Her Man Beast

By lit-on-fire

373 44 39

Lydia Jane Cassidy, a wolf biologist, after a messy breakup with her fiance flees to Cody, Wyoming, rents a c... More

chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4

chapter 2

83 11 3
By lit-on-fire

Amy's Diner up above.

Amy's Diner was bigger than it looked from outside, and moderately crowded, even at this hour of the night. I made my way to my favourite table, thanking Lord it was empty. It was by the conner, very private, I wasn't exactly in the mood for company.

Amy herself approached me as soon as I sat. She was an older woman probably in her mid thirties. She had her Auburn hair packed in a bun on top of her head, her light blue waitressing costume was a little too tight at the top, but that was due to the very big blossom she carried. She looked the picture of innocence with her petite feature, -of course minus her boobs, there was nothing petite about those boobs. She was not stunning, but beautiful enough to make some men kneel.

"I sent the girls home early today, they both had some excuse or another. What a coincidence don't you think Ms Cassidy?"

I smiled, "please call me Lydia."

Amy nodded. Her eyes twinkled, "little guinea over there, "she pointed at a lanky middle aged - looking man sitting with a group of other guys. "He saw 'em both off at Jacqueline's scooping extra hours. Turns out Sandy's grandma wasn't sick and Laura's baby brother didn't need baby sitting - well aside from the fact that said baby brother is nearly a man at fifteen." Amy smiled a carefree one, like she didn't mind that her two employees had lied to her to go work somewhere else. "In which case, you're stuck with me for today. So, I've you been seeing any wolves yet?"

"Actually no." I eyed her suspiciously. Sure, Amy was real friendly and a little too chatty but the way she asked had me thinking she knew something I didn't. "Have you?" She laughed lightly and patted my shoulder.

"Of course. Darling you'd be surprised, they are not as scarce as you think them to be." As she talked, her eyes grew darker, and I suddenly felt wary of her.

My lips patted uneasily, confused, there was something in those eyes, in that tone, that had me shifting back in my seat,  to put a little distance between us, as far as I can manage. I frowned, unsure why I suddenly felt like this, for gods sake, it's Amy, the woman was as harmless as air.

"So, what would you like me to get you first?"

"Water, thank you." She nodded then turned to get it while I flipped over the menu. I wanted to try everything here, but then I didn't think I could make that work without turning heads whose jaws have dropped to the floor, or without my own dinner swallowing me up. Amy was already dropping a glass of water in front of me by the time I finally willed my mind to decide.

Pretty soon, she was back with my order, gliding through the diner with practiced effortless grace. I didn't hesitate to bury my face in my food, moaning as pure heaven melted on my tongue.

I was ravenous, it seemed as if I was hungrier with each spoonful I took. Anger did make me the hungry beast. I eat like a barbarians house wife, not caring how unladylike my actions deemed me. Something Jason would have totally disapproved of.

If he was here with me sitting across the table from me, I'm sure he'd have been buried sea deep in embarrassment and fury. Oh yes he would have. He was the primp and proper type of guy, not a shoe lace out of place, I-got-issues-with-looking-human-once-in-a-while, control freak. That alone should have driven me a far distance away, but no, damn the fucking attraction. Chemistry was a big mistake.

My thoughts danced around dangerous territory, making me grow angry, and the angrier I got, the hungrier I became, the more I attacked my food, like it was Jason's ass I was poking my fork into, his nice and primp ass. I didn't stop, until I felt a wave wash over me and I was knocked off my reverie.

It was indescribable. It felt good, at the same time it made me feel wary, making the hair at the back of my neck stand erect, because it felt strangely familiar.

I looked around the diner, eyes searching for the cause of my unease, the cause of the unwanted feelings brewing at the bottom of my stomach, making a shiver creep up my spine. At first I didn't find anything, until I turned another 60° to find a pair of burning dark brown eyes gazing down at me. I shivered involuntarily, though that  could be because I was suddenly feeling cold, yet I felt like I was warming hot from inside, scratch that, I felt weird. Really weird.

I froze as his eyes captured mine in a lock I couldn't break from. A lock I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to get away from, because this man's gaze on me made my body respond in an unethical manner, I was appalled that he wasn't even touching me. No, he was looking at me with a precise yet calculated shock that left me confused, and near breathless.

This man was the picture of perfection, well close to it - first impression actually, until my gaze zeroed in on the rest of his body, and I realised he really wasn't. What then made his eyes so different, so special, so Significant?

What made him so ridiculously attractive?

He was tall and he seemed to be in the frozen trance himself. Tall, but not that tall. Dark in complexion with a strong defined jawline, a hard face with a thin scar running from his cheek bone down to his scruff. It was the only scar I could see on his face. His lips, Christ are those lips? No they look too sinful to be.

He was big and muscular, but not in an unnatural way, his hands rested carelessly beside him as he continued to stare at me.

I'm an idiot, aren't I?

This man couldn't even stand next to Jason on the attraction scale. Jason was, -  is devilishly attractive, something I always thought would be my downfall, but this guy? I was sure if I didn't look away right now my heart would stop beating.

It didn't. But I couldn't look away, neither could he. Dear Lord, what sort of games are you playing?

my eyes was everywhere on him and I could feel his on mine - until his gaze captured mine again and I thought that for a second that I had finally lost myself. I momentarily questioned my sanity, had Jason finally succeeded in pushing me over the edge? But then if losing it felt like this, do I ever want to find myself?

He looked roughly confused, so did I. his lips moved further apart words, playing at the tip of them, but none came out. His reaction at least matched mine, he was shocked, I was too, although I wasn't sure if it was for the same reasons.

I give up - I've lost it. Finally, I admit, the devil succeeded in eating my brain, or at least the most important part of it. I couldn't think, technically, my body was doing its own thinking on its own, responding to an unheard Sensation.

My body stood up stiffly, not giving a damn if my mind was screaming 'bloody hell, get back here'. My legs followed, moving a step forward, towards the Hazel eyed man - that description of him was highly inadequate. There was more to him than his Hazel eyes, there was. . . I shook my head because now I was standing just a couple of steps away from him.

He seemed to stiffen at how close I had gotten but I didn't care, at least this side of me functioning without my brain didn't.

The mouth followed, "you. . ." The words seemed to get stuck in my throat. My left hand followed in this craziness, now this was the funny part, because I still held my fork and was now pointing it at him. It was hard to accept that it was with this same fork I was poking Jason's ass in my imagination.

"What the. . ." This seemed to pull me out of this trance. I blinked after I was sure I had been returned back my senses. It took a few seconds to finally comprehend the position I was in, we were in - with a lot of people from the diner looking at us with curious eyes that shone in amusement. When I finally did, the embarrassment set in, my cheeks burned and I was sure my face was the perfect picture of an overripe tomato.

I couldn't help myself, I. . .burst out laughing.

And I laughed hard

I think something was knocking on my thinking box, trying to tell me I was making it all worse laughing like a maniac, but I ignored it. All the while I was busy planning my escape.

However the laughter died in my throat the second my gaze arrested strangely familiar hazel eyes. I fake cleared my throat, my cheeks burned a deeper Crimson.

What in heaven's sake did I get myself into? How do I get out of it? Did I still have that chance? I tried to redeem myself, gathering the bits of my dignity that had fallen off me but failed when it only reduced me to a stuttering mess of "uh. . .I. . . ah. . . sorry? . . .um. . OK." I mentally smacked myself, Lydia really? Now even Hazel eyes was looking at me curiously in amusement.

I cleared my throat, embarrassed beyond what ordinary words could express. "I w- was just looking for the toilet. Can you?" I was surprised when he smiled - someone screwing me right? because that wasn't some ordinary smile, my feet practically turned to marsh. I almost fucking collapsed on him - any surprises?

He pointed me a direction and I scurried along my gaze never once travelled off the ground to look at people who already thought me a creep.


An early update for those of you who are sticking to this story, to show my appreciation.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy and love every single moment of this.

If you enjoyed this piece, let me know in the comments. Vote vote and vote, thank you very much.

Another issue: I hope y'all are staying safe during this drastic period. I know it ain't easy, hell the boredom is thick around were I live, thanks to Wattpad, it's better than worst, so thank you all😁😁.

Bye guys.



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