Maihua lee (girlxgirl) (comp...

By qngelic_

52.4K 804 922

You both fall for each other.. **maihua don't read this** HIS NAME IS AIDEN NOW AND GOES BY HE/HIM I DO NOT C... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
New characters 😫
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 21
Part 23
Part 24
PSA #2
Part 25
Part 26
psa #2

Part 22

867 11 40
By qngelic_

Y/ns POV

The girls are leaving in 3 days sot we are spending this whole 3 days at my house with Maihuas friends, I'm kind of excited

"Baby when are you coming over" I said pouting looking at her through my computer

"Soon mama, soon" she said smiling

"Good" i said

I heard little cries comming from the room across from me "oh no, I'll see you when you guys get here?" I said

"Yea ofc, I love you" she said "I love you too" I said ending the call

Her cries got louder and louder which was weird, she only cries like that when she's scared and sees someone she doesn't know "I'm comming!" I said running to her room

When I got there the window was that's weird, I picked her up and took her downstairs To the girls

"Guys, did one you open the window in Kais room?" I asked opening the cabinet to get a bottle

"No why" they said "because it was open when I went in there and she was doing the scared cry" I said fixing a bottle

"Maybe it's nothing" I said sitting on the couch

Skip till everyone gets here

We all took showers and got ready, everyone was dressed as a typical lesbian (sweats and a (Nike) sports bra) I was in shorts

And yes. Kai was dressed too something very simple

(Without the Bib and hat😂😂)

I was upstairs with Kai and when I heard the doorbell ring, I carried Kai downstairs and handed her to Kasper

I opened the door and I jumped in maihuas arms and hugged her

"hi, baby!" She said spinning me around everyone else and just looking at us smiling "I missed you mama!" She said "I missed you more!" I said jumping down

Kasper handed me Kai and I handed her to maihua and she took her I hugged everyone else and greeted them

"time to really get this bitch turnt tf up" Ap said making all of us laugh "yess" everyone said

"Maiha, can you make Kai a bottle for me and put her to sleep" I asked her "ofc I can" she said walking into the kitchen

"Y'all we brought snacks so you know we finna get lit, and yes..I know we aren't old enough BUT...Kaspers 21-" Ap said holding up a bottles of Alcohol

"Alexis painter- you did not" I said laughing, "oh I did" she said back

I said I was gonna start blogging so I did

(Replace Avery with yourself) 😂😂
(This was the spand of 3 days guys)

Last day 😭

I woke up early before everyone else "what's up guys, today is the day that everyone leaves and I'm pretty said about that, I don't want my babies to leave, we've had so much fun and it always hurts leaving eachother, it's gonna hit different with me leaving Kylie and Erica, since I am the closest with them now but it's gonna hurt even more when she has to leave me" I said pointing the camera down at maihua who was currently sleeping on my chest, I ran my fingers through her hair

"I'm gonna get up and get ready for the day and I'll show my outfit"

I slid maihua off me and took a shower and got ready

(You can pick if you want the flowers or not but the clips stays)

I stood in the mirror "so this is what I'm wearing today, black and yellow, now I'm gonna go get kai ready"

"Alright this what she's wearing, I should've put a yellow bow but I don't have one at the moment, I'm gonna go make her some food"

I said walking downstairs, I walked in the kitchen abd grabbed a bottle and Made it up, I sat her in front of the tv and turned it on to spongebob

She's learning how to hold her own bottle so she sat there holding it herself while I cleaned up the house a little bit

I heard Kasper yelling stuff "we leave in 12 hours everybody get ya asses up! We are going to breakfast first if you're not ready in 30 minutes you will be left"

I assumed everyone listened to her because after 30 minutes everyone came downstairs including maihua

I was getting things for Kai when they came downstairs

"Thank you Kasper" I said laughing "always! I love bothering people" she said smiling and walking downstairs and grabbing the keys "I'm driving" she said "no shit" everyone said

Maihua walked downstairs and hugged me from behind "hey baby" she said kissing my head "hi" I said she did the same thing to Kai and she picked her up

We all walked to the car and got in, surprisingly everyone fit in. Kasper drove to a place where can eat

We all got out and Ap grabbed Kai since she was the closest to her and we walked inside the building

Now keep in mind y'all it's like a group of 12 people walking in so yea we got a few stares but it'll be ok

(Y'all know them booths with tables with them?)

We got our seats and sat down and we ordered our food..she was lowkey picking favorites by favorite I mean she was flirting with Ap..heavy bro..Heavy and Alexis painter being Alexis painter this bitch flirted back heavy too.

We were sitting there looking at ap like "really bitch-🤡"' once she left

"What?!" She said "you know good and mf well you don't like her so you can't play with her feelings like that ap" I said trying not to laugh "fax" she said

We got our food and we ate, which means we ate off each others plate, I gave Kai a little of my food and she liked it

We all just having a good time until I had to use the bathroom "I gotta pee I'll be right back" I said handing maihua Kai and going to the bathroom

I walk in doing my business, and i wash my hands I turn around and I see Lexi standing right there in my face

"L-Lexi- what are you doing here? I t-thought I k-" "killed me? Nah, you see when you tired to choke me I just played dead and you were actually believing it. So o kept playing and you ran away, when you ran away from the site I-" "Lexi what do you want?!" "I want a family like yours! Friends that care about me! I deserve it you don't! You didn't work for anything!" "Lexi that's not true. I worked hard for all of this! You haven't seen what you put me through bitch! I've been to hell and back because of you"

"Now leave me alone! And leave my family alone, you're fucking crazy Lexi!" "You'll see what's comming to you y/n!" She said walking out the bathroom, you stood there for a moment trying to take on what's happened

You walked out, you caught Anxiety from it so you had to tell them "guys..we have to" I said kind of freaking out "baby what's wrong?" Maihua asked "I saw Lexi in the bathroom and she said all these things" I said to her she immediately got up "guys I'll explain later but we need to leave" I said "ok ok" we all pulled our wallets and put down each but down 2 20 dollar bills, they could keep the change

I picked up Kai and we went home once we got there i went in and everyone sat on the couch

I was pacing back and forth with Kai on my hip

""Me and Lexi used to be bestfriends...until she told me that Maihua cheated on me so we would be closer...she was like obsessed with me...I would anything to protect me and maihua so I tried to kill her- but it didn't work out apparently. When I saw her she told me that "I'll get what's comming to me" and that "I don't deserve everything that I have" I said. Holding Kai close to me

"It makes sense now..why Kai was crying a few days ago like she was scared and the window was open"

"Y/ shouldn't be here alone like this" Kasper said "no ill be ok, I promise, I'll drive you all to the airport later I'll be ok bubbas I promise"

"Y/n you aren't safe here" Erica said "she's literally trying to kill you!" Soph said "not only that but you have a baby to protect" Kylie said "not just one.." I said "I've been hiding something for about 4 months and I'm sorry I didn't know how to tell you guys" I said "babygirl, that's even worse for this situation baby, I'm excited Your having my baby again but-" maihua said

"Baby I'll be ok, you'll only be gone for 2 or 3 months, I've been alone basically my whole life" I said

She sighed "fine"


"Everybody got their things?" I asked them
"Yea" they said, right now we were at the airport so they could go back home,

They took their stuff out and walked inside to the gates.

I hugged them all and they each touched my stomach and told the baby bye and they left I drove back home with Kai and I took a shower

And I got Kai ready

I gave her a bottle and layed her down, she wasn't sleeping in her own room tonight so I pulled the playpin close to my bed and layed her in once she fell asleep

Decided that I wanted to tell mini babies, my followers that I was pregnant so I posted a picture

Simply._Y/n: I wanted to keep you to myself for as long as possible but I just can't hold you in anymore ❤️

Kasperrrrrrrrrr: welcome to the family little one❤️
Simply_.y/n: ❤️
Kyliezimmer: baby 😍
Simply_.y/n: hehe. I miss you🥺
Maihualee: my worlds in one picture 🥺🥺
Simply_.y/n: I love you. Miss you 🥺❤️
Rylieeeee.wil: I knew it! 🥺 I hope it's a girl 🥺
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I put my phone down and had a zoom call with my babies and we talked for hours, Ag, Mia, Pyper, Dallas, Kylie, soph and Mac all ended up falling which meant that Kasper, Ap, Erica me and Maihua were all up talking

"Y/n let us Come back, you're clearly scared bubba" Erica said "I'm not scared, Shes not after me she's after the one thing I love most...Kai" I said looking over at her who was sleeping peacefully

"Listen, we can all get a Airbnb for as long as we need to" Kasper said

"Guys I-" I said "you don't need this stress on you, especially not now" Ap said

"Fine. Wait 3 or 4 mom is comming back for a little bit then she's leaving again" I said rolling my eyes

"Why is she comming back?" Maihua asked "to make sure o didn't "destroy the house" she's comming back to be nosey, my mom isn't the best mom clearly. I raised myself and my siblings and I raised them right, my mom just- I don't know she's fuckin- idk" I said

"Get some sleep bubba we aren't going anywhere" Ap said "fine" I said laying my computer down beside me and falling asleep

Morning 😇

I woke up to Maihua, Ap, Kasper and Erica staring at me hard

""Well shit, take a picture it'll last longer" I said sitting up and rubbing my eye

"Sorry" they said "it's all good" I said getting up and looking at Kai, I walked in my bathroom with my computer and sat it on the counter

I grabbed my towel and went in the showers and closed the curtain and I took a shower and washed my hair n all that good shit, I shaved my legs as best I could..I can't really bend down good but it'll have to work

I wrapped my towel around me and walked to the counter and I brushed my teeth

"Y/n you are adorable" Erica said making me giggle "thanks" I said, I started brushing my hair

I started to put them in 2 buns

I grabbed the computer and brought in the room

I tried to end the call but they wouldn't let me

"Guys I'll call you right back after I'm dressed" I said
"Cmon y/n we've all seen eachother naked before" Mia ya said making Ap and Erica give us a look

"Long story!" I turn the computer around to the wall and I grabbed my phone And went to tiktok to do the "walking in naked on my gf and se how she reacts" thing

I walked back in the room "guys close your eyes" I said "why-" they said "just do it" I said "ok" they said

I turned the computer my way "open" they opened their eyes and their jaws dropped

"Well damn" maihua said
"Shiii if you wanna go let's go" Ap said
"Damn she do be thick tho" Erica said
"She do be fine tho" Kasper said

"Ole gay asses" I said laughing

I turned the camera and giggled and saved it to my drafts to post later

I turned them back around to face the wall
"Damn that happened" Erica said "you'll get used to it after a while, literally maihua doesn't even care anymore at this point" Kasper said "nah not really" maihua said

I got dressed and turned it around

"How do I look?"

"Beautiful" maihua said "gorgeous" Erica said "adorable" Ap said "cute" Kasper said

"Awh guys stop" I said blushing

I went through the day with talking with them and I took care of Kai

I don't know where I'd be without life would be COMPLETELY different if I didn't have them..they are my rocks and my right hands..I don't know what id do without them..

Guess who's back like crazy Connie y'all?! LEXI! Well I needed a new spice. Something to keep you on ya toes. I know you guys love it. 😉

Sorry it's so short 😕

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