Chapter 3: Damage Done

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

When Sister Jude was positive that Miss. Winters was off the premises she returned back to her office. As she approached she saw Frank standing his post outside her door. "Frank. I have a job for you." She started, waiting for his response.

Miss. Winters had unequivocally pushed Jude to her limit today, and Jude wasn't going to let it go without a fight. She had devised a semi thought out plan and trusted no one one but Frank to see it through. Sure she was his superior, but only on Briarcliff grounds; she couldn't simply order him about outside of Briarcliff, so firstly she had to obtain his consent.

Frank nodded his head "Its my job to do anything you ask!" he replied confidently.

Jude let out a little chuckle "Tha world would have a substantially less amount of problems if only every man were as subservient as you Frank!" She said jokingly, allowing both her and the officer to share a brief laugh.

"I need you ta find out as much as you can about our nosey little writer. Miss. Lana Winters. This of course would require you to leave tha premises and go undercover." Jude explained, watching Franks facial expressions intently awaiting his response.

Giving a firm nod of approval Frank agreed to take up his new temporary post as Jude's out of base spy. "Thank you Frank." She said offering a friendly smile before opening the door to her office.

"Sister, if I may" Frank started-Jude took a step back out into the hallway to face him again. "Why the sudden interest?" he asked.

Sister Jude scowled in remembrance of the little minx' actions earlier. Not only had the woman taken advantage of Sister Mary's innocence and good nature, but her sinister plan disguised as interest in their bakery is what really set Sister Jude off. She was a threat to everything her and Timothy had built together, and even though he abandoned their dream and her many years ago, Jude wanted to keep their dream alive. No exceptions.

"I never lose Frank and I don't plan on startin either." She stated, anger and resentment laced through her words.

On that final note, she wanted nothing more than to just change into her sleeping attire and cuddle up in bed; it was a truly exhausting day. "I will brief you tomorrow morning. I have one last request, i'm retiring early this evening. No disturbances please."

Being a man of very few words, Frank nodded his head in understanding and resumed his guard post outside her door. With that, she retired into her office with the desire to see absolutely nobody and just sleep the horrible day away.


Lana returned home slamming the door behind her in anger, making her presence known. Wendy rushed to the front foyer of their home to see what all the fuss was; when she saw Lana she let out a sigh and smiled, approaching her lover for an embrace. It was a quick hug as she could sense how tense Lana was, she pulled away so she could see her face. "What happened?" she asked carefully.

Lana let out a huff of frustration "Sister Jude happened. A vile woman. My god..." she began to verbally go off, brushing past Wendy headed for the kitchen. She threw herself down onto a chair at the table and waited for Wendy to take a seat opposite of her.

"I got no story, well I believe I do, but I have no way of 'actually' getting it or the evidence I need to back it up! The headmistress is an old battle ax with no sense of mercy whatsoever! she is hiding something in that fortress of hers and I know it! I just need proof, I need info from an insider. Tough old bitch." Lana hissed under her breath.

Wendy patted her lovers arm and looked at her sympathetically "The chance will come, maybe this wasn't meant to be La-"

"No, this isn't over. I will get my story....just how I will do it is what I need to work out." Lana said. Her mind lost in deep thought, eyes swimming with intensity.

Wendy got up from the table, she knew her lover was just frustrated and would get over it and overcome her stubbornness in a few days. "You haven't won yet sister." she heard Lana whisper as she left the room.


A couple of weeks later

"What have you found out Frank?" Jude asked as she sat down behind her desk, then motioned for Frank to sit in the other chair in front of her desk. Frank handed her a khaki coloured folder and sat back in the chair. Sister Jude almost couldn't contain herself any longer, she wanted all the dirt on this woman. For days she had tried to think of ways to get back at her; get her revenge.

Numerous ideas such as approach her work place with a story that would make her lose her job, sending guards to her home to scare her off, torching her car.  They all seemed quite ridiculous and petty, but Jude desperately wanted to see the young schemer deteriorate. As she opened the file and lifted the first page of notes a loud gasp escaped her lips.

Jude looked up to Frank with wide eyes and open mouth. He slowly shook his head in disapproval "I was shocked sister" he said lowly. Jude couldn't believe her eyes. For in front of her laid hard, concrete evidence. A photograph Frank had captured of Miss. Winters kissing another woman. "She's a homosexual" Jude whispered in disbelief. She looked up to Frank and closed the file below her. "You never fail to deliver. I will personally ensure you have the whole holidays off to go a see your family, as well as a little bonus" Jude said and watched as Frank's face lit up with happiness at the mention of his family. "You may go." She said, and with that Frank got up and left her office closing the door behind him.

Jude let out a sigh and leaned back into her chair reopening the file and raising the picture to look it over once more. She was truly in shock, homosexuality was a disease of the mind that-slowly as the pieces started to fit together a cunning grin etched its way onto Jude's face. She knew exactly what to do; she was going to admit Miss. Winters into Briarcliff

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