Chapter 6: Diversion

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

It had been weeks since Lana was first admitted to Briarcliff, so she thought at least. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, she had lost track of how long she had "actually" been in there. Despite this, she had gotten used to the schedule and how to fit in. It was fairly easy to stay out of trouble but with the sharp eye of Sister Jude watching her intensely, waiting for any excuse to punish her, she had to work extra hard to stay out of trouble; this meant taking her medication with no hesitation, minding her own business in the bakery, not picking fights with other patients, and making sure her bed was made in the morning BEFORE inspection at 9 o'clock.  A lesson she had learned the hard way, one lashing was enough for her to quickly learn.

The only sense of freedom she experienced was being able to smoke in the common room, a place of utter madness. Patients banging their heads off the walls, rolling around on the ground, and the damn record that played on an endless loop. In the short while of her being there she had befriended Kit Walker. An absolutely innocent man that was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and would suffer for it the rest of his life, if you could even call it that.  She had also become friendly with a woman named Grace who associated with Kit. Despite all this, her stay hadn't necessarily been an easy one. She had been to hell and back with Sister Jude and her mid evil methods of punishments and treatments-she had yet to receive shock therapy and wasn't looking to get it either.

Just like any other day Lana, Kit, and Grace were sat at a table secluded in the back corner of the common room; they'd spend their days talking, smoking, and playing cards. Kit looked up at the clock that hung on the wall "t-minus 5 minutes!" he said with a boyish grin. For weeks they started to kept track of the time every time Sister Jude made her rounds, eventually timing them right down to the tee, as she was on the dot everyday.

At precisely 3:50 pm the doors swung open and in waltzed Sister Jude, followed by two huge guards, her eagle like eyes scanned around the room ensuring everything was orderly. Returning back to their card game Lana felt a slight pinch in her side and tried shifting to get comfortable. As she did so she noticed one of the patients, Thomas Kurt was his name, give a nod across the room to another man who stood at the front of the room close to Sister Jude and her guards. He went by the name of Tiny, and why they called him that was a wonder to Lana, for he was a big burly man that stood surely over 6 feet tall.

Suddenly Tiny let out a loud growl like yell and plunged at the guards knocking one of them over, causing the other guard to draw his baton from his belt and run over in attempt to subdue the giant.  Amongst all the commotion the guard lightly pushed Jude out of the line of fire, causing her to stumble back as she watched in terror.  Lana then turned her attention back to Thomas and noticed as he slowly and shakily started approaching Sister Jude from behind. Her eyes widened as she saw a flash of light bounce off something metal in his hand-he had a weapon, and was headed straight for Jude! he was going to try and kill her!

Surely Lana hates the woman with her whole being and wanted nothing more than for her to rot in hell, but a small voice in the back of her mind projected itself; "do something, save her, she's your only way out!" She tried her hardest to resist the little voice playing in her mind, but she couldn't just let herself stand by and watch it happen, knowing she could of interfered.
Suddenly something took hold of Lana and before she could even think she was up off her chair charging at Thomas. "SISTER JUDE LOOK OU- she started trying to catch Jude's attention, but before she could finish her sentence Thomas had quickly spun around and mistakenly plunged the serrated edged knife right into the soft flesh of Lana's stomach. Sister Jude had turned around in time to witness what had happened and let out a shriek of terror. Like an owner calling their dog, Frank came running into the common room and tackled Thomas to the ground, hitting him hard over the head with his wooden baton. Lana stood frozen, the blood flowing freely from the gaping hole in her stomach. She looked down at her crimson soaked gown and hands and started to shake uncontrollably, beginning to feel extremely light headed. The brunette felt a warm hand grip onto her ice cold upper arm and another one putting pressure on her wound, causing her to look back up, gazing straight into Jude's fear stricken eyes-then everything went black.
"We need to get her to ARDEN NOW!" Lana was falling in and out of consciousness; despite this, her foggy mind could register that she was being wheeled down one of the corridors on a gurney. She looked up at the passing ceiling lights, then dropped her heavy head to the left. She didn't know if it was the lights or if she was dying but, she could see a woman with shiny golden hair hovering above her and she seemed to be glowing, making her appear almost angelic. Her vision was too blurry to focus on the woman but she could feel a soft warm hand holding hers, and squeezed it lightly to get the persons attention

"" she whispered breathlessly. As Jude looked down at the woman who had just saved her life she couldn't help but get glossy eyed. Lana had selflessly thrown herself in front of the attacker to shield her from his incoming attack. As Jude, Frank and another guard ran down the corridor pushing her gurney, Jude refused to let go of Lana's blood sockedhand "No one will be dying today!" Jude exclaimed ardently.

As they arrived at Arden's lab, Frank looked at Jude sympathetically "We'll take it from here" he said, slowly removing Lana's cold hand from Jude's.

Jude watched as the two men wheeled Lana into Arden before the lab door closed. The aged blonde stood planted in her place, unable to move, think, speak, all she could do was be still, as a few stray tears made their way down her cheeks. "Sister" a soft voice called from behind her as she felt a gentle tug on her arm. "Come sister, lets get you back to your room and cleaned up" cooed the soft voice of sister Mary Eunice.

The older nun looked a fright, her hands were stained with blood, and she had somehow lost her wimple, her hair loose and natural. Sister Jude stared at the young nun blankly and slowly nodded her head as she wiped away the tears on her cheek.  Sister Mary Eunice placed Jude's arm over her shoulder and draped her arm across Jude's back, gripping the right side of her torso for support. She had never seen Sister Jude like this before, she was vulnerable and almost helpless. Of course the young nun had heard what happened in the common room, and shuddered at the thought of Jude potentially being murdered.

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