child, he thinks a child or at least his proxies in here age, he was suddenly unable to move. Move his head slightly and see the skeleton hand up and strings coming out. Strings holding him in place.

"Let me go!"

"I think not since you and those 3 barge into my damn house." Error pull the tentacle out of his chest and glare at the faceless man. Well he could picture a look of annoyance. Huh he and Nightmare could get along well. Both in charged since this one called boss, tentacles, a group of baddies, and trying so hard to not look annoyed.

Error glance at the tentacle and ideas formed. He goes back to sit down in his spot like nothing happening, while he still keeping Slenderman in place.

Jeff still holding the hatchet threatening to Toby, Masky, and Hoodie to not even dare try anything. EJ wanted to help his boss but at the same time wonder what he was thinking since he usually holds back attacking immediately

Error look back at Slenderman, grab his milkshake and smirk began to form on his face as he takes a sip.


Everyone stun at what happen till suddenly Jeff hollered out in laughter. The other stun and shock what they just see. If Slenderman mouth was formed, it would have been gapping in shock at what just happen.

Error string, a free one, grab Slenderman tentacle that stab him and slap his face.

Before Slenderman could say, or yell, at the skeleton he was slapped again. And again. It was sometimes hard and then other times just a playful slap. The playful ones annoyed and anger him. Plus, that could also be the added up fuel of anger of his proxies not saving him! Let out a growl and glare at the smirk ass skeleton. Focus his energy to get out of these strings.

But he couldn't at all.

That took him back. This was a first that happen. The only times he wasn't able to teleport if he has very low amount of energy by using too much. But this was impossible. It was like this string was blocking his energy to get out. He was completely at this skeleton mercy.

Error eventually had enough and stop slapping the tall one. Glance at the three other that was right by a Jeff. Who was still laughing on the ground. Rolled his eyes and used his string to grab them fast. They cried out in surprise, shock and he swear the one with goggles was muttering "pretty string".

He was just annoyed and now has a door to fix.

Eventually Error strings no longer holding them. But he used his strings to wrap around all 4 of their wring and feet together. Strings cuffs one way to put it, it was a new trick he learn over time. Now it did take a lot of magic. Have to use a bit of extra for the tall one since he would be a trouble one. The only ones he didn't tie up was Jeff and EJ.

"Come on guys let us out!"

"Why aren't you two tied up!"

"Why there no waffles here?''

"Shut it Toby!"

"Oh im not tied up since I didn't hurt him."

"Um- "

"Shut it you know what I mean!"

"So, what he your boyfriend?"

"Ha! As if im pretty enough to be Jeff boyfriend."

"Can it Error you hot."

"Sure keep telling yourself that"

Slenderman twitch and just watching the mess happening around and the pointless chatter. HE needs to take back control soon and figure out this "Error" and how he never learns about the skeleton power till now. Look at Error and stop before he can speak.

Error glance at Slenderman and tilt his head. "What?''

"How you get that crack on your skull?'' That isn't normal for a skeleton at all.  Even a creepy pasta kind wouldn't survive such, Heck this Error monster doesn't even to care or show any kind of pain of the injury. Then suddenly notice how quite the five suddenly were.

"Oh um Toby, the one with the goggles threw it when he crashes through my door. I probably deserve it. Look like he knew Jeff and thought I was keeping him captive. He throws good I'll tell you that. So, don't get angry at him. Just doing his job. But don't worry doesn't hurt at all. Take slower to heal but I'll be fine."

All of them were shock at what he just said.

"Error that wasn't okay! The fucker shouldn't have thrown the hatchet at all!"

"Um you sure he doesn't have a concussion instead."

"Shit you didn't even do anything but just sitting on the couch!"

"What the heck wrong with the skeleton?''

Slenderman just studied then skeleton. There is something not right with this monster at all in many ways. He wonders what fool or demon in the past did to this one to make Error think like this. Or to think it right. Slenderman the last one to asked about right or wrong but he value common sense. And what Toby did was foolish, childish and probably annoyed at something what Jeff said, he bet his damn tentacle on that.

"Have you ever eaten waffles? Oh what time do skeletons usually go to sleep?''

It was such a simple question and one easily answer. One he will regret asking leading to future craziness and lack of being alone besides work. If Error lucky.

"Okay what the heck a waffle? I don't sleep. Waste a time and does nothing for me except nightmares and screams. I don't even remember the last time I sleep. Jeez been so long. But hey I probably deserve it no matter how sorry I am." Error said like it was such a normal thing.

Everyone look shell shock and horrified. Jeff already knew about it but didn't expect this new intel and can only gap at him. His finger twitching and while the other hand clench the hatchet tightly. EJ about to say screw the no touching rule and throw Error in a bed. Toby shaking and weeping. How could he not know what a waffle was? Masky wondering what happen to this guy to think like this, many of them had their fair share of no sleep. But doesn't think none of them went this far! Hoodie can only gap and stare in horrid at the skeleton response. That not normal! None of them normal but damn not this bad to this level. Slenderman stare and fingers twitching. This...This he didn't expect at all. Nothing today he expects and this kind of information. Now what to do with said intel. The bigger part of him wants to see about making him a proxy and take care of him. But wouldn't be easy and Error wouldn't seem to be the type to be swayed into joining so easily. Just time and effort.

Error will wish he kicked out Jeff the first day since nothing will be "simple" after his first "visit". Then EJ. And then these four. Never a lastly for him and quite annoyed. But won't let out a slip of regret meeting the, Even during the tough and hard times he will deal with it. Situations he never expects to be in. Or the new fond attention he will gain. 

Along with future destruction of his house windows, doors and appliances.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Done! Yippie! Hmm either this week Chapter 4 may be post or next week. Just have to keep a look out and see. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Again I want to thank @1234567aph for helping me out so much!

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