Blinded (A Sequel to "Sight")

By elli_thespanishbread

2.7K 84 177

It's been a few months since Zhan Tiri had been defeated, and everything was normal again. Until mysterious n... More

Quick Note
Normal Once Again
The Second Note
You Son of a-
Ode To a Friend
The Real Truth
Tied Up Again
We're Not In Corona Anymore
How Doers Get More Done
May I Have This Dance?
Friend Or Friend?
Redeemed Or Not Redeemed?
Normal Once Again... Again
Questions Please!


174 5 21
By elli_thespanishbread

A few days had passed since the incident at the castle, and still, there had been no word from the princess. Rose was growing restless with waiting-- who had thrown the rock? Why had they thrown the rock?

Also, who or what was this new danger? After so many months of peace, couldn't they just stay like that? Rose sighed. Of course they couldn't. There would be no peace without destruction.

A sudden knock came on the door. Rose looked at it with surprise. Who could be here at this time of night?

Rose stood up and opened the door. It was Rae. She was shaking.

"Can I come in?" she whispered.

"O-of course," Rose said, stepping aside to let the girl in. Rae sat down on the couch, Rose sitting right next to her.

"Rae, what's wrong?"

"That note that we found the other day... it's worrying me." She looked Rose in the eyes. "Rose... what could it mean?"

Rose sighed. "I don't know. I wish I did. Then maybe we could have some answers."

Rae watched her arms as they shook. Rose put an arm around her and held her head close to her chest. "It's all going to be alright. I just know it."

She felt Rae's tense muscles relax as she fell into Rose's arms. After a few minutes, she looked back at Rae's face; she was asleep. Rose smiled, then gently laid her head down on a pillow, then covered her in a blanket. Bending down, she planted a kiss on Rae's forehead.

"Sleep well, Rae."

. . .

Rose woke up to the sound of pans clinging in the kitchen. She glanced at the door across the hall from her room. It was closed. She narrowed her eyes. Her mother was still asleep. Who was in her home?

She quickly put her glasses on her face, then sat up. Grabbing her bow and an arrow, she crept out to the kitchen. Someone was making breakfast. The person turned around; it was Rae.

Memories of yesterday night flooded back to her as Rae yelped at the arrow pointed at her. Rose put her bow down.

"Oh, sorry Rae. I forgot you came here last night."

Rae let out a breath of relief. "Oh, it's fine. I made breakfast!"

The wonderful aroma of eggs, bacon, and pancakes filled Rose's nose. Her mouth watered. "It smells great!"

Rose got out some plates as Rae put servings of food onto them. They both gobbled them up in just a few ravenous bites. It was delicious.

After about a half an hour, Elisha, Rose's mother, woke up. She rubbed her eyes. "What're you two doing? And when did Rachael get here?"

"She came last night," Rose explained. "Rae made breakfast!"
"There's enough left over for you," Rae told her.

"Thank you." Elisha went over to the various pans and made herself a plate. "You made this all yourself?"

"Yup. Baking is just a variation of alchemy," Rae explained.

"Hey, that's what Varian says!" Rose told her.

Rae was silent for a moment before saying, "Great minds think alike." She laughed nervously.

But Rose didn't think much of her odd behavior. Instead, she stood up to take care of her plate, then went to clean all of the pans Rae had used.

"Oh, I can do that," Rae told her, standing up.

"No, it's fine." Rose washed off the pans then scrubbed them with soap. Then she set the dishes on a drying rack.

"Well, I should get going," Rae said. "My parents will start wondering where I am."

"You didn't tell them you came over?" Rose quizzed.

Rae shrugged. "I'll explain it once I get home." She gave Rose a huge. "Bye."

"Bye." Rose watched as Rae left her home.

Once Elisha had finished her own breakfast, Rose grabbed her brush and ripped it through her hair. Once satisfied, she headed for the door.

"I'm heading to Varian's!" She opened the door.

"Again?" her mother asked in astonishment.

"What? I like hanging out with him," Rose told her.

"I know, but you hang out with him all the time." Elisha took a sip out of her cup.

"I'll be home in time for dinner," Rose reassured her.

Elisha sighed. "Alright."

Rose grinned, then carefully shut the door behind her as she stepped outside. She took a deep breath of fresh air, then walked down the pathway to Varian's home.

Suddenly, she felt something on her leg. Rose looked down to see Benton. She hadn't seen him in days! She held down her hand for him to crawl up. He settled down on her shoulder.

"Benton! Where have you been, bud?"

He squeaked a few times, then looked back down at the ground. Rose searched where he was looking, then saw a brown figure step into the sunlight.

It was another mouse, like Benton, but brown and female. Benton squeaked at her, then looked back at Rose. It was clear as daylight.

"Benton! I didn't know you had a girlfriend!" Rose bent down and held out her hand to the brown mouse. She hesitated and looked up at Benton. He chattered at her, and she eventually went up to Rose's open palm.

Rose stood back up, petting the mouse's head. "You'll need a name. How about... Daina?"

The brown mouse chirruped happily.

Now with two mice on her shoulders, Rose continued on to Varian's house.

"Guess who I found!" Rose held out Benton to Varian. Benton squeaked loudly.

"Oh, hey buddy! Where've you been?" Varian rubbed the top of the gray mouse's head.

"I have the answer." Rose looked over at Daina, who was hiding in her hair. "You can come out now."

Reluctantly, Daina padded into sight. Varian's eyes widened.

"Ooh." He looked back at Benton. "You go, little buddy!" Benton puffed out his chest proudly.

But as they started walking inside Varian's house, there was a crash. Rose felt herself being pulled out of the way of a window as a rock plummeted through it. Shards of glass landed on the ground, surrounding a large rock. Rose glanced at Varian, then back at the stone.

Rose picked it up, reading over the words written on it-- in what looked like blood. You're not safe. Darkness is coming.

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