Winx Club Rewrite Season 1

By Sugarcube66

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Based on the first season of Winx Club. Bloom and Selina are a pair of adoptive sisters living on the outskir... More

Welcome to Magix
Alfea College for Fairies
The Black-Mud Swamp

An Unexpected Event

468 4 0
By Sugarcube66

Gardenia was a moderately-sized city resting on the coast of America in the California state, it was a tourist hot-spot in the summer and a quiet peaceful place in the winter. Resting nearby was a beautiful forest and sat on the very edge of the forest was a cottage, surrounded by fields of flowers. Not many members of the actual town knew about the small building, but they did know of the 2 teenagers that lived there.

Bloom and Selina Falade were a pair of teenagers that loved the city that they lived in together with their mother, Eldora. They weren't a wealthy family, but the cottage they lived in allowed them to run free throughout the flower fields. They shared a bedroom in the cottage, not that either minded as they loved being with each other. All around the room was drawings of mythical creatures, something that the pair both enjoy. These drawings were done entirely by Bloom, who had her own drawing station near the door.

Bloom was still snoring away in bed, with her position in the bed uneven and with the blanket messily curled around her body and feet. As she slept on her side, a beige-colored with orange stripes kitten laid curled in the curve of the girl's body. Nearby, curled in a small basket, was a blue rabbit that was also snoring away.

"Bloom!" came a voice, followed by the slamming open of the door. Soon, Selina walked in with her messy greenish-yellow hair flowing behind her. There was a cheeky smirk on her face as she stepped closer to the fiery redhead's bed and whispered into the girl's ear "Wake up, sleepy-head. Or we'll be late again and we don't want that to happen, do we?"

Suddenly Bloom snapped away and gasped out. "School!" her yelp almost made her fall out of bed, though soon the bed was long forgotten as she scampered out of it to grab her clothes so she would be prepared for the day ahead. She pulled on a yellow and blue crop-top, and was beginning to drag up her jeans when she clicked. "Hang on......the alarm didn't go off 'cause its summer vacation," she then preceded to glare at the laughing girl in her room, after pulling her hair through the collar of her shirt. "Not funny, 'Lina. You do this every summer, I have a right mind to tell mom to ground ya."

"Nah, you wouldn't do that," came the response from the chuckling teen next to her. She had a stop-watch in a hand and she quickly checked it before giggling again. "16 seconds this time though, you're getting better," the girl then swirled over towards the door, and just as she was about to close it, she looked back and said. "Regardless, mother said that breakfast is ready and so she wants you downstairs."

After finishing getting ready, Bloom headed downstairs and saw that Selina and their mother was ready at the table. There was a nicely set out breakfast there and she quickly sat down to begin enjoying it, before turning to her mother. "Is it alright if me and 'Lina had out to the park today, I wanna give Purr and Kiko the chance to have a run outside?"

The elderly woman turned to her oldest child and smiled. "Alright, but don't be out too late," then she seemed to remember something. "There's something outside waiting for you girls anyway, you should go check."

Hearing this, the pair shared a glance before finishing their food and heading outside. Leaning against the cottage was a two-sitter bike with a basket attached to the handles in front. There was some flowers nestled in the basket. "Oh cool, we get to share a bike," commented the younger one of the two, when she spotted the bike. "Why do I get the feeling that is only the case 'cause mother couldn't afford 2 bikes."

"Oh shut up, you," came the elderly voice of their mother when she walked out onto the pouch with a frown on her face. "Now go along and enjoy yourselves," she said as she revealed that she was carrying the kitten and rabbit from their bedroom. She placed the pair on the floor and watched as they scampered over to the girls. Bloom quickly picked up her pets and placed them in the front, Kiko immediately begin nibbling on the flowers.

Selina had already perched herself on the back seat, as Bloom began to push it towards the nearby path. Once it was ready, she pulled herself onto the seat and began peddling. "Do you think mom will let us go somewhere different for holiday this year?" she asked over her shoulder to her sister, watching as her pets seemed to be enjoying the wind hitting their faces.

"We can only hope," laughed the younger one, though she knew as much as her fire-headed sister did that there was no hope of that being the case. Their mother didn't have the money to afford anywhere different, the place they went was the best for their piece range.

As they headed towards the park, Selina suddenly tapped Bloom's shoulder and this brought them to a stop. "What?

"Mitzi and her gang are over there, seems like their unloading Mitzi's new bike. We should go a different way 'round, you know she'll just tease ya for the bike. At the end of the day, it isn't expensive unlike her crappy things."

"Fair point," and with that, Bloom stirred the back a different direction. There was 2 entrances to the park anyway, they didn't need to use the closest one. Once they reached the park, they headed in and Bloom parked the bike leaning against a tree. Kiko and Purr had already hoped out of the basket and were sniffing around the grass.

"So what you planning to do out here?" Selina commented, as she sat down with an apple in hand that they had brought along the way, they had the bag with the remaining fruit in their bike.

"Draw," with that stated, the girl pulled out her sketchpad and pencil and began to just sketch the trees. But it wasn't going to be just the trees, she planned to draw her favorite mythical creature of fairies dancing among the leaves. Selina frowned, shaking her head with amusement before continuing to snack on her apples. She didn't have an hobby like her sister, she just liked to hang out among the trees with her.

Suddenly the ground shook beneath them as a loud roar was heard, spooking the 2 animals that had been wondering. Kiko let out a frightened cry and ran back to Bloom, grabbing at her leg as if indicating for her to find out what had happened. The sisters looked at each other with concern before nodding, each picking up a pet and running to find the source of the roar. As they drew close, the pair could hear panicked cries and soon they discovered what they were looking for.

Deep into the park was a small clearing, hidden by trees with only light pouring in. There stood a blonde girl, around their age or perhaps older, that was visibly tired with scratches and bleeding cuts littering her body. She wasn't wearing the most protective clothing, just a very sparkling orange gypsy crop top and shorts with knee-high boots of the same color. Around her wrists were very pale blue bands and on her head was a small headband of the same color. But the most odd factor that the two sisters could see...were the sparkling wings that were attached to the girl's back. They were 3 leaflets attached together at the base, blue in color. In her hands, she carried a staff. It looked like she was gripping it very tightly by the fact her hands were going if letting go could potentially get her killed.

A horrifying screech was then heard, as a black and red creature hurried out of the shadows and attacked the girl. Luckily she reacted in time, slamming her scepter into them and sending them hurling back into a tree. What happened next caused the sisters' eyes to widen in shock, the creature dissolved into absolute nothing. Another creature decided to take its chances, causing the girl to yell out in a hoarse voice that was clearly tired. "R-raising Sun!" as she did, her hand outstretched and set a small burst of light into the creature and knocking it back. This time, not into a tree.

But rather into the open hands of a massive yellow creature. It was almost humanoid, but clearly not at the same time. Whatever it was, it scared Bloom was it's beady black eyes and massive arms. The creature within the humanoid's hand was soon crushed into dust like its 'friends' from before. The blonde looked terrified, but she clearly tried to look intimidating despite her tired and weak constitution.  "G-go away, you brute. Or you'll feel the wrath of the sun and moon fairy!"

It seemed like the monster wasn't impressed by her words and growled out, making Bloom quiver in fear as Selina watched intently with much less fear. After the very loud growl, he began to charge towards the blonde haired girl and slammed into her before she was capable of moving out of the way. Bloom, for a moment, wanted to run in a help...but she felt Selina's arm on her shoulder and knew there wouldn't be much she could do....this clearly wasn't your everyday fight.

The pair watched helplessly as the girl laid pained on the ground, the yellow creature smirked and bellowed out in a rough voice. "Your time is up, fairy," he then turned to the red and black minions and yelled out. "Ghouls, take her scepter!"

A handful ghouls charged forward and grabbed at the girl's struggling body, pinning her down and covering her mouth to prevent her yelling out another spell. This left the specter unguarded and one of the other ghouls picked it up. The big brute creature grabbed the specter and smirked at the helpless girl, getting in her face as he commented. "Not so powerful now, are you."

"LET HER GO!" came Bloom's voice before she was able to stop herself, Selina was behind her with a look of shock as well. It seemed like Bloom was startled herself as she looked around, trying to hide as the brute stared at her with annoyance. "...S-selina, help," Bloom whimpered, knowing that she was in trouble.

"GET HER!" the brute yelled, leading to multiple ghouls rushing at Bloom and Selina. The two girls gasped out, with Bloom holding her hand out in a pathetic attempt to maybe stopped them for doing damage. did stop them. Just not in the way either girl expected. A giant fiery shield emerged around the two girls and their pets, firing the poor ghouls when they made contact with it.

"What the fuck did you just do, Bloom?!" Selina yelled, staring at the currently stunned girl as the shield faded. But this was no time for chit-chat, both were well aware of that. Suddenly one of the remaining ghouls went after the cheering Kiko, causing Selina to growl and magic seemed to burst out of her as well. Forming small, but very noticeable, unicorns that skewered their horns into the poor ghoul before fading away. "Okay, this is getting weird..."

Without warning, the yellow brute suddenly grabbed Bloom by both of her arms preventing any chance for normal escape and growled out. "I'll smash you like a china doll," Selina could only watch in horror as Bloom's body suddenly began glowing brighter and brighter by the second until a flaming dragon emerged from her body, slamming most of the remaining ghouls into dust and freeing the helpless girl. Selina quickly ran over and caught her sister before she hit the ground, both girls very freaked out by the events.

All the blonde could say was a horrified and very shocked "Whoa..powerful..." as she gazed at the incinerated grass around the two girls, pretty amazed by the red-head's power level. She stood up, grabbing her specter back with a short pain wheeze before turning to the girls. "Are you two alright?"

"Y-yea..." Selina whispered as she held her sister protectively, gazing up at the winged girl in front of them. Upon hearing that, the blonde nodded her head and turned to the guy before blasting him with a light beam using her specter.

The few ghouls that remained began to emerge around them, frightening the still pretty stunned Bloom back into reality as she yelped a "Watch out!" The fairy seemed to realize pretty quickly and used her magic to slam into most of them, but one got away and bit into Bloom's leg to the sisters' horror.

Flesh, blood and clothes ripped away, leaving a nasty bite mark. The ghoul then scampered away, the piece of clothing in hand. The yellow brute grumbled before teleporting away from the battle, clearly having enough of the events. The blonde haired fairy sighed in relief, before collapsing to the ground as her injuries caught up with her. As she did, her wings faded and her clothes changed into something completely different.

The clothes she now wore seemed very regal in style, consisting of a bright orange crop top and amaxi orange, two tier, skirt. On her head was a silver blue tiara that almost resembled the specter that had disappeared the formed a ring on the girl's finger. And on her back was very evident fake versions of the wings that she was wearing before. But none of that mattered, what mattered was that she was now unconscious and in pain.

Bloom scrambled to her feet, albeit it pained to stand on her now very injured leg. "Sis...we need to take this girl home, I doubt we can really take her to the hospital after what we just saw...Mom might be able to help. She knows a lot of herbal medicines...right?"

"Yea, should do. But how do we transport her. I doubt the bike is stable enough to support three people, it was creaking under just the two of us and the pets...? The cottage isn't close by at the end of the day."

"..R-right...O-okay. How about this, call mom and tell her to come meet us at the edge of the park. I'm sure we can carry her there....I doubt I could walk much further or drive the bike anyway."

Agreeing to the plan, Selina opened her red-cased phone and quickly contacted their mother to meet them at the park and that it was serious, but couldn't really be discussed over the phone. But to bring some herbal medicine or something. Whilst Selina talked, Bloom worked on calming down the still freaked out Purr and Kiko whilst looking at the blonde worriedly. Once the phone call ended, the two began the painful job of transferring the unconscious girl to the edge of the park whilst going back to grab their abandoned bike at the same time. The pets could only walk, worriedly, behind them as they did so.


Meanwhile, in a dark and shadowy place, the brute from before stumbled painfully around as he waited on something. Most of the ghouls had been locked away in cages nearby so they weren't scampering around. Soon, a booming voice yelled out. "KNUT!"

" mistresses?" the yellow creature responded, his body currently trying to repair the burns from the events prior. Around him, a trio of glowing green eyes sat staring at him. Magical constructs made by his mistresses to watch over him.

"We noticed your well as your absence of the ring. So, you have failed your task that we gave you," the voice was ice-cold, lacking any sympathy or kindness that someone would hope to hear out a voice.

Knut knew he had to justify his actions and so he began to cry out the events of the day. "It wasn't my fault, my mistress. I had the specter in my hand, but then these earthling girls appeared and messed everything up....," he knew it sounded so dumb now that he thought about it, how would any earthling interrupt a magical mission. They had no magic.

Another voice, this one more tame and slightly more emotional then the other...but even more darker almost, manipulative, came out with a mocking tone. "Some earthling girls?"

"But these weren't your average earthlings, your highness. One of them created these creatures with a horn that skewered my poor ghouls and another blasted me with a fiery dragon," he pointed at his arm, blistered and smokey from the attack.

Back with the first voice, who was pretty curious about what Knut had described. "Interesting, what did these interlopers look like...?"

Stammering, Knut tried to remember. What did the pair look like. It seemed like the voices realized this as well as a third voice, untamed and anger yelled out. "Knut, where are your glasses!?" the brute grimaced and pulled them out for his mistresses to see. "Well, put them on, your dumbass!" the voice growled as Knut fumbled to put the glasses on. "A near sighted ogre, how ridiculous.

The 2nd voice commented on it. "If only he wore his glasses, he'd be alright. He's a great tracker with an excellent sense of smell, plus he's very physically strong and grants us plausible deniability."

"Oh, would you stop defending him!" growled the third voice.

Even Knut wasn't impressed when the black glasses were placed on his tiny nose. "An ogre with lame. Even the others thought so...."

"Quiet!" yelled out the first voice, causing Knut to shut up and looked up. "These girls could mean something to us....whether it be good or bad."

"D-don't worry, my mistress. O-one of my ghouls grabbed this," he pulled out the chunk of Bloom's clothes, which was still smeared with blood and a bit of disgusting flesh. "It's a chunk of one of the girl's clothing, assuming the three stay together. I can use a hunting troll to find the girls and get the specter."

"Good, now go back to where you last encountered that pathetic princess and those girls, get the specter and DON'T LET US DOWN!" the trio chanted together, causing Knut to nod his head as he prepared to get a hunting troll to track down the girls.

"So girls, what actually happened here," their mother commented after she arrived at the park and saw the pair's state as well as the blonde they were tending to.

"Well, mom. I don't think you'll believe this, b-but...this girl was fighting thing, maybe it was a o-ogre. I d-don't know, but s-she had wings and s-she c-could use magic.." Bloom began to ramble, very inconsistently as she was still very spooked.

"Basically, mother. As Bloom is trying to say, this girl here is magical and she was being attacked. So we helped...and well...we kinda um, used magic too?" Selina scratched the back of her head, she was just as confused as her older sister. But hiding it way better.

"Magic..." the woman sighed, she seemed to not be impressed by the news as she moved down to gently wake up her daughters' new friend. "Come on dear, I have some medicine for you," the blonde slowly woke up and groggily took the medicine. "My daughters here say that your a fairy, is this true?"

"Y-yes, ma'am...." came the whispered response from the blonde after taking the medicine, she still looked pale. But it was clearing up and her color was coming back.

"Right, did Faragonda send you here or did you come of your own free will?"

"N-neither really.....this ogre just attacked me whilst I was in the middle of traveling to Alfea to study magic," the blonde was pretty amazed that this elderly earth woman knew Faragonda and it seemed like the two other teens were very confused.

"Did you think you can stand, dearie. I think we need to head back to my place, this really isn't the place we can discuss the magic dimension or magic in itself."

The group seemed to all agree and headed over to the elder woman's car, it was a modest little thing. But definitely could fit 4 people when needed. However, Selina knew that they needed to take the bike home as well. "Mom, you take Bloom and Blondie over there home. I'll bring the bike home, since I'm the only one not injured."

"Alright, sweetie. Hurry back home, soon."

With that said, the car drove away leaving the young green-blonde to consider what had just happened during the last hour or 2. She stared down at the bike and wondered, moving her hand over it a few times to see if she could make it levitate. But nothing happened. "Was it just a fluke...those unicorns appearing?"

Then she realized something from reading old myths and legends. "Most people only discover stuff like this when they're in danger....maybe that's why..." she whispered, before beginning to drive the bike down the path. "Guess that means I ain't using more magic yet...not unless Blondie can teach me any. Would be cool to use...maybe have some wings like hers. Yeah, flying could be cool for sure...."

"But what the heck was that about, it seemed like mother knew about the magic.....wait. Is that why I have magic?!" she grimaced, realizing that her mother had never mentioned this crap to her before. "So I've been lied than, just not told the whole truth. Wait, but then how does Bloom have it..."

"Oh what the heck, I need to get back and getting all flustered over this shit isn't helping," she groaned, before peddling faster until she reached the outskirts of the town. Driving the bike up the short hill until she reached the flowery meadow, she frowned and hoped that her sister was alright now. Parking the bike next to the cottage, she headed inside upon finding the door unlocked.

Inside her mother was sat, tending to Bloom's leg whilst the blonde was sat on the other couch with a cup of hot chocolate in hand and trying to regain her energy. It seemed like the girl wasn't in the best of states still and was glancing occasionally at the light with annoyance. Her mother spotted Selina and coaxed her over. "Sit down, dear. I think I need to talk to you and your sister about something serious."

Selina took a spot next to Bloom and glanced over at the blonde and then back at her mother. With a sigh, the elderly woman began. "Before I begin, it'll probably be best for us to all introduce ourselves. Do you wanna start, little miss?" she asked, turning to the blonde.

"A-alright," came the weak response, before the blonde took a deep breath and introduced herself to the group. "My name is Stella Solaris, crowd princess of the kingdom of Solaria."

"Nice to meet you, Stella," Bloom smiled. "My name is Bloom Falade, this is my adoptive sister and mother," she indicated at Selina first. "Selina," and then at her mother. "And Eldora."

"Now that's out of the way, girls. Do you remember when you were younger and obsessed with believing you were fairies," this seemed to get Stella's interest, but she kept quiet. The two sisters nodded their heads. "Well, you see. Stella, over there, is a real life fairy from another universal called The Magic Dimension. And I also come from there, I was a fairy in my youth once upon a time."

"I knew it..." Selina whispered, sighing. "I was thinking when I walked home, how did you seem to know about the magic or the way you spoke. That's how I have these powers isn't it...I inherited them from you, didn't I?"

"Yes, that's why you were able to create those unicorns. Like myself, you have magic over myths and legends. You can bring them to life with a spell, but clearly that'll take a lot more training to preform perfectly."

"W-what about me?" Bloom suddenly injected with worry. "...You adopted me when I was just a baby, but y-you always said that you found me here in how do I have magic like Selina and you?"

"I'm not quite sure, dearie. But I do know that when I discovered you in that seemed protected by magic, a fiery force field that I had to cast away in order to save you."

"Wait!" Stella gasped out. "You found Bloom in a fire!?"

"Yes, many years ago. I was still pregnant with Selina at the time. I found Bloom's magic signature when I was passing by the fire and was able to get inside when the help of a kind firefighter. You know him, Bloom."

"Oh ya, Mike," Bloom nodded her head, she remembered Mike. He was a sweet firefighter that lived with his flower-shop owning wife and their young son. She remembered when the young boy had been born, how happy his parents were as they believed they would never have a child of their own. Back when she was a toddler, she was babysat by them.

"Yes, he helped me enter there and I was able to save Bloom."

"Geez, sis. How did you even end up in a blazing building on your old....that'll be a mystery for a century..."

"Maybe so, but I believe that if you girls head to Alfea in the Magic Dimension that maybe you'll be able to discover what happened to your birth parents. Bloom, sweetie. I'm very certain that you were born in the magic dimension and that you may have been sent here for your own protection."

"...Find my birth going to another universe?..." it was so confusing and it was beginning to hurt the poor red haired girl's head.

"I'll give you the night to think about it, sweetie. I'm sure that your new friend will be able to help calm you down," she clapped her hands and a small night-light appeared, surprising her two daughters a bit. "Here, Stella sweetie. I'm sure being away from your magic source is beginning to hurt. It won't help much, the ambient magic here on Earth isn't strong. But it'll tide you over until you head back to Alfea."

"Thanks, Miss Falade," Stella said, as she held the night-light and let it shine on her face. It was completely natural light and it seemed to do wonders, helping the pale girl regain her color and it seemed like she wasn't as weak anymore.

"Girls, take Stella to your room. She'll be able to explain more than I can. I'm a elder woman and well out-of-date on common magic lingo. I'll be down here cooking food for you."

The sisters nodded and walked upstairs with their new friend in tow. They were still very confused when they walked into the room. Stella seemed amazed, scanning all of the drawings pinned to the walls. "Wow, I love these pictures. So many fairies. Oh, is that your cottage in that one?" she asked, pointing out one of the newest pictures that Bloom had drawn. Bloom nodded her head, but Stella soon clicked. "I'm being a little too nosy, aren't I. You must still be in a bit of shock after earlier. Sorry."

Selina grimaced, noticing that Bloom didn't look happy and the frown only got worst when Bloom whispered. "For's alright. But in reality...things aren't head is so messed up. I'm suddenly a fairy....part of my trousers are messing and I have bandages around my leg 'cause some...ghoul-thingie attacked me"

Stella wasn't too happy herself, but she nodded that it wasn't great. "I mean that's true, but you two used your magic to save me. And I think you should be happy that you used them for a noble cause like that. I'm grateful, honest." she rested on the room's desk, staring out of the window at the stars. "See, in my world. Stuff like that is pretty natural, magic is just a part of life."

"I-is y-your world like that," Bloom asked, pointing at the book on the table. It was a very old book that she and Selina shared growing up, it was all about fairies.

Stella looked at the blue book for a moment, before humming as she opened it to glance at the words and pictures. "I mean, in a way. But not quite the same. Like fairies in this book seem to be female only, whilst in my world even males can become fairies if their powers are strong enough. Sad reality is, most of the males don't have that level of magic and instead chose to channel it with weapons instead of magic. Also the life these fairies live seem a lot nicer than reality."

"I see...."

"So you two got any questions? Your mom told me to provide as much as I can," the blonde fairy commented as she wondered around.

"Well for starters, what is Alfea?" Selina commented.

"Alfea is one of the 3 schools is the Magix realm. Its namely the fairy school, I attend there as well. It's where we go to learn how to use our powers to protect our home realms. The school is ran by headmistress Faragonda, she's a nice fairy godmother like character. Sorta like your mother in a way."

"3 schools?" Bloom whispered, wanting clarification on what she had heard as she continue trying to process what Stella was talking about.

"Yes, the other 2 schools are Red Fountain for specialists. Mostly boys attend Red Fountain, but some less magically inclined girls attend as well. Though some magically inclined also just attend for the fun of it. I've even heard of some attending both Red Fountain and either Alfea or Cloud Tower. Cloud Tower is the school for witches." 

"Witches?" Selina said, suddenly very interested. She loved witch stories since she was a child and was kinda curious to hear about real-life witches.

"Well, there ain't much to differentiate witches and fairies. We're both magi. The differences are simple. Fairies can transform and gain wings, whilst witches have the innate ability to levitate even without transformation. I suppose I could say that witches tend to use more dark magic whilst fairies are noted more for lighter types of magic. But that's kinda not true, its more just dependent on how you wish to use the magic. Witches and fairies have always had a rivalry of sorts as witches tend to love pulling pranks whilst fairies prefer parties. I think Palladium said that witches tend to be introverted and not into groups, unless with their coven. Whilst fairies tend to be more extroverted, like myself. Though of course, they'll always be outliers."

Stella than sighed, scratching her head a bit. "I'm not really the best person for explaining stuff like this to be straight up honest with you two. If you attend Alfea, your probably better off asking the teachers for a better explanation."

"Fair point. said that I have powers of legends and myths. Does every fairy or witch...doesn't really matter as you said they're both magi," Selina was trying to get her words out, with limited success. But eventually it worked. "Have their own specialization?"

"Yeah, I suppose. Though it isn't specialized to a single individual. Multiple people can share the same talent or power source. In my case, my power source is light magic. Hence why your mother gave me this," she pulled out the night-light. "All magi need to stay around their magic source as much as possible, as it weakens them when separated. Apparently if your separated for a super long time and run out of magic, you can actually die. Though I don't know the truth to that claim."

"So how does one interact with legends and myths as a source?" Bloom commented, confused for a second. She had already figured out that she was safe, based on the magic that she had somehow used before...she likely was a fire fairy or something. And there was usually a lit fire in the house, so that would have prevented her problems. Maybe that's why Eldora liked having a fire even in summer.

"Well, not entirely sure for the specifics. But likely for Selina's situation, just reading a legend would power her enough. Or being around books about legends and myths.

Selina laughed a bit. "Great, so I just need to ask mother to let me borrow one of her books forever whilst I go to another dimension so not to risk dying!" she definitely was just trying to find something amusing in this situation. "So when we go there, will we see many students with random trinkets and shit in their arms so to prevent that?"

"Eh, probably. You don't have to have them 24-7, just enough to supply your magic. You are strongest around your source however and weakest when no source is found. My source is light magic like I said, so I gain power from the sun and moon majorly. However lunar magic is much more complicated so I am still weaker at night. Also, if there's no moon out...then well fuck me. That's when I need these things the most. Though I also use them when sleeping to preserve my energy."

"So, like Selina. I just need to be around fire for my energy to be preserved?"

"Pretty much. I don't know much, but fire fairies have a naturally high tolerance for not having their source. Like they can spend days without their source before they find pain. And that's mainly 'cause their powers are some of the oldest of the magic universe, with the oldest forms coming from the Great Dragon itself."

"I'm not gonna question what the Great Dragon is...that may fry my brain from information overload," Bloom commented, but she nodded. "So I just need the occasionally lit fireplace every couple of days and I'll be good?"

"Assume so, can't be certain anymore as I didn't think many fire fairies existed anymore to be honest, they're much rarer nowadays. Years ago, they were abundant...but they kinda mostly died off after the destruction of Domino."

"Again....story for another day. But you mentioned places like Domino, Magix and Solaria. Is there many worlds in the Magic Dimension?"

"Well, not entirely sure of the exact number. Inter-dimensional geography was never my strong suit. But there's many realms out there and they all kinda just interconnect through the seas of Andros. But that's about as far as I know. You'll have to ask someone else for the full know-how. All I really care about is my home world of Solaria and Magix."

"I see..."

Noticing the conversation was going a little downhill, Stella spotted some of Bloom's pencils and smiled. "How about a little magic test," she waved her hands a bit and cast a spell on the pencil causing them to merge into a giant and very fat pencil that levitated into the air. "Selina, you go first. Try to put them back to their original form."

This caused the green haired girl to blink a bit, but she nodded her head and tried to focus on what she wanted. But nothing seemed to happen, which resulting in her collapsing back in her own bed in defeat. "Geez...magic is either really hard or I'm just very bad at it. Bloom, you have a go."

Hearing this, Bloom nodded with an awkward frown as she too tried to result her pencil back to their original state. And something seemed to happen, the levitation spell was broken and the pencil smacked the floor shortly after. But that was it, not reverting or anything. Stella only sighed and smiled. "Well, you are new at this. It'll take some time, that's why you have to attend Alfea," she said as she turned the pencil back to normal. "I'm sure you two will make excellent fairies."

Then she seemed to remember something and summoned a postcard into her hand. "How about this, I can show you two the school. It won't be real and you can't enter the school grounds. But it's something. What you think?"

"Might as well, right sis?" Selina commented, kinda amused that a postcard could show them anything. Suppose magic has a way for most things to happen. Bloom nodded, kinda excited to see the school as she was actually very curious on the idea of attending someplace that taught magic, something she had always adored.

"Great!" Stella cheered, throwing the postcard to the floor and watched it expand, before stepping into the center of the card. "Come on, just follow me," she said as she began to sink into the card like quick sand. The sisters blinked for a moment, before nodding at each other and holding hands to sink into the postcard together.

Inside the poster, it was surprisingly very bright and sunny. They were surrounded by beautiful grassy meadows and off in the distance was a gorgeous pink castle, very old in architecture...but nonetheless stunning. "That is Alfea Castle, the school for fairies. I'm sure you'll love it here," commented the blonde, indicating towards the castle.

That's when Bloom remembered something. "But what about our high in Gardenia. Everything seems to happening so quick...its hard to keep up. How are you coping, Selina?"

"It's very quick...but I honestly would love to go to this fairy school. And I know you do as well, Bloom. You can't even hide it. Besides, I'm sure mother will inform the school that were going to some special boarding school or some shit. Anything to make those fuck-ass teachers not whimper over the lost of two kinda bad students anyway."

"Kinda bad?" Stella asked, curious on what they meant.

" be hard to believe, but I have anger problems....and anyone who's attacked myself or Selina tends to um....end up in the hospital."

"Oh fun," came the sarcastic response, as Selina just laughed. "That might be a problem if you begin to use fire magic, not sure if I would want to be on the receiving end of some of those spells. Yikes."

"Oo...that sounds fun," Bloom commented, causing Selina to facepalm after finishing her laughing fit. "What?"

"Sis, you can be sadistic at times when you don't even realize."

Stella blinked, hearing an alarm on her phone and checked it. "Oh shoot, I forgot that I need to report being attacked to Faragonda. Girls, we need to go back. Reception is kinda bad in a postcard."

The pair nodded and the group left the postcard. Once out, Stella opened her phone up and made a call. Soon enough a hologram emerged of an strict looking woman with glasses who didn't look impress. "Princess Stella, you were supposed to arrive yesterday! Where have you been?"

"Sorry, Miss G. I was coming to the school, but I got attacked mid teleport and my teleport coordinates sent me to Earth."

"Attacked?" the woman muttered, quite surprised to hear that word from the princess on the line.

"Yeah. Ogre, he was after my specter. I don't know why.....he nearly got it as well, but I got saved by a pair of untrained Magi."

"Magi on Earth?"

"Yeah, quite surprisin', ain't it. They live here with their mother, Eldora," there was recognition of the teacher's face as she nodded her head. "I hope to bring them to the school tomorrow, figured they should begin their training as they haven't had any and their powers only activate to save themselves. Can you inform Miss Faragonda?"

"I will, Princess Stella. But next time, you should call us the moment you have recovered from being attacked."

"Yeah, I know. But I needed to confirm that Bloom and Selina weren't startled anymore. They're still very confused over their new powers."

"Right, well. I will go talk to the headmistress, make sure that you arrive tomorrow and no being late," with that, the hologram disappeared and Stella let out a sigh of relief.

"Who was that?" Bloom asked with a look of genuine curiosity.

"Oh. That was Miss Griselda, she's the assistant headmistress and head of discipline. I've heard that she also teaches self-defense classes to the 2nd and third years. Shame to, since I can't take them now. Got held back a year."

"Whatever for?" Bloom asked, curious on how someone could be held back in a fairy school. Maybe she accidentally hurt another student with magic...or maybe she flunked an important magic exam. Well, now that she considered it....both of her thoughts were just normal reasons to get held back a year. But with magic.

"Well...I kinda blow up the potions lab," came Stella's whispered response, kinda embarrassed by the situation that she had just gotten herself into. Maybe she shouldn't have brought up being held back a year....but they probably would have found out eventually.

"How?" Selina asked with a laugh evident in her voice. She found clear amusement in the situation, much to Stella's clear dismay. Bloom, on the other hand, looked surprised on how Stella managed to somehow blow up an entire potion laboratory. Wouldn't it be magically protected or something...or was she considering way too much for a  magical world and that it wasn't like a Harry Potter come to life.

"...I wanted to create a new shade of pink to become the official color of didn't turn out so well....and the potions kinda exploded everywhere. Daddy had to pay for it and I was held back a year and called a 'walking disaster' as it wasn't the first time that I blew something up. I'm not a whiz at potion magic....."

"So what kind of classes are there at Alfea?" Selina asked curiously.

"Well, there's quite a few. Some of them are exclusive to older years though and even kept secret from first years. So I don't know everything. But I know Miss G teaches self defense. Another teacher called Palladium teaches about potions, alchemy and magic theory. Professor Wizgiz teaches transformation spells and Professor Dufour teaches manners, spell casting and is in charge of the school's simulator."

"Wait, there's a teacher that teaches basic spell casting?"

"Well, it ain't basic," Stella commented. "Spell casting isn't as simple as one would believe. Basic magic doesn't require an incantation, whilst the stuff Professor Dufour teaches actually requires incantations. It's actually different."

"But you were naming your spells earlier," Selina counted, thinking she found a major plot hole in Stella's logic and feeling subtly proud of herself. Well that proud feeling faded when Stella explained.

"Now see, that's not incantation. That's just basic spell casting. All spells, unless it is the absolute bare minimal spells like telekinesis and stuff like that, require a name to be used. Here, an example," she said as she opened the window and outstretched her hand. "Rising Sun!" A short burst of light erupted from her hand and shot across the fields, lighting things in its way before it fizzled out into nothing. "Most fairies have to name their attacks, it's built in you from the moment you first transform."

"But we didn't name our attacks earlier?"

"Yah. Well, that can happen at times. When a fairy is in danger, their powers can sometimes activate without the need for naming. Like Bloom's fire dragon spell, that just came out of pure fear and didn't need naming as it was just her magical essence protecting her."

"S-so that fire dragon could actually be a spell of mine that I need to learn the name of?" Bloom asked curiously.

"Potentially, though that'd be a very powerful attack...quite scary too. Perhaps not the best idea to test out naming it whilst not in a safe magic proof area....or fire proof."

"...Right..." Bloom nodded, that definitely made sense. Wouldn't do anyone good to burn down the small cottage. As soon as she finished mumbling this, a loud crash was heard followed by a woman's gasp and a loud roar. "...D-don't tell me..."

Stella growled and rushed downstairs, followed by the 2 sisters. Standing in the living area was Eldora, a look of horror and irritation on her face. The nearby wall had been pushed open, revealing a tall and blue troll-like creature. It had red eyes and seemed to be tracking something and eventually spotted Bloom, confirming the groups fears. Standing near the troll was Knut and an army of ghouls.

Kiko and Purr were nearby, quivering in fear at the sight of the troll and ogre. Well, Kiko was afraid whilst Purr was hissing with little chance at scaring the ghouls. The ogre let out a gruff cry of. "Those girls must be around here, somewhere. Find them!"

"I'm right behind you, you brute," Stella cried from her position on the staircase. Causing Knut to cry out 'what' in confusion and turn around. The light fairy grimaced at the sight, she knew she couldn't rely too heavier on a pair of novice magi. But that didn't matter, she needed to help protect Eldora and the pets. "Now, lets settle this," she hissed out before yelling out, exposing her ring as she yelled. "Solaria!"

Her glittery outfit from before and stunning fluttering wings were back within seconds, as she glared down the beasts. "Alright. Girls, distract the ghouls. Me and Eldora will handle these brutes."

"Sounds fair!" Bloom yelped out, before somehow blasting a small fire flare at one of the ghouls and that made the rest of the pack angry. "Come on, Selina. Gotta split them up!" she yelped, running out of the building into the flower meadow with her sister and a pack of ghouls behind her.

This let Stella and Eldora behind, Knut didn't look impressed as he stated out in a cry of annoyance towards Stella. "Alright, blondie. Want to see what me and the troll can do?"

"I think we've all had enough of you and your games," came Eldora's voice as she blasted Knut with a ray of flowers. "You wrecked my cottage and now your minions are attacking my daughters, I will not settle for that."

"Rising Sun!" Stella yelled out, as she shot a beam of burning light at the troll. Before slamming her specter down into the ground, crying out another spell. "Solar Winds!" this spell created a ton of hot energy that burned at the troll and Knut. "How you like that, you nasties!"

Meanwhile outside, Selina and Bloom could hear the battling inside as they stared down the pack of vicious ghouls in fear and anger. They weren't entirely sure on what they could do to stop them. Bloom's fire flare wasn't something she managed on a whim. Suddenly a pot came scurrying towards them, surprising the ghouls. Selina sighed, knowing what it was and picked it up. "You pets need to run. Come back later!"

The two pets let out a cry that seemed to indicate no, before they leaped from the pot onto the sisters' shoulders. Purr on Selina's and Kiko's on Bloom's. Whilst they were both Bloom's, they wanted to balance it out. For a moment, Bloom felt her power increase and blinked in surprise as she wasn't sure what happened.

Suddenly another blast of magic was heard as Knut was sent hurdling out of the building, landing on the ghouls and squishing them to dust. The sisters were quite amazed, with Selina commenting. "Guess mother and Stella can handle themselves pretty way."

Well, that was disproven as Stella came smashing through a nearby window. Her healing cuts were reopened as much opened due to the glass that entered her skin. "Ouch...," she groaned out. When the two sisters came running over in worry, Stella gave a weak smile before saying. "I gave the specialists a quick emergency message. They'll be here to help."

"Good thinking," Eldora commented as she followed the troll out of the building, blasting it with another nature spell that seemed a little too weak to do anything. "I'm still a little out-of-touch with magic, spending 16 years without using it can do that to an old girl."

As the blue troll began to approach the 3 teenagers curled on the floor, a sudden energized rope was thrown forward and began strangling the troll to prevent it moving. Bloom and Selina gasped in shock, turning to see where the rope originated. Standing there was a group of boys with a magenta haired boy holding the other end of the rope. All of the boys held weapons that seemed to emit a magical essence. The boys began talking about how they were so ready to take down this monster, whilst Selina just wanted to yell out 'Get on with it'.

Only one of the boys seemed reasonable, a brown haired boy that was leaning on his green energy sword. "I wouldn't get too cocky if I were you, Riven," he said, commenting on the magenta haired boy's thoughts of having fun with the troll. "After all, this is only our first mission...and it's completely unofficial at that."

When Riven was pulled over by the troll breaking free from the rope, the brown haired boy was only able to sigh and say. "I rest my case...."

The troll began to charge forward, resulting in a blonde boy having to break out an energy shield to protect himself and another one of the boys that wore glasses. "Sky! A little help here would be much appreciated!"

This got the attention of the brown haired boy, causing him to gasp out in horror. He then preceded to slam his energy sword into the flowery meadow below, causing the ground to crack open and the troll to fall into the hole when the glasses wearing boy shot some energized arrows with his cross boy.

The remaining ghouls began to growl, as Riven pulled himself off the floor with a look of annoyance on his face. He clearly didn't want to be there around a group of girls. He pulled out a curved sword and began swinging it at the ghouls that began to attack him. Suddenly Knut woke up and slammed his giant fist into Riven, sending him flying back, whilst the ogre let out a roar.

Without thinking, Bloom and Selina clasped hands with each other and sent an energy beam into Knut's back causing him to fall over. Both of the girls looked amazed, whilst Stella smirked and said. "See, told you...that you could do it. Now if you don't mind, can we wrap this energy is almost depleted," as if to prove it, Stella's fairy form was beginning to fade in and out.

Knut stood up and began growling with the few remaining ghouls around, he looked around him and noticed he was surrounded by the specialists as well as the 3 fairies and Eldora. Plus there was the gaping hole nearby. He let out a growled. "Darts," before clapping his hands together and teleporting away from the situation. He knew that he was in no state to take on that many people.

"Finally...." Stella breathed, as her fairy transformation finally faded and she began to look pale again. She pulled out the night light from her pocket and began to shine it, as she smiled at the two girls. "Might as well introduce you to the specialists."

As Stella began to list them off, she indicated to each boy. Starting with Riven. "That's Riven, he's a bit mean as you saw. But I'm sure he's not all that bad," then she indicated indicated towards the brown haired boy. "That's Prince Sky, he's great," then she indicated at the glasses wearing ginger, who smiled. "That's Timmy, he's a good type of geek. And lastly, that's Brandon, Prince Sky's squire," she finished with an indication towards the blonde.

For a moment, Bloom didn't know what to do when Brandon flashed her an almost flirty look and wink. In her thoughts, she was like. 'Oh great....what did I do to deserve this....' she was beginning to think of ways to indicate that she wasn't straight to the guy, but she couldn't get anything out in the jumble of confusion.

Plus the sudden emergence of the blue troll didn't help, but Timmy was quick thinking and equipped an electric collar around the troll's neck that stunned him enough as well as allowed the boys to levitate him into the air. Sky then dropped a bottle onto the floor, as the group of boys stated in unison. "See you later, girls," as a portal emerged that sucked them in.

Whilst she wasn't impressed by the flirting, Bloom was still amazed by all the magic that was floating around. And one look at Selina stated the same for her. The small family and Stella finally were able to take a breather. "Well, dinner is prepared, girls. Might as well get it whilst you can," Eldora stated.

The group of teenagers nodded and the headed inside with the elderly woman. Dinner was simple and then everyone headed to bed. There wasn't much that they could do to the cottage, repairment spells could take days to take full effort depending on the magic used and if anyone saw the state of the building...well then it could cause serious confusion. Eldora knew she couldn't risk that as she scanned the broken wall the next day.

"Maybe I should go to Magix with the girls, I could always go back to teaching. Faragonda did offer for me to give lessons in the Alfea Aviary as well as my old greenhouse years back. I declined back then since I needed to care for Selina and Bloom. But if there going to be taking classes....maybe I should."

"Mother?" Selina asked, walking into the room. She did look kinda curious as she walked over to her beloved mother. "What you on about?"

"Sweetie. Say if I were to teach classes at Alfea, would you be happy with that?" the woman asked with a hypothetical voice, even though she knew that it wasn't a case of hypothetical and it seemed to Selina knew as well.

"It would be great, I think. Then me and Bloom wouldn't have to leave you here...and well, as much as I love the cottage," she stared at the gaping hole, that made Eldora grimace. "Are the books alright?"

"Most of them are completely fine as their magical tomes and such," Eldora stated as she levitated some of the books towards them, one of them as a brown book that had a purple circle embedded into the cover that had the outline of a tree. "This is the legendarium, sweetie. Its a powerful tome that can be used to summon many legends from both of the magic dimension and our dimension. I want you to have it, if you promise me that you'll be good and not listen to a page called Acheron."

"Acheron...?" Selina questioned as she took hold of the book, as she did...she felt her energy tenfold. As it did, she remembered what Stella had told her about the source of magic and she knew that this...would be a powerful source.

"He was the creator of the book...but he was an evil man that wanted to become a powerful sorcerer, but he could not control its power and as a result he became trapped in the book. I know for a fact that he wants to be released and I've always worried that if I gave it to you then your vulnerability would allow him to easily manipulate you. But I don't believe that anymore, you've grown up since my thoughts. You're now a beautiful 14 year old girl that I believe could do many great things as the fairy of myth."

"Really?" the young girl asked with amazement, as she gazed at the book. "Alright, mother. I promise to take great care of the legendarium."

"That's great, sweetie. Now. How about I teach you a little spell," she took the book from Selina and called out. "Miniaturizus!" once the spell was cast, the book shrank to a smaller form that clipped to a belt around Selina's waist. "Expandus!" the woman stated again, causing it to the grow back. "Now try, just focus on what you want to book to become and don't let another thought enter your mind."

Selina nodded, closing her eyes and focusing on a smaller version of the legendarium before she called out. "Miniaturizus," which did the job, surprising the girl quite a bit. She stared down at the tiny book around her waist before trying out the 2nd spell. "Expandus," she was amazed by the fact it worked.

"Just remember those spells when you need the book, plus having the smaller book clipped to your belt will provide you with the magic source for stability," the elder woman smiled, as she watched Selina's amazed face as she made the book small again.

After the short exchange, Bloom and Stella walked downstairs and towards the mother and daughter. Stella let out a grimace upon seeing the wall, but she soon smiled again. "I assume its time we headed off, Bloom helped back your stuff as well Selina."

The red head smiled as she handed a suitcase to her sister, Kiko was hanging off of Bloom's shoulder whilst Purr was on the floor and making her namesake sound. Eldora nodded her head and levitate some stuff for herself into another suitcase. "Right, I'm coming with you. I have an old offer from Faragonda that I'm going to take up."

"So how do we get to Magix anyway?" Selina asked, picking Purr up to make sure the kitten wasn't left behind.

"Well, the typical way is to use a potion to form a portal like you saw the boys doing last night," Eldora commented, before turning to Stella. "But I assume your friend here has another way of going about it."

"Sure do," Stella stated, taking off her ring and turning it back into the specter. "My specter acts similar to the potions and forms a portal, but its not a one-time thing. It's the heirloom for the family, so I was given it last year."

She held the specter up high and let a portal form around the group. "To Magix, we go!" she called, as the group entered the portal to transport them all the way to the magic dimension for the first time for the two sisters and the pets.

Once they landed from being in the portal, Bloom and Selina felt a little queasy. Eldora smiled as she let Selina lean on her. "Portal transportation can cause that to newcomer, you'll get used to it soon enough."

The two sisters nodded and quickly managed their queasiness before looking around at the world around it. It was stunning, moreso than the photo. It looked like it was right out of a fairytale, with a princess's pink castle off in the distance. Even though in reality, the castle was actually a school.

Other girls and even a handful of boys were also commuting to the school. Stella decided to make a comment on it as she spotted the 2 sisters staring. "Today is the last day of official registration, most of these are the stragglers that had to wait a ridiculous amount of time for their acceptance. As for you two, since I informed Miss G yesterday. I'm sure you'll be completely fine. But for now, we need to get going so that Griselda doesn't bite my head off anymore than she probably will already."

The group laughed and began to head in the direction of the beautiful and very old fashioned pink castle in the distance. The sisters couldn't wait to see what awaited them in this magical new was pretty exciting and all they had ever wished for since they were only children. Fairies and witches were real, it couldn't really get any better than that. They assumed anyway, they didn't know a thing about this world and Stella said magic was a norm. So who knew.

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