Female Frisk and Chara x Male...

By Possibly-a-Unique_Na

208K 4.9K 2.5K

I can't believe I'm doing this Cant get this out of mind no matter how many days passed Welp hope you will b... More

A distant memory
Chapter 1-Past Events
Chapter 2 Oh no
Chapter 3 Little visitor
Chapter 4 Glow
Chapter 5 Falling Angels
Chapter 6 Caretaker
Chapter 7 Sins of the Wicked
Chapter 8 Judgement
Chapter 9 Falling into Place
Chapter 10 Monsters
Chapter 11 New Playmates
Chapter 12 Magic?
Chapter 13 Trouble
Chapter 14 New Roommates
Chapter 15 Order up
Chapter 16 Just Vistiting
Chapter 17 Outcomes
Chapter 18 Reload
Chapter 19 A Fight
Chapter 20 Conversation
Chapter 21 Training
Chapter 22 Secrets
Chapter 23 Determined
Chapter 24 Another
Chapter 25 Cook
Chapter 26 Story
Chapter 27 Glass
Chapter 28 No Mercy
Chapter 29 Hidden Room
Chapter 30 Morning
Chapter 31 Shopping
Chapter 32 Normal
Chapter 33 Movie Night
Chapter 34 Red
Chapter 35 Honesty
Chapter 36 Unexpected
Chapter 37 Nightmare
Chapter 38 Bad Timing
Chapter 39 Trapped
Chapter 40 Gift
Chapter 41 Plan
Chapter 42 Trip
Heads Up
Chapter 43 Flowers
Chapter 44 Accomplish
Chapter 45 Sweet
Chapter 46 Hot
Chapter 47 Spar
Chapter 48 Gossip
Chapter 49 Basket
Chapter 50 Call
Chapter 51 Dream
Chapter 52 Settle
Chapter 53 Kingdom
Chapter 54 Dress Up
Chapter 55 Clone
Chapter 56 Tux
Chapter 57 Special
Chapter 58 Conversation
Chapter 59 Form
Chapter 60 Original
Chapter 61 New Underground
Chapter 62 Greetings
Chapter 63 Castle
Chapter 64 Surface
Chapter 65 Blaze
Chapter 66 Chat
Chapter 67 Family Reunion
Chapter 68 Ink
Chapter 69
Chapter 70 Error
Chapter 71 Truce
Chapter 72 Forgiveness
Chapter 73 Crystals
Chapter 74 Touchy
Chapter 75 SS!Chara
Chapter 76 Door to Door
Chapter 77 Dance Lesson
Chapter 78 Round Two
Chapter 79 Bath
Chapter 80 SS!Toriel
Chapter 81 King Bonely
Chapter 82 King Bonely Part 2
Chapter 83 Bright Sky
Chapter 84 Blackout
Chapter 85 Blind
Chapter 86 Humming Bird
Chapter 87 New Universe
Chapter 88 Unwanted Visit
Chapter 89 Temmies
Chapter 90 Temptations
Chapter 91 Smut-SF!Chara
Chapter 92 Tems
Chapter 93 Couch
Chapter 94 Babe
Chapter 95 Crown
Chapter 96 Prize
Chapter 97 Truth
Chapter 98 Properly
Chapter 99 Make-Up
Chapter 100 Dinner with her Parents
Chapter 101 Returning
Chapter 102 Back Home
Chapter 103 Throne Room Meeting
Chapter 104 Judges
Chapter 105 Sleepover
Chapter 106 Grilby
Chapter 107 Sweet Shop
Chapter 108 Meeting Charlotte
Chapter 109 Coffee
Chapter 110 Sweet Shop
Chapter 111 Movie Night again
Chapter 113 Invites
Chapter 114 Blood
Chapter 115 Ceremony
Chapter 116 Speech Speech Speech
Chapter 117 First Dance
Chapter 118 Duet
Chapter 119 Birthday Present
Chapter 120 Grey Door
Chapter 121 Black Swarm
Chapter 122 Gatekeeper
Chapter 123 Eyes on Family
Chapter 124 Words
Chapter 125 Trap Door
Chapter 126 Deal
Chapter 127 Materials
Chapter 128 Preparing
Chapter 129 News
Chapter 130 Babum
Chapter 131 Artificial
Chapter 132 Void
Chapter 133 Popo
Chapter 134 Sparring
Chapter 135 Just hanging out
Chapter 136 Date with Frisk
Chapter 137 Ebbot Park
Chapter 138 AMS
Chapter 139 A Long Chat
Chapter 140 Soul Touching
Chapter 141 Answers
Chapter 142 War Cry
Chapter 143 Date with Chara Pt.1
Chapter 144 Date with Chara Pt.2
Chapter 145 Date with Chara Pt.3
Chapter 146 Second Best
Chapter 147 Good News and Good Byes
Chapter 148 Return to SF!
Chapter 149 Bringing Along
Chapter 150
(Y/N) Profile

Chapter 112 Flower Arch

784 22 3
By Possibly-a-Unique_Na

No one's POV

*Someone entered inside (Y/N)'s house...
*That someone notices (Y/N) in a harem like situation.Now they are feeling jealous and mad.

<It's Muffet...The Spiders open the door>
*Muffet sees Chara and Frisk on your arms.
*She also sees SS!Frisk laying above you and you're using her thighs as a pillow.
*SS!Chara is laying between your legs and her head on your stomach.

*Muffet quietly crawls towards the ceiling and slowly stringed down to (Y/N)'s body.Muffet try's to not wake anyone up...But fails
*(Y/N) opens his eyes and turns his face to the ceiling
*Muffet is not moving a muscle
*(Y/N) used Grey Magic to communicate
<You talking in Grey Magic will be in italic>

"What are you doing in my home and how did you even get in?"

*Muffet used purple spider webs to reply

"I'm here for that letter"Muffet
"It's in my jacket pocket"
"Which one?"Muffet
"It's the one being guarded by the sleeping Chara"
"She's blocking it"Muffet
"Tell me why are you here"
*Muffet makes a purple spider web so she can sit

"I'm here for to tell you that letter was a mistake.That was from my little Dearies"Muffet
"So you don't know what's in this letter?"
"Just give it to me"Muffet
"I see..But I'll give it back later"
"I want it now"Muffet
"I can't move"
"I'll give it back later"
"Tell me what's written in there"Muffet
"Nah it will be interesting this way"
*Muffet audibly sighs
"Fine I'll be waiting"Muffet
"Ok..and please ask to come by instead of breaking in"
*Muffet smiles and cleans up the spider webs then leaves
*Frisk and Chara wakes up from the sound of the closing door.
*Chara opens her eyes and sees SS!Chara on your stomach.
"That's a dangerous spot you're in"Chara
*(Y/N) rubs Chara's head
"I let it sli-"Chara
*Chara snuggles towards (Y/N)
"Aren't you too close to (Y/N) Frisk?"Frisk
"Where is she?"
"You're on her leg"Frisk
*You gently tilted your head backwards

"Oh I thought I this was a pillow"
*Frisk pinches (Y/N)'s right cheek
"Don't describe it"Frisk
"I bet you're happy"Chara
"Well this is one morning I never thought would happen so...Yeah I am"
*Chara pinches (Y/N) left cheek
"Chara please let go"
"It hurts"
*Chara let's go and kisses (Y/N) left cheek
"There I made it better"Chara
"Yes you did"(Y/N)
*Frisk kisses (Y/N) right cheek
"Copy cat"Chara
"Get your own style"Chara
*Frisk got up and kisses your lips
*Chara pushes Frisk off the bed
"We got guests here"Chara
*SS!Chara wakes up

*SS!Chara notices her situation and blushes
"Just sleep"
*Chara pinches your cheek again
*SS!Chara quickly gets off the bed

"No"(Y/N) groaned
"Shut up"Chara and SS!Chara
*SS!Frisk wakes up
"Why are you guys so..."SS!Frisk
"Frisk get away from (Y/N)"Frisk
*SS!Frisk gets away from you and your head fell on the bed
"No"(Y/N) groaned
"Shut up"Frisk
"Quit making us mad"Chara
"Ok ok..So is there anything else I miss when I was gone?"(Y/N)
"So I guess I can relax today"(Y/N)
"And you're fine with that?"(Y/N)
"Yeah..You said you're tired so just do what you want to do"Chara
"Funny because relaxing wasn't the only thing I want to do"(Y/N)
"I said it on instinct"
"My instinct to make lov-"(Y/N) said and was pushed off the bed by Chara

*You're on the floor and Frisk looked down at you
"Did you fell for me?" Frisk smiling
"I fell hard for you"(Y/N)
*Frisk squats down
"Do you need someone to heal you?"Frisk
*Frisk chuckles and kisses (Y/N) right cheek
"Now get back on the bed and we'll make breakfast"Frisk

*(Y/N) laid back on the bed
"Ok..Don't make a mess like last time"
"That because we didn't know that Undyne would go crazy"Frisk
"Heh it was fun right?"
"Yeah..Ok I'll be back"Frisk
"Chara let's make breakfast"Frisk
"What kind?"Chara
"Well we still have some..."Frisk voice grows faintly

Your POV

*You turned around and laid on your stomach.You see SS!Frisk on the couch.
"Hey Frisk I had to ask..How did I get my head on your legs?"
*SS!Frisk blushes
"I-I don't r-remember"SS!Frisk
"I think you do"
*SS!Frisk laid on her back
"Well it felt very relaxing..Maybe I should give you some reward"
"(Y/N) you know I'm still here right?"SS!Chara
"...Of course I do..I was just waiting to hear your heavenly voice"
"Mhmm.I won't tell the others but I want something in return"SS!Chara
"Name it"
"I want to cuddle"SS!Chara
"Then hurry before they get mad"
*SS!Chara lays with you and you put your right arm around her

*SS!Chara smiles and gets cozy
"So how did you end up between my legs?"
*SS!Chara stays silent
"I guess you did it in your sleep"
"So you subconsciously wanted to do it again"
"Don't tease me"SS!Chara
"But you miss it don't you?"
*SS!Chara turns red
"Let's continue that later.I wanted to hear that heavenly voice so bad"
"Shut up!"SS!Chara loudly whispered
"Heh so cute.."
"So she did take the chance to have some time with you"Chara
"Sleep"you whispered
"I heard that!Now get up and eat with us or I'm going to throw it all in the trash"Frisk
*You quickly got up
"What happened to sleep?"SS!Chara
"Well they really never cook at all so I'm excited to taste what they made"you said and got off the bed
"Well I see why they don't"SS!Chara following after

*You woke up the Asriels and SS!Chara got Frisk

*You all went over to the table and see the living room table against the dining table
<There's only room for 4 people in the dining table>

(So thoughtful)
*The humans sat on the dining table.You and the Asriels sat on the other.
*You all see bacon and eggs with a side of French toast with syrup and slice of butter on top.
*You see the Asriels drowsily eating and you ate as well

"Wow this is better than I thought"
"Well training with Undyne isn't all that we did"Frisk
"This is what we perfected during trial and error"Chara
"So how many times did you burn the toast?"
. .
"We didn't"Chara
"Shut up and eat already"Chara
*You continued eating and when everyone was finished Frisk and Chara washed the dishes
*The Asriels and the SS!Girls went back into the kitchen
*You stayed behind and watch your humans cleaning.
*Frisk turns around
"Why are you staring?"Frisk
"Because this is a new view I never saw before.So I'm happily enjoying watching you"
"Stop it!"Frisk
"I can feel your stares!"Frisk
"You don't like my stares?"
"Not when I can't see you!"Frisk
"Aww..Fine But want me to help?"
"No!I know what you're gonna do"Frisk
*You gave a flirty stare
"I guess I'll try a new way to make your heart race"

*Frisk blushes and you left the table then you sat on the couch

"Hey (Y/N) can we go to the Underground Entrance?"Asriel
"To see the flowers?"
"Well let's ask Frisk and Chara when they finish"
"Ok..You guys will love it.(Y/N) has been secretly growing it"Asriel

"Well that's something I want private.Most Monsters here isn't exactly kind to me.So I feel like if I tell the whole Underground, they would all stomp on the flowers just to see it"
"Can we see?"SS!Frisk
"Of course.Why wouldn't you"
"Because you seem to like to keep it secret"SS!Frisk
"I do..but it's very lonely when you hear only the wind blowing around you.But it's a peaceful place to take a nap"
"Yup..I guess we can have a picnic there"
"That's ok we just..never see other flowers besides Buttercups and Echo Flowers"SS!Chara
"Oh..Well then let's definitely go.I want to see your reactions"
"What are you guys talking about?"Frisk
"Chara..Frisk can we see the Flower Fields?"Asriel
"Sure but you can ask (Y/N)"Chara
"(Y/N) wanted to know what you want"Asriel
"Let's go then...(Y/N)?"Frisk
"I'm waiting for everyone to agree"
*Everyone agreed to see the flower fields and after that you plan to visit the Lab..To clean up unfinished business.
*You Portal your way to the long purple hallway lead to the flower fields
"Why did you make a portal here?"Chara
"To build some tension"
"Well I hope you like it"Frisk
"Like what?"
"You'll see"Chara

*You all entered through the doorway and see the Flower Field..It changed..In a big way.

*You see a red-brownish stone pathway looping around the Buttercups and ending towards the entrance.Theres also white wooden fences bordering the edges of the cave walls and one large leafy flower arch made of Roses and Buttercups at the front of the pathway.

*Your eyes are widened and slowly scanning the new scenery.
*Frisk and Chara got in front of you and waved their hands in front of you.You snapped back into reality and you hugged Frisk and Chara.
"Waoh, (Y/N)"Chara
"Why the sudden hug?"Frisk
"Because I didn't think I could love you more than ever"
*They hugged back
"Now let go"Frisk
"They're staring"Chara
*You let go..You had a happy expression
"That's a new look"Frisk
"We never seen you smile this much before"Chara
"Well because I never been in love this much before"

*They both blushed
"Quit it!"Frisk
"Just go and walk around already!"Chara
*You and Asriel walked along the brown pathway and admiring the flower arch as you pass by..You see new breed of flowers and see the vines on the walls cleaned off.You continued to walk around and created an energy field below your feet and stepped up until you look like your levitating over the flowers.
"Oh I didn't want to step on them..This is something new that I will thoroughly enjoy taking my time admiring"
"Can I walk with you..or float?"Asriel
"Sure"You said and picked up Asriel using blue magic.You made him stood beside you and making your energy floor field a bit larger.

*You took Asriel's hand and walked over the flowers slowly.
"This is pretty cool"Asriel
"Heh..Did you help in this?"
"..What makes you say that?"Asriel

"Well..first you were very eager to visit this
place.Two, Frisk and Chara seem to quickly hop along with your idea.Three, these materials can't be made in Snowdin so the only place they could safely get these would be from the Kingdom in which Undyne so happens to be Posted at the Throne Room in which she could pass along a secret request from you....And you weren't surprise in seeing this.That was the biggest hint"
"(Sigh)You're too good at analyzing"Asriel

"Well I have to.To keep me and everyone safe"
"But you didn't even let me surprise you!"Asriel

"Heh you did..You're very conservative before but now you're opening up and talking to everyone so easily.You've grown into a outstanding little brother during my time away.Maybe I should leave again so you could be more Prince Like"
"Heh just kidding bro.I'm taking you to see a cool place later.As in a different Universe"
"Um soon I hope..As long there's no complications in said Universe"
"Will Rei and the other humans come?"Asriel
"Well if they want.I'm sure they want to go home though"
"Don't worry there's another cool Asriel that you could be friends with"
"But I like this Asriel..He seems cool like you"Asriel
"Well maybe another time.When everyone seems to know each other"
*You and Asriel finished admiring the flowers and finally sat in the middle in the patch of Buttercups.
*You see SS!Group playing and running around the flower field

*Frisk and Chara walked up to you
"You like?"
*You smiled
"I like very much so.Did Undyne or Alphys helped out?"
"Did Alphys help you make that arch because that's too symmetrical for you two to make it.Compared to that black sweater you-"
"That isn't the same!"Frisk
"You can't compare that to that arch!"Chara
"Maybe but I never seen you two craft anything that big before so I can only guess"
"Well...you're right..We asked her to help"Chara
"Stop being you and just relax like you planned"Frisk
"Heh ok"

*You gently laid back on the flowers and see the dimmed light at the hole of the surface.You closed your eyes and hear the humans voices and feel the flow of the wind.
*You sense Asriel and the humans joining you and sense them relaxing
*The SS!Group walked over to you
"Are they sleeping?"SS!Frisk
"Well he said this is a peaceful place to rest"SS!Chara
"You can join in if you like"
"Ok"SS!Frisk and SS!Asriel
"I'll take your offer"SS!Chara said and feel her near your head

*You stared at SS!Chara's red eyes
*SS!Chara lays her head sideways and staring at your face
"Chara this isn't the time to play"Chara
"I'm just laying down"SS!Chara
"You don't have to stare at him"Chara
"Well it helps me relax"SS!Chara
*You smiled
*Chara pulls SS!Chara hood off
*SS!Chara looks flustered and quickly puts it back on

"Don't do that!"SS!Chara
"I don't like if that's why!"SS!Chara
"I am curious to know why as well"
"I don't have any special reason I just feel uncomfortable without it"SS!Chara
"You didn't mind when you wore that dress"
*You turned your head sideways and stare at SS!Chara
"Stop staring at me"SS!Chara
"Take it off"you whispered
*SS!Chara blocks your eyes with her left hand
*You grabbed her hand and kissed it.She pulls her hand back.You see her blushing
"Stop flirting"Frisk
"Later"you whispered
*SS!Chara covers her eyes with her hood
*You held her right hand with your right hand
*You all listen and felt the flowing air and got comfortable
*Frisk gets up and pulls your right hand in the air
"You got some nerve Chara"Frisk
"I didn't do anything!"SS!Chara
"Stealing his gazes is a big deal"Frisk
"I-i wasn't even staring at him"SS!Chara
"Acting all cute won't work on me"Frisk
*You chuckled...Frisk puts your hand down

"This is what I get for not watching you"Frisk lays down behind you and wraps your head in her arms and pulls your head to her chest
"My turn"Frisk
"Heh ok"
*Frisk kisses your head quietly
*You felt cozy and drift off to sleep

Next Time

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