Heroes Unite

By Rewr1ter

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You may have heard of some superheroes like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, etc. However unkno... More

Bios- the heroes
Welcome to Metropolis High
Meet the super teens
Big Bang
Meet Beast and Hazard
Museum Mayhem
Bios-The Villains
Mama's little monsters part 1
Mama's little monsters part 2
Ice Scream
Buzz off!
Beach Blanket Beast
Artful painters
Blue Lantern in Metropolis Part 1
Blue Lantern in Metropolis part 2
Bios-More Villains
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
A Shocking encounter of the strangest kind
Worms of love
Aunts at a picnic
Camp Creepy
Hungry like a wolf part 1
Hungry like a wolf part 2
Superhero Holidays Part 1
Superhero Holidays Part 2
Ace in the hole
Glory Days
Scales of Injustice
Goodnight Diana
Scooby Doo and the Superhero Girls too
The prodigal son returns part 1
The prodigal son returns Part 2
The prodigal son returns Part 3
The prodigal son returns Part 4
Little Doll of Evil
Madame X Files Part 1
Madame X Files Part 2
U.F. Oh No!!!
Gems in the big city
Target Diamonds
Underground Adventure
Scavenger hunting
Demi Diamond Daze
No one like Gwenpool
Madame X Strikes Back
Weekend at Zatara's
Super Mom
If cute could kill
Night Howlers
Brainstorm Front
Date with Danger
Secret Origins of the Teen Team Part 1
Secret Origins of the Teen Team part 2
Bios-Even MORE Villains
Crossover Nexus' epic 4th of July celebration!!! Part 1
Crossover Nexus' epic 4th of July celebration!!! Part 2
Ten out of Ten
Shadow Sister
Going Mental
No Good Deed
Shelly Takes Charge
The night Huggy Wuggy walks
Zara Morbidon
From the Shadows
Beach Breach
Revenge of Zara Morbidon Part 1
Revenge of Zara Morbidon part 2
Take a walk on the dark side
Super Substitute
Chibi Size Me
Condiment Kingdom
Night of the living Gems Part 1
Night of the living Gems Part 2
I want a Black Cat for Christmas
Hectic Holidays
Valentine's Day Smackdown
Mochi Mayhem in Metropolis
The Marsh of Misery
History of the Multiverse
A Note From Your Author
Dawn of Darkness: Meet the Ultra Recon Squad
Dawn of Darkness: The coming of Zaakii
Dawn of Darkness: Reign of Shadows
Dawn of Darkness: The triumph of Enma
Author's Note: The Next Chapter

What's her name?

358 3 0
By Rewr1ter

It was a peaceful day at Metropolis High, everything had quieted down after Roddy's latest defeat and everyone can relax now, especially our heroes. Jessica was by her locker when she noticed two students wearing trench coats were approaching her, they were familiar though.

Jessica: Axel? Jason?

Axel: *whispering*Shh, Jess, we're hiding.

Jessica: Why? You never hide from anything Axel. Well except rats.

Jason: For your information, it's this girl in the school, we keep bumping into her and we down even know her name.

Jessica: Who, Casey Krinsky?

Axel: No the other one.

Jessica: Tatsu?

Jason: No, this girl was wearing a sweater with glasses and-*Points forward*Oh, that's her there now!

Jessica: Oh, I see. I don't know her name either.

Axel: Exactly, we don't know it and we're running out of excuses to get away with it.


Axel and Jason were walking to lunch when they ran into the girl.

Sweater girl: Hi Axel, Jason.

Jason: Hey.......ma'am?

Sweater girl: Ma'am? Come on you guys, my auntie may be part of the PTA group thing but you can still call me by my name like anyone else.

Axel: Yeah, sure, it's just that we- oh wait, our phones are vibrating, gotta go and take this could be our folks checking up on us.

Sweater Girl: Okay.


The girl was helping set up the stage in drama club when one the painters knocked into a paint bucket and it began to teeter.

Jason: Look out-uh-oh uh, wha?

Axel: Girl?

Jason: M-miss?

Axel: Gal?

Jason: Dudette?

Axel: Um.

Jason: Ugh! I wish I knew her name!

It was soon too late, the bucket landed on her and covered her in paint and knocking her out.

Jason: I think we better call her the nurse.

Axel: Why, I'm sure "the nurse" is not her name.

Jason: No, the school nurse.

Axel: Wait, Zee's got this and besides, it'll be just as awkward if they ask us her name at the nurse's office, if not more.


Librarian: Since you two are serving detention, you will help me sort out books and to help you with that will be our volunteer.

It was the sweater girl and they were so freaked out, they bolted.

Librarian: You will work with Ms- Huh?

They were hiding in the boys bathroom and stayed there for the rest of their detention.

Jason: Maybe we should've waited, she was gonna tell us her name.

Axel: Yeah, I panicked.


Jessica: That would explain why you had double detention.

Axel: Yeah and remember this time, it was really awkward.

Jason: Um dude, it's not a flashback, she's really there.

Axel and Jason then took off like jets away from Jess and the girl.

Sweater Girl: Hey wait!

Finally the day was over and the girls were hanging out in their hide out under Sweet Justice with Axel and Jason.

Axel: That was the longest day ever! But we managed to get through today.

Jason: With the rest of them to go.

Zee: You know, you can't hide from her forever, sooner or later, you're gonna have to ask for her name.

Axel: Noway, you of all people should know about the window Zee.

Diana: The window?

Axel: The window of opportunity when it's socially acceptable to ask what their name is. After the third time you met them, that window closes and after that, the window gets a lock on it, another bolt, another shutter and so on. Our window with her would be harder to open than a ski resort in the Sahara Desert.

Jason: And the funny thing is that now we're in a bind now.

Babs: Why?

Jason: She's in the parlor now so we can't leave.

Zee: You can't stay here forever you know and I doubt she can either and besides, she's probably too busy eating to notice. That's how it is with Kara.

Axel: You're probably right, we have a movie to catch anyway.

The two came up from the hideout and found the girl enjoying her death by chocolate and she hasn't noticed them yet. They tiptoed quietly to the door and they were almost home free until the bell on the door rang, grabbing her attention.

Sweater girl: Oh, hi Jason, Axel!

Axel: *whispers* Busted!

Jason: *whispers* Now what!?

Axel:*whispers* I got an idea, I'll try and list all the girl names until I see a look of recognition on her face, one of them has to be her name.

He turns around and walks to her table for a "chat".

Axel: Hey....*slowly* Abi-Ashley-Amy-B-Brittne-uh, B-Bel- Cami-Cathri-uuuhhhhhh

Jason: Sorry about him, *slowly*  uh, Donn-Eliz-Francine- G-greta- Gra- uuuuuhhhhhh

Sweater girl: Uh, nevermind, bye guys.

She left feeling weirded out by the two.

Axel: Phew! Thank goodness.

Jessica: You know you can still ask her name.

Axel: No, we just gotta find out her name without her realizing it. Simple as that. come on Jason.

Jessica: This may not end well.

The next day, Jason and Axel were having a math test and the sweater girl with taking it too. She finished first and handed to the teacher, then left the class. Axel and Jason nodded to each other and handed their tests in to take a look at her work for her name. However, there was an big A+ on the paper where the name was so they couldn't see it clearly. They got their tests back, Jason got a B+ while Axel got a C-. Later, they tried to find her name in the nurse's record. They snuck in and looked through the files that had info on all the students including her who was there last time because of an injury from P.E. during dodgeball, when Doris tossed the ball at her face and gave her a bloody nose. But when they found the file, they were caught by the nurse and she took them to the principal. At the mall, they tried to get her name from her phone, she was texting someone and Axel and Jason had to get close enough to see her name on one of the messages. They were hiding behind the fountain and saw her sit down on the edge. Jason attempted to quietly look over her shoulder onto her screen but then he slipped and fell in the fountain with a splash, the girl turned only to find nothing and left the mall. Jason rose up from the water as he hid underwater and sighed in defeat.

Jason: Ugh, I give up.

Axel: We can't give up yet, there's one more thing we can do but you  have to do exactly what I say.

Early the next morning, they went to her building to look in the mail delivered. It's weird how they know where she lives and not her name huh? Anyway, they found her apartment and saw her mailbox by her door.

Jason: Isn't it illegal to go through people's mail?

Axel: Dude, what's worst? Locked away in a prison or locked away in a prison of social awkwardness? Besides, nobody's up yet and we'll be gone before they do. Now let's see.

Axel picked the lock of the mailbox and managed to open it. He saw her mail but nothing said her name.

Axel: "To who it may concern", " to our subscriber", to sir", "to madame", "to the occupant", " to the birthday girl"!? Ugh!

Jason: *points to a box* Hey, what's that?

It was a box but something was strange, it looked like something you'd find in space.

Axel: What the heck!? What kind of mail is that!?

Jason: See her name on it?

Axel: There isn't even an address,a stamp or anything, just a weird cube thing. What is this? Some kind of prop or replica or something?

Jason: It's probably from the Space Heroes show.

Axel: Still, it should have something.

They were so busy looking at the weird cube thing, they didn't notice a strange woman in a trench coat and shades approach from behind.

Strange Woman: Excuse me, that box, may I have it?

A/N: This was from a fashion ad, it was the best I could do.

Jason: But this isn't really ours to give.

Axel: Yeah, I'm pretty sure it belongs to the girl that lives here anyway. Whatever it is.

Strange Woman: *forcefully* I will not ask again, give. It. NOW!

She lunged at Axel and grabbed it but Axel refused to let go of the "box".

Axel: Hey! Are you crazy!? Cut it out or I'm gonna have to mess you up lady!

The two wrestled with the "box" and made a lot of noise in the hall until the girl opened the door and at that moment, Axel pried it from the woman's grip and he fell backwards into Jason and the two collapsed in her apartment. The girl immediately closed the door after that.

Sweater Girl: Are you two okay, I heard- Gah! My package!

Axel: Yeah, that nutty lady wants it for some reason. If she wanted a sci-fi replica of something so bad, she should order her own and not steal it from others.

Sweater Girl: About that, the thing is-

She was rudely interrupted when the woman kicked her door in with amazing strength, sending it flying, smashing through a window, and crashing to the ground. The three ran to the fire escape and got to ground level. They ran into the subway station and hopped the train. It an empty car.

Axel: *phew* Lost her. That was too close.

Suddenly, there was footsteps on the roof of the train and the strange woman jumped in through the window and at the sweater girl but Jason turned his arm into metal and slugged her out of the train. The sweater girl was shocked at what unfolded. 

Sweater Girl: Jason!? Wait, if you can do that, then that means, you guys are the superheroes, The Teen Team!

Axel: *sarcastic* Nice one dude. Look, we're sorry, that lady is probably chasing us because we messed with your mail. Just get out of here with the "box" and we'll find ya later.

Sweater Girl: Chasing you? No, she was chasing me!

Jason/Axel: Say what!?

Sweater Girl: She's been bugging me since I came to Metropolis. I just wanted a normal life, UGH!

Jason: Um, I don't get it.

Axel: Neither do I, and I'm usually the smartest out of the two of us.

Sweater Girl: Maybe I should just show you guys then.

She held out her arms and began to spin around, faster and faster, gathering energy until in a flash of light, she completely changed, she was on fire.

A/N: That little superhero transformation sequence easter egg was from the 1980s Wonder Woman show. As well as any other time Wonder Woman did that. (By the way, I found this art on DeviantArt, I thought it better compliments the fire superhero, hope ya'll like it).

Axel: You're a superhero too!?

Corona: Yeah I am. The name's Corona by the way.

Footsteps were heard again from roof of the train as the strange woman came back. She jumped into the train car to face the heroes (Axel and Jason already became Spliced and Titan at that moment).

Strange Woman: Corona, you finally show yourself.

Corona: Yeah, so?

Titan: You might as well back off lady!

Spliced: Yeah, cause we've got mutant powers.

The strange woman extended her arm forward and her fist enlarged to a huge size. The three were knocked out of the train just as it stopped and opened its doors to a station.

Titan: She's got superpowers too!?

She stepped off the train and turned her hands to claws.

Corona: Yep.

Meanwhile, the girls were hanging out at the mall, enjoying themselves.

Jessica: I haven't seen Axel and Jason in a while.

Zee: Last we saw them, they were trying figure out that girl's name. Honestly, just asking and accepting the awkwardness is much easier. What could possibly happen.

They were suddenly interrupted when Spliced was tossed through the skylight in front of them.

Spliced: Hey girls, we need a little help and there's a new hero in the city by the way.

Before anyone can ask anything, he stretched back onto the roof, just in time for Titan to fly into him. Corona tackled the strange woman and threw her through a billboard and five buildings, crashing onto to roof of the news station. The Superhero Girls showed up a second later to check of Spliced and Titan. 

Supergirl: So who's that?

Titan: Long story. We gotta help Corona.

Corona was tossing fireballs at her enemy and keeping her on her toes. The woman then wrapped her arms around Corona like a python, squeezing the life out of her. She would've succeeded in doing so too had Supergirl not used her heat vision to burn one of her arms, loosening her grip on the young heroine. This gave Corona the chance to recover enough of her strength and gather fire around her body turning her into a literal walking torch, completely breaking free of the hold. 

Batgirl: Whoa, so cool!

Spliced: Yeah!

She forms a large fireball to send it at the strange woman. The woman jumped off the building and opened up a hang glider to get away but she didn't escape the fireball quick enough as it exploded against the wing and messed with her flying as she flew off away from the city.

Batgirl: Wow, nice shot!

Green Lantern(Jessica): Let's hope we don't see her again. What was she trying to do anyway.

Spliced: *pulls out strange box* She was after this thing. It was a package for our new friend here.

Corona: Yeah, they really helped. 

Wonder Woman: It is a pleasure to meet you Corona.

Corona: Pleasures all mine. So I guess I should explain. You see, the truth is, I'm not really from your world.

Supergirl: What, your from another planet too.

Corona: No.... Another dimension.

*ONE EXPLANATION LATER* (all will be explained in her bio anyway, if I get ever around to it that is)

Corona: And ever since, I have been living under the name that you guys know me as now.

Spliced and Titan froze, they forgot to figure out her name.

Titan: Of course, uh, I know this, it's uh-

Green Lantern(Jessica): You know what, enough of this! These two don't know your name okay!

Titan/Spliced: Green Lantern!

Green Lantern(Jessica): I'm sorry, but someone had to say it.

Corona: Wait, you two don't know my name!? I sat behind you guys in science ever since you came here! Just how oblivious could you two be!?

Titan: Okay fine, we don't know your name and we were trying to figure it out without you knowing.

Spliced: We're sorry.

Corona: Well, I guess if you had known my name, you wouldn't have shown up at the time and that lady would've gotten my box. Wait, does that mean you went through my mail too!?

Titan: Um,no......at least not much.

Spliced: So what is your name anyway?

Corona: *sigh* It's Becky Gardener.

Titan/Spliced: Oooohhhhhhh.

Batgirl: Speaking of names, who was that lady anyway and why did she want your "box"? 

Corona: I don't know. I don't even know who sent it to me or why.

Zatanna: You don't know?

Corona: Nope. All I know is that I got this weird message on my phone saying that I would be getting this package and I had to hold onto it for someone from space. Who ever that is.

Titan: I guess that's food for thought. How about we get out of here and enjoy some Sweet Justice.

The next day at school, Jessica was at her locker when she saw Axel and Jason in trench coats again.

Jessica: Don't tell me you two forgot Becky's name.

Jason: No, there's actually another student here and we-

Jessica: Bye.

Jess left before one of them could finish.

Jason: I was just gonna say that these were for him. Doris has been on one heck of a rampage and he needs a disguise.

Axel: I don't think it matters now. Look.

Jason:*winces* Yikes, he wont be walking right for a good while.

The screen then iris in on a poor helpless student getting wedged by Doris. Anyway that's the end of this little tale, next chapter, well, even I'm not sure what'll happen next.  

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