Spring Bloom [TKA - The King'...

Oleh XiexieRourou

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Though revered as one of the Godly pioneer of GLORY, Li Chunhua was never given a chance to enter the Profess... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 16: SLEEP OVER I
Chapter 17: SLEEPOVER II
Chapter 19: Deflating Balloon Formation 1
Chapter 20: Deflating Balloon Formation 2
Chapter 21: HAZY MIST
Chapter 23: Spring Festival
Chapter 24: Spring Festival II
Chapter 25: Spring Festival III
Chapter 26: Spring Festival IV
Chapter 27: Entering Heavenly Domain
Chapter 28: The Mystery Man
Chapter 29: The Evasive Ye Qiu
Chapter 30: The Root of All Evil: Greed
Chapter 31: 魏陈 Wei-Chen (dedicated to Lycanine)
Chapter 32: Side Story: Guówáng, Wánghòu
Chapter 33: Side Story: The Noob King
Chapter 34: Her Gaze Had Me Scared!
Chapter 35: A New Member for Team Happy?
Chapter 36: The Three Corporate Leaders
Chapter 37: The Former and Supposed Captains I
Chapter 38: The Former and Supposed Captains II
Chapter 39: Late Night Talks: A blossoming Friendship
Chapter 40: Deception
Chapter 41: Team Ancient Dragon Forbbiden Island
Chapter 42: All Stars I: Jinx
Chapter 43: All Stars II: The Lucky Challenger
Chapter 44: BL Novel Lead Han
Chapter 45: Lot Drawing Ceremony
Chapter 46: Finals I: Lu Liang
Chapter 47: Finals II: Bargain Price
Chapter 48: Finals III: Group Arena - One Point Lead
Chapter 49: Finals IV: Finale
Chapter 50: Epilogue
Chapter 51: Extra 1 - Weibo
Chapter 52: Extra 2 - Drunken Promise
Chapter 53: Extra 3 - B*tch!


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Oleh XiexieRourou


When nostalgia hits you so hard that you wanted to kick it back!


I really don't know but I felt that this chapter was so lame.

Chapter Text

“Date?” Li Chunhua rolled her eyes as she scrutinized the shameless guy beside her.

If it was in the past, she would surely believe on it. You could even find her jumping in joy and blushing in excitement. But now? This was nothing but an empty word. An idea without its real substance.

She couldn’t help but to laugh at her old self when she remembered how happy and excited she was, the first time Ye Xiu asked her on a date.

Yes, they dated before or so how Ye Xiu chose to phrase it. They dated so many times that she now felt numb. What date? Ye Xiu was basically using her as a key to escape from home!

How Ye Xiu defined the word date was really laughable. What else could it be? Of course to play games! If after so many times and she still hadn’t noticed the difference, then she was really dumb!

This was also the biggest reason that made her realize that her Gege would never see her as a woman. If he did, then he should’ve had taken her to watch a movie, eat in a fancy restaurant, or stroll around the park. Wasn’t it the most conventional way to do a date? She was sure that the Ye Xiu that time wouldn’t lack some money to do those things! Or since they were still too young, then a cotton candy or ice cream would suffice! Was it really that hard to fulfill?

If only Ye Xiu knew what Li Chunhua was thinking, he would literally cry on the spot. He was innocent okay?! He did want to take her on a date. How was his poor fourteen years old self supposed to know what a real date was?! He even researched about it and his smart ass only understood that a date should be something that the two party involved could both enjoy. What else could it be other than playing video games?

As far as he knew, Li Chunhua seemed to be enjoying it. So he continued to do that a couple more times. Then at some point, Li Chunhua started refusing. He was really clueless and upset that time. What’s wrong? He thought they were enjoying themselves? Why was she refusing him?

How would Ye Xiu know that his actions would create such effect?!

“Yes, date! Don’t tell me you also want to attend the ALL-STAR?” Ye Xiu jokingly asked. His carefree tone only supported Li Chunhua’s idea that he was referring to that ‘date’.

“Okay, where?” Li Chunhua could only asked helplessly.

She sighed to herself. When can she graduate from being his meimei? Haist! Forget it! She had long since accepted her predicament. This was way better than nothing. She could only just wish that the girl that Ye Xiu would love would never love him back. So she could remain as his faithful meimei.

At this time, Ye Xiu already pulled her by the wrist and bade farewell from the two beauties sitting in the same table with them.

“You’ll know when we get there.” He laughed as he started leading the girl to a certain beautiful place that he knew, the girl would surely like.

Ye Xiu was someone who would let others lead him rather taking the lead himself. He didn’t like going out so that was not a problem at all. But with Li Chunhua, it was different. All the odd things? He could do that as long as it was with her. She was his greatest passion outside the GLORY.

“Wait! I still have to go back to my hotel and change clothes!” She complained as she hastily picked up her bag, put a bill on the table and nodded at Tang Rou and Chen Guo. Thankfully she had a fast APM to do all those things in one go!

“Ey, you’re already pretty in that outfit!” Ye Xiu commented while looking at Li Chunhua contentedly.

“Pretty your ass!” She stamped her feet but still let the guy lead her. A smile blossoming on her face, giving way to her pretty deep dimples.


“Where are we going, really?” She asked as the two of them walked farther and farther away from the hotel. She couldn’t pinpoint where but this scene was somehow familiar.

“You’ll know when we get there.” Ye Xiu repeated.

“I’m not some guild leader at the tenth server!!!” She snorted. Was Ye Xiu so used to copy-pasting that he brought it in real life?

“Why are you so agitated today?” Ye Xiu laughed at the girl. But in truth, he was really enjoying Li Chunhua’s pouty face.  How ke’ai!

“Because you’re making it so mysterious but you will just bring me to some internet cafe, right?!”

“Internet cafe?” Ye Xiu was bewildered. Then he remembered his inexperienced years. Oh? He was indeed curious about Li Chunhua’s opinion in their video game dates before. It seemed like she wasn’t really satisfied ah!

“You’re not bringing me to some internet cafe?” Li Chunhua asked surprised. What’s happening? Is this the end of the world?


Li Chunhua couldn’t truly believe him, though no matter how much doubt she had they were now indeed in the undeveloped part of the S City. In here, the focus was not on technology. It was even devoid of public transportation. That was why they had no choice but to walk to go here.

There were only farms, farms and farms. The place was bustling with horticulture ah! Floriculture was even particularly rich in this place! What a hidden treasure land! Any girl who would see this would really be pleased. Certainly a place for a romantic and unique date!

Wait! A date? Did Ye Xiu really planned to bring her on a true authentic date? This…she was really not sure. There was a trace of hope but her past assumptions that remained fruitless up until now only pushed her to be disheartened and quietly dismissed the idea.

“You remembered the internet cafe dates but you forgot about this?”

“Forgot about what?” Li Chunhua furrowed her eyebrows thinking that the guy had gone insane. What was this guy talking about?

“Never mind. That wasn’t important.” Ye Xiu smiled bitterly. Dark past ah! Really a dark past.

“Oh? But you seems to care about it. I know that I lost some of my memories…Did you-”

“No!” Ye Xiu suddenly answered, quite evading at that.

He really did. That was the most epic failed date that the two of them had. The reason why? He didn’t even have the spirit to narrate. Helpless. He was so helpless. He could only pray that those bored Gods wouldn’t have a free time to mess things up again. Actually he was really confused as to why those people cared about his life so much!

“Okay. Okay. No need to get angry.” Li Chunhua laughed. But she was really curious. What had happened that time? Her memory from the few months before her accident was damaged. And the time that she attended the first GLORY ALL-STAR WEEKEND fitted perfectly in that range.

She tried hard to recall it but to no avail, nothing came up other than pure headache. At the time Li Chunhua gave up from this futility, they already had reached their destination. A quite rusty gate, she must reviled.

“Is this even open? It’s more like an abandoned garden.” Li Chunhua commented as she tiptoed to see the inside more thoroughly. Compared to the other flower gardens around, this place was really unique for not being well taken care of.

“This was indeed abandoned.” Ye Xiu nodded as he crossed his arms while scrutinizing the old place. Li Chunhua couldn’t read what the guy was thinking with that lazy smile and observing eyes. But it was obvious from his stance that he was unquestionably thinking about something. Was he searching for something? No, more like he was remembering something.

“Then if it was abandoned, what are we going to do here?”

Ye Xiu will not do something to her, will he? No, Ye Xiu was not that kind of person. They even shared a bed and nothing happened. What else could the guy do to her in an unkempt old garden? And even if he decided to do something, would she really not agree to it?

Oh, Li Chunhua what were you thinking?! She must have been influenced by a devil. That stolen night really did affect her sanity. She should get herself together!!!

"You’ll know when we get there.” Ye Xiu smiled. Li Chunhua was ready to complain again about the guy’s copy-pasting habit but she stopped when Ye Xiu produced a key from his pocket.

“What? You? You’re the owner of this place? I thought you’re broke?”

“.…..” Can’t he have some property that he doesn’t want to sell even at his lowest?

Ye Xiu ignored Li Chunhua’s endless insults as he opened the rusty gate with his elegant hands. Li Chunhua watched his every movement. Those pale hands and a rusty gate in one scene were quite ironic but looked mystical.

“What are you smiling at? Let’s go.” Ye Xiu laughed as he pulled the girl by the hand.

When Li Chunhua felt Ye Xiu’s warm hand against her own, she unconsciously paused. This made Ye Xiu thought that the girl was unwilling. He looked at the girl with the slight disappointment. Li Chunhua who noticed the change in Ye Xiu raised the one side of her brow. But Ye Xiu just shook his head while bitterly laughing and  continued to lead the girl. He was shameless, why would he let her go?

“What is this place? All I see is a messed up and forgotten garden.”

“.…..why don’t you try to appreciate this beautiful mess?” Ye Xiu helplessly suggested. He was well aware of his garden’s condition. It was really forgotten by him for years.

How long since the last time he visited this garden? Right, it was when he last attended the ALL-STAR with Li Chunhua. At that time, the garden was still full of blooming flowers. It was quite a sight to behold and Li Chunhua was so happy to see it. Compared to how she reacted right now.

“If you say so, then something must be really interesting in here…given your picky nature about aesthetics.” She honestly said. She wondered if Ye Xiu even knew the meaning of beauty. He seemed like someone who only see things in neutral ground.

Li Chunhua surveyed the surrounding. There were traces of broken vases everywhere. And many of the old plantation was still intact but was sadly covered with grass vines. She felt sad all of a sudden. Something in her knew that this garden was once beautiful and full of life. But this mess also had its own beauty.

She looked at the man beside her. The sunlight only made his skin look much paler. But his amber eyes showed a trace of glint…a glint of life. Maybe Ye Xiu was no different from these beautiful flowers. They were forgotten. They were pushed down. But they still persisted up to this day. They bent through the rain. And still used the rain to continue living. Really a beautiful mess…

“...beautiful.” Li Chunhua murmured. She freak out. That was something a male lead would say when he became enchanted with the sight of his love interest, no?

Ye Xiu who was also surveying the surrounding look at the girl and caught her looking at him.

“Mmmm?” He raised the other side of his eyebrows and questioned the girl.

Li Chunhua panicked. She was caught!

“I-It’s indeed beautiful. Oh! Right! Aren’t we going to look over there?” She didn’t even wait for Ye Xiu’s answer. Li Chunhua just ran over the direction she unknowingly pointed. After running for quite sometime, she found herself in an indeed beautiful mess! She was struck with awe as she surveyed the ruins of what seemed like a mini castle inspired rose garden.

A wall was erected at the back of the garden. It was shaped into a two dimensional generic looking disney brick castle. In front of the dilapidated castle was a gazebo that was linked at the entrance by a same looking brick pathway.

She slowly stepped at the brick pathway amidst the sea of wild roses. It was a feeling akin to entering a new world. It was not a large place really but she felt like being suffocated with euphoria.

There were red roses everywhere. The wall, the plant boxes, everything. Only the brick pathway was free. And ironically, the wild grasses made the roses more alluring. It was so mystical! She even thought that it was a dream or some kind of fairy tale set.

This was her first time seeing such beautiful sight. But this was really familiar though she couldn’t remember how. Maybe she had been here before, only that she had no memory of it. How regretful!

Li Chunhua stood at the center of the gazebo. Happily basking in the fragrance of these beautiful roses. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sweet scent of the surrounding as she listened to the song of the wind and the little symphony of the birds flying around.

This was the scene that Ye Xiu met when he finally caught up. He was immediately hit by the pang of nostalgia. It was so alike that he couldn’t differentiate between the past and the present.

Li Chunhua was standing amidst the bunch of red roses. Her yellow dress was akin to a radiant sunlight that was contrasting from the surrounding yet fitting. Her abnormally white skin appeared to be translucent against the bright color of her dress and the surrounding red roses.

Ye Xiu watched the girl as she turned to feel the air around her. Her small frame made her look vulnerable against the wind. But the expression on her face would make you think if she was part of it. Eyes closed, lips curled up. The sunlight that crept from the cracks of the dilapidated gazebo fell over her face and made her lashes glisten looking more like butterfly wings fluttering against the wind.

Her clean eyebrows only indicated her absolute serenity. She looked like a Goddess that descended from above. She was beautiful… If Li Chunhua would ask him if he knew the meaning of the word beautiful, he would straightaway say ‘you’, without being shameless. It was really his honest thought.

Ye Xiu honestly didn’t want this to end. He reached for his phone on his pocket and take a picture of this surreal moment. He captured tons of photos until he was satisfied enough. Truthfully, he was really pathetic. He smiled at the thought as he inspected his new smart phone. Letting the girl to buy him a new phone, really?

He knew that it was nothing to Li Chunhua. The girl even told him that it was just a small gift. Yeah, even a sports car was only a gift in the eyes of their families.

But something must be wrong with him because he was abnormally happy receiving a gift from the girl.

He was not a materialistic person. A phone could be easily lost when it’s with him. He didn’t even have a good use for it.

But a gift from her was still a gift even if it was a phone, no? At least he could now stalk her on social media.

Oh right! He snorted at himself as he entertained a pretty crazy but reasonable thought. He opened the weibo app and stared at it for a good while. He shook his head and smiled embarrassingly.

No matter how ridiculous it was. No matter how out of character this could be. Ye Xiu really had this urge to tell the world that the girl in front of him was the one he truly love.

He wasn’t using social media apps in the past because he honestly didn’t see the fun on it. But at that time, he somehow understood. It was really a nice feeling to share something that you care about. It was because you were so proud that you wanted to show it to others.

With his fast APM, Ye Xiu swiftly logged into his weibo account which was by the way, totally untouched. Aside from him commenting once in a while, it was really empty.

And now…he clicked the plus button and added a post about Li Chunhua which he would definitely regret in his whole life. Because this sole post alerted the Gods from above.

( Ȍ Sina Weibo)

🌇叶秋 YeQiu V

Three red roses…

*Li Chunhua’s side profile in a yellow dress with red roses as the background. Her eyes closed, lips curled up into a smile, chin slightly turned upwards.jpg*

🌉张佳乐 ZhangJiale V: @叶秋YeQiu What’s this?

🌇叶秋YeQiu V: Just like what it looks like…

🌉张佳乐 ZhangJiale V: F*uck!!!

🚷AutumnSpring: Holy sh*t! My CP is finally happening! I’m not wrong, Am I? This is Goddess Spring, right?

🚳YeQiuLover: Oh my my!!! God Ye finally posted something and it’s about my Goddess Spring! Make it trend #YeQiu1stpost# #LiYe#

🚱XingZhaoLinIsLove: Goddess Spring is so beautiful. I understand why God Ye made this as his first post! #YeQiu1stpost# #LiYe#

🚯WangJiaErTopFan: Omo! Omo! Omo! God Ye couldn’t contain his emotion that he needed to share it to others???!!! #YeQiu1stpost# #LiYe#

🚷AutumnSpring: Aren’t we going to talk about the meaning of this post’s caption? #YeQiu1stpost# #LiYe#

🚳YeQiuLover: The one above…hehehe. Three red roses? Is this a confession of God Ye’s love? #YeQiu1stpost# #LiYe#

📵GodYeIsMine: F*ck off people! God Ye is mine!!! That Li Chunhua should better get her hands off my hubby!!! #YeQiu1stpost# #NoToLiYe#

🚳YeQiuLover: If you truly love God Ye, you will be happy for him!!!#YeQiu1stpost# #LiYe#

🚭WuMing01: LOL! The obsessive fan above. Please…you don’t have the right to tell beauty Li what to do! #YeQiu1stpost# #LiYe#

🚷AutumnSpring: @GodYeIsMine Fake fan there. If you know him so well, you should know that Goddess Spring knew God Ye even before we became his fan. But yeah, you’re a fake fan anyway!!! #YeQiu1stpost# #LiYe#

📵GodYeIsMine: F*ck you all!!!

🚷AutumnSpring: Haha!

🚭Wuming01: Haha! +1

🚳YeQiuLover: +2


Ye Xiu smiled as he saw how people were reacting about his so called confession of love. Some created trouble but majority gave their blessings. So this was the happiness of sharing something in social media huh?

Meanwhile, in the ALL-STAR EVENT…

Huang Shaotian suddenly cursed: “F*CK check your weibo!!!” He was so loud that the reporter who was currently interviewing Zhou Zekai jolted in shock. The obedient guy looked at the reporter in concern. But after sometime, his gut feeling influenced him to follow Huang Shaotian’s lead.

“Huang Shao, QQ!” Chu Yunxiu immediately mouthed.

Huang Shaotian understood. It was inconvenient for them to visit each others seat since the event would start soon.

He nodded and generously sent the link of Ye Xiu’s post to their NoYeQiu QQ chatroom. If he would be going to suffer, he would let others suffer with him.

📢黄少天HuangShaotian V: F*ck you Old Ye!!! You’re a shameless traitor! You should be watching me now! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! Traitor! Traitor! Traitor! And what’s with three red roses? There were so many red roses there, are you illiterate? You cannot even count how many roses are there? I’m telling you if you really like red roses I can buy you 9999999999999999999999999999999999 of it just PKPKPKPKPKPKPKPKPKPK me! #YeQiu1stpost#

🌇叶秋YeQiu V: No, I like spring flower more…(TL: Chunhua)  #LiYe#

🌁楚云秀ChunYunxiu V: LOL, so this is why you two didn’t attend the all-star? Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!#YeQiu1stpost#  #LiYe#

🕍张新杰ZhangXinjie V: I won’t assume things if I’m not 100% sure. But this was really obvious. #YeQiu1stpost#  #LiYe#

🎃李轩LiXuan V: I’m speechless…I concede! #YeQiu1stpost#  #LiYe#

🌇叶秋YeQiu V: You’re not an opponent in the first place. #LiYe#

🎃李轩LiXuan V: Senior Ye! #YeQiu1stpost#  #LiYe#

🌇叶秋YeQiu V: ? #LiYe#

🚭WuMing01: Oh my gosh! I had to look twice. I thought God Ye confesses! #YeQiu1stpost# #LiYe#

🔫周泽楷ZhouZekai V: Senior Ye, this is? #YeQiu1stpost#

📢黄少天HuangShaotian V: You dumb! It’s Sister Li!

🗡江波涛JiangBotao V: What little captain meant was why did you post Senior Li’s photo with a caption of ‘Three red roses’. #YeQiu1stpost#

📢黄少天HuangShaotian V: F*ck you two!

🌇叶秋YeQiu V: @周泽楷ZhouZekai @江波涛JiangBotao Just like what it looks like… #LiYe#

🌉张佳乐 ZhangJiale V: F*ck you! You’re copy-pasting!!!

🌇叶秋YeQiu V: @张佳乐 ZhangJiale You’re right…

🌉张佳乐 ZhangJiale V: F*ck you!

🗽方锐FangRui V:  RIP 👻 @黄少天HuangShaotian @喻文州YuWenzou @王杰希WangJiexi @周泽楷ZhouZekai ! I’ll pray for your souls. #YeQiu1stpost#  #LiYe#

📢黄少天HuangShaotian V: F*ck! Dirty Fang what's this?!

🐻喻文州YuWenzou V: Fang Rui is really a good guy… 🙂#YeQiu1stpost#

🈯王杰希WangJiexi V: Fang Rui remember that I’m your temporary captain. #YeQiu1stpost#  

🗽方锐FangRui V: Oh spoiler!!!

🔫周泽楷ZhouZekai V: Thanks…

🗡江波涛JiangBotao V: Little Captain said that he appreciated your prayers.

📢黄少天HuangShaotian V: D*mn! Zhou Zekai really take Dirty Fang seriously?!

🐰苏沐橙SuMucheng V: Then I’ll pray for @韩文清HanWenqing @李轩LiXuan @楚云秀ChunYunxiu #YeQiu1stpost#  #LiYe#

🎃李轩LiXuan V: Well appreciated Sister Su! I’m getting over it. I’m really trying because I still love my life! Huhuhuhu!

🌇叶秋YeQiu V: Good for you…

🎃李轩LiXuan V: 

🈹韩文清HanWenqing V: @叶秋YeQiu Shameless!

🌇叶秋YeQiu V: Old Han, until it’s not too late, better follow Li Xuan’s lead. We're friends after all. I don’t want you to get hurt.

🈹韩文清HanWenqing V: You don’t need to care!

🌇叶秋YeQiu V: Alright then…don’t cry when the time comes.

🌁楚云秀ChunYunxiu V: @苏沐橙SuMucheng, Why am I even mentioned here?

🐰苏沐橙SuMucheng V: Hahahaha!

Meanwhile at NoYeQiu QQ Chatroom…

Troubling Rain: You say, that place is familiar, no? I feel like we’ve gone there. It's not that similar but yeah…I really had the feeling. Answer me! Answer me! Answer me! Answer me! Dancing Rain Dancing Rain Dancing Rain! I know you know something!

Dancing Rain: I will not sell my Gege and Jiejie!

Troubling Rain: Traitor! Traitor! Traitor!

Dancing Rain: Hahaha!

Vaccaria: It was indeed familiar. I think it’s Senior Ye’s Garden here in S city.

Troubling Rain: Right! Right! Right! I remember now! Old Wei brought me there!

Scene Killer: I’m also one of the victim!

Vaccaria: Senior Fang also made me tag along.

Angelica: That was so like him!

Doubtful Demon: Wait! Why did your seniors both brought you there?

Zhang Jiale: What else? We ruined their date! Hahahaha!

Swoksaar: Senior Zhang, you are sure?

Zhang Jiale: Han Wenqing can testify!

Desert Dust: Do you want to die?

Zhang Jiale: Hey! I’m telling the truth. Right big eyed Wang? Old Lin? Yang Cong?

Scene Killer: Mmm

Demon Subduer: He was telling the truth.

Vaccaria: ….this was indeed true. So that's the reason why Li Chunhua looks familiar...she's that girl with senior Ye.

Troubling Rain: Ho ho ho! Old Zhang please! Don’t influence us.

Troubling Rain: So who wants to follow them?

Dancing Rain: Oh my…

Zhang Jiale:  …the curse was indeed passed down to the new generation.

Troubling Rain: Ey! What curse are you saying Old Zhang? BTW, answer me, who wants to follow them?

Swoksaar: As a captain I shouldn’t let you alone and cause trouble. I’ll go with you.

Troubling Rain: ……

Doubtful Demon: Me!

Cloud Piercer: I’ll go.

Empty Waves: I will accompany my little captain then.

Life Extinguisher: Though I’m not willing. I’m always part of GG’s crazy ideas, right?

Vaccaria: Count me in.

Angelica: If Captain will go, I will also go!

Crying Devil: I’ll go! I’ll go! Wu Yuce will also go with me!

Windy Rain: I should not miss the fun! Mumu & Old Han, come with us!

Dancing Rain: Then, I will go to prevent you all from causing trouble.

Immovable Rock: Captain and I will also go.

Boundless Sea: Where will you all go?

Peaceful Hermit: They will all go to bother Old Ye and Sister Spring!

One Autumn Leaf: So childish..

Delilo: We still have a game to play though…


The Season 8 All-Star Weekend had become the most iconic and memorable All- Star Weekend of all times. Many abnormally talented rookies appeared. The Caster Goddess, Spring Night showed up. God Ye Qiu showed his might through his Dragon Raised Its Head and made everyone think that he was announcing his comeback. And most of all, this was when the most chaotic All-Star Competitions occurred. It was the first time that the audience saw the true might of their Gods and Goddesses. No Tactic. No healer. Full Offense. All you could see was the bombardment of different skills. Sadly, It was also the shortest Team Competition they had ever witnessed. The audience were all happy with the show but they also couldn’t help but to think that the Top-tier experts were in a hurry for something. Like their life defended on whether they could finish the competition in a fast phase or not?


Li Chunhua opened her eyes. She squinted a little as she adjusted from the light. She once again admired the surrounding. She was really fascinated that she hadn’t even noticed Ye Xiu who was standing at the entrance of the rose garden.

Li Chunhua reached for a single rose at the corner of the wall. That rose was particularly bigger than most of the bloomed roses around. It was even redder. Much prettier indeed.

But when she finally pulled it, a  thorn pricked her ring finger. The pain was bearable but the blood was ceaselessly dropping from the wound. What a head ache?! Her handkerchief was in her bag and unfortunately, she left her bag  with Ye Xiu.

Suddenly a hand seized her own hand. When Li Chunhua looked up, she was met with a concern pair of amber eyes.

And before she could even react, Ye Xiu already brought her ring finger towards his lips. She flinched as he suck it without her consent.

This girl was still clumsy as ever. She was pricked in the same finger again…just like before.


“What? Enzymes in our saliva are antibacterial in nature.” Ye Xiu said like someone who know it all.

“You didn’t asked me…” Li Chunhua weakly complained. She was by all means defeated in this argument.

“I did this for the pure purpose of helping you…unless you…” Ye Xiu shamelessly retorted as he softly pushed Li Chunhua in one of the pillars of the gazebo.

“W-what?” Li Chunhua stuttered as she pushed the guy who was still holding her right hand.

Their face were just inches apart. How could she supposed to breath? It was entirely different from when Ye Xiu was asleep, okay!

“Unless you…felt something about it. Hmmn?” He smiled playfully as he toyed with the girl’s lock of hair.

He laughed at his lack of novelty. It was still those same shameless question, no? And by this time, Wei Chen and friends would appear and ruin the romantic scene that he carefully planned for months. If it’s only not illegal to kill, he already end those old bastard’s life. Well, he indeed tormented them in the arena.

Li Chunhua held her breath. This heart was really betraying her. Didn’t you already compelled yourself to not be affected with this guy’s empty flirting? You were improving this past few months you were with him? Why was your resistance degraded back to zero again?

“A-as if!” Li Chunhua yelled at Ye Xiu’s face as he exerted her full force to escape from her predicament.

“Hahaha! Don’t run around. We’re going to leave this place soon.” Ye Xiu reminded the girl who was already outside the rose garden.

Li Chunhua stopped in her tracks. She was now reluctant to leave this garden that she condemned as abandoned and old earlier. Wasn’t it too soon? They hadn’t enjoyed the place for so long.


“I’m afraid history would repeat itself…” Ye Xiu laughed bitterly as he followed the girl outside the rose garden.

“What really happened here before?” Li Chunhua asked curiously. She felt really familiar with this place. She was now 80% sure that they had gone here before.

“Hmmn.” Ye Xiu paused seemingly thinking if he should tell Li Chunhua about the past or not. Actually nothing really happened that time. Nothing happened that was why it’s disappointing.

“We had a friend…he borrowed this place from me.” Ye Xiu started his story. Obviously, it was from third person's perspective.

“Who?” Li Chunhua wanted to dig deeper. She couldn’t just believe Ye Xiu’s nonsense.

“Forgot the name. Some nameless pro.” He evaded and Li Chunhua knew but she didn’t continue asking.

“What happened then?”

“He brought the girl he liked in that rose garden. The girl wouldn’t believe his intentions no matter what so he decided that maybe he could bring her to a romantic place and seriously ask her out once and for all.”

“Then the girl did believe him?” Li Chunhua asked excitedly. That story was almost something that you could read from light novels!

“Yes.” Ye Xiu nodded. (A/N: I edited something from chapter 15. I deleted the part when Ye Xiu said he hadn’t confessed. )

“After that?” Isn’t it too selfish of Ye Xiu to not give some details?

“There’s nothing after that.”

“Huh?” Wasn’t that too much of a cliffhanger?

“The other pro players suddenly arrived. He wasn’t able to hear the girl’s answer.”

We hadn’t met since then and the last time I saw you again was when you visited me before your accident. I was really wondering, what would be your answer. If only we’ve been given a chance to talk.

“Then they should have had talk afterwards…” Li Chunhua said.

“The girl needed to go home…” Ye Xiu said helplessly.

“Then he should have called her!”

"He tried. But the girl thought he was just bluffing.” Ye Xiu really didn’t know why. Maybe because of his tone?

“Then after afterwards. He should have  had the chance to talk to her personally, no?!”

“They…The guy was busy with the tournament while the girl was busy with her studies. The guy was waiting for a chance to ask her again personally. But the chance didn’t came…”

“Oh? That was sad. All I could say was that the guy was surely infuriating that’s why the girl didn’t believe him even once!!!”

“Cough! You could say that…” Give him tons of tissue! He really wanted to cry hard.

“That was not a good story. Keep improving. You’ll never know, maybe someday you could become a great author.” Li Chunhua snickered. The story was so nonsense. Why would Li Chunhua believe Ye Xiu?


“Do you expect me to believe you?” Li Chunhua laughed halfheartedly. “Let’s go, you said we need to leave, no?”

Li Chunhua walked towards the exit of the garden leaving the sulking Ye Xiu behind.


“OLD YE! OLD YE! OLD YE!” The source of the voice was still nowhere to be seen but the loud irritating voice was undoubtedly from that guy.

“F*ck!” The old generation was gone. And now, new set of bastards were also coming to interfere with his business?

( Sina Weibo)

李春花LiChunhua V

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