The Black-Mud Swamp

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Many first year students were gathered deep within Gloomy Wood forest and far away from the Alfea castle. They were sat at a swampy, marsh land. Everyone was wearing very protective and travel-style clothing as recommended by the teachers. The professor that was doing the course with them was Eldora, which made sense as she was the teacher of nature magic. Of the Winx, only 2 members looked genuinely interested in the lesson and that was Flora and Selina. For Flora, the reasoning was obviously linked to wanting to do a nature lesson. Whilst Selina was just off in her own little world, staring at the snakes that rippled through the marsh.

It hadn't been long since the start of the school year at this point, around a week into the lessons and the sisters were still having their own little problems. They kept flunking in the potions classes, still messing up their transformation spells within seconds and having little-to-no memory to keep up with the incantations. But, they had at least gotten to know more from the other girls during that time.

The first to come to Bloom's head was her own roommate of Flora, the sweet and nature-loving fairy that had basically smothered their shared room in flowers and vines. Bloom never complained, she actually liked seeing all the different types of magical nature. But it was definitely strange how 2 fairies of basically opposing forces were placed in a room together, her fire magic would easily scorch the plants if she lost control over it....which seemed way too likely when she considered it. But Flora remained sweet, always making different medicines with her potions and just being nice to be around. Over the last week, Flora had spent 2 nights away from the dorm. With permission of course. She had gone over to Cloud Tower to make sure that Mirta was sleeping alright, after a lot of concerns when Mirta's calls were filled with a tired, yawning and very sleep-deprived witch.

Of the group, Tecna was definitely the quiet one as the pair learnt quickly. She would nearly always be in her dorm, fiddling with her gadgets or computers. Usually with Flitter on her head as she worked. It was rare to see her in the common room unless she had been asked to come, or needed something from the kitchen. Even now, whilst they were standing to the ankle in swampy mud, they had one of her gadgets out and was listening analyzing the area.

Meanwhile, her roommate Musa was also relatively quiet. But she interacted with the other girls a lot more often and it seemed like the reason she was quiet was whenever she was in thought, she would go and hide on one of the Alfea towers with a small box. None of the girls were really interested in questioning after seeing the blue haired girl's sad face. There was also times when the somewhat tomboy would just go to lay down on her bed, having exhausted her energy and needing to just be around her instruments. Bloom and Selina had managed to ask Flora after one night of watching their new music-orientated friend weakly limp into her dorm. Turns out that there can be drastic effects that are long term and won't go away as a result of a long-term sustained lack of contact with a magical source.

Whilst waiting on Eldora's arrival, Bloom thought back to the conversation vividly as she briefly stared at her blue haired friend. Would Musa be okay if she ran low on magic, this far away from her instruments? She really didn't want to think about the consequences too much.
It was only a few days prior and the group was still definitely getting used to each other. They were hanging out in the common room, minus Tecna who had retired early to go fix a computer after they heard a brief sizzling sound. Apparently, one of the computers had malfunctioned and overheated. Bloom didn't know too much and was just worried about the risks of an overheated computer. This let her, Selina, Musa, Stella and Flora in the common room together. They were having a relatively pleasant conversation when Musa had stood up, she looked paler than normal. She had just used a relatively simple spell seconds ago to teach the sisters, and afterwards she wasn't doing so great. "I'm gonna retire early, girls..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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