An Unexpected Event

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Gardenia was a moderately-sized city resting on the coast of America in the California state, it was a tourist hot-spot in the summer and a quiet peaceful place in the winter. Resting nearby was a beautiful forest and sat on the very edge of the forest was a cottage, surrounded by fields of flowers. Not many members of the actual town knew about the small building, but they did know of the 2 teenagers that lived there.

Bloom and Selina Falade were a pair of teenagers that loved the city that they lived in together with their mother, Eldora. They weren't a wealthy family, but the cottage they lived in allowed them to run free throughout the flower fields. They shared a bedroom in the cottage, not that either minded as they loved being with each other. All around the room was drawings of mythical creatures, something that the pair both enjoy. These drawings were done entirely by Bloom, who had her own drawing station near the door.

Bloom was still snoring away in bed, with her position in the bed uneven and with the blanket messily curled around her body and feet. As she slept on her side, a beige-colored with orange stripes kitten laid curled in the curve of the girl's body. Nearby, curled in a small basket, was a blue rabbit that was also snoring away.

"Bloom!" came a voice, followed by the slamming open of the door. Soon, Selina walked in with her messy greenish-yellow hair flowing behind her. There was a cheeky smirk on her face as she stepped closer to the fiery redhead's bed and whispered into the girl's ear "Wake up, sleepy-head. Or we'll be late again and we don't want that to happen, do we?"

Suddenly Bloom snapped away and gasped out. "School!" her yelp almost made her fall out of bed, though soon the bed was long forgotten as she scampered out of it to grab her clothes so she would be prepared for the day ahead. She pulled on a yellow and blue crop-top, and was beginning to drag up her jeans when she clicked. "Hang on......the alarm didn't go off 'cause its summer vacation," she then preceded to glare at the laughing girl in her room, after pulling her hair through the collar of her shirt. "Not funny, 'Lina. You do this every summer, I have a right mind to tell mom to ground ya."

"Nah, you wouldn't do that," came the response from the chuckling teen next to her. She had a stop-watch in a hand and she quickly checked it before giggling again. "16 seconds this time though, you're getting better," the girl then swirled over towards the door, and just as she was about to close it, she looked back and said. "Regardless, mother said that breakfast is ready and so she wants you downstairs."

After finishing getting ready, Bloom headed downstairs and saw that Selina and their mother was ready at the table. There was a nicely set out breakfast there and she quickly sat down to begin enjoying it, before turning to her mother. "Is it alright if me and 'Lina had out to the park today, I wanna give Purr and Kiko the chance to have a run outside?"

The elderly woman turned to her oldest child and smiled. "Alright, but don't be out too late," then she seemed to remember something. "There's something outside waiting for you girls anyway, you should go check."

Hearing this, the pair shared a glance before finishing their food and heading outside. Leaning against the cottage was a two-sitter bike with a basket attached to the handles in front. There was some flowers nestled in the basket. "Oh cool, we get to share a bike," commented the younger one of the two, when she spotted the bike. "Why do I get the feeling that is only the case 'cause mother couldn't afford 2 bikes."

"Oh shut up, you," came the elderly voice of their mother when she walked out onto the pouch with a frown on her face. "Now go along and enjoy yourselves," she said as she revealed that she was carrying the kitten and rabbit from their bedroom. She placed the pair on the floor and watched as they scampered over to the girls. Bloom quickly picked up her pets and placed them in the front, Kiko immediately begin nibbling on the flowers.

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