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The hooded figure squirmed on the couch, trying to break free from their restraints. Quirin slowly reached a hand out to their hood, then in one swift motion, he pulled the hood off their head.

The boy had brown hair and dark brown eyes that looked almost black. His eyes widened in fear as he looked around at the people surrounding him. Rose stared at him in confusion. Griffin?

Griffin was just a normal resident of Old Corona that Rose would pass by now and then. But from what she knew of him, he was just a numb-skulled jock. Why did he want revenge on her and Varian?

"Uh, hey guys." Griffin smiled nervously.

"Griffin?" Varian looked just as surprised. "What're you doing here?"

"What do you have against us?" Rose demanded.

Griffin tried holding up his hands defensively, but remembered that his hands were tied. "I don't have anything against you guys."

Rose grabbed the rock from Quirin and pointed it dangerously close to Griffin's face. "Then explain this!"
Griffin held his head as far back as he could. "Alright! Alright! Just get it away from me!"

Reluctantly, Rose put her hand back at her side.

"The notes were a warning."

"What?" Rose asked in exasperation.

"The notes I wrote, they were warnings," Griffin explained.

Rose narrowed her eyes. "And you expect me to believe that?"

Griffin's eyes widened. "What?"

"If you're just 'warning us,' then why do it in secret?"

Varian folded his arms. "Yeah."

"I, um..." Griffin glanced around nervously.

"Exactly!" Rose shouted, making Griffin flinch.

"No, wait! I can explai-"

Rose pulled his hood back over his face, causing him to go silent. "Come on, we should take him to Corona. Rapunzel needs to know about this."

                           . . .

Griffin walked into the castle, his head down. Varian, Rose, and Quirin followed behind, glaring daggers at the young boy.

The king and queen were sitting on their thrones, Rapunzel nowhere to be seen. Their Majesties' eyes widened at the sight before them.

"What is going on?" King Frederick asked.

"Tell Rapunzel that we caught them," Rose told him. "The person who was sending the threats."

The king turned towards a nearby guard. "Go fetch Rapunzel." The guard nodded, then ran off into the hallway nearby.

After about a minute or two, the guard returned, Princess Rapunzel hot on his heels. She stopped in front of the small group, staring at Griffin. "What's going on?"

"We found Griffin outside my house, holding another note," Varian explained. Rose held out the rock that had once held a note. Rapunzel's gaze went between the rock and Griffin.

"Griffin, is this true?"

"Well, technically yes..." Griffin avoided looking into the princess's eyes.

"Why would you want to hurt us?" Rapunzel asked, hurt in her eyes. "I didn't think you'd do that, Griffin."


"Take this boy to the dungeons." King Frederick's voice overpowered Griffin's. Rose saw Varian flinch, and knew that certain memories were coming back to him.

Blinded (A Sequel to "Sight")Where stories live. Discover now