Paige's Angel

By firedancer8

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Yeah... phanfiction!!! It was supposed to be a short story for LifesPuppet, but it got longer than short! hah... More

Paige's Angel
Chapter Two- A Friendship Begins
Chapter Three- Not Alone
Chapter Four- Christine, The Fop, a Garden, and REALLY Bad Aim...
Chapter five- In Which Erik Helps La Carlotta
Chapter Seven- How to Frighten a Fop and Get Away With It
Chapter Eight: What Would I Do Without You?
Chapter Nine: Change of Heart
Chapter ten: A Place to Call Home

Chapter six- The End of Life as They Know It

341 12 4
By firedancer8


Weeks went by and the operas at the Populaire went on uninterrupted. Not a single note from the Phantom had arrived at the manager’s doorstep and Raoul was still living, breathing, and with Christine most of the time. Since Raoul was the one who had requested it, Christine was placed in the spotlight more and more often. The managers decided to throw a Masquerade ball to celebrate the opera’s success, everyone was invited. The cast of the Populaire spent all their free time planning and trying to find what to wear.

“Paige, come shopping with us!” Christine said one afternoon after rehearsal.

“I don’t think I’m going to go.” Paige said.

“Nonsense! Of course you are!” Meg said “And I know the perfect place to find outfits!”

And that was how Paige found herself in the most popular dress store in all of Paris. Christine and Meg found their dresses almost instantly, but Paige was taking a bit longer. “I can’t find one I like!” Paige cried.

Christine, who was admiring her light pink dress in a mirror, asked “Well what do you want your costume to be?”

“I don’t know, but I’m not wearing pink!” Paige insisted.

“Didn’t you tell me once that you’re favorite color combination was black and purple?” Meg called from farther back in the store.

“Yes, why?” Paige called back.

“Come here and look!”

Christine and Paige looked at each other and walked back to wear Meg was standing. When they saw what she was pointing to, they both gasped in awe. “That… that’s the prettiest dress I’ve ever seen!” Paige said. The dress was truly a sight to behold. It was floor-length and sleeveless, the top was black with black feathers coming up from the purple ribbon that wrapped around the middle. There were purple and silver gems in the shape of flowers on the front right side of the ribbon. The skirt part of the dress was purple silk with a black veil-type material over it.

The whole effect was stunning and the three girls stood gaping at it for so long that the shop-keeper had to come over and ask if they were okay. “We are fine, how much does this dress cost?” Meg asked.

“2,000 francs.” The shop-keeper said, her mouth forming a tight line.

“2,000?!” Paige exclaimed. The shop-keeper nodded and then walked away before any of them could protest. “I guess I won’t be going after all…” Paige said unhappily. They walked back to the Populaire in unhappy silence.

The day before the Masque, everyone was buzzing with excitement. Paige tried to ignore them, but it was almost impossible. After rehearsal she walked back to the dorms so she could collapse on the bed, but she found something in the way. Two things actually, both wrapped with black paper and tied with silver ribbon. A letter lay on top of the display, written neatly with black ink. The letter read:

I hope you find the dress and mask to be satisfactory attire for tonight. I’ll see you at the Masque.

There was no signature at the bottom, but Paige tore open the first package and gasped when she saw the purple and black dress from the shop! Who had been kind enough to buy it for me? It couldn’t have been Meg; Meg’s salary was as measly as Paige’s. That just left Christine! I’ll have to thank her for it tonight! Paige thought. She laid the dress carefully on the bed and opened the second package. Paige’s mouth fell opened as she picked up the matching mask. It was completely black, with purple swirls forming from the corner of the right eye. A small black fabric rose was glued to the left side. Paige carefully tied it on with the purple ribbon and smiled when she looked at her reflection in the mirror. The mask stopped just before covering her whole nose, but the thing that shocked Paige the most was that it fit like a second skin.

Paige quickly got dressed; it was almost time for the party to start! She met Christine and Meg at the top of the stairs and smiled as they squealed in delight at her outfit.

“How did you get the dress?” Christine asked.

“What are you talking about?” Paige asked, confused. “I thought you got it for me…”

“No, I didn’t.” Christine said, equally as confused.

“Then who…?” Paige started, but she was interrupted by the crowd singing.

“Masquerade! Paper faces on parade!

Masquerade… hide your face so the world will never find you!

Flash of mauve, splash of puce

Fool and king, ghoul and goose…” they sang.

“Excuse me Mademoiselle, may I have this dance?” a man’s voice said from behind her.

Paige turned around and was met with a very handsome stranger holding his hand out to her. He was dressed in a normal suit and tie; his mask covered his whole face to his nose. The mask was pitch black, which made his eyes stand out more. The man was wearing a hat, so she couldn’t tell what color his hair was. “You may.” Paige said cautiously placing her hand on his. The man wore no gloves so Paige could feel the warmth of his hand. The man pulled her closer and soon they were dancing and spinning to the music.

“You look lovely ma cherie.” He said as he spun her out, only to bring her back close to his body.

“You look very handsome yourself.” Paige said truthfully. “Who are you?”

“Now don’t you think that ruins the fun of a Masque?” the man laughed.

“Do you know who I am?” Paige challenged.

“Oh of course!” he said, smiling. “I knew who you were the moment I saw you! Paige, don’t you realize how unique you are?”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” she asked quietly.

“Don’t think for one minute that it’s a bad thing.” The man said. “You are beautiful.” The compliment sounded sincere, but it seemed too strange that someone would call her, of all people her, beautiful. As if sensing her doubts, the man said “I’m telling you the truth, that’s my honest opinion! I promise I’m not lying.” Paige didn’t say anything after that so the man changed the subject. “So you are a ballerina here? I hear the Phantom is quite terrifying for you all.”

“Not really… I wouldn’t call him terrifying… more like slightly deranged on an oddly sweet level…” Paige trailed off, lost in thought.

“Really? That’s a very different story from what I’ve heard of the monster.” The man said lowly.

Paige gazed up into the man’s eyes and realized with a jolt why she trusted him so much. This man was Erik in disguise! “I know who you are.” Paige said smugly.

“Oh really.” The man said in amusement.

“Really really!” Paige sang.

“I doubt it.” The man said.

“Have I met you before tonight?” she asked.


“Then I definitely know!” she smiled. Her smile faded a little and she said “but… you’re very out of character…”

“How so?” he asked in curiosity.

“Erik… you really think I’m beautiful?” Paige asked.

The man’s eyes widened and he stuttered “I… umm… er… no, I mean yes! I mean a little bit?”

Paige laughed and said “I told you I knew who you are!”

“You got me!” Erik said holding his hands up in defeat.

“You have been very sweet to me tonight.” Paige stated.

“Yes, well how else would I treat my only friend?” Erik asked.

“Hmm… I don’t know.” Paige said.

Erik smiled at her, but then he looked past her and his smile faded into a scowl. Paige turned around and saw Christine dancing with Raoul. Of course… it’s her again. Well how about we make Erik forget about Christine for tonight? Her thoughts whispered. Suddenly an idea entered her mind and she let go of his hand and pulled his tie so she came closer to him. Erik's face drew closer to his, their lips almost touching. Erik's eyes went wide when he realized how close he was to kissing her. I wonder if her lips are soft… he thought. His arms wrapped themselves around her waist, trying to pull her closer. But then, as soon as they were almost kissing, she pulled away and smiled coyly, successfully driving Erik crazy for her with just one move.


Why would you dwell on Christine when you have this beautiful girl willingly dancing with you? Erik’s thoughts asked. He had no answer to that, so instead he drew Paige closer to him so their bodies touched. He watched in amusement as her eyes went wide with shock.

Well… I guess that worked. Paige thought. She now held the Opera Ghost’s undivided attention. Erik placed one of his hands on her waist and held her hand with the other. Paige’s unoccupied hand rested on his shoulder and they began a slow waltz around the room.

“You are an excellent dancer.” Erik whispered to her.

“I could say the same about you!” Paige exclaimed. “Where did you learn how to dance?”

“I’ll tell you a secret.” Erik said. “This is the first time I’ve ever danced.”

“Really?” Paige asked.

“Oui.” He said, holding her closer still. “I’m just going out on a limb.” And hoping I don’t come crashing to the ground… his thoughts finished. Erik knew that Paige would never think of him as more than a friend but it was so tempting to give up on Christine and trying to get Paige to fall in love with him instead. He would never admit it out loud, but slowly Paige was replacing Christine in his thoughts. One day Erik woke up and found that it was Paige he first thought of instead of the Swedish singer!

Erik wasn’t paying attention to where he was going; he was lost in his thoughts. A loud “OW!” startled him back to reality. Paige accidentally (on purpose) stepped on Raoul’s foot! “Watch where you’re going!” Raoul growled.

“Why don’t you watch where you’re going?” Paige snapped back.

“Ugh, forget it.” He sneered. “Come on Christine, I don’t have time for someone like her.” and with that he stalked off. Erik turned back to Paige to see tears welling in her eyes.

She brushed them away before they could fall and said “Excuse me for a moment.” And then she ran off.

Paige didn’t stop running until she was on the roof. Tears were flowing openly, but luckily no one was there to see her cry. She’d be damned before anyone saw her cry! She sunk to the base of the winged horse statue and muttered. “Stupid Vicomte… bring up something that hurts…”

“Paige!” Erik yelled as he made it to the roof.

“What?” she responded, sniffing.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, sitting down next to her.

“Nothing.” Paige said shortly.

“Paige, you’re crying. Obviously it isn’t nothing.” Erik said taking her hand. “You don’t have to be strong all the time.”

“It’s just… my whole life people have told me I’m ugly, and different and not enough.” She said. “It’s awful to hear negative things all the time.”

“Well… I think you’re beautiful.” Erik said nervously. “I know how you feel, people are cruel.”

“We both know it.” Paige laughed.

“Just ignore them.” Erik said. Paige shivered and Erik gave her his coat and wrapped his arm around her. “It can just be you and me.”

“What about Christine?” Paige asked in shock.

“Christine… she’s found her love.” Erik said. “It’s time I let her go.”

“Really?” Paige asked.

“Yes.” Erik said truthfully. Besides, the girl in front of me deserves my attention more. He thought.

He didn’t know how long they sat there, but snow started to fall and Paige was drifting to sleep on his shoulder. Erik scooped her up bridal style and carried her back down to the dormitories. Erik was about to go in the dorms, but everyone was still awake! Not wanting to wake Paige, he backtracked quickly and carried her down to the catacombs.

“Erik?” Paige mumbled sleepily as he placed her in the swan bed.

“Yes?” Erik answered softly.

“Will you stay with me?” she asked.

“St-stay with you?” he stuttered nervously.

“Uh-huh.” She murmured.

“You mean… here?” Erik asked.


“In the room or…” he gulped “In the bed?”

Paige giggled and said “Whichever, just… keep me from bad dreams tonight.”

“I… alright Paige.” Erik said sitting on the bed. Paige moved closer and Erik held her hand, making her smile. “Sounds of the rude world

Heard in the day

Led by the moonlight

Have all passed away

Beautiful dreamer,

Queen of my song

List' while I woo thee

With soft melody…” Erik sang softly. Paige’s breathing slowed and when Erik was sure she was asleep he kissed her cheek gently. “Goodnight… my beautiful Paige.”               

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