Burning Justice (Phoenix Wrig...

Por Rgarciatiger

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In a city where crime is rising and justice never sleeps two brothers both detectives with amnesia solve case... Más

Oc Bio 1 & 2
Oc Bio 3, 4, 5, 6
Case 2: W's First run-in/First Trial (Part 2)
Case 3: Illegal M/Sister's justice
Case 4: Illegal M/Sister's justice (Part 2)
Case 5: A samurai on court? (Not Gaim)/W? Or Double?

Case 1: W's First run-in/First Trial

579 10 21
Por Rgarciatiger

7:50 AM


Adam arrived at the courthouse which was odd as the case was set for 10:00 AM. The reason he arrived early as well was that he wanted to get some information on the trial which was hard because he knew that when he tried with the police department...well


One day before the trial he went to the police department and when he asked for a further case of the murder...he kinda got thrown out of the police department

Adam: "Tch dam bastard..." He grabs his fedora and walked back to the office "I swear do those jacka** have to throw me out I didn't even attack them."

End of flashback

Adam: "Well if I'm gonna wait for another 2 hours and 10 minutes I'll just..." Then he takes the Spider shock to set an alarm at 9:50 AM "Well time to just sleep through it I won't like this a bit." He sighs and places his fedora on his face and sits down on a chair and sleeps

2 hours later

9:50 AM

As the woke up from his watch he then grabs his fedora and puts it back on

Adam: "Time for some justice to be served." As he was about to walk into the courthouse room and took his seat where the jurors sit and at this point he started to just think

Adam's thought: "Huh I wonder what Ace is doing?"


Black Heart Detective Agency

Ace: "I did it!!!" He was holding a book "Now there's that info I needed on. Man that was quick and yet looking up ramens was kind of a pain but hey it gets better every time."

Back with Adam

Adam's thought: "Meh probably something idiotic...how are we even related?" He sighs in his head "Man I would kill for a donut." Then he checks the time as 10 Am rolls around the trial was about to begin and he then sees the prosecutor, the defense attorney, the judge, and the defendant with a woman right next to the defendant

Judge: He then uses the gavel and hits the block "All rise." Everyone rises "Please be seated." Then everybody else sat except for the attorneys

Adam's thought: "Okay so who the sorry son of a b**ch that's gonna count his crimes." Then the door opens as the defendant enters the court

Adam's thought: "Wait...that's the guy who is the murderer?! Wait a minute...oh wait now I know his name is Larry Butz? Stupid last name but goddammit why didn't I remember that? Also, is he wearing the same thing on the day of the murder? WHAT THE F**K?!" He sighs out loud "Screw it just listen to the case."

Judge: "The court will now be in the case for the trial against Mister Larry Butz for murder. Is the prosecution ready?"

Adam's thought: He looks at the prosecution "So let me recall whose that prosecutor...Winston Payne? Huh, I think I read something about him...eh never mind." Then he looks at the attorney who is defending the defendant "Huh I don't know whose that man is but the woman next to him...wait a minute she looks familiar...goddammit. It is so obvious I should know but why?!" He sighs and listens to the trail where he missed out on the victim, the cause of death, and the weapon used to murder the victim he then sees a statue of the thinker

Adam's thought: "Okay wait what did I- you know I should just start focusing on the trail."

Payne: "Your honor the weapon used to kill the victim has fingerprints of the defendant." This is where Adam sees the man in the blue suit (Phoenix Wright) sweating a bit as Adam can see that same reaction if he was in his shoe "Also your honor a day before the murder the victim took this statue of the Thinker with her at New York while seeing some sugar daddies." Then he shows a photo of the victim Cindy Stones

Butz: "WHAT?! That lying she-dog!!!"

Adam and Phoenix thought: "Oh dear god." They both facepalmed at the same time

Payne: "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury..." Adam wishes that he would come down towards Payne and full-on roundhouse kick him but knowing that he doesn't want to get charged with assault and disruption of court he behaves "The defendant here killed the victim, Ms. Cindy Stone." Then he takes a look at the victim's face

Adam's thought: "Okay yeah now I can see her as a gold digger...man I feel sorry for Larry...though it would've been stupid to kill her so how the he- Gah shut up you must focus on the trail."

Adam: He then spoke out on accident "Hold it!" Everyone in the court was silence

Judge: "Mr.Hato watch what you say!"

Adam: "Sorry your honor but this is getting nowhere how does she going to New York have anything to do with the murder? Also shouldn't we start by seeing any witnesses who were there at the time?"

Payne: "IF you didn't rudely interrupt then I was about to say that there was a witness who saw what happened." Then the court brought a man

Payne: "Witness state your name and occupation."

Sawhit: "Oh okay my name is Frank Sawhit and I sell newspaper subscriptions."

Adam's thought: "No offense but he looks like a pedophile even his face says 'yeah I killed that b**ch' boom there you go pfft Frank Sawhit...more like Frank Done it. Boom case closes where's my paycheck!? Man I wonder what would happen if I was a defense attorney"

Payne: "Now Mr.Sawhit could you please give your testimony on the day of the murder?"

Sawhit: "Understood." Now everyone stayed quiet and Adam felt like this would be easy to find holes in his testimony "Let's see I was going around every apartment selling subscriptions and then suddenly the defendant came out of the apartment quickly. I saw the door open a bit and when I stepped in but then I saw the victim's dead body. I hesitated to enter the apartment but I tried and went to use the phone in the apartment but it wasn't working. So I had to find a public phone and called the police. At the time it was 1:00 PM." That was the end of his testimony

Adam thought: "Wait why wasn't the phone in the apartment working?"

Phoenix: "Excuse me may I ask why weren't the phone working at the time of the murder?"

Payne: "You see Mr.Wright during the time of the murder there was a blackout." Then he showed a piece of paper which timed from Noon till 6 PM that there will be a blackout at the apartment where the victim lived and murdered

Adam's thought: "Well that's a great question and a reasonable answer with evidence though it's odd..." He started thinking which lead to someone hearing this


Black Heart Detective Agency

Ace: "Hmm?" He kept hearing a voice in his head

Adam's thought: "The time he said was at 1 PM but the only way-"

Ace: "Hey who's this?"

Adam's thought: "Ace?!"

Ace: "Adam?! What's going on why can I hear you right now?"

Adam thought: "Don't know but can you help me?"

Ace: "Sorry but unfortunately I'm busy."

Adam's thought: "With what?!"

Ace: "Ramen. Did you know there are about 4 types of ramen-"


Ace: "Sorry but I'm not helping so as the saying goes 'you're on your own."

Adam's thought: "CRAP!!!"

Back at the courthouse

Adam's thought: "F**K!" He groans in his head "You know what screw it I know he has ADHD but really?! He can deal with the thing he's doing for now I must listen and pay attention."

Judge: "Alright then Mr.Wright you may proceed with your cross-examination."

Phoenix's thought: He nods but started to panic as he sweats a bit "Oh god!"

Adam: "...Hm?" He notice Phoenix was sweating a bit as from his knowledge apart from excising people sweating means under stress and so he take out one of his pseudo-Gaia memory


The sound was a bit loud but luckily nobody noticed where the sound was as he insert it onto his spider shock as it form into its spider form

As Phoenix was looking through multiple papers one of those papers was on the ground and the spider took a paper and hand it to Adam

Adam: "Alright let's see-" He gasped a bit as what he read was the autopsy of the victim Cindy Stone

Adam's thought: "Okay death by a blunt object aka the statue The Thinker...wow this is so short and yet so simple...hold up time of death...4 PM?!" This was when he gave the paper to the spider and threw the autopsy on top of Phoenix's head

Phoenix: "Huh?" He takes a look at the autopsy as the time of death was underlined "Wait the autopsy report where did-" He looked up and behind him but the spider was clever enough to hide and return to Adam "Well then." He then proceeds with his cross-examination "Now Mr.Sawhit you said you went into the apartment and the time was 1 PM is that correct?"

Sawhit: "Yes."

Phoenix: "Well then could you explain when how there was a 3-hour time gap when the autopsy report explains that the time of death was around 4 PM?" This made him shocked a bit

Sawhit: "Well...I...umm..."

Payne: "OBJECTION! The witness could have forgotten the time."

Judge: "Hmm is this true Mr.Sawhit?"

Sawhit: "Umm...yes I did I must have heard it from a recorded program on the television-"

Phoenix: He knew it was a lie "HOLD IT!!! Your honor if I may there was a blackout between noon till 6 PM. The time of the crime was around 4 PM so how can you hear any television program on!" This was when he pointed at Mr. Sawhit with his pointer finger and somehow by the power of attorney a powerful gust of wind


Sawhit: "Umm...umm....oh it must have been a table clock that I heard." Then he pointed at The Thinker "Yeah that must've been where I've heard it from."

Phoenix: "Hold it. The murder weapon?"

Payne: "Mr. Wright if I can the statue is a table clock all you need to do is twist the neck of The Thinker and it'll tell the time."

Phoenix: "Huh really?"

Butz: "Yep and it's made by yours truly!"

Phoenix and Adam thought: "Well that doesn't help jeez..." The two facepalmed at the same time

Phoenix: When he put on gloves he touches the neck of The Thinker it's able to be twistable "Now wait a minute there's something wrong."

Judge: "Hm and what do you mean Mr. Wright?"

Phoenix: "Mr. Sawhit how did you know it was a clock when you said in your testimony that you didn't enter the victim's apartment? The only way you would've known the time is that you entered the victim's apartment and murdered her with The Thinker!" Now this is where things were getting interesting for him as Adam see that Sawhit was losing it as he see his tie loosens noticing that he was under stress

Mr. Sawhit: "Uhh...grr..."

Payne: "Objection! Where's your evidence that he went into the apartment on the day of the murder."

Phoenix: "There is only one way to prove which is to sound the clock right here in the court." Then he twists the neck of The Thinker still with gloves to not place his fingerprints on the murder weapon

I think it's 9:25

Adam's thought: "Weird way of telling the time."

Phoenix: "Now then Mr. Payne could you tell us what time is it?"

Payne: "It's 11:25-" He gasps

Phoenix: "As you can see the clock is moving two hours slow."

Payne: "OBJECTION!!! While it is running two hours slow how could you prove that it was running slow during the day of the murder?!" Then by the gods, a force of the wind pushed Phoenix down to the ground


Phoenix: "Oh...I..."

Judge: "Mr. Wright do you have evidence to prove it?"

Phoenix: "I...don't."

Judge: "If you have no evidence to support your claim then this ends the cross-examination."

Sawhit: "Heh I told you I wasn't the killer of that man over there." He points at Larry "That man is the killer he deserves death!!!"

Adam: "Jeez calm down sir." Everybody stared at him "What if any case he should know that he should calm down and that's all." He stops talking

Phoenix's thought: "Damn it I almost had it."

Mia: "Hold it!" Everybody froze

Adam's thought: "What?!"

Phoenix: "Chief?

Phoenix: "But how?"

Mia: "Think about it, to win this case you must ask why the time that was said during the crime was different from the actual time of death?"

Phoenix: "Wait a minute..." He went into deep thinking and was thinking of The Thinker, the photo, and the passport which then he got everything pieced together "Of course!"

Judge: "If there is-"

Phoenix: "OBJECTION!!!" Then he point at Mr. Sawhit as then a powerful wind blew at him causing his hair to fall off

Phoenix: "The reason why the time that The Thinker said it was two hours behind was because..." He show the photo of Cindy "The victim at the time was in New York and so when she arrive back to Japan she forgot to switch the time to Japan. Is that proof enough for you Mr. Sawhit... or should I say Mr. Done it?"

Adam's thought: "Heh well play sir well f**king played." He clapped quietly

Sawhit: "NGHHHHHHHHH!!!!" His mouth foamed and then passed out

Judge: "Arrest the man."

2:02 PM (During the time around 12:45-1:50 PM this was when the jurors went to discuss whether Larry Butz is guilty or not and the majority of the jurors agreed...)

Judge: "Well this case has gone different...Mr. Payne where's your witness?"

Mr. Payne: "He was...arrested your honor."

Judge: "I see Mr. Wright?"

Phoenix: "Yes your honor?"

Judge: "I must say I'm impressed that you not only defended your victim and found the culprit but you have done it at the same time."

Phoenix: "Well thanks, your honor."

Judge: "Now then this court finds the defendant, Mr. Larry Butz...Not guilty." He then bangs the gavel and Adam sees Larry crying tears of joy

Adam: "Well that was too easy to get them to agree the story was so easy to break like a Kit-Kat bar."

2:32 PM

As the case was over Adam went to look around looking for Phoenix Wright which took him a few minutes as he managed to find the lobby room 2 where he found both Phoenix and Mia

Adam: "I must say Mr.Wright you did a fine work out there."

Phoenix: "Umm thanks wait weren't you the guy who-"

Adam: "Yeah look I wanted to say thanks."

Mia: "Thanks? Phoenix do you know him?"

Phoenix: "As much as I know I have no idea."

Adam: He then shows the stained business card "Take that!"

Phoenix: "Huh?! Isn't this...?"

Adam: "It was two years ago I wanted to thank the person who gave me this card because the doctor said that I and my brother were found and someone gave me this."

Phoenix: "Wait two years ago...? Wait you're that child that was beaten up?!"

Adam: "Thank you for saving me and my brother's life."

Mia: "Wow I must say you have been in debt to him?"

Adam: "Trust me ever since that day if I found the person who saved my life I would make sure to repay them in any way." Then he gives his business card "Here."

Phoenix: "Hato Detective Agency?"

Adam: "Yep my name is Adam Hato older brother of Ace Hato and son of K. Hato."

Phoenix: "Wait that sound familiar isn't that Agency known for their brains and now you and your brother have taken over. But wait how did you get into the situation two years ago?"

Adam: "Tha-" Then he sees a man with a memory stick from a window as he presses the button on it


Then he sticks it in a portable tattoo on his arm

Adam: "WHAT THE FU-" Before he could say anything he tackled both Phoenix and Mia to the ground as the man shot fire hot enough to destroy the window "Oh good f**king grief this is what I need a case that was too easy and now this?! A DAM DOPANT?!" He groans and takes out his driver and put it on "Ace let's go." He takes out his Gaia memory

He presses the button on the Gaia memory



Back at the agency Ace was reading and the same driver appear on his waist

Ace: "Dopant? Man, when will they leave us alone." He takes out his Gaia memory and presses the button


Adam and Ace: "Henshin." He inserts his Gaia memory on the left side of his driver which then vanishes and Ace pass out and the Gaia memory appears on Adam's driver Adam inserts his on the right side of his driver after pushing down on the two he then pushes the two side making a 'W' shape

Cyclone! Joker!

Adam and Ace: "Now count up your sin." Then the two charge at each other...

Next time on Burning Justice!

Adam: "A typical day for us."

Phoenix: "Wait what are they?"

Ace: "Our goal is simple..."

Adam: "Found and set."

Adam: "This city will sleep peacefully as long as we are here."

A/N: "Well guys here's the first chapter sorry it took me soooooooo long procrastination plus some reading and here we go. Hope ya'll ready to read in the world of W. If you don't then count your sins because W is gonna come in your door."

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