Born For This (F.S)

By frannyverse

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Heavy is the crown but never for a Queen. Home & Again Spin-off Started: April 2nd, 2020 Based on Born For Th... More

cast + details
0. the night before
1. reflections
3. do what i want, say what you say
4. listen up little girl
5. a-yo
6. mad styles
7. getting it together
8. reminder (M)
9. familiar pains
10. aquarius moon
11. uptight girl

2. time to grow up

201 12 22
By frannyverse

Freya P.O.V

Watching my siblings leave was harder than I thought it would be. I didn't hit me until the moment happened that this could be the last time I see them and they see me. I almost wanted to go after them just to make sure they'll be okay but I don't. Sometimes you just have to hope that the universe will be kind to those you love.

I let out a breath I was holding in as Blythe's car faded more and more until it was there no more. The boys had left an hour before her because they were going to the airport headed for Italy. Blythe had a long drive ahead of her since she insisted on not flying. The only reason my parents agreed was because Ace came down and would be there for her.

I heard heels behind me letting me know my mother was coming down. I turn noticing my father not too far behind also.

"You ready to go? It's going to be a long flight to Mexico but you'll be happy to hear Chema is expecting you as well."

"When do we see Esther and my uncle Nathan?" I ask eager to know. I haven't seen them in nearly a year because they lived in Colombia still. I haven't been to Colombia again since I was 13 I believe.

"Hopefully after seeing Chemo. We have to pack up something for him and then take it down to them." My mother explains and I nod to myself.

Once my father meets us at the bottom of the steps we get into the car then drive off. I look back to the house taking it in one last time. Who knew when we were going to come back but I know it will be along time before I miss it. I say one last goodbye in my head to our neighborhood and the houses around it. Over the years we had many neighbors but we never got to socialize much with them. No one was really allowed to come over so that sucked.

I admire the sight of the coast as we drive by it because who knew when I would see it again too. I know my mom wasn't a fan of living in the South so close to the ocean but I always did.

My parents started talking amongst themselves and after listening I lost interest. They were discussing renovations for the new house they plan on getting close to Paris. Now that we're all out of the house my mom can go back to living away from the coast.

I go on my phone instead to see what I can entertain myself with. I was almost half way done with an episode I was watching of my favorite show when my father calls out my name sharply.

"Freya have you heard anything I said?" He questions with a sense of urgency as my blood goes cold.

How could something be going wrong already?

"No I'm sorry. What's going on?" I say trying to keep my voice under control.

"There has been a car following us since we left the city. I need you to turn around and tell me what you see the Rover doing while I try to lose it!" He instructs accelerating the speed of the car a bit.

I do as he says right away and indeed see a grey Rover that was close to tail gating us.

"He's speeding up too Dad!" I inform him as my father changes lanes getting closer to the next exit.

"Harry what do we do? Who do you think it could be and why would they dare now?" My mother demands.

"I don't know Eleanor! Call Esther and let her know what's going on and text Eliza too. Freya keep your eyes on that car but call the guards and see if your siblings are okay. Tell them to keep their guard up but make sure they don't let your siblings know anything is wrong." My father barks and we get too it.

"Blake is everyone safe?" I demand once the twin's guard answers.

"Yes. We are waiting by the gates to board soon. Is something wrong Ms. Styles?"

"Please don't tell them anything is wrong but keep your eyes out. Someone is following our car since we left the city and my Dad is trying to lose them." I breath cursing when I notice that the Rover is getting close again. I slap the back of my Dad's seat to let him know and I hear him curse.

"Absolutely. Do you want me to send people your way?" He offers.

"I don't know. I'll call to let you know but please just make sure my brothers stay safe. I need to check on Blythe now."

"Your sister is well so far. I checked in with Ramon before you called and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I can call to inform him what's going on if you wish."

"Thank you Blake please do." I say before hanging up.

"Everyone is fine. The guards know what's going on and Blake will inform Ramon." I tell both my parents but I don't think they're hearing me.

I was about to repeat myself when the sound of glass shattering gets my attention. I look back and see that our back window has been shot at but thankfully it didn't go further beyond that. I could have literally almost died just now.


I don't question him or try suggesting anything else because in this moment I'm terrified myself. If there is one thing I can't do it's not being in control or taken by surprise. I don't even know where to begin to help my parents but I know I wasn't going to stress them out more than they already were.

My mom turns over and leans her head down to where I can see her face. She holds out a hand to me that I grateful take. I think she needed more than I did or maybe that's just what I'm telling myself so I stay calm.

"Please stay down Freya while we figure this out. These people obviously want us dead so let us handle it." My mother gives me a firm look.

I was going to respond when another shoot is let off and this time it does through the windshield. I couldn't help but let out a scream as this gets more real. My mom's face turns pales before looking over to my father. She never let's my hand go thankfully but I do hold it tighter.

"Harry when you get off try to go into this town so we can drop Freya off."

"What?" I shout.

"Are you fucking crazy Eleanor? We can't drop off Freya somewhere and leave her now!" My father looks at her as if he wants to slap the shit out of my mom.

"Harry whatever happens needs to happen only to us. Freya needs to get to the safe house and get the rest of the kids together while we sort it out." My mother ignore the glare he gives her.

I see how my father takes a moment to think about it and changes lanes again to get off now. I could feel the blood pumping in my veins as pure fear starts to take over. That can't happen.

"I don't want to leave you guys. Please don't make me stay behind. Please, I can't go on to wonder if I'll ever hear from you again." My voice comes out pathetic and small. I feel like a four year old again talking like this but it makes sense since this one of my childhood fears.

My mother snaps her gaze down to me and I'm ready to hear it.

"Freya we need you to be there for Archie, Landon, and Blythe. I need to know the four of you are together and safe. I'm sorry but you're just not ready to handle something like this baby. Please understand that." My mother talks to me with such gentleness instead taking me by surprise.

I want to argue but the look in her eye tells me that this is what she needs from me in this moment. I swallow my words and nod instead. The lump in my throat makes me scared to open my mouth because I fear I'll start to cry. My mom must know somehow I'm feeling because she spends the next few minutes trying to soothe me until I feel the car come to a stop.

Right away they both get out and so do I. I notice the time seeing that it's nearly midnight and that the streets were nearly dead in this city. My heart is hammering loud but we all wrap our arms one another just thankful to still be alive.

"Do you think we lost them?" My mom asks.

"I didn't stop the car until I was 100% sure Eleanor. What do we do now? We can't just leave Freya here in the middle of nowhere."

Instead of answering my mom reaches into her purse then hands me a stack of money. My eyes widen but not because of the money but because the next thing I receive from her is a gun.

"Go inside that hotel over there and get a room for the night. Call Louis to come get you. He's the closest one of your father's friend right now distance wise." My mom instructs me but I can't bring myself to talk yet.

She sees that I'm struggling and takes me into her arms again.

"Everything will be okay my love. There has been yet a situation your father and I haven't been able to get out of. This may be the last time we see each other for a bit while things calm down." She says hugging me tightly and I hold her to me even tighter.

I don't have it in me anymore to deny myself to feel what I'm feeling.

"Please don't go. Please stay with me and let's all back together." I beg sobbing into my mom's shirt.

"Baby we can't put you in anymore danger-"

"Please Mom. I don't want to lose you guys, I don't to leave you, and I don't want you to leave me." I cry even harder and that seems to break her.

She begins to cry as well but my Dad gets her attention.

"We have to go Eleanor. We aren't safe being out like this and neither is Freya." He says as if what I just said didn't happen.

My mother's hold on me loosens but I hold her to me so she can't let go. It was my father's arms who managed to get my grip off her and turns me around so I'm facing him now.

"Get in the car Eleanor and start it. Let me talk to Freya alone."

"Harry maybe we shouldn't-" My mother tried to say but she's cut off.

"Eleanor go." He uses a tone that leaves no room for arguing. Even I knew that it was hopeless to beg when he started talking like that.

I feel my mom's lips at the back of my head and she whispers quickly that she loves me. I hold onto my dad more beginning to accept that I wasn't going to get my way. That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt so I cry harder than before feeling my chest starting to tighten up and it's getting harder to breathe.

My father pulls away to look at me placing both hands on either side of my face. He looks into my eyes firmly letting me know I had to snap out of it before he made me. Right now was not the time at all for this.

"I love you more than my own life little bird. Your mother and I have gone through worse but you need to do your part now. You need to go back to our family and make sure nothing happens. As soon as we are able too you'll here from us and I hope to god that you will see us sooner. But if this gets dragged out you need to be strong. Can you do that for me?" He questions not letting me look away.

All I want to do is cry but I know it's not going to help. I nod to let him know I understand and he leans down to press a kiss against my forehead.

"Go to the hotel now Freya and don't come out until Louis is here. Your mother and I will stay long enough to see you go in but after that we're gone. Keep yourself alive please." He let's me go and I notice a tear go down his cheek.

I reach up to wipe it away letting some of my own fall.

"Please keep yourselves alive. I love you Dad." I whisper and he nods for me to go on.

I don't know how I do it but somehow I make one foot walk in front of the other until I'm standing in front of the Hotel entrance. I feel strangely numb on the inside wondering what will happen next. More than anything I hope that they will be okay. Not being able to help myself I look back to see my parents in the car, and just as they start to drive down the street multiple cars appear at once, and drive past me instantly surrounding them. My eyes widen in fear as men with guns jump out shouting for my parents to get out. I don't understand how this is happening? My father had lost them hadn't he? How did they find them?

I have to stop myself from screaming or doing anything stupid because I'll just get myself killed and then what was it all for? I watch as both of my parents step out with their hands in the air. They are quickly patted down before they guided into one of the cars. My mom takes a chance to look back to the hotel and her eyes meet mine. I don't need to read minds to know what she's trying to say.

A/N: I'm like obsessed with this story and with you guys finding out everything. So here's another update lol.

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