The Pure Ones

By queemjasmine

740 82 53

Set in medieval Europe, the people of the kingdom of Bravenik are forced to live under the rule of a cruel di... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Five

40 6 6
By queemjasmine

About a week had passed, life had moved on just as usual, at the manor, I sat on the field and stared into the sky, it was something I did whenever I wanted to be at ease.

"Oi! Alistair!" Philippe called out to me, I rolled my eyes and replied "What do you want?".
He ran up to me and sat beside me on the grass.
"Rose and I are on good terms again" he said excited
"Wow, tell me more" I replied sarcastically. Philippe punched my head in retaliation and we joke around for a while, then we saw somebody step out from the front door of the manor. It was a lady, and a maid followed behind her.
"Who's that?" Philippe asked
"I don't know, I have never seen her before" I said
"Well then we shall find out!" he said as he grabbed my hand and ran towards her direction.

We ran and hid behind a small bush, then I froze as I stared at the beauty before my eyes. She had pale skin and a lightly freckled face, a waterfall of gold hair ran down her back and she had gorgeous green eyes.
She locked eyes with me and she seemed shocked, almost scared.
"You?.." she asked
"Who?" I asked as I stepped out of the bush, but then I stopped and examined her closely. She seemed quite familiar, I had seen her somewhere before but I was not sure.
"Alistair?" she asked
"How do you know my name?" I asked in shock, then she turned around in embarrassment and walked away quickly.

I was still confused, but then I recalled an incident from a few days back where I met a strange girl at the market, I had to rescue her from a group of people who accused her of being a thief. She told me her name was Patricia, although I knew she was lying, she also spoke in a strange accent, it was obvious that she was pretending, for some reason she was hiding who she truly was. I immediately knew that this so called Patricia and the lady I just saw were the same person. But I thought to myself, what would someone like her be doing at Greenwood Manor? Only the most prestigious of people were even allowed to walk through the gates and yet I saw her stepping out from the front door.

I was still thinking but then Philippe punched me in the back and asked, "WHO IS THAT BEAUTY?! AND HOW ON EARTH DO YOU KNOW HER?!"
"I am not sure how to put it" I said,
"So you knew a goddess like that and you hid her from me?" he asked furiously
"Look, Philippe, can we continue this conversation later? I have something to do" I said as I ran off searching for lady.
I finally found her, she sat on a bench with the maid standing next to her, as she saw me approach she wanted to get up and leave, but then I said
"Wait! Please". She sat on the bench with her head down, she tried as best as she could not to look at me. I walked up to her and asked"Who are you?".She stuttered but she did not respond.
"If you are looking for Lord Hamish well I am sorry to inform you that he left a few days ago, he will be back in about two days" I told her,
"I know, well actually, I am his daughter" she replied.

"What?!" I asked in disbelief,
"Yes, I am Penelope Greenwood" she said. I knew Lord Hamish had a daughter all these years but I had never seen her before, I only saw her staring out of the windows once in a while but I never really noticed what she actually looked like. I was also shocked to find out she was the girl I met at the market. I took a bow as I remembered how much importance she had, I mean, she was the daughter of Lord Hamish.
"Well, is there anything you would like me to help with" I asked respectfully
"Everything is quite alright Alistair, I have Yesenia here to help me" she said as she gestured towards the maid.

"The weather is quite remarkable today, don't you agree Alistair?" she asked me with a smile
"Uh, y-yes" I replied nervously. She tapped the bench signaling for me to sit next to her. I hesitated at first, but then I sat. We both sat in silence for about a minute before she finally spoke up.
"You know, I have lived her all my life and yet I have never explored the length and breadth of this place. I have never actually gone outside before, unless when father takes me to go visit some of his friends. I have been locked up in this house most of my life, father is gone now so I took this as an opportunity. Of course if father was around he would definitely not allow me. Would you do me a favor and not tell him about this?" she asked me,
"Of course" I replied.

"Would you mind showing me around?" she asked,
"Oh, no, I don't, I will" I replied as I felt my face heat up.
"Penelope, should I accompany you both?" Yesenia asked,
"No thank you, we will be fine" Penelope replied.

We both started to move around the manor, I showed her different places and we talked a little along the way, Philippe watched in disbelief. I took her to the farm and showed her all the different animals.
"This is Galorian, he's my favorite" I told her as I patted the powerful stallion
"He's beautiful" she said as she ran her hands over his dark skin. I continued to show her around.
"She's gorgeous isn't she!" Lily said as she flew out of my pouch
"Get down!" I yelled as I shoved her head back into the pouch.
"What was that?" Penelope asked as she looked back
"Nothing!" I replied nervously.

"Well, um, my lady.." I was saying before she cut me off saying "Penelope will be just fine".
"Oh, well okay, just, why did you pretend to be Patricia the other day?" I asked,
"Is it not obvious? I so desperately want to leave this way of life, being locked up for days, hardly being able to talk to anyone, I want to be free Alistair" she said. I understood her, I could not imagine myself living that kind of life, so restricted, hardly being able to talk to or even see people.

"I understand, I'm sorry, I can't imagine being locked up all day, but don't you think your father is only trying to protect you?" I asked her.
"For God's sake! I am not a child anymore, I can protect myself" she replied.
"You do not have the slightest idea of what the world is really like. For someone like me, I know how dangerous it is out there. We are all lucky to even be alive, living in a kingdom ruled by a ruthless tyrant, our lives are at risk every day. People suffer every single day and nothing is done about it, especially children, it sickens me" I said.

Penelope stared at me without saying a word,
"I know you won't understand, but please just believe me" I told her with a smile
"So are you saying you are in support of my father locking me up all my life?" she asked.
"No, but still, you don't realize how lucky you are" I told her
"Whatever you say Alistair" Penelope said as she crossed her arms.



People ran for their lives as they were pursued by an unknown evil. One that had already claimed the lives of many not too long ago. They screamed as their bodies were severed and were struck by an unknown force that killed them almost instantly. A mother ran with her husband, trying to escape the evil that lurked behind them. Her children had already been killed, her husband was the only person she had left.

As they ran, they heard the screams of their relatives and friends as they were all brutally massacred. They had been running for a long time, they looked behind and noticed that the demon had wiped out almost their entire village was gone. They fell to the ground from exhaustion, they also rejoiced as they thought they had escaped. But then, suddenly, a black spear went through her husband's heart, as he slowly died, a strange darkness started to surround his body.
"NO!!" She cried, she held on to his body but he was already long gone.

The woman watched as the demon approached her, the demon suddenly wrinkled it's hands making the woman's legs break. The woman screamed in pain.

"YOU DEMON! WHO ARE YOU?!" The woman asked,
"There is no need to know, I will be killing you any second now" it replied. 
"Why? Killing innocent people? For what reason?!" the woman asked, "Because it's fun!" The demon said as it spun around in excitement.
"Killing people, purely for your amusement, what kind of monster are you?!"
"The best kind!"
"You're sick"
"I know" the demon replied with a smile before driving a spear through the woman's heart killing her.


The next day, I was sitting on the field and staring into the sky again, then I heard someone call my name. I looked back and noticed it was Penelope, she walked towards me
"Is there something I can help you with?" I asked
"Not really, well this is the last day before father arrives so I just wanted to have a word with you" she said as she sat next to me
"You shouldn't be here" I told her "Oh please, what is the worse that could happen" she asked.

"So I was wondering, maybe you could take me on a little adventure, just show me a couple of places around and then we will return" Penelope requested.
"My apologies, but I must respectfully decline. I will not be held responsible if something happens to you" I told her.
"Please! Just this one time" she begged with a pout, something told me that no matter how many time I refused she would not stop nagging me, so I eventually gave in.

"Well, fine, but only in return for something" I told her
"Of course! If it is money you want then I have plenty of that" she said as she handed me a small purse. As I opened it I was beyond shocked to find tons of gold coins.
"Jesus Christ! That's a fortune, I- I don't even get paid this much!" I said as I placed my hand over my mouth.
"So, will you do it?" she asked,
"Of course! When can we leave?" I asked
"Right now! Let me have a change of clothes" she said as she ran off.

A few minutes later, she came back wearing a more basic dress than she had on earlier.
"Alright, we'll leave now" I told her as I got up.

She led me by hand to the back of the manor, I was confused as she finally stopped at the front of a mossy wall covered by weeds. She suddenly climbed through a gap in the wall, all my years of working at the manor I had not noticed it. I laughed as I followed behind her, it was a tight fit but I forced myself through.

We finally made it out of the manor. And into the busy streets filled with people, her eyes lit up with wonder as we walked.

"So, where do we go first?" I asked her.
"Just show me all of your favorite places!" she said excitedly.

I showed her places I went with Philippe, I showed her some of my favorite spots to relax and also introduced her to some of my friends.

"So, Alistair, tell me about yourself" she asked as she snacked on some bread.
"Well, there isn't exactly much to say. Just a man that works for your father"
"Tell me what your childhood was like". My eyes darkened, I did not expect to be asked that question, but I could not dump all of my sorrows on her so I just brushed it off.
"My childhood? Nothing remarkable, just like the usual" I lied.

Along the way, I also learned some aspect of Penelope's life, and from the look on her face I could tell how happy she was. The last place I showed her was a small river I used to sit by. It helped me whenever I wanted to clear my head.

"You know, my mother always told me, that if you tell a river all of your dreams and wishes, they might come true" Penelope said.
"Hmm, I've never heard of that before"
"How about we give it a try?"
"Fine, what do you wish for?" I asked, she thought for a while then moved closer to the river,
"River, I wish to be happy, and to be free" she said.
"Alistair, it's your turn" she said tapping my shoulder. I moved closer to the river and thought for a while, and then it finally came to me
"I wish, I wish that the kingdom could be a better place. Where everyone could be treated fairly, and children could play happily, knowing that they have a future ahead" I said.

"Wow Alistair, that's beautiful. Let's both hope my mother was right" Penelope said
"Hmm, you're right" I said. I realized that the sun was already beginning to set.
"Wow, Penelope, it's getting late, we better head back!" I said as I took her hand and began to rush back to the manor.

We finally got back to the manor, we both crawled through the gap chuckling. She thanked me for tagging along and we discussed the possibility of doing it often before we said our goodbyes.


I went to bed happier than I had ever been in a very long time. I finally got to see most of the capital. Whenever I used to sneak out, I could never really enjoy the experience because of the fear of being caught or hurt. But with Alistair, I felt safe, and so happy.

The following day, my father returned. I was in my room the moment he returned, I could hear him laughing with and speaking to another person, "Another friend" I said to myself. I sat on my bed thinking about nothing in particular but then I heard Yesenia's voice behind my door asking to come in, I sighed and let her know she could.

She hurried into my room,
"Is there a problem?" I asked her.
"Well, your father has a very important visitor, and he just instructed me to get you dressed" Yesenia replied.
"Do you know who he is?"
"No, but he seems very rich, and important! You must look your best" she said as she started searching through my wardrobe.
"Oh! I don't know which one to pick!" she said panicking.
"Yesenia, calm down, I'm sure anything will be fine" I told her. "Anything?! Your father will have my head if you do not walk down those stairs looking like a princess!" Yesenia said. I left her to find the dress herself and after some minutes she finally did. "I think this will do" she said as she pulled out the beautiful emerald dress.

After helping me put on the dress, Yesenia helped with my hair, which also took quite some time. "Alright, you can leave now, remember to maintain proper etiquette, and your manners must be outstanding. Good luck" Yesenia told me. I smiled at her and embraced her as I headed downstairs.
"Welcome back Father" I said as I curtsied,
"Penelope! You look lovely!" my father said to me. I stared at the other man and curtsied as well, the man stared at me as if he was under a spell. He was a tall man with hard features, he was quite intimidating. A long scar ran all the way from his left temple to his chin. He was still rather handsome, and I could tell he was a little younger than my father.

"Penelope, allow me to introduce you to Lord Thomas Baldwin" my father said
"It is a pleasure to meet you" I said as I curtsied again.
"The pleasure is mine my lady" Lord Thomas said as he took my hand and kissed it softly.
"Baldwin, this is my lovely daughter Penelope" my father said to him
"I see" he replied as he smiled at me. This man and my father continued to talk again while I stood in silence. My father ordered some servants to get Lord Thomas something to eat, "Penelope, come here" my father instructed
"Yes father?" I replied.
"What do you think of Lord Baldwin?" he asked, I was not sure how to reply, I had just met him,
"Well, I think he is alright" I replied. Then my father stared at me and walked away.

I let them both continue their discussion while I stood at the balcony staring at the afternoon sun. I heard someone whisper my name, I looked below and saw Alistair waving at me. I felt my face light up just at the sight of him, I waved back at him. "Who's the man with your father?" he asked
"No idea" I replied.
"So when next can we go on an adventure princess?"
"I am not a princess!" I replied angrily "Well, you live in a big house, have lots of money, wear fancy dresses, and you have an overprotective father. You sure sound like a princess to me" he said as he laughed.
"Be quiet! Now get back to work before I call my father!" I said as I laughed
"Alright, alright" he said as he ran off.

I smiled as I watched him run off, he was the reason I had become happier than usual, and I was already looking forward to the next time we would escape together again. I suddenly felt someone gently tap my shoulder, I turned around and my eyes met with Lord Thomas Baldwin. He was so tall I had to look up to see his face properly.
"Lady Penelope, do you mind if we have a little talk?" he asked,
"Not at all" I replied with a smile. He sat on one of the seats on the balcony, he invited me to sit as well.

"So, Penelope, tell me about yourself" he asked suddenly.
"Oh, there's really nothing much to say" I replied
"Oh come on, there must be something you can tell me"
"Oh well, I just enjoy reading, daydreaming and knitting. My life sounds quite boring am I right?" I asked as I laughed, he let out a soft laugh as well.
"Hmm, I bet there's a lot of things you have always wanted to try Penelope. Have you ever ridden a horse?" he asked
"No, I haven't actually" I replied
"Ever gone for a swim? Ever been to the carnival?"
"Lord Baldwin, I'm afraid not" I replied.

"Hmm, well that's a shame, and do feel free to call me Thomas my lady" he said as he took my hand and kissed it again.
"Oh God no, that would be improper" I told him
"Hmm. Well, Penelope, let's say I took you out to try all of these things you have always wanted to, would you be interested?" he asked. I paused for a brief moment, of course I would be interested. There were so many things I had dreamt of doing but never could do. Just the thought of riding a horse made me excited. Even swimming, I had never learnt to swim in my entire life, I always imagined what it would be like. Also going for the carnival and mixing with so many different people, these were all things I would have liked to try. "I actually would be, but I'm afraid that would be impossible, my father would never let me" I told him.

"Your father and I are friends Penelope, I am sure I could talk him into letting you. But this could only be possible if you followed me back to my home. So would you be interested in coming over to my home?" he asked. I felt excited about him offering to let me do all of these things, but the second he mentioned me coming over to his home I no longer felt interested. From the second Lord Baldwin arrived, it was obvious that he was attracted to me, even obsessed. So I was not ready to find out any other plans he had in mind if we were both alone together.

"I will have to think about that, but thank you for offering" I said with a smile.
"Alright Penelope, but do tell me when you have made up your mind" he said.
Lord Baldwin and I continued to have a pleasant conversation. He was actually very nice to talk to, behind that scary face he was actually a very kind person.

The next couple of days, Lord Baldwin continued to visit, I was not sure why, but I was about to find out. One night, I sat on my bed alone, then my father came into my room. He sat next to me in silence for a while. My father had never done this before.
"Is, is there a problem father?" I asked him
"No, actually there's great news" he replied.
"Well, what might that be father?"
"You are getting married to Lord Baldwin"

I let his words sink in, I did not want to believe that he had made that kind of decision without my knowledge.
"But, father, I can't!" I told him
"What do you mean you can't? I find it that you and Lord Baldwin get along quite well" he replied.
"Well yes, but I don't want to get married to him! I barely even know him!"
"You will get to know him after years of marriage Penelope. I assure you that you will be well taken care of, you will never lack anything in life" my father said as he got up.
"I DON'T WANT TO GET MARRIED TO HIM FATHER! IT'S MY LIFE! YOU CANNOT MAKE THAT KIND OF DECISION FOR ME!" I yelled before I realized the repercussions of what I just did.

The next thing I felt was a slap across my face,
"DON'T YOU EVER RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME AGAIN PENELOPE! YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED TO LORD BALDWIN AND THAT IS FINAL!" my father screamed at me. I just stared at the ground and rubbed my cheek,
"You are well over the age to get married Penelope! In the next two days I will send you to visit Lord Baldwin. You will have time to get to know him more, preparations have already begun for the wedding. Ensure you are on your best behavior throughout the visit, I don't want Lord Baldwin losing interest in you before the wedding can take place. Work all of your feminine charms on him, I will have someone come to get you when the day is over" my father said as he left my room.

I felt a tear streak down my face. Just when I thought things could not possibly get worse, I was getting married to a man I barely even knew, a man I did not even love. I had read books about love, and always wondered if I could be in the shoes of those characters. Love is a wonderful feeling, one that I have always longed to experience. Not the kind of love I felt from my mother while she was still alive, but the love experienced between two lovers. Since I was a little girl I always dreamt about my wedding day, about getting married to the love of life.

But this meant I could never experience that feeling again. I knew there was no way I could talk my father out of it, if there was one thing I knew about my father, it was that once he has made his mind up about something he never changes his mind. "What do I do?" I asked myself.

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