The love between a werewolf a...

By Avengergirl99

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Book 4 of The love between a werewolf and a human. IMPORTANT NOTE: READ THE FIRST THREE BOOKS BEFORE YOU READ... More

1. Creatures of the Night
2. Parasomnia
3. Dreamcatchers
4. Condition Terminal
5. A Novel Approach
6. Required Reading
8. Ouroboros
9. Broken friendship
10. Statues Ashtmaticus
11. Healing
12. The Last Chimera
13. Forgiveness
14. A brother's hug
15. The sword and the Spirit
16. Amplification
17. Let me save your life
18. A credible Threat
19. Fighting against The Beast
20. The Beast of Beacon Hills
21. Apotheosis
Book 5 is out!

7. Strange Frequencies

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By Avengergirl99

"There are some bonds no distance can break"


Stiles and Harper just stood frozen and was staring at Theo who had shifted back to normal.

"I know what happened to Donovan. I know everything..." Theo said, but Stiles didn't let him finish, he rushed over, grabbed his shirt and pushed him back into the face of the backup generator causing the generator to make few sparks set off. "You don't know anything" Stiles said. Theo then grabbed Stiles and pushed him against the fence causing to make a few sparks set off. 

"Hey, get off" Harper shouted as she rushed over to them, but Theo grabbed her shirt and pushed her up against the fence next to Stiles. "I was there. I was at the library. Harper found the book. She was texting us to see where you were. She said she left you at the library. I told her I was close. When I got there, I heard the scaffolding come down" Theo said.

"You saw him?" Stiles asked "Just the body" Theo said as he let go of them "I watched you come out" he said "Why didn't you say anything?" Harper asked "I was going to, but then I saw the cop car. And the body was gone. I don't know who took him. I only saw what you saw and I didn't say anything because you didn't...Well expect to Harper" Theo said.

Then they heard siren wailing "That's not an ambulance, is it?" Theo asked "No" Stiles said before he moved over to the body "We should get out of here" Theo said "We can't just leave him" Stiles said "Fine. All right, let's take him" Theo said causing the couple to look at him "Someone's stealing bodies anyway, right? Here's our chance to find out who" Theo said. 

Harper and Stiles looked back at the body "We gotta do something" Theo said "You killed him" Harper said "In self-defense. He was going to kill you two and me. If we stay, we're either going to have to tell the truth or we're going to need a pretty convincing story" Theo said. Harper and Stiles shared a look and it was like they could read each other's expression. 

"It's your choice. I'm not going to ask you to lie to your dad" Theo said as he looked at Stiles "Don't worry. I've had plenty of practice" Stiles said.

The three then move over and grabbed the body before they carried it away. 


The three took the body to Stiles' Jeep before they drove to the animal clinic and put the body on the metal table. 

After that they called Scott and James and told them about the body.

Not long after Scott and James arrived at the clinic and the five were now standing around the table, staring down at the body. 

"Do you know him?" Theo asked "Yeah" James said "His name's Josh" Scott said "He was a junior" James said causing Harper, Stiles and Theo share a look. 

"Which one did it? The one with the cane?" Scott asked. Scott and James believe that the chimera was killed the same way that Lucas and Tracy was. "Yeah" Theo said "What are we going to do with him? We can't just set the alarm and leave. That's how Tracy disappeared" Stiles said and Scott sighed "All right, someone's got to stay here with him" Stiles said and Theo sighed "I'll do it" he said causing them to look at him "It's not like I had a big Saturday night planned" Theo said. 

Then Scott's phone started vibrating, he pulled it up and his eyes widened "What is it?" Stiles asked "Another one. Another Chimera" Scott said "Who is it?" James asked "Hayden. Liam says it's Hayden" Scott said 

 Stiles, Scott, Harper and James left the clinic while Theo stayed behind.


Stiles, Harper, James and Scott got to the McCall house. They found Liam in Scott's room standing right outside the bathroom door. 

Scott gave a small knock on the door "Hayden? It's Scott. I know that you're scared, but we just...We want to help" he said, but there was no response, Scott then turned to looked at Liam "I can hear her heart beating. She's really freaked out. What happened?" he asked "She was okay when we got here. I went to text you for two seconds and she locked herself in" Liam said "Why?" Harper asked "I don't know" Liam said "She's definitely a Chimera?" James asked and Liam nodded "She said she heard a voice saying, 'Your condition improves'" he said "Okay, that's unsettling" Stiles said and moved over to the door "Hayden. This is Stiles. Your sister works with my dad down at the station. Look, just open the door, okay? You can trust us" Stiles said, but there was no respons. 

Stiles stepped away and Scott moved over to the door "We just need to tell you the truth, Hayden. And that kind of thing usually is better face-to-face. Listen, either you're gonna unlock the door or I'm gonna have to break it open. It's okay if you don't want to talk, or if you're not ready to believe us. But I just...I gotta know that you're okay in there" Scott said. 

There was no respond, Scott got ready to break down the door, when suddenly they heard the door unlock and the door slid up slowly. 

Their eyes all widened when they saw Hayden standing in there looking down at her hands where the claws was not. Her fangs was out and when she looked up at them her eyes was glowing yellow "I believe you" she said.


The next day

Scott, Stiles, Harper and James was in the school library. Scott unfolded a map over the town's telluric currents. 

"We're back to telluric currents?" James asked as Scott unfolded the map "If the Dread Doctors didn't like coming into Eichen House because of them maybe we can use them to protect Hayden" Scott said "Okay, so, besides Eichen, where's the strongest convergence?" Stiles asked "We're standing on it" Scott said "The high school" Harper said "You want to hide her in the high school? For how long?" Stiles asked "If we have to, all night" Scott said.

"Liam convince Hayden not to tell anything to her sister yet. She's working a double tonight" Scott said "But it's just a school though. You know, I mean, it's not exactly a fortress" Stiles said "Lydia's got an idea for that. Remember how Valack quoted Tesla" James said "Frequency and vibration" Stiles said "She thinks that he wasn't saying that just to sound smart. She thinks maybe it was a clue" James said "To do what?" Stiles asked "Disrupt their frequency" James said "Parrish took three cell phone jammers from the station. He thinks he can broaden their range of frequency. It's a long shot, but it's the best we've got right now" Scott said. 

"Okay so Stiles and I will watch over the body at the clinic with Theo" Harper said "Do we really have to be with him?" Stiles asked "I don't like it either, but we have to" Harper said "Good, then the rest of us will protect Hayden" James said "Let's get ready. I need to tell the plan to Kira" Scott said.


Scott had explain everything to Kira "What about me?" Kira asked "Um, well, you'll come to the school with us. We're going to need all the help that we can get, so bring your belt" Scott said "Actually, I think I lost it again" Kira said "Oh, well, I'll help you find it. You think you left it here" Scott said "Scott, it's okay. Last time I was around telluric currents, things didn't go as well" Kira said "Yeah, well, this is the school. You're there every day. It's not the same" Scott said "I made it worse by being at Eichen. They used me to get inside. I think I need to figure out what's going on with me before I try helping anyone else" Kira said "Kira..." Scott said and Kira took his hand before they leaned closer and brought their lips together.

After a few seconds they pulled away "Just be careful, okay?" Kira said, Scott nodded and Kira walked over to the door, but she stopped and turn to look at him "If this works tonight, what happens tomorrow? Are you gonna keep trying to find places to hide her?" she asked "No. If this works tonight, we're gonna catch one of them" Scott said 


Harper and Stiles arrived at the clinic and they stepped out of the Jeep before they went inside. 

"What's going on?" Theo asked "Whoever's stealing the bodies probably isn't going to do it while we're standing guard over one of them" Stiles said "So you've got a better idea?" Theo asked.

Stiles then pulled up his phone, started the camera and went to put it into position.  

After that the three got into Stiles' Jeep. Theo and Stiles got into the front seat while Harper got into the backseat and Stiles sat up a small monitor to watch the body.

"What happens now?" Theo asked "We wait" Harper said "You want to take shifts watching?" Theo asked "No, no. I want to spend some quality time with you" Stiles said "Sounds good to me" Theo said. 


Parrish arrived at the school, and was met with Malia and Lydia. Parrish opened the back of his car to realved the three cell phone jammers. 

Malia grabbed one of them "We've betting our lives on these?" she asked "I think we're betting Hayden's life on them" Lydia said "Yeah, well, I'm glad I brought my gun" Parrish said. 

Lydia put on of the jammers in a class room. Malia put the second on in the hall while Parrish put the last on in the locker room.

Scott walked into the locker room and put a bag with chains on a bench while Hayden and Liam push a shelf in front the second door, so that there was only one door that they could get in. 

Malia got in position in the hallway, James got in his position at the other end of the hallway and Parrish got into his car as a lookout.  

Lydia walked up to Scott "Is it me or is Liam not aware of the second part of the plan?" Lydia asked as she took a quick look at the bag "I'm still not sure if there's going to be a second part" Scott said "Or if it's going to work" Lydia said and Scott nodded.


Stiles, Theo and Harper was still sitting in the Jeep waiting.

"You still wondering why I haven't said anything to Scott?" Theo asked "Maybe" Stiles said "You think I've got some kind of ulterior motive?" Theo asked "More than likely" Harper said "Would you two believe me if I said all I want...All I've ever wanted is for you guys to trust me?" Theo asked "Nope" the couple said at the same time "So you two are here because you're never going to trust me" Theo said and Harper nodded "Yep. Glad we had this talk" Stiles said not looking away from the camera. 

"You know who you remind me of" Theo said "Theo, I don't care" Stiles said "My sister" Theo said causing Stiles to look at him before looking back at the camera. "She was smarter than everyone too. And a pain in the ass like you" Theo said and looked at Stiles before he continued "She always looked out for me. The same way you look out for Scott" Theo said before he turned his head to look at Harper "The same way you and James look out for each other" he said, before he turned his head back. 

There was few seconds of silence before Theo spoke up again "You know, I was the one that found her body" he said causing Stiles and Harper to give him a quick look "She'd fallen into a creek, broken her leg. They told us she would've been okay if it wasn't one of the coldest nights of the year. If it wasn't for the hypothermia. And when I found her, all I could think was that I should've known. That I should've been looking out for her" Theo said "Why are you telling us this?" Stiles asked "I'm telling you this because even if you two don't trust me and even if you don't like me, I'm still going to be looking out for you two" Theo said causing Stiles and Harper to look at him again and Harper let out a small smile. 


Scott was sitting in the locker when he suddenly heard a rustling noise, he looked towards the door and saw what look like a rope being dragged around a corner, he got up and slowly began stepping towards it. 

"Scott" someone said, causing him to stop and turn to see Lydia. "I was just thinking since we can't use our phones, we can't check in on, Harper, Stiles and Theo" Lydia said "I didn't even think about that" Scott said "Me either. So we're standing here waiting for guys in the masks and breathing tubes to show up. But who or what are, Harper, Stiles and Theo waiting for?" Lydia asked.


Harper, Stiles and Theo had been sitting waiting for hours now. Stiles and Harper was keeping their focus on the monitor while Theo was just looking straight ahead with his mind wander off. 

"You know, I saw his teeth" Theo said causing Stiles to look at him "Donovan. He was a, uh...Wendigo, wasn't he?" Theo asked "Yeah" Stiles said with a small nod "That's the cannibal one, right?" Theo said "Native American. The myth says that if you ate human flesh, your punishment was to turn into a creature that constantly craved it" Stiles said "That's a pretty judgmental myth" Theo said "Well, I didn't make it up" Stiles said "What if it was the only way to survive? I mean, you ever hear of the Donner party? I'm pretty sure they didn't turn into Wendigos" Theo said "Well, they didn't lives in Beacon Hills" Stiles said "Good point. So what's the punishment for killing a Chimera?" Theo asked "You spend five hours in the car with Theo Raeken" Stiles said and Theo chuckled. 

"I know what my punishment is. I'm gonna lose my best friend. I'm gonna lose Scott" Stiles said and Harper looked at him as her eyes got soften.


Scott, Lydia, Liam and Hayden was still in the locker room. Liam and Hayden was sitting on the floor. But then Liam spotted the bag on one of the bench. 

He got up, moved over to the bag and opened it. Scott stood over by the sinks, he looked up and saw in the mirror that Liam was standing over by the bag. Scott turned around and saw Liam lifted up a chain from the bag. Liam turned to look at Scott "What are you going to do with these?" he asked "Brought them just in case" Scott said "In case of what?" Liam asked "In case we had a chance to catch one of them" Lydia said "If we can't make the school a fortress, then maybe we can make it a trap" Scott said "They're coming for her, doesn't that mean she's the bait?" Liam asked. 


Malia was walking down the hall when suddenly she heard a engine stated "Parrish? Where the hell is he going?" she asked and started walking towards the front door. 

But as Malia took another step, a bear tap appeared up from the floor and grabbed her left leg. Malia screamed in pain and felled down. But as her back hit the floor another bear tap appeared up from the floor and grabbed her left arm, causing Malia to scream again. Suddenly a sharp small needle appeared up from the floor and went right through her throat causing Malia to freeze. As Malia was laying on the floor groaning, the front door opened and two Dread Doctors started hissing as they enter. They walked passed Malia that was laying on the floor, but there wasn't any bear tap or needle, it was just something she imagine. It was the Dread Doctors work they did something that cause her to imagine this. 


James was standing at the other end of the hall when suddenly he heard a hissing noise. He turned around and started walking after the noise, but as he took another step a bear tap appeared up from the floor and grabbed his right leg, James froze and screamed in pain, he felled down on his back and suddenly a big spear appeared up from the floor and went right through his stomach causing him to scream again before he froze. As James was laying on the floor groaning, the front door opened and one Dread Doctor started hissing as it enter. It walked passed James that was laying on the floor groaning.


Liam put the chain back in the bag "Liam, we brought her here to protect her" Lydia said "And now she's bait" Liam said "Am I?" Hayden asked "No. No one's bait. But we can't be bodyguards to everyone every night" Scott said "Then why aren't we talking to Stiles'dad? Why aren't we doing something better than hiding in a school?" Liam asked "Because we still don't know anything about them or what they want, okay? They're winning and we don't even know what the game is" Scott said "What if they come in here and those things don't work? What if you have an asthma attack again? What are we gonna do?" Liam asked, he was getting angry "I don't know" Scott said "This plan sucks!" Liam said "You got a better one? Kids are dying! And she's next. So, somebody has to do something. Somebody has to save everyone. So somebody's got to be the bait!" Scott shouted at Liam.

 There was a few seconds of silence before Liam sighed "Scott" he said and stepped closer to Scott "Promise me you'll do everything you can to save her" he said, Scott didn't say anything "Scott...Promise" Liam said "I'll do everything I can. I promise" Scott said.

"Guys...I think I might need a little help right now. I forgot my pills. I have a bottle in my locker. I can get them, but..." "I'll get them" Scott said cutting Hayden off "What's your combination?" Scott asked. 


"If Scott really gave up on you for some piece of crap like Donovan, then he wouldn't be a True Alpha, would he?" Theo said "Or maybe that's the definition of one, someone who doesn't put up with murder" Stiles said "It sound like you guys need to look up justifiable homicide" Theo said "Did you seriously just say that to my boyfriend who is a son of a cop?" Harper asked "A werewolf's eyes are supposed to change color when you take an innocent life" Theo said and flashed his yellow eyes at Stiles "Do these look blue to you?" he asked before he change them back "It was self-defense. For me and for you" he said "Or maybe you just don't feel all that bad about it. You can't say that one life is objectively less innocent than another one. What if they turn blue 'cause you feel guilty?" Stiles said "So it's up to interpretation?" Theo asked "Yeah, maybe" Stiles said "Okay. Then here's my interpretation of what happened with you and Donovan. Not guilty" Theo said, Stiles turned his head to look at the camera while Harper just looked down.

"Did you feel bad about it?" Theo asked causing Stiles to look at him again "Not now. I mean right then. Right when it happened. What were you thinking the moment you knew he was dead and there was no saving him?" Theo asked "One word...Good" Stiles said and Theo let out a small evil smile. 

Then suddenly Theo inhale the air and he could smell something. "What?" Stiles asked "A scent" Theo said and Harper started sniffing the air "Yeah. There is a scent. Is like smoke" she said and Theo nodded "Like something burning" he said. 

Theo looked out the window and his eyes widened, but before he could react a bright light came upon him and a hard fiery fist punch him in the face. Harper and Stiles got splattered by Theo's blood. 

Theo was then pulled out of the Jeep. Then a hand grabbed Harper's jacket and pulled her out of the Jeep "HARPS" Stiles cried out as he watched Harper getting pulled out and disappear. 

Then the Jeep was being lifted up and then tossed on its roof still with Stiles inside. 

Stiles got knock out by the way the Jeep landed. A person walked passed the Jeep and enter the clinic as fire started appear around the Jeep where Stiles was laying unconscious. The person grabbed the body before walking out, disappearing.


Stiles was still unconscious with the fire around the Jeep. But then a fire extinguisher started hissing and turned off the fire. 

He then got pulled out of the Jeep. 

Stiles started coughing, he opened his eyes and saw Harper kneeling down next to him, she breath out in relief when she saw Stiles opened his eyes and they smiled to each other. Stiles then saw Theo standing by him with the extinguisher in his hand. He had a big bruise where he had been punch and he was bleeding down from his nose.

"The body...The body's gone" Theo said. 


James, Lydia and Malia have came back to reality. They quickly rushed into the locker room, but only to find it empty, Liam and Hayden was gone. 

A few seconds later, Scott and Mason busted into the locker room "They're gone" Lydia said "Hayden and Liam are gone" Malia said "The Dread Doctors, they took them" James said. 

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