Déjà vu (Levi x reader)

By skyeclipse

2.4K 147 13

"On that day, humanity received a grim reminder. We lived in fear of the Titans and were disgraced to live in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 21

62 3 0
By skyeclipse


The big buff guy wasn't breathing anymore. Connie slowly got up and wiped his eyes. The others holding the,now dead, man down slowly let go to make sure he wasn't just faking it, but not breathing for 10 minutes, is quite hard to achieve without dying. Mikasa got Eren down from the tree and Jean,Ymir. I looked for Hange, but she was busy tending to the wounds of the others soldiers. I slowly walked over to Eren and Ymir and crouched in front of Ymir. Her right hand and leg were broken. She was awake but seemed in a daze.

"Ymir?" I snapped my fingers in front of her face. I moved onto snapping it near her ears when i got no response. She finally responded, snapping out of her daze and looking around and pushed me back with brutal strength. I squeaked, not expecting that. She got up and she looked around. Her eyes landed on the little blond girl who smiled at her and was walking towards her, but Ymir turned around and started limping away.

Wow, she was fast for someone with a limp.

"Hey! Ymir! Where are you going?" Jean asked going after her, but jumped back when a gas bomb was thrown near his feet. The bomb blocked our vision with a smoke screen.

"F***!" I heard Jean curse. I then heard a loud thump.

"RUN!!! TITANS!" I heard him yell. I was on my feet within seconds and Jean came running out of the smoke cloud grabbing onto my hands pulling me along. We all split up. Levi and three other soldiers were split from the group, So was Eren, Mikasa and Armin. Hange, Connie and Sasha were with us. We were running among the trees, jumping and tripping over tree roots. Right now, the titans had an advantage. They were stocked up on arms and not injured. I couldn't say the same about us.

After running for about five minutes, Jean quickly helped me climb up a tree.

"Stay there." He said and marked the tree with a sharp rock and ran another direction. What the f***?! Did he just leave me alone!? Ok. I'm at a height. All i have to do is not move and stay quiet. I saw Sasha in the distance. She was fighting eight people on her own. She was strong. I always saw her as this big foodie who made crazy decisions, but seeing her on the battle field, it felt like i was looking at a whole new person.

The titans didn't seem to have any guns, they were all using daggers or knives. Sasha stood at the center and deflected the attack of an oncoming terrorist, grabbed his (or her. Cant tell, they are wearing robes.) knife. She hit him on the back of the neck with the hilt of the knife.

Were titans really that weak?

The titans were, first of all, charging at her one at a time. I mean its good for us, but i don't think the titans are that weak. They don't play by the rules. They should have attacked her all at once. This seems wrong. Something seemed fishy.

I couldn't see clearly, but i could not forget that face ever. That smug look of accomplishment the military police tried to hide when Hange deliver the news about Nicks death. It was definitely him.

The military police are on this too. Why am i not surprised. Once they were all out, Sasha looked around. Suddenly a gunshot rang out in the forest. I flinched and slipped . I grabbed onto the tree trunk and hugged it close.I mean i could hear gunshots, but they were distant. This was too close. Almost as if it was coming from below. I looked down. Sure enough there was a person here. This person looked like a titan. I could see the blood smudges on his face. His hood was down. I quickly turned away and looked at Sasha. Her knees were bucked. She was grabbing at her forearm. She seemed in pain. I looked down at the titan in shock. Did he just managed to hit the enemy where they were not wearing a bulletproof vest with such accuracy at this distance!? One soldier from behind Sasha got up and took a dagger and hit her head with the hilt of the dagger. She fell, but she was withering. She wasn't knocked out. He stabbed her in the back with a knife. I heard no scream. Sasha immediately stopped her movements. I gasped. I quickly covered my mouth. No it couldn't be. She couldn't have died. Right?

I looked back to the man below and my heart jumped out of its chest. His eyes were on me, his gun pointing to me.

I was paralyzed. My body wouldn't move. My mind was running with a million thought. It gave multiple commands to my body, but my body rebelled. It refused to listen. It was on complete shut down. My gaze refused to leave the muzzle of the gun. The gun went off. On reflex, i moved back, trying to avoid the bullet. Bad move. I fell. Off a tree. I hit a few branches on the way down. It hurt like a b**** but it cushioned my fall. All i had were bad, bad bruises. I groaned. My muscles were screaming in agony. I had tiny scratches everywhere which stung. I quickly looked in front of me. I was still lying down, but no one was coming. Did they think that they shot me? Should i continue to play dead?

"Interesting." I heard a voice say.

"Titans in-" Mike? I jumped when a walkie-talkie came hurling in my direction.

"Give me the girl and maybe i'll let you live." That sent shivers down my spine. The voice sounded so, so normal. In movies the crazy villain had crazy shit voices accompanied by sick music but this was just.. so real. So, not villainy.

Mike didn't say anything.

"Alright then. Tell me everything about her." Mike didn't say a word. I couldn't see anything. Suddenly i heard him scream. I jumped. I slowly crawled to my knees and peeped through the tall grass. Mike was being help up by titans and a person was literally biting off his leg. I could hear the slurping sounds and flesh dropped onto the ground and insects crawled towards it.

"Stop." Was..Was he the leader? The subordinate kept feasting on Mikes leg. The Leader titan dude handed is gun to the person on his right and took a hammer from the person on his left and smashed the titans head in. I was paralyzed. The sound of skull breaking was prominent.

"I thought i told you to stop." He said calmly. He's the true definition of psychopath. Mike had ragged breathing. Probably because of his leg. Or whatever is left of it.

"Tell me about the girl. Or she'll bleed out to death." Mike sucked in a deep breath and spat on the titans face. The titan didn't react. He just lift his hammer and brought it down on mikes face. And again. And again.

Squad Leader Mike and Squad Leader (Y/N) stood on the roof's of houses on the look out.

"Titan approaching." (Y/N) said squinting her eyes, trying to estimate the height and type of titan when she was suddenly pushed aside. She quickly was on her feet again. She turned around to see a giant titan hand pulling away from the damaged roof. Right where she was standing. Her eyes searched for Mike. He was already in action, slicing the nape of a titan and landing back on the roof. He turned to her and nodded. She nodded back and turned around, talking care of the titans which might have surrounded them. Her eyes widened. Did all these titans just sneak up on them? How could she miss this!? She jumped slicing the nape of a titan and landing next to Mike. She slipped on the inclined roof, but managed to stand up again.

"It's time to go." Mike said and blew a whistle for the horses. He turned around to Squad leader (Y/N), only to see her staring at, approximately 17 meter,furry abnormal.

The horses were on their way and the squad leaders let out a sigh of relief but, it didn't last long. The abnormal grabbed the horses, shocking the leaders. The titan wasted no time in crushing the horses and hurling the dead carcasses towards the leaders. (Y/N) was thrown over the roof to the other side but managed to evade the grab of a small titan, when she heard Mike scream. She quickly killed the smaller titan and flew up to the roof behind the chimney, away from the eyes of the abnormal. Not like it had any interest in her. Mikes legs were gone as he struggled to get out.

"M-" Mike suddenly turned his head in (Y/N)'s direction signalling her to leave.

The abnormal crouched down and stared at Mike. The smaller, large eyed titan munched into Mike. Squad Leader (Y/N) was frozen. The abnormal quickly finished up the smaller titan, but that's not what had her shocked.

"Talking. It-Its talking." The squad leader muttered.

She slowly turned around to see a titan staring at her but not making any move to eat her. Just standing and staring. The titan was now asking questions. Mike was on the ground now. She planned to grab Mike when the opportunity was right. The titan took the Maneuver gear, much to Mike and (Y/N)'s surprise. The abnormal started walking away. (Y/N) quickly swooped down to help Mike.

"Go. Go Tell them everything. I'll stay back and fight."


"GO! Now!" His voice was trembling and his sword was shaking.

"I can-"


The abnormal turned around, hearing Mike speak. Squad leader froze when the titans eyes fell upon her tiny frame. It gave a small smile.

"You can move now."

(Y/N) didn't understand what the abnormal was saying until the titan which didn't reach out to her moved towards her. Squad leader quickly evaded the titans arms using her maneuver when she heard Mike scream.

She turned around to see all the titans surrounding Mike. That's when she realized her mistake. He didn't have his gear! He was screaming in pain.

"NO!" Squad leader (Y/N) aimed at a titans neck, but suddenly her body was pulled to the side and she fell onto the ground with a loud thud. Her looked up, groggy from the impact on her head. A titan had her maneuver gear wire in its hands and let it go. They didn't try to eat her. They were too busy with Mike.

"Mike-" And his screams were gone when a titan tore his head off with its teeth.

I couldn't watch anymore. My body was full on fright and flight mode. I got up and dashed in the other direction. I could hear laughing.

"Let her go. If the doctor wants to play cat and mouse game, we'll play the cat and mouse game." I was leaping over the tree roots. My leg didn't quite land on a tree root and i fell. Pain jolted up my legs. I got up. A twisted ankle will not hold me back now. I was paranoid. Fear dripped from my very existence. I was running again. Now, with a limp. Was it weird that i never came across any of the soldiers or the titans? Or anyone for that matter? Suddenly someone jumped in front of me.


I screamed. I turned around and ran. I couldn't see anybody, but i could hear them.


"Don't run so much."

"Trying to loose weight? I can help you with it."

"By the time i'm done with you, all that'll be left is you skeleton."

"Do you taste good?"

"Want me to test the theory out for you?"

My heart was beating so fast, i'm surprised i'm not in cardiac arrest. I really hoped i did die of a cardiac arrest. I was taking random turns, but the taunting didn't stop. I was like livestock. They were playing with their food. Me.

A hand grabbed onto the back of my collar. I choked when they pulled. What a coincidence i wore a jacket today! I ripped the clothing and made a run for it. I could finally see my bruised hands. My usual skin color was painted with black, purple, red and green. I was leaping again. I was basically flying. My feet barely touched the ground. There was a pounding in my ears and a burning in my chest. I was slowing down and breathing hurt. My head was slowly building up a headache, probably due to the lack of oxygen in my body. A cramp was forming on my calves and abdomen. I was suddenly grabbed by the hand. I skid and fell down due to the sudden obstruction. I pulled at my hands.




"DOCTOR!" The hand let me go and i was prepared to make a run for it again. I was on my feet soon enough, but hands grabbed my shoulders. I refused to look at the face of my captor.

I was begging now. My hands were placed together.

"PLEASE!" I was chocking the words. My mouth and throat were parched. I was crying and shaking. The person grabbed onto the shoulders and shook me back and forth. I screamed, loosing my senses. I started punching, slapping and scratching my captor. The image of Mike's skull being smashed in flashed through my head. I froze. The mad who sniffed at me when we first met, was dead and his face.. his face was gone. His leg was eaten. I started gagging. Oh god. I'm going to puke. The hands gently pushed me down onto my knees and i crawled away near a tree for support.

He helped me. That's why he died. Did i kill him? I did. I killed him. I killed Mike. And he died such a gruesome death. His teeth were dangling barely from his gums, the blood vessels the only connection. His eye balls were gone. His skull lost its shape configuration.His nose was flat on his face, the cheekbones crushed. My oesophagus clenched. It was coming up now. I bent over. Doctors deal with blood guaranteed, but we see the aftermath of an accident. Not the actual process.

I was clenching at my throat. My nails dug into my skin, enough to draw blood. Suddenly i smelt something burning. Something like flesh.


Suddenly the man on fire flashed into my mind. The smell. The heat that radiated onto me. His melted flesh which fell on my skin, burning me.

Everything came gushing out. I must have been puking for an hour straight. When i thought i was done, i wasn't. I could feel someone rubbing my back. Once i was sure i was done, i felt dizzy. The pain was now more unbearable. The soles of my feet were burning and the cramps seemed to attack my resting body with more rigor. I, with hooded eyes, turned around to face the person who could be potential danger.

Jean looked back at me with a concerned frown.

"Jean?" I muttered.

"Why are you not on the tree!?"

My lips quivered.

"They found me. Mike-Mike save me and- and he died!" I cried. Jean grabbed onto my arms.

"Did they hurt you?!"

"IT DOESN'T MATTER! I KILLED HIM!" I yelled. Jean jumped at my sudden outburst.

"I Did it once back then and now- now again! I-I!"

"Back then? Doctor what are you saying!" I continued muttering pulling at my hair. I was so out of it that i didn't even notice Jean dragging me and away.


I was back on a tree again. This time Jean decided to stay with me. He had a rifle and shot people from up above. Both of us had large earplugs to block out the sound and to protect our ears from damage. I was biting away at my nails. I looked around anxiously, rocking slightly back and forth. That's when i saw Levi. Blood dripped from the side of his head. He was fighting a taller man, his short stature a clear advantage.

Connie, the bald one, was fighting on the other side. Fear was evident on his face, but his attacks were brutal. Sasha and him were close weren't they? Did he know what happened to her? Did she die? If that knife pierced through that bulletproof vest to her spinal cord, she's pretty much dead. If the titan missed, and the bullet proof vest was thick, she could have survived.

Why was i even here? Mike died saving me. I should never have come. What did i even accomplish coming here!? Sure, i was brought here, but what did they accomplish? When will this war even end!? Until everyone's dead? Or maybe we should just give the crystals to the titans and maybe they'll leave us alone. I mean what guarantee do you have that they can make a serum on their first try, or make one at all?

I suddenly wanted to cry. Mike shouldn't have died. If we gave the crystals, he would have been alive. I looked at Levi. He's going to hate me for this, but if it prevents anymore deaths, i think it's worth it. I slowly dangled my legs and looked for Connie. He was the one with the crystals right?

I slowly climbed down the tree, glancing one last time to Jean. He didn't seem to notice me gone from behind him. I glanced at Connie to make sure he was still there. I made sure to come down when the titans and soldiers weren't going to jump out on my way to Connie. I mean i cant get a guarantee that it wont happen, but i'm hoping for the best. I landed on the ground and looked around once. I really regret not playing those crazy shooting video games. But i knew they used to crouch. Stealth mode i think. I brought my body closer to the ground as i slowly made my way through the grass. I finally was close to Connie, but he was surrounded. Maybe its time to get back up on trees?

I started regretting my choices. It didn't seem like a big deal from up in the trees, but now!? What the f*** was i thinking?! How could i even think that Connie would just hand me the crystals!? I got up the tree. For a person who hasn't climbed trees much, this was surprisingly easy, especially since there were a lot of branches to help. Ugh. This was stupid. I should have just stayed with Jean.

Someone grabbed my shoulder. My mouth opened, but a hand covered it.

"Did you think i wouldn't notice you sneaking away you Ninny-hammer?" Levis voice whispered in my ear.

"Huh?" I muttered into his hands.

"It means your a dumb shit licking buffoon."

"I-" my throat tightened. "I'm sorry-Mike...Mike- he.Oh god i'm so sorry." I cried. Levi didn't say anything. His grip on my shoulder tightened.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." I was still crying, wiping my tears with the palms of my hands. Through my blurry tears, i finally decided to acknowledge the red blotch on Levi's blurred out face. I blinked away the tears. Levi was looking away, analyzing the situation. There was dried up blood tracks on the side of his face, and fresh blood was threatening to spill over from the half coagulated wound.

"Does it hurt?" He turned to me with his everyday frown. "Your head. Does it hurt? Like bad?"

"You tell me. Your the one who fell of a tree."

"How do-" His hands shushed me. He looked around.

"F***. Stay here." He turned to me. "And don''t f***ing move." He glowered. I slowly nodded. He jumped off the tree, swinging on a few branches, landing perfectly on the ground rushing straight towards the titans standing in the clearing. I could see the leader. The same smirk was plastered on his face. I shuffled closer to the tree trunk. I could now see Hange running into the clearing, and meeting Levi halfway. Erwin stood in front of the titans, with the survey corps behind him. People were digging holes and a lot of things were happening. They were bringing sacks filled with god knows what and placing it on top of one another.

The titans waited and watched, not moving. I couldn't hear what the leader was saying, but after his lips stopped moving, Guns started blazing in all directions. They didn't give a f*** if they shot their own comrades. The were shooting blindly, except the leader dude. Erwin got shot on his hand and leg. He fell down. I gasped. Erwin got up soon enough and took out a gun, blazing it at the titans, without any shield. Levi was yelling something at Erwin and then at Hange. She just nodded and started running in my direction. I looked back to the battle field. Hange was getting closer. Should i call out to her?

"Han-" I immediately stopped when i saw a black shadow like figure following her. The figure stopped, aiming a small pistol towards her.

I can help her. If i pull her out of the way, then everything will be fine. I wont die like those stupid people in the movies. Ok (Y/N), climb down, grab Hange and pull her aside, and run for your lives. Ok seems like a solid enough plan. I slowly got down, keeping an eye on the progress of the titan. I don't think he even had plans of pulling the trigger at all. Does he really think he can shoot her accurately with all the trees in the way? I was a little happy on the inside, thinking that the titans sent the dumb one of the group.

Well, after everything that happened, i still choose to believe that the titan was stupid and this was not at all a planned out attack by the titans.

I pulled her aside quickly. Step 2, check. I was about to tell her about the titan when i was knocked out. I didn't even know. It wasn't like that slow motion falling shit. One minute i was talking the next, i'm knocked out.

Sigh. We should have just run for our lives. 

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