Normal Once Again

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It had been a few months since Zhan Tiri had been defeated. Corona had had a whole season of peace. Rose had practiced using her bow more and more and had gotten even better. She hoped that maybe one day, she could sign up for the Royal Guard.

Over the course of the few months, Rose had met a new friend. Her name was Rachael, and she lived in Old Corona, too. Like Varian, she, too, was interested in alchemy. Rose had always told Rachael that she should become Varian's apprentice as Royal Alchemist. She'd always shrug and say she'd think about it.

Today, Rose was going to Corona to hang out with both Varian and Rachael, and maybe even visit Rapunzel and Eugene. The princess was still trying to cope with Cass being gone, but she seemed to be doing well.

Rose shot one last arrow at the target-- landing it in the bullseye-- then went back inside her home to put the bow and arrows away. She glanced at the clock hanging up in her living room; it was almost one o'clock. Panic rushed through her. She was going to be late!

Racing through the kitchen, she quickly grabbed a cinnamon roll that her mother had just baked, then ran out of the door. She could hear her mother shout something at her from behind, but she was already running towards the kingdom

                           . . .

With her belly now full, Rose slowed her pace as she neared the island's entrance. She could see two figures standing near the end of the bridge that was connected to Corona-- Rachael and Varian. A large smile came across her face as she saw that they were happily talking to each other.

"Hey, Varian! Rae!" Rose called to them. They looked up with a surprised look that soon changed into smiles.

"Rose!" Varian gave her a hug once she had reached them.

"Hey," Rae greeted with a small smile.

As Rose looked over Rae, she noticed that she had a new outfit. It was a black dress with a brown belt wrapped around her middle. Her shoulders were exposed, and the sleeves were short. The skirt part was short on one side while it got longer as it reached the other. She also had new shoes--short, lace-up brown boots.

"Rae, I love your new outfit!" Rose told her.

Rae brushed her auburn hair behind her ear. "Thanks."

"So, where are we going to go?" Varian asked.

Rose took his hand and faced the town before them. "I was thinking we could head to Monty's. I'm craving some sweets."

"Ooh, now that you mention it, I'd really like some, too," Rae said, rubbing her stomach.

"Monty's it is!" Varian said. Together, all three of them walked into the town. All around, pedestrians were living their normal lives, as if no demonic creature had almost destroyed them all. It was crazy to think that their world had almost been destroyed just a few months ago. Now everything was back to normal.

After a quick trip to Monty's Sweet Shoppe, they all decided that they should visit Rapunzel and Eugene. Rae had actually never personally met the princess, and she started to get nervous.

"What if I do something stupid in front of her? What if I say the wrong thing? What if-"

"Relax, Rae," Rose told her. "Rapunzel isn't like most royalty. She's super nice. She'll like you no matter what."

Rae took a deep breath and nodded.

At the castle's door, they were greeted by Eugene, Captain of the Guard. He looked at Rae. "Who's this?"

"Oh, this is Rae. I met her a few months ago," Rose explained.

Rae gave him a nervous smile.

"Alright. I'll let you guys in." He turned to the two guards standing by the doors and nodded at them. They stepped back and opened the giant doors. Together, the three teenagers followed after Eugene.

Rapunzel was sitting in the throne room, talking to her parents. But as soon as the small group entered, she turned to them with a large smile.

"Oh, you guys!" She gave the three a large hug. "I didn't know you were coming today!"

"Uh, surprise!" Varian said with a small laugh.

The princess turned to Rae. "Oh, I don't believe I know you. And you are?"

"I-I'm Rachael," she said nervously. "Or Rae."

"Well, Rae, it's nice to meet you." Rapunzel beamed at her, and Rae gave her a warm smile in return.

The princess led them to another room that held a small table and some chairs. She sat down at the end of the table, Varian sitting next to her, Rose next to him, and Rae next to her. Eugene sat opposite of Varian.

"So, how're things in Old Corona going?" Rapunzel asked.

"Good," Varian replied. "How's Corona?"

"As good as ever," Rapunzel responded.

"Though being Captain is kind of boring right now," Eugene added. "There are no bad guys to fight."

"You want there to be bad guys invading Corona?" Rose asked.

"Not super bad guys like Zhan Tiri, or..." he took a quick glance at Rapunzel. "Cass."

Rapunzel either hadn't heard him or just ignored him. "So, people like Dwayne?"

"Exactly," Eugene said with a smug grin.

A sudden crash could be heard from above, and they looked up to see a rock smashing through a window. It landed on the table, along with several splinters of glass.

Rae, who was closest to it, picked it up. "Your days of peace are over. A new danger looms over you."

A shiver ran down Rose's spine. "A new danger?"

Eugene immediately stood up. "You guys should go home. I'll send some guards to investigate." Running through the doorway, his voice could be heard, calling for other guards.

The princess stared at the rock Rae held. "Eugene's right. You should all go home."

Varian turned to her. "But-"

"We'll tell you everything we've found out as soon as we do." She started pushing him to the doorway, causing Rose and Rae to follow. "Just please, go home and be safe."

Rae held out the rock to her. "Do you need this?"

Rapunzel took it, then smiled at the young girl. "Yes, thank you." Then she ran out to the throne room to discuss matters with her parents.

Varian, Rose, and Rae all shared a look. What had just happened?

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