Promises of Her

By KittyMJoyce

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Its a slow burner for sure... Love cannot be explained or controlled by others, or in some cases ourselves... More

Chapter 1: Defiance
Chapter 2: Dominatrix
Chapter 3: Damage Done
Chapter 4: Declaration
Chapter 5: Defeat
Chapter 6: Diversion
Chapter 8: Duty
Chapter 9: Delight
Chapter 10: Denial
Chapter 11: Disquietude
Chapter 12: Desire
Chapter 13: Death to Dubiousness
Chapter 14: Dissolution
Chapter 15: Disposition
Chapter 16: Defuzed
Chapter 17: Daedal

Chapter 7: Different

71 4 4
By KittyMJoyce

                      ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Sister Mary Eunice had run a bath for Jude so she could be washed clean of all the blood that stained her extremities. As the young nun busied herself preparing everything Jude sat on a wooden stool in the bathroom, an uncharacteristic grim line amid her empty eyes. She knew she had shown far to much weakness in front her young pupil and tried hardly to pull herself together, but she was having an extremely difficult time.

Never before had a patient tried to harm her in any way, let alone lunge at her with a weapon. The idea of her patients conspiring to plan her demise was worrying to the aging nun. The idea of possibly being murdered, the amount of blood spilling from Lana's body, her cold lifeless body lying on the gurney, and the fact that it could have been her in Lana's place, all the swarming thoughts made her unbelievably sick to her stomach.

The thing Jude desired most was to be alone with her thoughts, to collect herself before resuming her duties. Standing from her chair Jude grabbed a soft hold of Sister Mary Eunice's hand "I'll take it from here. Thank you sister" she said offering a small smile. The young nun looked up at Jude with hesitation written all over her face. "Are you sure? you went though a very trau-" "I said thank you sister! you may go" Jude said, her voice raising with agitation. The young nun nodded her head and quickly exited the bathroom; reluctantly leaving Jude to herself.

As Jude slid deeper into the water all the sounds around her dissolved. She closed her eyes and let out a deep breath relaxing under the steamy suds, but her relaxation was cut short. She wished her incessant mind would cease its worrying and enjoy the warmth of the bath as much as her body, but all she could think about was Lana. Had she made it through surgery? was Arden able to save her? was her wound too severe? Her searing curiosity overworked her mind making it nearly impossible to relax any longer, she opened her eyes and sat up letting out a great huff of frustration.

As Jude looked down into the crimson coloured water that encased her body, her frustration turned into guilt and tears slowly started to build in the corner of her eyes. "What have I done?" she whispered her voice cracking with sadness.

Suddenly her tears burst forth like water spilling from a dam, cascading candidly down her face. She felt the muscles of her chin tremble as the hysterical episode mercilessly ripped through her body.  Her busy head was now pounding, filled with nothing but static. Something about the experience she endured today took something out of her, and thinking about Lana only made the tears flow harder.  She stripped a sane woman of her life, her freedom, and rights, all in a fit of rage.  A woman she had personally targeted and saught after to admit even though Jude knew damn well wasn't ill, that woman had just sacrificed her life for Jude's. It would be something Jude would forever be in-debt for. "I'm so so sorry" she sobbed to herself looking up to the roof; as if asking God for help would do her any good now.

   Suddenly a knock echoed off the thick metal door of the bathroom, Jude silently panicked not wanting anyone to see her in this state. She quickly splashed water on her face and inhaled deeply, rising from the bath she grabbed the nearby bathrobe and wrapped it around her body. "Come in" she answered meekly, quite exhausted from the spell she had just endured. Sister Mary Eunice poked her head in shyly "Dr. Arden sent me, he wanted me to tell you Miss. Winters is fine, but she will need around the clock care during her recovery" the girl said optimistically. Jude inhaled deeply and let out a sigh of relief, she nodded politely to the young nun which sent her on her way. Jude wasted no time as she quickly towel dried her golden tresses and suited herself up in a fresh habit.  She wanted to see Lana as soon as possible, for she owed her both a thank you and an apology.

It was well past lights out when Jude made her way to Lana's cell, she decided against wearing her heels for she didn't want to wake the patients-instead opting for a pair of black leather penny loafers so there would be no disturbance. She had brought along with her a spare blanket, which was thicker than the average hospital sheet that was regularly provided for all the patients. She wanted Lana to be comfortable and warm, for the last time Jude had a hold of her hand Lana's body felt as though she had ice coursing through her veins. Sure Jude had an extremely hard exterior, but she did have a heart, and contrary to popular belief it was capable of feeling. As she approached Lana's cell she cracked open the padlock as quietly as she could, slipping in with as little disturbance as possible then carefully closed the door behind her.

As Jude's gaze finally settled on Lana's ashen complexion she let out a little gasp, covering her mouth. The young woman looked ghostly; her skin was snow white, dark circles encompassed her eyes, and her once plush pink lips now appeared stripped of all colour.  Jude must have stood there for a good 5 minutes just looking the woman over, her heart heavy with growing guilt.  Jude started to slowly unfold the blanket keeping a careful eye on Lana. She walked closer to her bed and lightly laid the thick comforter over Lana's body, making her way around the bed tucking it under her body ensuring she'd stay warm. Jude pulled up a chair that sat in the corner of the room to sit beside Lana's bed, she gently embraced Lana's hand in her own.

"I don't even know how to start. I suppose I should thank you, you saved my life and far that I am internally grateful, and I don't believe I will ever be able to fully thank you far that-why you did it baffles me, I caused you so much pain and Im sure you feel nothin but hate far me....ah phooey, I don't even know what I'm doing here" Jude said looking down into her lap shaking her head in disappointment, letting out a little sniffle as her eyes became glossy.

Without warning she felt a weak squeeze on her hand and quickly looked up at Lana, who's eyes had cracked slightly open and had her head turned toward Jude. "do.don't cry.." she whispered, licking her dry lips.

Jude tightened her grip on Lana's hand moving closer to her bed "do you need anything? I can get you anything you need" she said softly, watching as Lana slowly shook her head no.

Jude sighed as she watched the woman's eyes close again, her head dropping to the left in unconsciousness.  Jude then released her hold on Lana's hand deciding that it was time for her to go, to leave Lana to rest. She stood from her chair and stood over her looking down at the young woman sympathetically. Truthfully she would have sat in that wooden chair all night just to make sure Lana was okay, and nothing happened to her while everyone was sleeping. Despite the strong urge, she had responsibilities to attend to the next morning, they didn't cease even with the ordeal that had taken place.  With a heavy heart Jude headed for the door, looking back at Lana one last time before silently slipping out.

"stay.." Lana whispered breathlessly, though by the time she had gotten it out it was too late. Jude had gone.


Hiya, just a quick check in I suppose,

the song I linked was the one I had on repeat at 1:30 in the morning as I brainlessly wrote this horrible chapter! Anywho, I hope everyone is enjoying. I will continue to update regularly! Thank you for all the feedback! Lot's of love


p.s. yes, Kitty is my real name

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