Milk & Cookies || MariChat...

By sxdastraws

47.9K 1.1K 841

One day turns into a daily routine for the infamous Chat Noir dropping into the Dupain-Cheng Bakery for pastr... More

O n e
T w o
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S e v e n
E i g h t
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T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n

T h r e e

4.3K 109 96
By sxdastraws

Instead of barging into Marinette's room at two in the morning, the feline hero rang the bell of the Dupain-Cheng Bakery at nine at night, right on the dot. Considering the Dupain-Chengs close their bakery at nine thirty, they were confused as to why they were getting a customer at around this time, but they allowed them in.

"C-Chat Noir? THE Chat Noir?" Tom was in shock, due to the fact that the last time he was in the bakery was months ago. "What're you doing here?"

"He looks pretty formal," Sabine pointed out to her husband. "I wonder why, do you have a fancy date you're bringing here tonight?"

Chat shook his head. "Not here, at least. My apologies for spoiling the mood, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. Although, you may know the girl I'm taking on a date."

Sabine and Tom both looked at each other in curiosity, facing their attention back to Chat shortly after. The timing was just right because their daughter walked down the stairs, carefully this time, as she was wearing heels.

She was in a stunning scarlet dress with glittering silver heels which made Tom's jaw, metaphorically, drop. He ran up to his beloved daughter, hugging her tightly, saying, "M-My daughter is all grown up!" He practically cried.

"Don't worry, Papa," her cheeks flushed red out of embarrassment. "He'll treat me right tonight, I guarantee it. If he doesn't, I'll be sure to let you two know."

"He better treat you right," he shot a glare at the cat, but then went back to his extremely emotional state.

"Please have fun tonight, sweetie." It was Sabine's turn to hug her daughter. "As long as he keeps you safe."

Marinette smiled, shaking her head. "C'mon, I'll be okay! I love you both and I'll see you when I get home." Chat walked her out, holding the door open for her. He waved to the Dupain-Cheng couple, letting the door shut behind him.

"So, what do you think I planned for us tonight, Princess?" He wrapped an arm around her while they walked down the sidewalk.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I don't know what to really anticipate, you're always full of surprises," she replied, fixing her hair a bit.

"You're definitely in for a surprise," is all the smug cat said and they stopped at the entrance of a restaurant.

It was Marinette's turn for her jaw to metaphorically drop. "C-Chat— how in the world can you afford this?"

The exterior and the lit sign of the restaurant was aesthetically pleasing. It read, "restaurant et bar exquis." Sure, it was a bar too, but the interior didn't fail to disappoint. The waiters and waitresses were neatly dressed in tuxedos, waiting to seat anyone they could find.

"O-Oh, C-Chat Noir!" The waitress seemed taken aback as there was a Parisian superhero present in the restaurant. "D-Do you wish to be seated? I-I can give you a discount if you want!"

"Of course ma'am, give this lovely lady and I your finest booth. Maybe a fifty— no, sixty percent discount?" Chat looked smugly at Marinette, the bluenette, to his surprise, was smirking at him right back.

"Y-Yes sir!" She seemed to scurry to find the duo a seat. The duo laughed, seeing how entertaining it was for people to try to please superheroes.

"Only five minutes and it's entertaining as hell," Marinette commented, wiping a tear from laughter. She didn't notice until now, but Chat was wearing an adorable green tie.

"How cute," she commented out loud, the feline confused on what she was referring to. Chat was about to question her, but the waitress came back with their menus and their booth prepared for them.

She walked them over to the booth, quickly handed their menus to them, nervously waiting for their orders. "H-Hi, my name is Emily and I-I'll be serving you two t-today! J-Just tell me when you're ready to order!" The waitress failed to not stutter, but looked down quietly, waiting.

"I'll have the bouchées de steak, madam." Chat nodded, gesturing to Marinette, waiting for her to order.

"Oh— yes! I-I'll order the pâtes a ponuley— I-I mean, t-the pât— okay okay, the pâtes au poulet!" She sighed with relief as she finally spoke correctly to the poor waitress. The waitress nodded, taking up their orders, and running them to the cooking area.

"Oh Princess, aren't you an adorable mess?" He teased, cheekily smiling. Marinette began to furiously blush, looking away from him in an attempt to hide it.

"Cute," he commented, tapping on the napkins as he patiently waited for their food to arrive.

"I'm not cute," Marinette mumbled, her face clearing up from the immense amount of blushing. Chat was about to make a witty comment, but she stopped him by saying, "That's a fact. Don't fight with me on that."

"If you insist," he shrugged and went back to playing with his napkins. She was relatively disappointed more than anything.

Damn, she thought. I honestly thought he was gonna fight with me on that and reassure me. Maybe he's never had a girlfriend before, so I'll cut him some slack.

Marinette assumed she had been lingering in her thoughts because Chat snapped her out of them, saying, "Princess, our food is here." She shook her head and gasped happily, satisfied that their food arrived quicker than she had expected.

She quickly munched down on her chicken pasta, not noticing Chat giving her a loving smile. He began to dig into his steak bites, but couldn't resist the chicken pasta.

"Purrincess," he tried that name on her, her eyes immediately shooting up and looking back into his. "I understand if you don't like that name, but could I try some of your chicken pasta?"

"I don't mind the name, don't worry, Chaton. Of course you can try some of my meal, but just don't eat all of it." She continued to eat her meal with Chat digging into it as well.

As she was indulging in her meal, he coincidentally had the same strand of a noodle as her. He leaned in and she did too, but interrupted by their waitress.

"My apologies, I understand you two aren't finished with your meals yet, but here's the receipt once you're both done." She quickly walked away and Marinette noticed Chat was madly blushing, looking away from the bluenette.

"You find her attractive, I assume?" Her bluebell eyes gazed into his charismatic emerald green eyes, her curiosity burning inside her.

"I really don't, it's something else." He replied, no witty puns or strings attached.

"Hmm." Marinette had her doubts, but trusted his word for the most part. He sensed her doubts, but felt like he reassured her enough.

He signed the receipt and stood up, taking Marinette's hand and holding it, squeezing it tightly. She looked up at him in a bit of shock, but turned away as she was blushing again.

"Princess, there's something else I'd like to show you," he commented, leaving her with wandering thoughts as they exited the doors.

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