His Only Mate

بواسطة chicky555

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Ella Lynn is a new student at Green Evercrest High she's short and shy. And awaits the day she can leave her... المزيد

The Staring
His Name
No Kidnapping
Ugly Crying
Little Girl
Big Girl
Time for School
Root Beer Float
The Wedding
New books


28.7K 675 83
بواسطة chicky555

Ella POV

I was so happy sitting here with my little girl and the love of my life when that blonde fake ass bimbo walked up to get our orders. Now I'm not usually one to judge but she just gave off a bad vibe and when she started checking out my mate. I couldn't stand it.

I stood up shocking Levi and turned to the lady. Pushing her on the shoulder to get her attention. She turned to me giving me a look of disgust. At that point I was completely done this bitch has to go.

"Levi put you hands over Addy's ears"

Levi jumped up from his seat running around us in record time covering our sweet daughters ears.

"Do you know who I am" I asked sweetly towards the tramp.

At my tone her face turned to a sneer. Right as she was about to respond I cut her off.

" Oh. I'm sorry of course you don't know who I am. Why, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Ella his fiancé and that over their is our daughter. Isn't she cutest." I stated laying on my accent thick.

The attendants face still shows disgust.

"I thought you were just some hick he was slumming with." She snaps.

At that moment I did something that I shouldn't be proud of but it was necessary. I slapped her across her makeup caked face and might I say it felt good.

Behind me I heard Levi laughing at my actions. He stood behind me wrapping his hands around my waist. Pulling my body fully against his.

"You bit.." before she could finish it Levi cut her off.

" This is my future wife. You will not speak to her or my daughter like that or I will make sure you can't find a job in the future. I suggest you button up your shirt and get the hell off my plane." At his stern words the lady's face broke into sob as she ran off the plane.

I turned to see Addy wearing earbuds watching Frozen oblivious to what had just occurred. I couldn't help but laugh. I just slapped some random bitch and got away with it.

We went back to our seats and this time Levi asked me what I'd like to drink I asked for a sprite and a juice box for Addy. Levi came back with our drinks and some potato chips and then are plane went off.

It was my first time flying but I wasn't too worried in fact I took the take off fairly well. About an hour after we took off I fell asleep and was woken up a little over an hour later because well someone had to go to the ladies room after a quick trip to the bathroom. We sat back down in our seats Levi was asleep in the seat across from me with one hand on his chest and the other still holding some potato chips he was going to eat before he passed out. I pulled my phone out and took a picture of him setting it as my home screen.

As time passed Addy and I had finished two other Disney movies when the pilot announced we'd be landing in less than thirty minutes. The announcement didn't even wake Levi up and Addy was just excited for us to land. Levi refused to tell me where we were landing so although I knew we were somewhere else I didn't know where.

The plane started landing and once we were on the ground Levi woke up to the shaking of the plane hitting the runway.

"We have now landed in California" the pilot stated. We were in California.

Looking out the window I could only see a few palm trees everything else was runway and random planes. Unbuckling Addy and standing up we grabbed our bags and headed out of the plane and into the airport. Levi had finally gotten the stroller from the pilot and after it was set up Addy was placed inside.

The airport was huge. It was larger than the last airport and was filled with so many people I was thankful that Addy was in a stroller That way she wouldn't get lost if she let go of my hand. We walked through the airport with Levi next to me the whole time.

I noticed the older ladies giving me dirty looks for having Addy. I didn't enjoy them judging Levi and I. Although I couldn't do anything to change it I just prayed that Adaline never noticed it. We finally reached the car rental and after ten minutes Levi returned with the keys to our ride.

Levi had gotten us a Porsche Cayenne SUV. The car was a beautiful blue. After opening the trunk and placing all our bags in Levi came over to put the stroller away while I buckled Addy up. Once we were all inside Levi drove off. I couldn't believe my eyes their were palm trees all around us and beach shops and to our right was the ocean. After a good thirty minutes we pulled into a nice neighborhood right next to the beach. Levi said that we were in Carlsbad right by San Diego. The House wasn't as big as the pack house however it was still a really large house. We opened the doors grabbed all our stuff and walked into a beautiful boho styled house.

Levi dropped our stuff off into our rooms and now we are headed towards the beach. I'd never seen the ocean except for in pictures and books but seeing it in person was just amazing. It one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen besides my mate and our little girl of course. We stayed at the beach for about two hours building sand castles searching for shells and splashing each other with water. Adaline loved the beach she was upset when it was time to go inside but after Levi promised we'd come back tomorrow she went back to being her cheery self. Once we got inside we took showers to get all the sand and salt off our bodies.

Levi announced that we were going down to the board walk tonight and to get dressed. I changed once again into a dark green off the shoulder long sleeve shirt with a denim skirt. Pairing it with hoops placing my hair in a high ponytail that went down my back I was going to wear sandals but second guessed myself knowing that we'd be walking and settled for some white adidas.

Satisfied with the result I walked into Addy's room to see Levi trying to help her find an outfit.

" What about this you like the color pink?" Levi cooed trying his best for her to say yes.

"No!" Addy yelled getting really worked up. Levi looked crushed. Although he really wanted to be successful the likelihood was slim to none.

"Adaline don't yell it's unladylike and rude!" I scolded. Adaline's face showed a bit of fear proving that I had got the message across walking into her closet I pulled out a T-shirt and some pink floral shorts that I thought looked good together and grabbed her sandals knowing that Levi would probably carry her for the night.

Adaline put on her outfit without any hesitation making Levi's  jaw drop. Once she was done putting her shoes on we walked into the restroom to do her hair. I put her hair in high pig tails and placed two pearl Bobby pins in her hair to add a bit of style. Once I was finished we started walking out to the car and locked the doors on the way out.

The boardwalk wasn't very far from the house. We parked about a block away. Levi places Addy on his shoulders putting one hand behind her back to support her and the other held mine. I took a picture at that moment. Addy has her hands placed on Levi's forehead as she held on. The walk was nice. I loved holding onto Levi's hand.

"Hey. Babe. Just wanted to say that it was really sexy watching you slap that attendant earlier". Levi linked me making me double over and laugh. I still can believe I did that.

When we arrived at the board walk it was full of rides, food, games, and attractions it was very similar to a fair. We walked around looking at everything. Levi stopped us at one of the games it was the High Striker ( this is the game with the hammer and the bell). After paying the man he handed me Addy. We watched as Levi hit the plate with the wooden hammer. The bell went off as the guy asked which prize Levi would like to choose.

Even though the prizes ranged from big fluffy bears to small candies he chose the perfect prize. It was a simple medium sized pink bear which had a pink bow tied around its neck. Levi turned to me and gave me the bear kissing me on the lips. It was sweet and simple.

"Is this our first date?" I linked Levi catching him off guard. This is the first time that I have ever mind linked him intentionally.

" Well yes and no? I had planned for this before Adaline's adoption so intention wise yes?" He questioned his answers making me giggle. It's nice to know that even though it was supposed to be our first date that he still included Adaline.

" Then it's our first date." I replied smiling up at him squeezing his hand in reassurance.

We decided to head over to a cotton candy booth where we bought some pink cotton candy to share. Addy was so happy for the candy sadly her fingers got all stick and pink sugar residue was left all over Levi's hair and forehead. This had me taking once again another picture.

Adaline was to young to go on any of the rides so instead we played games and ate some shaved ice. Adaline played a duck game and won a cat beanie baby which she just loved. Eventually we got tired and decided it was time to leave and head back home.

We stopped at a burger joint called In-N-Out. The drive through was extremely busy and although the inside also looked busy Levi said it should be quicker. As we walked inside I was welcomed with the smell of burgers and fries. I moaned at the smell which had Levi growling.


Cody has been a bit on edge today I had a blast with my girls at the boardwalk we ate sweets and played games. Although Cody wasn't something has been bugging him and when I try to confront him he won't tell me what's wrong.

We walk into the restaurant and then Ellie moans at the smell of food I let out an accidental growl. It just happens sometimes. Ella giggles at me leaning up and kissing me on the cheek.

"Okay who wants food because I'm starving. Addy what do you want?" Ella asks.

Adaline was tired we could all tell she just wanted to go to bed and it was a little over an hour past her bed time.

"I want food." Addy replied snuggling more into Ella's side playing with her hair as we waited in line. I chuckled a Addy's response.

When we got up to the register Ella started ordering off what she wanted.

" I'll have a cheeseburger no onions, and a cup of water. Then we'll get another cheeseburger with only lettuce on it. Babe what do you want" she asked turning to me.

" I'll have the double cheeseburger with everything on it and a medium drink."

Once we finished our order we got our slip and headed over to a newly cleaned table and sat down. Ella and I treated today as our date we asked each other random questions and learned new stuff about each other.
I learned that Ella hates coleslaw and loves French fries. Her favorite show is Shitts Creek and her favorite book is   Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

We finished our food rather quickly and drove home. When we arrived Adaline was asleep and Ella wasn't far off we got out of the car I carried Addy up to the house with Ella at my side. Once we got inside we walked upstairs. Ella took Addy and walked into her room I headed to the bathroom taking a quick shower and put on some boxers and a T-shirt. I walked back to Adaline's room to check up on my girls Ella was tucking our baby in. Adalines hair was wet from her shower. I walked over to her and kissed her on the head wishing our angel a good night.

Ella walked into the bathroom and took a shower. She was exhausted I could tell. Once she was done the door opened and out walked my love. She was dressed in a pair of white pajamas which had black polka dots. She was gorgeous, her hair was up on the top of her hair in a big bun. She walked over and climbed in bed next to me and curled into my side. And then we fell asleep.

Thanks for reading vote or comment🥰💖😊

XOXO- Lillian Dero

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