Gangster Girl

By shortie87

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This is an MA story I would advise no one under the age of 18 read this! There is an advisory on the first p... More

About the Author
Chapter 1Angel and Kayla
Chapter 2Hellz Peak
Chapter 3To Become a Devil
Chapter 4The Second Chance
Chapter 5Need to Act Like a Devil
Chapter 6Looking the Part
Chapter 7A New Side
Chapter 8The Party
Chapter 9Confidence
Chapter 10Turf War
Chapter 11Good-Bye Kayla
Chapter 12The Funeral
Chapter 13The Betrayal
Chapter 14Busted
Chapter 15The Pregnancy
Chapter 16Getting Ready for the Baby
Chapter 17Welcome to the World
Chapter 18Angel's New Life
Chapter 20The New Allen
Chapter 21Trust
Chapter 22Dreams Do Come True

Chapter 19Allen Returns

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By shortie87

Allen, she thought he was one of the ones who got out, and now here he is, sitting in the room I'm going to be helping out in.

Allen looked as shocked as she was it was over a year and a half since he seen her and he was pleased she was here. He wanted so badly to run up and hug her but stayed in his seat as he just stared at her.

Damn she looks so good, she more beautiful then ever he thought to himself and smiled in her direction. He never stopped thinking about her and wanted to contact her many times

Angel almost forgetting she was in his group and was there on school assignment gazed at him and smiled back. She then realized as Ms. Emerson started talking she was there for school and there to learn and help others, she wanted to help others more than anything in the world but she wanted to focus on Allen more than anything.

Angel had to snap back to reality and focus on her work here rather than Allen but it was so hard to do. Angel just shadowed the caseworker like she was told to do, and kept taking notes in her notebook as she talked, but couldn't keep her mind or eyes off of Allen, every chance she got she would look in his direction and notice he was looking right back at her.

She loved he was there, and now almost daily she could see him but she knew if her Dad knew he was in her class and he was one of the people that got out he would do everything he could to put an end to it and Angel didn't want to lose a job before it even started or lose her chance to see Allen so she thought it would be best just to keep her mouth shut, she thought what he didn't know wouldn't hurt Allen or herself.

The day finished and the people in the group were lead out before Angel, the other student, and Ms. Emerson.

" Today was a great learning day for the two of you, I hope you learned a lot about why these people are here, and the help they need. Some days there are more than others in the room with us but each of them has their reasons we need to figure out and try and work with them." Ms. Emerson said to them.

" How often do we get to come here?" Angel asked wondering how much she would get to see Allen rather than learning at this point.

" We will come two to three times a week depending on when you have class and each time we will learn more about them and ways to work with them." She replied. " Also within a month of shadowing me once I feel you are ready we will have you be working one on one with someone in here to see how well you do with helping them, don't forget you are getting graded here as well as getting graded in-class and online so treat this as a learning experience as well as keeping your grades up as well."

Angel heard the words two or three times a week and that once she was ready and the counselor thought she was ready she would work with a student and so hoped it would be Allen.

She gathered her things and followed both the other student and counselor back out to her car to head back to the college so they could finish up what they had to for the day and head home.

At home Angel walked in with stars in her eyes and a big smile on her face and her Mom was quick to notice.

" So you had a good first day at the center I see." Her Mom said.

" Very much so, I learned so much and want to get a job being a drug and alcohol counselor, these people do need the help and if I can help one person, " She said thinking of Allen " It will be worth it, I don't want to see anyone make bad choices or go down paths they may regret," Angel said to her Mom.

" I'm very happy about that, you came a long way yourself and if you can help someone the way you helped yourself I know you'll be doing just what you are meant to do." Her Mom said.

" Where is my daughter?" She then asked her Mom looking around for her.

" Asleep in her crib, she was getting fussy so I put her down for a nap." her Mom replied.

" Gives me time to go get a shower then," Angel said heading to the bathroom.

" Alright but dinner is almost done so when you get an outcome on out to eat, your Father will be home soon too I'm sure he will want to hear all about your day at the center." She said to her.

Dad that's right, he will want to know, she thought, alright well I'll tell him what I did, and what I learned and just leave Allen out of it, I don't need him knowing I have access to talking to him, she finished thinking to herself and got a hot shower.

She finished up and headed in to check her daughter who was still sound asleep and made her way into the kitchen where her Dad now joined her Mom.

" Hello there." He said to Angel as she walked in.

" Hello Dad," Angel replied.

" How was the first day at the center?" Her Dad then asked her.

" It was great, I learned not everyone is there for the same reasons and we have to treat everyone with the same respect, and if they get nasty with us we kinda have to ignore it, some are there by court order some because they want the help." She said to her Dad.

" Please tell me the court-ordered ones aren't anyone who got out of jail." Her Dad then asked her.

" Nope." She lied. " I don't know anyone in there except the counselor, and the student who is with me."

" Good the less rif raf you need to deal with the better, I know you want this job once your schooling is done, and I know you want to work at the center, just keep you head up and think straight and you'll do just fine." He said as his wife placed a plate of chicken and mac and cheese in front of him and Angel.

" Look's good Mom," Angel said taking her fork ready to dig in.

She was busy all day and kept thinking about Allen, food was the last thing on her mind until now. As she started eating she heard her daughter waking up in the nursery and took another bite of food and walked in to see her.

" Hello there big girl, hungry?" She asked as she lifted her from the crib.

She carried her out to the kitchen with the rest of the family and put her in the high chair to make her something to eat as well. She enjoyed times like this with her family but she started to think of Allen the moment her daughter looked over at her and smiled, she looked so much like him the older she got.

They finished eating and she took her daughter back to the nursery to spend time with her before it was her bedtime. She laid on the floor with her and played and wished Allen was here as well and hoped soon it could happen knowing it was out of jail.

" Hey baby girl guess what." She whispered to her daughter.

" Daddy is in my class and if all goes well he may be able to see you." She said with a smile as her daughter smiled back almost understanding what she said.

She played with her daughter until it got late and seen her daughter yawning and placed her in the crib and went out to make her night bottle and put her to sleep and went in to lay down in her room herself.

She laid there and thoughts of Allen and how a future with him would be, and how her parents especially her Dad would feel if he was back in the picture, but none of that mattered if and when the time came she would handle it, for now, she needed sleep, she had work in the morning and then had to come home and work on her online classes.

The month flew by and it was now summer, Angel still had classes, she took as much and as many as she could to keep up her work and hoped she could graduate on time. The classes she was in were smaller now but it gave Angel more one on one time with the teacher and when she went into the center more time with the counselor who she was working with.

" Good Morning Angel." Ms. Emerson said to her.

" Good Morning Ms. Emerson," Angel replied to her with a smile.

The month was long and Angel knew today was the day she would be assigned to one of the mates in there to work with one on one and hoped it would be Allen. She seen him every time she went in but had no chance to talk to him until now if she was assigned to him.

They got into the car Ms. Emerson used to drive back and forth an arrived at the center as butterflies entered Angel's stomach. She was excited to not only see Allen again but maybe have her chance to work with him one on one and tell him what was going on.

They wanted in and into the same room they went in each time and seen the people in there as usual. Angel looked around and spotted Allen right away and shot him a quick smile before she joined Ms. Emerson at the front of the room.

" Today we are going to assign the students to work with you one on one, so all of the students in the class along with there mentor is here and we will just stand back and let them do there thing now with you and see how it goes." Ms. Emerson said.

Students' names were called one by one and they were paired with each person in there, soon Angel heard her name and wished so bad she would be paired with Allen.

" Angel." Ms. Emerson called. " You will be paired with...." She looked around the room to see who was left and chose one for Angel. " Allen Bowman." She finished.

Angel's heart skipped a beat the moment she heard Allen's name and looked over at him and smiled, he smiled back just as happy she was going to be his mentor.

" Alright now that everyone is paired up head over to who we have chosen for you and start talking to them, introduce yourself, tell maybe a little back story of yourself, and then let them talk and see how you can help them." She said as Angel rushed right over to Allen.

" Well hello there stranger," Allen said to her as she sat next to him.

" Hello there yourself," Angel said back.

" I missed you so much," Allen said to her.

" You have no idea how badly I missed and needed you," Angel said back to him with a smile.

" You look great!" He said.

" Not too bad yourself," Angel said.

" Well, we already know each other, what have I missed in the time I haven't seen you," Allen asked.

When the teacher wasn't looking over at them Allen quickly took Angel's cheek and faced her to him and kissed her as she kissed him back, but just as quickly as the kiss begun they had to stop, they didn't want to chance being caught.

Angel's mind rushed with a whirlwind of thoughts, where do I even begin she thought.

" Well, my parents busted me out of jail, which I was so thankful for, and I told them everything, believe me, they were pissed, my Dad more than my Mom." She started.

" I can believe that, but look at you, look how far you came Ms. College student." he joked.

" Well I also went and got my GED I needed that to go to college so I went and passed that, and I got myself a car, and a job, then signed up for college," Angel said skipping the whole part of the pregnancy and that he was a Dad.

" I am beyond happy for you your life didn't end up as bad as mine, I was stuck in jail that whole time and the only thing that kept me going was knowing you were somewhere out there and if I wanted out of that hell hole I needed to keep myself on good terms and hoped I would get out on good behavior, but I didn't, assigned here and get to get out of that hell hole three times a week to come here, I thought oh what fresh hell was this until I saw you," Allen said.

" I never thought I would ever see you again," Angel said to him.

" Me either, I thought after they drug you out of the hideout that would be it for us, but somehow by fate here we are," Allen said to her.

" Allen, theres more I need to tell you." She said.

" What is it?" Allen asked her.

But before she was able to answer Ms. Emerson told the students to wrap it up it was time for them to be done for the day.

Angel looked up at the clock and sure enough it was the end of the day already. That went fast she thought way to fast.

Angel turned back to Allen.

" Don't worry it's nothing bad, I'll be back in two days and well finish up," Angel said.

" Alright Dollface." He said as he smiled at her when she got up from her chair.

Angel was so happy she got assigned to Allen and was about to tell him everything that was going on, once again she wouldn't mention any of this to her parents, especially her Dad but Angel loved the fact she could not only see him but talk to him now. She didn't like the fact time went past so bad and she had to wait another two days to tell him the rest of what she so desperately needed to but, it was what she needed to do.

At home she told her parents that she was assigned to a student to be their mentor but told them a different name then Allen's. Everything was going in her favor now and she didn't want anything or anyone for that matter to mess this up.

If I can get him to complete the course and prove himself to not only the counselors there but also my parents, and get him straightened up maybe just maybe they would give him another chance, they didn't know the real Allen like she did and if they could see that side of him she knew they would love him as much as she did.

The next two days were pretty much the same, she went to work when she was scheduled, did her work on the laptop when she needed to, and spent time with her family at home. Finally it was the day again to head into class and go to the center and see and talk to Allen once more.

On the ride to the center another thought crossed Angel's mind, if I can get him to pass this class and become a better person not only will it prove he is who I know he is, get him a good chance to meet my parents and them learn who he is, but will give me the passing grade I need for this semester and with the money I've been saving up maybe I can bail him out too.

They pulled up and Angel was more excited than the first day she did when she leaned Allen was going to be the one she was going to mentor.

They walked in and Ms. Emerson just told them to go to who you were assigned to two days ago, and start getting to work.

Angel skipped over to Allen and sat down.

" Hey welcome back." He joked.

" Of course, you're all I thought about the past two days, I'm so happy I can see and talk to you," Angel said.

" Alright back to the conversation we were having the other day," Allen said a bit impatient. He wanted to know what Angel had to tell him.

" Oh yea, um." Angel started. " Well something happened before we got busted."

" What happened, you were with me the whole time I think if something happened I would know," Allen said.

" Well I didn't even know," Angel said.

" Your confusing me, you said something happened but you didn't know," Allen said confused.

" Sorry about confusing you but when I explain you'll understand," Angel said.

" Well explain then," Allen said.

" Well, after we got busted and I went to jail and my parents bailed me out I got sick." Angel started to say.

" Sick? Are you alright?" Allen asked.

" Yes I am fine, perfect to be honest with you," Angel said.

" Alright so what happened?" Allen questioned again.

" I was sick because I was." Angel started to say.

" Because?" Allen interrupted her.

" Because I was pregnant," Angel said smiling at him.

" Pregnant!" Allen shouted almost too loud that Ms. Emerson had to shush him to be quieter.

" Yes pregnant," Angel said. " The night we had that passionate sex and I let you finish inside of me, you got me pregnant," Angel said to him trying to study his facial expression.

" I can't believe you got pregnant," Allen said finally.

" Is that good or bad?" Angel asked.

" Good, I'm a father!" Allen said smiling back at her.

" Yes, a Father to a beautiful baby girl," Angel said pulling out her phone to show him the picture of his daughter.

" She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, she looks so much like me," Allen said with tears almost in his eyes.

" She does, and she acts like you too, well the good ways of you," Angel said flipping to another picture.

" Well when do I get to meet her?" He asked.

" That I need to work out details too, this is the only place and time I get to see you, so let me work out details and well figure this out," Angel said to him.

" I'm sure you will, your a smart girl and even smarter now then you were, please do what you have to do for not only you but me too," Allen begged her.

" I need to pass this class to pass this semester and if I work with you and you do what you need to do as well we will both be fine, as far as jail, I'll work that part out too," Angel said reassuring him.

" I had no reason to be in here or make myself better until the day I seen you walk in here and I knew I had to do this not only for me but for you too if there was even a chance you wanted to still be with me," Allen said.

" Of course I want to be with you I love you," Angel said.

" I love you too, and our daughter," Allen said. " She gives me a whole new reason to get my shit together now, and I will not only for myself and you but for her too," Allen said saving the pictures to his phone.

Once again the course said time was up and she had to leave, but at least now Allen knew he was a father and had pictures of his daughter and she couldn't be happier.

She returned home that night and both of her parents and daughter were in the kitchen.

" How was your second day at the center?" Her Mom asked.

" Great the guy I am helping wants the help, he's tired of living the way he did and wants to make up for all his past mistakes and make a better person of himself," Angel said going over to her daughter and kissing her.

" That's great, whoever this is I'm sure you'll help to the best of your ability and make a better person out of him." Her Dad said to her.

I will, you'll see Angel thought to herself, and you'll see in time who this is and how much of a good person he can be. The more I work with Allen to better himself and see he's not effecting my grade negatively and got me to get a passing grade and pass the semester you'll thank him her thoughts finished.

The Summer months flew past and Angel was loving not only her part-time job, the time with her family and daughter but loved the fact she could see and spend time with Allen as well. She was passing all her classes once again and kept her grades the way she needed, and the more help she gave Allen the more he tried harder and harder to keep his counselor happy and proved to her he was there willing to change and make a better person for himself.

Ms. Emerson was please with the progress Angel had made with him and how well he was doing that she told Allen that he would soon be released from her class but then he would be in jail full time with no outlet, she needed to get him released before this could happen, she knew how bad jail was and how much she hated it, she could only imagine what it was like for him and he was doing so well she didn't think he belonged there anymore.

Angel was scared by the thought that if he got released from the class she would no longer see him, she had no idea how he was doing in jail he never really talked about it but she knew she couldn't leave him there, but if she released him even where he would go for that matter.

" Hey." She said as she sat next to him that day. " I've been talking to you so much about your daughter, my job, living with my parents, and stuff but I have no idea anything about you except how you got out of jail and ended up here."

" Well, its kinda sad, I don't live anywhere near the life you do." He said.

" Well tell me about it," Angel said to him placing her hand on his leg under the table where no one could see. " You know you can trust me, and I can help you it's what I always have done, and this is no different no matter if I'm your mentor or not," Angel said.

" Well first I'm still in jail like I told you earlier I wasn't one of them to get released, damn pigs, but anyway I spend most of my time in my cell drawing pictures, trying to read, or out in the free room watching tv just trying to keep myself out of the spotlight an do what I have to, that place sucks," Allen said.

" Still in jail sucks and I hate your still there, I need to figure out a way to bail you out and I wish I had my place so you didn't have to live than on the streets," Angel said as an idea struck her mind. " I have been saving everything I could from my job at the corner store, and have a huge chunk saved up, I've been living with my parents since they bailed me out how about I get my place and you can live with me," Angel said to him.

" You would do that for me?" Allen asked a little surprised.

" Hey its to help you and make a better life for you, so of course I would," Angel said. " That way too if you get released out of here before I get finished you not only have a place to stay but we can be together and you can finally be with your daughter." Angel smiled.

"That would be amazing doll face, as much as I love that car I hate living in it, and as far as food I'm going to food banks and stuff which in all honestly its better than jail food but having a good home-cooked meal would be the best," Allen replied to her.

" Yea I learned to cook believe me, you would love my food," Angel said.

The rest of the time they had Angel and Allen talked about what kind of place they would get together, and how he would live with her and how he would help with his daughter and go out and find a job and help support both of them.

Angel loved every word he said and believed him as well, he had changed so much since she first started here she knew he was serious, he loved her and his daughter with everything he had in him and was only doing this for them.

" You saved me, you know that," Allen said.

" Saved you?" Angel questioned.

" I was thinking about ditching this place, didn't care if I stayed in jail or anything, then you came along and helped me, told me I was a Dad and just seeing you and hearing that changed my whole world, you saved me," Allen said reaching for her hand on his leg.

" I love you, that's why," Angel said.

" I love you too Doll Face," Allen replied.

And just like that the day was over and she returned home to talk to her parents about getting her place, she had no idea how they would react, but she regained their trust back and was doing everything she could to keep on track with work, her college grades, the stuff she had to do here at the center, and with her daughter, she kinda felt they wouldn't have a problem with it when she brought it up.

At the dinner table she sat with her parents and daughter and ate her dinner.

" Your quiet tonight, is everything alright?" Her Dad asked her.

" Everything is fine, just been doing some thinking," Angel said.

" About what?" Her Dad asked.

" About getting my place," Angel replied eating her meal.

" Why would you do that?" He asked.

" Well I am an adult now, and I am doing adult things, and have a child of my own, it's time I feel I go get my place," Angel said looking up at her DAd.

" You have done so well, you have become a smart beautiful young lady and if this is what you feel, then we will support you." Her Mom said.

" Yes but this time we will go with you to see the place and make sure it's ok for you and your daughter to live in." Her Dad then said.

" Alright, I have online classes the next two days and work only one of them, so we can go look then," Angel said.

" Sure honey." Her Mom replied.

Angel was so happy they agreed with her and would help her look. Finally she would have her place and if Allen got released he would have a place to stay as well. After everything things in Angel's life were how she always imagined except Kayla being by her side of course. She knew Kayla would be happy for her and support her as well but sadly she wasn't here even though Angel visited her grave often as she could but it still wasn't the same talking to a gravestone then it was talking to her in person.

The next two days if Angel wasn't doing her work online or working they went out apartment hunting. They looked at every available house and apartment and nothing seemed perfect enough for her Dad even though she loved a few of them. They finally looked at one more place that just appeared in the paper that morning, and Angel fell in love with it the moment she saw it.

It was a small two-bedroom house near the school with a nice size living room a kitchen and bathroom. They pulled up and Angel and her parents got out to look at it. They were met by the owner of the building who gave them a tour and let them then walk around it themselves and talk about if they wanted it or not.

" Dad we been at this for two days and everything I loved you thought wasn't good enough, you did like some of them I seen it, is it because you don't want to let us go?" Angel asked.

" Yes, I want you to live with us forever but I know that's not what you want, and you do need your place." Her Dad said looking around checking everything in the house.

" Dad this is perfect it has everything I need," Angel said.

" It is nice and in your price range." Her Dad said.

" Is that a yes then?" She asked him.

" If this is really what you want..." He started to say.

" Yes! It is Dad!" She screamed.

" Then fine, welcome home." Her Dad said to her as she jumped up to hug him.

They then went out to the living room where her mom and daughter waited with the lady.

"Alright she's going to take it." Her Dad said.

"Alright sounds good. Rent is due the first of every month and the water sewage and garbage is taken care of by me, the only thing you need to pay for is your electric or anything else you want in here." She said. " Please sign these papers and once finished I will hand over the keys to your new place."

Angel filled out everything she needed to and signed on the last line handing the papers over to her as she watched her read over everything and then finally hand her over the keys.

"You can start moving in when you are ready but you can't move in until the first." She said then to Angel.

" That is fine," Angel said smiling.

" Alright that is all for me then, enjoy your new home, Angel." The lady said shaking all their hands and then leaving the property.

Angel looked around and she already had stuff for her and her daughter's bedroom but nothing much more than that.

" Dad how am I going to finish this place?" She then asked him.

" Honey, as your first place, and for everything you have done, let me and your Mom handle that, it will be our gift to you for everything you have done." Her dad said as Angel's eyes filled with tears. She was happy to finally have her place and be able to raise her daughter but secretly was happy to have a place for Allen that he could stay in life with them and no longer in his car. She couldn't wait to go back to the center tomorrow to tell him the good news.

At the center Angel walked in with a smile on her face and Allen knew she was happy about something.

" What are you so happy about?" Allen asked her.

" I got it," Angel said.

" Got what?" Allen asked.

" My place! I move in on the first." Angel replied.

" Dollface that is amazing," Allen said to her.

" Had to take my parents to every place I looked at my Dad just needed to make sure the place was perfect for me and my daughter and I finally convinced him a house down by the school that was for rent was perfect, somehow I convinced him too." She said.

" That is the best news I ever heard," Allen said.

" So next steps now are to keep you good in here which I talked to Ms. Emerson and she said your doing quite well since I have been your mentor and then bail you out of there and move you in with me," Angel said.

" Alright when you do bail me out we need to do something first," Allen said.

" What is that?" Angel asked.

" My impala, I have to go back there to see if they took my car," Allen said.

" I'll see what I can do," Angel replied.

" What about your parents?" Allen then asked.

" Leave that to me, we will hide you there as long as we can before I tell them, I don't want to see you in jail or living in your car if and when I get you out, I want you in that house with me and your daughter where you belong," Angel said.

" I wanna kiss you so badly," Allen said.

" Soon we can do more than just kiss." Angel giggled.

Soon the day was over and she had to leave Allen once again, she dreaded leaving him and knowing he had to go back to that damn jail again but soon she would figure out a plan to bail him out and get him in her house.

The weekend was here and it was almost time to move into her own house, she was super excited and the house was perfect, her parents bought her a beautiful living room set, and she got her grandmother's old dining room kitchen and chairs, and the rest if she needed it they went to yard sales to go get. The house was furnished and on the first she and her parents helped her do the final touches and Angel finally was living on her own.

Monday was here and it was time to go back to the center, she was excited to see Allen and tell him she finally moved in, seeing him and being with him was the best part of her days when she had to go to the center. She kept all her other grades up as well and did everything she could to pass her classes and only have a few more things she had to do before she could graduate.

She walked in and looked around but didn't see Allen and walked over to Ms. Emerson to find out why.

" Ms. Emerson, where is Allen?" She asked her.

" I released him from my class, he did everything he needed to do, and it was all thanks to you." Ms. Emerson said.

" So he's still in jail?" Angel asked.

" Yes but he has a hearing in about three months to see if he can get released or not." Ms. Emerson said to her.

Three months, there's no damn way I can go three months without seeing him again, I need to go to that jail and bail him out tonight!

" So what am I going to do today if Allen isn't here?" She asked Ms. Emerson.

" Finish up your paperwork, Allen go finished so that means so are you." Ms. Emerson said to her.

" I passed?" Angel asked.

" Sure did!" I never thought anyone would help Allen the way you did, but you sure proved me wrong and he is doing better than ever. I'm sure you two made great friends and when he gets released which I am sure he will then you guys can catch up and continue your friendship." Ms. Emerson said to her.

Friends she thought we are more than friends were lovers and we have a child together and it won't be three months till I see him again, I'm bailing him out tonight she thought to herself.

She finished up her paperwork and then handed it to Ms. Emerson.

" Alright everything looks good, I will send these in and you can report back to the school if you have anything else you need to do there, if not your free to go for the day. It was nice working with you and I hope everything keeps going this well." Ms. Emerson said.

" Thank you, and I loved my job I had here, I hope to return here one day to be a counselor just like you," Angel said and left for the day.

She got in her car which now she was using to go back and forth to the center and drove to the school to see what if anything she needed to do there yet.

She walked into her class and no one of course was there but her teacher Ms. Nicole.

" Well Angel, it looks like you did amazing at the center and you passed all your courses here for the school in class and online." Ms. Nicole said to her.

" And that means?" Angel asked.

" One more semester to go and you graduate." Ms. Nicole said. " The last semester starts at the end of this month and lasts till Christmas break and then you graduate and your finished and earned your degree." Ms. Nicole said.

" When will I get my new schedule?" Angel asked.

" In about a week or two, keep an eye out for your email and most if not all your classes will be online. Stay as focused as you are here at the school and you will do just fine." Ms. Nicole said.

" Thank you," Angel replied.

She then left the school and drove to the way of the jail, she had the whole afternoon to kill yet before she was expected to return home so now was the best time to go and see what she could do about getting Allen out of jail.

She remembered where it was and pulled up. She looked around and shivered, she hated this place and was glad to be out and now finally see what she could do about getting Allen out as well.

She walked inside and seen the same lady behind the desk that was there when her parents bailed her out when she was there.

" Hello, can I help you," The lady asked.

" I'm here about Allen Bowman," Angel said.

" A visitor?" The lady asked.

" No I want to post his bail," Angel said.

" Oh ok, well let me look here and see what it is." The lady said turning to the computer on her desk.

She turned back to Angel then.

" Allen Bowman's bail is thirteen hundred dollars." She then said to Angel.

Wow she thought I have about ten grand saved in the bank as of now but that's all I have until I get paid next week how in the world am I going to come up with another three? She thought to herself. I guess I'll have to see what I can do about a loan.

" Alright I have to run to the bank and make sure I have that in there and I'll be back to bail him out," Angel said.

" Alright, Allen isn't going anywhere and were open a few more hours just make sure your back before closing and you will be able to do so." The lady said.

Angel then walked out of the jail and headed to her car to go to the bank and see what she could do.

She arrived at the bank and walked inside. She had to wait in a short line until she finally got her turn to talk to the man behind the counter.

" Hello I'm Angel McDonald and I have a few questions," Angel said to the man.

" I am happy to help, what can I do for you, Angel?" He said to her.

" First I want to know what I can do about taking out a personal loan," Angel said.

" Personal loans, we can do." The man said. " First I have to ask how much and then run the numbers and check your credit score." He said to her.

Well, my credit score is good I have been paying my student loans, and anything else I have to on time just got a place of my own and doing what I need to, I'm not in debt in any way so this can't be too hard.

" Alright." She said. " I want to take out a personal loan of about $5,000." She said.

" Alright let me run what I have to here in the computer and see what we can do here for you." The man said and then went to the computer.

She watched him click on the keyboard entering the numbers he needed to and checking everything to make sure he was able to do this for her. He then turned and faced her.

" Alright everything here looks good, and if you want to do $5,000 we can do that, but you will have to pay back the loan every month and if you don't do so on time you will need to pay interest." The man said to her.

" Interest?" Angel asked.

" Yes, that is a penalty if you don't pay what you promise when you sign these papers we change you more then your payment." The man said.

" Alright so what are my payments?" Angel asked.

" Well since your credit score is so good and you seem to have no debts or credit collections we can do about one hundred a month, you can pay more then that if you would like but nothing lower and your payments will be due the fifth of each month." He said to her.

" I can do that," Angel said.

" Alright let me get the paperwork you need to fill out and sign and I can do that for you then, do you want that in cash in one lump sum or do you want it in your account?" The man said.

" Well I want to make a withdrawal after this so just put it in there for now," Angel said.

" If you wish to make a withdrawal it is going to take a few days to take that amount out that your putting in there, so if you take more out of your account then what is in there there will be an overdraft fee which is kinda like the penalty I talked to you about before, which you will also need to pay." The man said to her.

I need all the money now, what am I going to do Angel thought.

" Alright what is in my account first of all," Angel asked.

" You have eleven thousand." The man said looking at his computer.

Ok a grand more then what I thought was in there, but that still leaves me with two thousand I need to come up with and I don't want to pay more fees then what I have to. Angel stood there doing the math in her head and then looked back up at the man at the desk.

" Alright I still want to do the loan and I don't want to overdraw my account so I'd like the loan to go right in once it's approved," Angel said. " How long will that take?"

" Well everything is looking good here. So it should be in your account by tomorrow and then you can take out what you need, the money is yours but you need to make the payments." The man said.

" Alright let's do that and then tomorrow morning I will be back," Angel said feeling she had no choice but to leave Allen in there one more night.

Angel signed the papers that she was given and returned home, to think Allen was in there another night made her mind race but she was going to go to the bank in the morning and then go bail him out, she lived by herself now and had her car so she could come and go as she pleased without answering to her parents so it was easy enough for her to do, the hard parts were going to get back to the hideout so Allen could check if his car was still there and then hiding him at her house until she was ready to tell them he was there.

She went to her parent's house where her Mom watched her daughter during the day or night if she was in school or work and picked up her daughter.

" How was school today?" Her Mom asked as she walked inside.

" Great everything is right on track and if everything stays that way which it will I will graduate right before Christmas," Angel said lifting her daughter from the playpen.

" I wish I could stay and chat, but I'm tired and want to head home and relax," Angel said.

" Well have a good night if you need anything please call." Her Mom said.

" Will do," Angel said heading out to her car.

They drove back to her house and went into the kitchen were Angel then made her daughter something to eat first and then herself.

" I'm going to go get your Daddy tomorrow, I'm going to tell Grandma I have some errors to run and I'm going to get your Daddy and go do some things and then drop him off back here and get you," Angel said to her daughter.

She talked to her daughter a lot about her Dad and every time she mentioned Allen's name or Daddy her daughter would smile almost knowing what she was talking about.

Morning came and she packed up her daughter's stuff and headed to her parent's house. Her Mom was mainly home now and spent her time alone at the house during the day if her husband was at work or with baby Kayla if she needed to babysit which she didn't mind at all because it gave her company and something to do.

She pulled up in the driveway and got her daughter out of the car seat and walked inside.

" Hello honey." Her Mom said as she walked in the door.

" I have some errands to run, do you mind watching her until I am done?" Angel asked her.

" Of course, you know you can drop her off here anytime you need." Her Mom replied.

" Alright I won't try to belong," Angel said handing her daughter over to her Mom.

" Take your time, you know I love having her." She said as Angel walked out the door and got back into her car.

Angel then drove to the bank to withdraw the money she needed to get Allen out and couldn't wait to see his face when he walked through the double doors to see her standing there.

She arrived at the bank and walked inside, of course, there was a line even for early morning but she didn't mind waiting, when she got closer she seen the same man she spoke to the day before.

" Well hello there again Angel." The man said to her.

" Hello, Am I able to take my money today?" Angel asked.

He turned to his computer to check it was in there and turned back to Angel.

" You sure can, how much are we withdrawing." He asked her.

" Thirteen thousand." She said.

" Alright let me get that for you." He said turning back to the computer and typing in the numbers.

The drawer underneath opened and he pulled out and counted and double-counted the money and then counted it for the third time in front of Angel.

" Please fill this out and the money is all yours." He said to her then.

Angel filled out the paperwork once again and took the money from his hand and thanked him again and headed out to the car with the money in her wallet.

She drove back to the jail hopefully for the last time and to bail out her boyfriend, she couldn't wait to see him and get him out and then finally after all this time live with him.

She walked back in and seen the same lady there once again and walked over.

" Hello there again, I see you didn't make it back here in time last night." The lady said to her.

" I had a little setback but here I am with the money you requested to bail him out." She said setting her wallet on the desk.

" Alright please hand over the money." The lady said to her.

Angel took out the money from her wallet and placed it on the desk in front of the lady and she reached over and grabbed it. Angel stood there and watched her count and recount it again.

" Alright it's all here." She said and then turning to the phone. " I need to make a call and then let them do what they need to do to get Allen and he will be out soon." She said. " Please have a seat over there and wait."

Angel turned and waited on the same chairs her parents sat in when they bailed her out. She sat there and looked around and back and forth outside, and then kept looking at the clock and watching the hands tick by. She knew what Allen had to do to get out to her and knew it took some time to do so, but she was getting very impatient she couldn't wait to see him.

After what seemed like forever she saw Allen behind the double doors and her heart started to race and she became anxious to be able to finally see him and not in jail or a classroom setting.

He walked out to her and she jumped from the chair and rushed over to greet him. She wrapped her arms around him and gave him the biggest hug she could and started to cry.

" It's alright doll face, I'm here, I'm out everything is OK now." He said as he hugged her back and then wiped the tears from her face.

" I can't believe you got me out," Allen said.

" I promised you and remember a Devils promise is a promise." She said laughing but keeping her voice down.

They walked out hand and hand and headed out to her car.

" Nice whip doll face." He said to her as they approached her car.

" Thanks, it was all I could afford at the time but it runs great." She said as they got in.

" Alright speaking of whips lets go see if mine is still at the warehouse, go up the back way we always did to just the warehouse," Allen said.

" Alright." She answered and started up her car as they drove up the back way to the warehouse where they both hoped Allen's precious car still was.

They pulled up towards the warehouse and Angel parked her car and looked around. It looked to be untouched but they still weren't sure, they raided the hideout but she was taken before she could tell what else they were going to do.

Allen got out of the car and Angel followed still being cautious of everything around her, she was doing so well and finally bailed Allen out the last thing she wanted for both of them was to get caught and both end up back in jail.

" Looks like they didn't come down this far." He said walking closer. " I hope my car is still in there."

He walked over and did the combination to the lock that was still on the door and lifted it. He looked around and seen everyone's car still there including his and Camerons.

" Thank God, my baby is still in here!" He whispered.

He then looked around and seen the keys were still in the car where he left them the last time he used it.

" Alright you got your car lets get out of here before someone sees us," Angel said.

Allen got in his car and pulled it out and then shut the door and locked it behind him to make it look like no one was here. He then followed Angel, they were going back to her house and Allen's new home.

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