Azur Lane: A Fight Against th...

By TatsuyaHisaki

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17 year-old Jacob lived in a small peaceful village just on the beach side far from any major city or town. H... More

Part 1: The Azur Lane!
Part 2: Sakura Empire
Part 3: Akagi's Plan!
Part 4: The Mental Cube
Part 5: Spending The Day With Illustrious!
Part 6: The First Attack!
Part 7: Enterprise!
Part 8: Fight or Save?
Part 9: The First Siren Attack!
Part 10: A New Ally!
Part 11: Prinz And Iron Blood!
Part 12: The Rescue Operation!
Part 13: Setting Up For the Ceremony!
Part 14: PARTY TIME!!
Part 15: I Became an Older Brother...Again?!
Part 17: The Secret's Out.
Part 18: The Paradise That Embodies Heaven!
Part 19: The Paradise That Embodies Heaven (Pt. 2)
Part 20: The "Fishing" Trip
Part 21: Finally... At Long Last.
Part 22: Fight Once Again...For Her Sake.
Part 23: The Brutal Truth...That Reminds Me of That Day. (Contains Lemon)
Part 24: Mother Complex...
Part 25: Three Legends of the Sakura Empire!
Part 26: New Bases, New Faces, and New Fears... (Contains Lemon)
Part 27: New Bases, New Faces, and New Fears... (Pt.2)
Part 28: New Bases, New Faces, and New Fears... (Pt.3) (Contains Lemon)
Part 29: The Crane Sisters. (Contains Lemon)
Part 30: The Grey Ghost and the Head Maid! (Contains Lemon) (Christmas Special)
Part 31: The Pride of Iron Blood. (New Years Special) (Final)

Part 16: My Date With Illustrious.

1.8K 21 117
By TatsuyaHisaki

As me and Illustrious walked side by side, hand in hand, and Unicorn skipping down the road in front of us,I turned to Illustrious as she did the same. I could see that she was blushing a bit and I figured it was from us holding hands.

Jacob: Hey, we don't need to hold hands if you don't want to you know?

Illustrious: No, Commander. I do, it's just, it caught me off guard that's all.

Jacob: I'd just figured I'd ask cause I saw that you're blushing so.

That's when I felt Illustrious's grip tighten and I did the same. We walked in silence for the next few minutes after that.

Illustrious: Where would you want to have the picnic, Commander?

Jacob: Anywhere's fine really. I don't care if we have it at the park, the beach, or anywhere else. As long as we get to spend time together.

I saw that Illustrious was blushing a little more now. After that, we decided to have the picnic in the park.

(A few minutes later)

Location: Town Park.

We were now in the town park. Me and Illustrious just finished laying the blanket down while Unicorn was playing with her stuffed unicorn. I placed the basket of food in the middle of the blanket as I layed down on one end. Illustrious giggled when I laid down and all I did was smile.

Jacob: So, when we gonna eat?

Illustrious: We could eat now if you'd like?

I looked at Unicorn who was playing in the grass with her stuffed toy.

Jacob: Let's wait awhile. I'd hate to stop her fun right now.

Illustrious: If that is what you want, Commander.

Jacob: C'mon now, we're on a date so would it kill ya to use my name instead of "Commander?"

Illustrious: *Giggles*

I chuckled a little bit.

Jacob: So, after this, what's your plans for the next part of our date?

Illustrious: I was thinking that we could head to the mall and do some shopping after.

Jacob: That sounds good to me.

Illustrious was sitting next to me as we watched Unicorn play for a few minutes.

Illustrious: So Jacob, I have a question.

Jacob: I'm all ears.

Illustrious: What are your plans after you defeat the Sirens?

Jacob: *Thinks*

Jacob: Honestly, I don't know. I haven't really thought about it at all. But, I'd like to lay down for awhile after. Like, you know, get married and all that.

Illustrious: I see. Do you plan to retire from being commander?

Jacob: Honestly, no I don't.

Illustrious: Jacob.

Jacob: Huh?

Illustrious: When will true peace come to these waters?

Jacob: You want me to be honest, never. Peace alone calls for conflict and battle. True peace, well, it's hard to say, all I know is that I won't be around if true peace is ever achieved. I'm human so if I survive against the Sirens then I'll probably die of old age while the rest of you will live longer.

Illustrious: What do you mean by that?

Jacob: Well, no office, but you're a ship in human form, unless sunk, battleships tend to be around longer than the humans that serve on them.

Illustrious: I understand.

Jacob: I think that's enough of the gloom talk now, you ready to eat?

Illustrious: I'm ready when you are.

Jacob: Then let's get to eatin!

Illustrious called out to Unicorn to let her know that we would be eating. Unicorn hurried over and took a seat on the blanket. I opened up the basket and grabbed the three plates that were in there. I handed one to Illustrious and one to Unicorn before placing mine down in front of me.

Illustrious: All I made were sandwiches. I hope that's enough.

Jacob: Yeah that's fine.I'm not too hungry right now and this should tie me over till lunch.

Then Illustrious took out a plate of sandwiches and we took what we wanted. I took two sandwiches, Illustrious took two as well and so did Unicorn.

Illustrious: Eat as much as you want Jacob. I've made plenty.

Jacob: Okay thanks. *Takes bite of sandwich. Eyes widen* Rest assured, there will be no leftovers.

Illustrious: Do you approve of them Jacob?

Jacob: Damn skippy.

Illustrious: *Giggles* I'm glad to hear that.

Jacob: So hey, Unicorn. I was thinking, would you want to help me with something?

Unicorn: What is it Onii-Chan?

Jacob: So I was doing some thinking. I'm so grateful and happy that I have a house now, but to be honest, it's kinda lonely. So I was thinking about getting me some company. Would you like to help me get some dogs?

Unicorn: What do you mean?

Jacob: I'd like you to help me pick out two dogs when we go shopping later. Would you mind helping me out with that?

Unicorn's face lit up after that. She looked so happy that I asked her for that kind of help.

Unicorn: I would love to Onii-Chan!

Jacob: Awsome! I'm relying on you Unicorn.

Unicorn smiled when I told her that.

Jacob: For now though, let's get to eatin. I'm starving.

Illustrious: But you said that you weren't that hungry a minute ago.

Jacob: The excitement of getting doggos made me work up an appetite.

Illustrious: *Giggles* You're just like a little kid, Jacob.

Jacob: *In childish voice* Mommy, pwease take cawr of me.

Illustrious giggled while Unicorn let out a small laugh as I laughed too.

Jacob: I can't wait to get me some doggos.

Illustrious: Which two breeds are you wanting to get?

Jacob: *Leans over and whispers into Illustrious's ear* Between you and me, my favorite dog breed is German Shepherd. I don't her to hear any of this cause I don't want her to choose the dogs I like.

Illustrious: I see.

I leaned back and took another bite of my sandwich before placing it in my plate.

Jacob: Some tea would go great with this.

Illustrious: Well then, you're in luck.

Jacob: You brought some?

Illustrious: I did.

Jacob: *thoughts* I WILL marry you Illustrious. I swear it.

Illustrious: What's with that stare Jacob?

Jacob: *Snaps back to reality* Huh, what? Oh it's nothing, ahahahaha.

Illustrious: Are you sure? You looked very serious there.

Jacob: *thoughts* Of course I was serious. I'm going to marry you. Without a doubt.

Illustrious: Oh my, you're staring again Jacob.

Jacob: *Snaps back to reality* Huh?

Illustrious: *Giggles* It's nothing.

Jacob: *Chuckles* I'm sure it was.

Illustrious giggled a bit.

(A few minutes later)

We finished eating now and Unicorn was playing again while me and Illustrious staid on the blanket.

Jacob: *Pulls out phone and looks at time* It's 12:00. You want to stay here or?

Illustrious: If you're ready to go then that's fine with me.

Jacob: I swear, you Royal Navy people sure don't take the first step too often don't y'all?

Illustrious: What do you mean?

Jacob: This date is all about you so we're doing what you want today. This isn't about me.

Illustrious: As long as you're having fun then so am I.

Jacob: Oh I'm having a blast.

Illustrious: Then let me take the first step. Let's go shopping.

Jacob: Alright, sounds good to me.

After that, Illustrious grabbed the basket of plates while I folded the blanket. After folding the blanket, I placed it in the basket and took the basket from Illustrious. Then Illustrious called to Unicorn telling her that we are now going to go shopping. Unicorn ran over tous as me and Illustrious both smiled. Then we headed out towards the mall.

We were walking for a few minutes before we made it to the mall. Me and Illustrious were holding hands as we walked into the mall. Unicorn was looking around wide wide eyes, taking in everything around her. I let out a small chuckle as Illustrious giggled.

Jacob: I know we just ate, but I was thinking that we could get some dessert if the two you you want?

Illustrious: That sounds delightful. Would you like to get some dessert Unicorn?

Unicorn: Yes please!

Jacob: Alright, then let's go find a good spot.

We started walking around for a while after that. We found a map of the mall's layout and we found where the food court was so we made our way in that direction. We arrived at the food court after a few minutes, where we found several shops that had many dessert options.

Jacob: I usually do do dessert so I'm just gonna get a milkshake or something. You two can get whatever y'all want.

Illustrious: I'm fine. I don't really want anything myself. What would you like Unicorn?

Unicorn: I would like an Ice Cream Sundae please.

Jacob: Alright. Excuse me, I'd like one chocolate milkshake and one Ice Cream Sundae please.

Shop Employee: That's a total of $8.

Jacob: *Hands over cash*

Shop Employee: Coming right up.

Jacob: Thank you.

I looked down at Unicorn.

Jacob: It'll be out shortly Unicorn.

Unicorn: Thank you for getting me dessert, Onii-Chan!

Jacob: Don't mention it. As long as you're happy.

I looked at Illustrious who was smiling at me, so I smiled back at her.

Jacob: Let's go find a place to sit.

Illustrious: There is an empty table over there.

Jacob: Sounds good to me.

(Note, we're right outside the mall right now, but the shops in the area are still owned by the mall.)

We walked over to an empty table that had an umbrella that stuck into the table in the middle.

Jacob: I'm happy we have an umbrella. It's so hot out today.

Illustrious: You and me both.

Illustrious and Unicorn were sitting next to each other. It was Unicorn then Illustrious in the next seat over. I was sitting in the seat next to Illustrious.

Shop Employee: Order for Jacob! Chocolate Milkshake and Ice Cream Sundae!

Jacob: I'll be right back.

I stood up and walked to the counter where the shop employee handed me my order.

Shop Employee: Enjoy!

Jacob: Thank you.

I walked back over to our table. I walked up behind Unicorn and placed her Ice Cream Sundae on the table in front of her before walking back to my seat.

Jacob: I should have asked this earlier, but you sure you don't want anything?

Illustrious: I'm fine.

Jacob: You can have some of my milkshake if you want?

Illustrious: I'm fine, thank you though.

Jacob: Okay. I just don't want you to feel left out.

Illustrious: You don't need to worry about that.

Jacob: You sure?

Illustrious: I'm sure. I'm having a lot of fun.

Jacob: Yeah, I am too.

Then I took a sip of my milkshake.

Unicorn: Onii-Chan, when are we going get the dogs?

Jacob: Well, I was thinking we could go do that when we head home. I don't want to walk around the mall with a basket and two dogs.

Unicorn: Oh, that makes sense.

Jacob: Don't you worry Unicorn, we'll get the dogs today and you can help me pick them out.

Unicorn: Yay! It's going to be a lot of fun.

Jacob: It will.

Unicorn continued to eat her Ice Cream Sundae as me and Illustrious talked for a while.

(This is Unicorn's Sundae)

Jacob: How's the Sundae Unicorn?

Unicorn: It's really delicious.

Jacob: Glad to hear it. Oh, you have a bit of cream on your cheek Unicorn.

After I said that, Illustrious grabbed a napkin and whipped the cream off of Unicorn's cheek.

Jacob: Man, it feels like we're already married and that we already had a kid.

Illustrious: *Giggles*

Jacob: *Blushes* It's whatever though. *Rubs back of head*

Illustrious giggled as I smiled a little.

Jacob: Well, if we're getting dogs today then we need to go buy some things for them.

Unicorn: We need to get them a food and water bowl and a nice warm place to sleep.

Jacob: That's right, but we also need to get a healthy brand of food for them as well. A few toys as well.

Illustrious: You've thought this out.

Jacob: I did. I want my doggos to grow strong.

Unicorn laughed as Illustrious giggled.

Unicorn: I'm finished.

Jacob: Do you want anything else?

Unicorn: No thank you Onii-Chan.

Jacob: You sure? I don't mind.

Unicorn: I'm sure. Thank you for getting me that dessert.

Jacob: No problem. Well, if you two are ready to get going then that's good with me.

Unicorn: I want to go see the dogs.

Illustrious: Unicorn please be patient.

Unicorn: I'm sorry.

Jacob: It's okay. I'm just as excited as you are. Well then, let's get to shopping for dog stuff.

After that, we left the food court area and walked around for a few minutes. We eventually found a store where we could buy bowls and other things for pets. We walked in and started looking around for a bit.

Jacob: Hey Unicorn, what to do me a favor?

Unicorn: What is it Onii-Chan?

Jacob: I plan on getting two male dogs, so could you go look for four dog bowls?

Unicorn: I'm on it.

Jacob: Thank you Unicorn.

After that, Unicorn ran off to another part of the store to go look for dog bowls.

Illustrious: I'm going to go with her to make sure nothing happens.

Jacob: Alright. I'll be looking for the dog beds.

Illustrious: Okay.

After that, Illustrious went go meet Unicorn while I walked over to the far wall where I found the dog beds. I found two that I liked right away and they were a decent size. They were a little too big for a puppy but they would be just the right size for a fully grown German Shepherd. I grabbed the two dog beds and made my way towards Illustrious and Unicorn. When I got to them, I saw Unicorn holding four dog bowls, two were in the same wrapping and the other two were in the same wrapping.

(Incase you don't understand, two to the bowls are together in the same wrapping while the other two bowls are together in the same wrapping, but they aren't with the other two bowls. Sorry. I can be a bit confusing when I describe things.)

Jacob: You found some bowls Unicorn?

Unicorn: What do you think of these two Onii-Chan?

The bowls Unicorn was holding had a black background and a grey paw print in the middle of the black. The inside of the bowl the a shiny steel grey. The bottom at top sides to the bowl looked like the inside for the bowl and all four bowls looked like this.

Jacob: You got good taste Unicorn. I like them. Thank you for helping me out again.

Unicorn: You're welcome.

Jacob: Now it's time to look for some food.

After we got the bowls, we walked over to the counter where they had a bunch of different food brands. I picked up a big bag of Blue Buffalo dog food for puppies and placed it on the counter to check out.

(The dog food incase someone doesn't know what Blue Buffalo is.)

Unicorn: Is that a healthy brand?

Jacob: It should be. Excuse me, do you know where the toys are?

Shop Employee: The dog toys should be over there.

The employee pointed to a wall.

Jacob: Illustrious, you mind staying here for a quick sec? I want Unicorn to come help me pick out a few toys.

Illustrious: I don't mind.

Jacob: Alright. Unicorn, why don't you come help me pick out a few dog toys.

Unicorn: I'd love to.

Jacob: Awesome.

After that, me and Unicorn went pick out some toys. After that, I payed for everything and we left to store. We were walking towards one of the exits of the mall now. Me and Illustrious were holding hands. I was holding her right hand while she carried the dog bowls and the beds. Both the bowls and the beds were in the same bag. Unicorn was carrying the bag with the toys and I had the big bag of dog food sitting on my right shoulder.

Jacob: Hey, Illustrious. You don't want to go check out any of the other stores? Maybe go buy something for you?

Illustrious: Well, actually Jacob, I was wanting to buy a swimsuit for when we have days off, we could maybe go relax on the beach.

Jacob: Alright, sounds like a plan.

We were walking for a few more seconds. That when it finally hit me.


Illustrious: Jacob, are you okay? Your face is beet red.

Jacob: Oh uhh, I'm okay. Don't worry about a thing Illustrious. Ahahahaha

Illustrious: Are you sure? You're acting strange.

Jacob: I'm just fine Illustrious. Don't you worry bout a thing.

Illustrious: You just imagined me in a swimsuit didn't you?

Jacob: N-NO! But I will now. *Imagines Illustrious in a swimsuit*

Illustrious: *Giggles*

Jacob: *thoughts* Dude, I'm the luckiest person ALIVE!!

Illustrious: Oh. There's a swimsuit shop right there next to the exit. Jacob, do you mind helping me find a swimsuit?

Jacob: It will be so embarrassing for me, but I guess I can. Today is all about you so...

Illustrious: Thank you.

Jacob: N-No problem.

We made our way to the swimsuit shop. When we made it there, we walked in and nothing but swimsuits as far as the eye could see...unless I were to turn around.

Illustrious: let's get to looking shall we?

Jacob: *Imagines Illustrious in swimsuit again* *thoughts* Already on it.

After that, we spent the next few minutes looking at swimsuits. I still had the bag of dog food on my shoulder when illustrious walked up to me, holding a swimsuit.

Illustrious: Do you think this would look good on me Jacob?

Jacob: *thoughts* You look good in just about everything. *irl* I think that would look really good on you.

Illustrious: Then give me a bit and I'll go try it on.

Jacob: Okay.

Illustrious walked off to a changing room with the swimsuit. About a minute later, Illustrious walked out wearing the swimsuit.

(Illustrious with swimsuit)

(So I didn't think the picture would be this big, but damn, dat butt. Aslo, if you look at her hand she's wearing a ring, that's not supposed to be there...yet. ;) Heheheheheh.)

Illustrious: What do you think Jacob?

Jacob: *Nose bleeds*

Illustrious: I take it that you like my swimsuit.

Jacob: *Mentally breaks down*

Jacob: *thoughts* AIR! I NEED AIR!!! I NEED TO BREEEEEEEATH!! *Gasps for air*

Illustrious: Jacob, are you okay?

Jacob: *In low voice* I am now.

Illustrious: What do you mean by that?

Jacob: I'm in heaven.

Illustrious: Hey, Jacob.


Illustrious: Please don't be so loud.

Jacob: I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting to see you in something like that.

Illustrious: Do you like my swimsuit?

Jacob: *Shakes head up and down vigorously.*

Illustrious: *Giggles* You really do like this one huh?

Jacob: *Shakes head up and down even more vigorously*

Illustrious: Then I'll buy this one.

Jacob: Wait, but, don't you want to try on more? That's a little too fast don't you think? What if you want a different one instead?

Illustrious: I'll buy this one, but Jacob, do you want to see me in more swimsuits?

Jacob: That's not it Illustrious. All I'm saying is that you should try on different ones before making a decision. That's how it works right? At least for clothes I mean.

Illustrious: I guess you're right.

Jacob: *thoughts* YES!

Illustrious: Then I'll go look for another one.

Jacob: Okay.

After that, Illustrious walked off to go look for another swimsuit.

Unicorn: Onii-Chan.

Jacob: What is it Unicorn?

Unicorn: Do you love Illustrious?

Jacob: *Pauses for a bit* I do.

Unicorn: I can tell that you do. I see it in your eyes Onii-Chan.

Jacob: Quite the observer aren't you Unicorn?

Unicorn: N-No, it's just, it's clear to see that you love her.

Illustrious walked back up to us holding another swimsuit.

Illustrious: what do you think about this one? Do you think it will look good on me?

Jacob: I'm sure it will look great on you.

Then Illustrious walked off to go try it on. About a minute later she walked out wearing the second swimsuit.

(Second swimsuit)

(Illustrious isn't doing that pose. Just for clarification.)

Jacob: *Blushes*

Illustrious: I don't even need to ask how you feel about this one do I?

Jacob: I mean... *Shrugs shoulders*

Illustrious: *Giggles* I can't decide which one I want though.

Jacob: Just let me know and I'll buy it for you.

Illustrious: I wouldn't do that.

Jacob: Why not?

Illustrious: You're a guy and you would be buying a woman's swimsuit.

Jacob: I see you're point.

Illustrious: I just can't decide which one I want.

Jacob: *Blushes*

Illustrious: I'll just get both of them.

Jacob: *thoughts* BOTH?!

Jacob: Both?!

Illustrious: Yes. I'll get both.

Jacob: *thoughts* BEST. DAY. EVER!

Illustrious: I'll be right back.

Jacob: O-Okay.

After that, Illustrious went change back into her normal clothes. A minute after she went change, I saw her walk out and she made her way to the checkout counter. Illustrious bought both swimsuits and she walked back over to me and Unicorn. When Illustrious got to us, we both stood up.

Illustrious: I'm ready to go whenever you are.

Jacob: I'm ready to go. If I nose bleed anymore I might die from blood loss.

Illustrious just giggles and we left the mall. We headed for a local pet store and after several minutes of walking, we made it there.

Jacob: Well, Unicorn, you ready to get some dogs?

Unicorn: Yes.

Jacob: Alright,let's head inside then.

Without saying another word, we walked into the pet store. The person at the counter welcomed us and we said hello before we started looking around.

Jacob: Alright Unicorn, you think you can help me find a dog?

Unicorn nodded her head and she walked off to go look. Me and Illustrious walked over to a different wall from Unicorn and started looking at some dogs. We didn't look for too long when the employee walked over to us.

Employee: Are you looking for any type of dog in specific?

Jacob: Yes I'm looking for a German Shepherd. A puppy please. I'd like to grow with the dog and be there for it every step of the way.

Employee: I understand. Well, you're looking at a German Shepherd right now actually. He's the last one we have here.

Jacob: Then I'll take him. But uh, I'm buying two dogs today and she's picking one out for me. *Points to Unicorn*

Employee: I see. Is she your daughter and is this your wife?

I started blushing as I looked at Illustrious.

Jacob: *thoughts* She isn't my wife yet.

Jacob: No, we're on a date. I'm the commander on this base and she's in my fleet. So is she. *Points to Unicorn*

Employee: Oh I see, these two are shipgirls right?

Jacob: That's right.

Employee: So which one are you on a date with? I hope it's not her. *Looks at Unicorn*

Jacob: No. Me and her are on a date. *Points to Illustrious*

Employee: I see. And what's your name Ma-am?

Illustrious: Good day. My name is Illustrious.

Employee: I see. You're from the Royal Navy camp aren't you?

Illustrious: That is correct.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Unicorn walking up to us, so I looked at her.

Unicorn: Onii-Chan, I found a cute doggy.

Jacob: Cool let's go check him out.

We all followed Unicorn to the dog she picked out. When we got there, I looked inside and saw that she found a black and white Husky.

Jacob: A Husky huh? You really do have good tastes Unicorn.

Unicorn: He looks so cute.

Jacob: You're right about that. Is this the one you picked out?

Unicorn nodded her head. She was fixated on the puppy in front of her.

Jacob: I'll take this one and the German Shepherd please.

Employee: Okay.

Then the employee unlocked the cage that the Husky was in and took him out. Then she walked over to a wall and grabbed a small traveling cage. Then she put the Husky in the cage and set the cage on the counter before walking over to the German Shepherd and doing the same with him.

Employee: And what are the names?

Jacob: Hmmm. You know, I haven't even thought of any names yet. Hey Unicorn, can you think of a name for the Husky while I think of a name to the German Shepherd?

Unicorn: I'll try.

Jacob: Do you have any ideas Illustrious?

Illustrious: Let me see.

Unicorn: Onii-Chan, what about Blizzard for the Husky?

Jacob: Blizzard huh? I like that. I like that a lot actually. For the Husky, I'd like to name him Blizzard.

Employee: Okay. Got it.

Jacob: Now for the German Shepherd.

I started thinking for a few seconds when a name came to me.

Jacob: I think I'll name the German Shepherd "Ace"

Employee: Ace. Got it. Well here you go sir. Ace and Blizzard. Both male puppies.

Jacob: Thank you.

After doing the paperwork for Ace and Blizzard, we left the pet store and we were now heading back to my house to get set up everything for the puppies. I was carrying Ace in his travel cage in my left hand while the bag of dog food was sitting on my right shoulder. Illustrious was carrying Blizzard, who was in his travel cage, in her right hand while she carried the bag of bowls and beds in her left hand. Unicorn was carrying the bag of dog toys.

We were walking down the street when I heard someone call Unicorn's name. We turned to look in the direction the voice came from and we saw Laffey, Javelin, Ayanami, and Z23 running up to us.

Javelin: Hey there Unicorn. Oh, hello, Commander and Illustrious.

Laffey, Z23,and Ayanami: Hello, Commander

Jacob: Hey girls, what's up?

Laffey: Nothing much. We were just looking for Unicorn.

Unicorn: Sorry, I was with Onii-Chan and Illustrious. They went on a date and I went with them.

Z23: I see

Javelin: What's with all the bags and the big bag of dog food? Did you get a dog, Commander?

Jacob: Nope, I got two dogs.

Ayanami: What kind of dogs?

Jacob: Well, they're puppies right now, but I got a German Shepherd named Ace and Unicorn picked out a Husky and named him Blizzard. They're both male pups.

Laffey: Can we pet them?

Jacob: Through the cage, yes. Damnit, I forgot to buy leashes for them. Sorry, but I don't want to let them out without a leash.

Ayanami: That's okay.

Me and Illustrious placed the cages down and Javelin, Ayanami, Laffy, Z23, and even Unicorn started petting the pups. I could see the puppies licking the girl's fingers. After a bit, they stood up and started talking with Unicorn. I bent down and picked up Blizzard's cage before handing him to Illustrious. Then I bent back down and picked up Ace. That's when Unicorn turned to Illustrious.

Unicorn: Can I go sleep with them?

Illustrious: Yes you can. Please give me the bag.

Unicorn handed Illustrious the bag of dog toys so now, Illustrious was carrying the bag of bowls and beds, the dog toys, and her swimsuits in her left hand, while carrying Blizzard in her right hand. Unicorn walked up to Ace and Blizzard before she petted them.

Unicorn: Bye-bye Ace. Bye-bye Blizzard. Bye Onii-Chan and Illustrious.

Jacob: See ya later Unicorn. Thanks for all the help today too. *Gives smile*

Unicorn: You're welcome Onii-Chan.

Illustrious: Be safe girls.

Unicorn: We will.

After that, Unicorn and the others walked off towards the dorms. I noticed that it was getting a little late.

Jacob: You ready to go?

Illustrious: I am.

Then we started towards my house again. A few minutes of walking and talking later, we arrived at my house. I set Ace down and took out my house key before unlocking the door and pushing it open. Then I grabbed Ace again and I stepped aside to let Illustrious walk in first.

Jacob: Just set everything down in the living room if you would, please.

Illustrious walked in and placed the bags down on the table in the living room. I walked in after her and placed the bag of dog food on the floor next to the couch.

Jacob: Let's go put them in the room.

Illustrious: Okay.

We walked into the bedroom and we placed the cages down at the foot of the bed. Then I walked into the living room and grabbed the bag with the bowls before walking into the kitchen and I grabbed a knife. Then I cut the wrapping around the bowls and took them out. I walked over to the sink and filled two of the bowls with water before placing them near the kitchen table.

(Just for clarification, you walk into the house and when you get to the end of the hall, you're in the living room. The bedroom is to your right and the kitchen is to your left. You have to pass the table before you get into the kitchen. Well if you walked down the hall from the door until you were inline with the table, remember that the kitchen is to your left, across the table is the end of the counter or island as people call it. Well the food and water bowls are in between the table and island.)

Then I walked over to the bag of food and opened it before pouring some food into the other two bowls. Then I brought the two bowls and placed them next to the water bowls. From left to right it's food bowl, water bowl, food bowl, water bowl. Then I walked back into the bedroom where Illustrious was sitting on my bed.

Jacob: Hey, I'm gonna head back to the pet store and buy some leashes and pads for them to use the bathroom on. Do you want to come?

Illustrious: I'll gladly come with you.

Jacob: Alright sounds good.

Illustrious: Do you want to let them out so they can eat first?

Jacob: I think they'll be fine for now. It'll only take a few minutes to get there and back. When we get back we can let them out so they can explore.

Illustrious: Okay then.

After that we left the house and headed back to the pet store.

(Time Skip)

Location: Pet Store.

Me and Illustrious walked into the pet store again and we saw that the same girl from earlier was still here.

Employee: Oh, welcome back. Did you forget anything?

Jacob: I forgot to buy leashes and pads for them to do their business.

Employee: I have two lashes right here for them. One has "Ace's" name on it and the other has "Blizzard's" name on it.

Jacob: You didn't need to do that, but thank you for taking the time to do it.

Employee: It's no problem at all. I'll go get those pads for you now.

Jacob: Okay thank you.

The employee left and a few minutes later she came back with several pads.

Employee: How many do you need?

Jacob: I'll take four.

Illustrious: Don't you only need two for at your house?

Jacob: Yeah, but I also want two more for in my office.

Illustrious: You're going to bring them to your office too?

Jacob: *Looks at Illustrious with smirk expression while nods head*

Illustrious: So you're going to take them to work?

Jacob: *Looks at Illustrious with smirk expression while nods head*

Employee: Here you go. Four pads and the two leashes.

Jacob: Thank you. Sorry for keeping you here after closing hours.

Employee: It's no problem. It's not everyday that I see such a cute couple.

Jacob: *Blushes and rubs back of head* Eheheheh, thanks. Well, we'll be going now. Take care.

Employee: Okay and take care.

Jacob: We will. Oh, but before we go, do you sell Blue Buffalo brand dog food?

Employee: We do.

Jacob: Okay cool. Now I won't have to go to the mall every time I need to buy dog food. Well, NOW we'll be going.

Employee: Have a nice evening.

Jacob: You too.

After that, me and Illustrious left the pet store and headed back to my house.

(Time Skip)

Location: Walking Home.

While we were walking home.

Illustrious: Why did you ask me if I wanted to come with you when you wanted to go back to the store?

Jacob: Because, just cause we made it back to my house doesn't mean that the date is over with.

Illustrious: *Giggles* Naughty, Commander.

Jacob: That's not what I meant and you know it. If anything, you're the naughty one here.

Illustrious: I'm messing with you Jacob.

Jacob: Uhh-huh.

(Time Skip)

Location: Jacob's House.

We made it back to the house now. We walked down the hall and into the bedroom. I threw the leashes on the bed and walked over to the two cages before opening them and both Ace and Blizzard ran out of their cages. Illustrious was sitting on the edge of the bed leaning down as she started petting Ace before Blizzard ran up to her and she started petting him as well.

Jacob: *thoughts* I just let them out and they're already with her. Those two are some damn traitors.

I chuckled a bit and walked over to Illustrious and took a seat next to her. Then I leaned down and started petting Ace and Blizzard for a few seconds. I stood up and went get the pads. I took out two and walked back into the bedroom. Then I folded one of them out at the foot of my bed, but against the wall. Then I did the same with the other pad.

Illustrious: Well, Jacob, I had a lot of fun on our date today, but it's about time I head out. It's getting rather late.

Then there was a loud crack of thunder. I got up wand walked down the hall before I opened the front door, only to see that it was pouring down raining.

Jacob: I don't think you'll be going anywhere in this weather. You can stay here if you want?

Illustrious: I don't want to bother you at this time of the evening.

Jacob: What are you talking about? I'm never bothered when we're together. In fact, I'm always calmer when we're with each other.

Illustrious: So I'm not a bother?

Jacob: What?! No! Where did you even get that idea from?

Illustrious: Is it really okay for me to spend the night here, with you?

Jacob: Of course it is. You can spend the night whenever you want Illustrious. My door is always open to you.

Illustrious: Then, that's what I'll do. I'll stay here, with you.

Jacob: Sounds good Illustrious.

After that, I closed the door and locked it before we walked back into the bedroom. When we walked in, there was another loud crack of thunder and I heard both Ace and Blizzard whimpering. I quickly walked over to them and picked them both up and I put them in the bed.

Jacob: It's okay you two. You're safe in here.

Illustrious: They're so cute.

Jacob: Yeah I know. Oh hey, remember when I told you that I like German Shepherds? Well, Huskies are the other types of dogs I like. I never told Unicorn that I liked Huskies so I guess I got lucky there. I'll have to thank her next time I see her.

Illustrious: I see.

Jacob: Well, I'm gonna go change into some comfortable clothes and I'll be out in a bit. Then I'm gonna go to sleep. I had a lot of fun today, but man am I tired.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed my comfortable pair of clothes before I walked into the bathroom and changed. After I changed, I walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where I found Illustrious laying in bed under the covers. I grabbed Ace and Blizzard and took them off of the bed and onto the pads where they did their business. I walked over to my side of the bed when there was yet another loud crack of thunder. Both Ace and Blizzard whimpered, so I walked back or to them, picked them up, and placed them in the bed again before I climbed into bed myself.

I laid down facing Illustrious and we were looking at each other.

Jacob: Thanks for the sandwiches earlier Illustrious. They were really good. And thanks for agreeing to go on a date with me. I had a lot of fun.

Illustrious: I had fun too. Thank you for taking me on a date and for letting Unicorn come with us.

Jacob: It's no problem at all. But you know Illustrious, I really am one of the luckiest people in the world for meeting you.

That's when I scooted towards Illustrious and I kissed her for a few seconds before we stopped. Then both Ace and Blizzard came lay down right in between us, right next to our chests. All I could do was chuckle.

Jacob: You know, it really does feel like we're married and we have a little family. I will say, i love this feeling, mostly because you you Illustrious.

Illustrious: I feel the same way, Jacob.

I gave Illustrious a soft smile as we both closed our eyes and fell asleep together with Ace and Blizzard curled up in between us up against our chests.

Jacob: *thoughts* One little "happy" family.

End Part 16: My Date With Illustrious.

Announcer Jacob: Man, I started writing this part late last night and even then I only had like just over 1000 words, but now the part is complete. I was wanting to get this part out today and I'm happy I did cause tomorrow I have to help my dad outside like almost the whole day so I'm happy that I was able to get this part out today. So tomorrow I won't be working on this story like I'd planned to, but hey, not everything can go your way. That's it for now. See y'all later.

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