The Forgotten 🐺

By Supreme_Enchantress

10K 370 27

"No ones truly forgotten," - Alice The Beast of Gevaudan was finally dead, for good this time. Theo was lock... More

~ Recap ~
~ Prologue ~
Chapter One: Candid
Chapter Two: Hunt
Chapter Three: Scott
Chapter Four: Missing Friend?
Chapter Six: Parrish Love
Chapter Seven: Rider Weakness
Chapter Eight: Stiles
Chapter Nine: Canaan
Chapter Ten: Trap & Date
Chapter Eleven: Hellhound
Chapter Twelve: Rift
Chapter Thirteen: Remembered
Chapter Fourteen: Stiles Is Stiles
Chapter Fifteen: Train Tracks
Chapter Sixteen: Price Paid
Chapter Seventeen: The Dead Doesn't Stay Dead
Chapter Eighteen: New Life
Chapter Nineteen: Dead Heard
Chapter Twenty: Frozen Deputy
Chapter Twenty-One: Death Twice Took
Chapter Twenty-Two: Lunch Date
Chapter Twenty-Three: Faceless
Chapter Twenty-Four: Stand-Off
Chapter Twenty-Five: Man With a Plan
Chapter Twenty-Six: Armoury
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Bullets
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Nemeton Power
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Silver
Chapter Thirty: Halwyn
Chapter Thirty-One: Time of Need
Chapter Thirty-Two: Consume
Chapter Thirty-Three: Eichen Break Out
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Lived
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Chosen
~ Epilogue ~
~ Bonus Chapter ~

Chapter Five: Party Crash

211 10 0
By Supreme_Enchantress

After the whole figuring out that someone we knew was missing. Scott, Lydia and Malia all went to Deaton to see if they could use Lydia as connection. As she was a Banshee and could feel out the supernatural. In the end, she wrote out 'mischief', but it was a larger picture. The word 'mischief' spelt out 'Stiles', which meant nothing to us. Didn't even sound like a real name...

Scott, Lydia, and I all sat in the library, trying to figure out what a 'Stiles' was. Lydia had got her laptop out and put in the keyword into the search bar, hoping we would find something that would help us.

"Stile, an arrangement of steps that allows people, but not animals, to climb over a fence," Scott read from the laptop screen as it showed us a image of an arrangement of the steps.

"Yeah, somehow I don't think these are the stiles we're looking for," Lydia replied, as she was right, we're looking for a person not a fence. I cross my arms over my chest as I was behind them, standing.

"Maybe Malia's found something," Scott states.

"No. She's been taking her make-up test all morning," I announced to them, making them cock their gazes to meet mine. "So, I guess we're stuck," I carried on, but I began to pace behind them, because this was nagging at me. My memory had been altered once again, and frankly, it was pissing me off. Next best thing was to find a spell to restore memories... Suddenly, a howl came piercing through the air, making us all look up and in the direction of the howl.

"I guess the test isn't going well," Lydia remarks as we began to rush pass the tables and out of the library. Now we were off to find Malia, and to see if we could calm her down...

Scott found her, but for safety reasons Lydia's mum had phoned the Sheriff. Lydia, her mum, the Sheriff and I all went down a step of stairs that led to a storage room. I could hear Scott talking to Malia, trying to calm her down. Lydia and I came around the corner to see Malia growl and her piercing blue eyes staring at us.

"I think she's calming down," Scott states to us, but she growls once again, like she was ready to attack us.

"Maybe you should growl back?" The Sheriff states to Scott, but Malia's growls began to intensify. Frightening Lydia's Mum a bit, but Scott just took his gaze to look at Malia in her coyote form. "Scott, you're the Alpha. Can't you just make her a little more docile?" The Sheriff asks, wondering if Malia could be submissive.

"She's not the problem. We are," Lydia states. "This is her territory, maybe we need to get out of here," Lydia lowered her voice for a moment as she was over at Scott.

"Or let me do this," I spoke to them as their eyes landed on me. "Go back and I'll transform her back," I told the gang as Malia barks once again, Scott and Lydia went back behind a shelf as I stood where I was. My gaze piercing into Malia's glowing blue eyes. I hear Lydia start to explain why Malia had come here. "Quod mutatio in humana forma," I spoke aloud and forceful, as I held my index and middle finger out and rotated them in a circle- which was effortless. Malia walks forward and begins to shift from her coyote form to her human one. Within seconds she was turned back into herself.

"It's all right. I'm ok," Malia states, but she was bare naked. I cock my gaze from Malia as Lydia's mum came forward with her clothes.

"Any idea what made her shift?" The Sheriff asks, making me come stand next to Scott.

"She's under a lot of pressure. School, her life after graduation," Scott explained to the Sheriff.

"Her mum trying to kill her," Lydia added to the growing list of stress.

"That shouldn't make her shift. Could it be connected to Stiles?" Scott asks, flickering his gaze between Lydia and I.

"Hard to tell since we have no clue what a 'Stiles' is," I announce to them as we still wasn't any closer to finding out what it was.

"It's a 'he'," the Sheriff corrected us, making us all snap our heads to him.

"Who?" Scott asks.

"Stiles. It's a family nickname. I never used it but, uh, my father did," the Sheriff gave us a massive lead, which could help us figure out who was lost, who we are forgetting. No once can be truly forgotten...


Scott and Lydia had gone to the Sheriff's home, to talk to him further about 'Stiles' and what it all meant. I however, kept with Malia, keeping an eye on her just to make sure she didn't shift again. It's been a few hours, and we walk to Malia's locker as we see Scott and Liam standing by. I did get a text from Lydia as she filled us in on what happened at the house.

"Stilinski said no, didn't he?" Malia asks as she opened her locker and places her books back inside.

"Yeah," Scott spoke with a sigh.

"But we're going anywhere?" Malia asks, holding onto the locker's door.

"Yep," Scott replied. Malia shuts her locker and locks it once again, as I can now see Liam, as I was leaning on the lockers to the left of her.

"Or you could stay here and help me convince Gwen she's in danger," Liam states as one of the students is claiming her sister has vanished and no one remembers her.

"It's not your job to convince her. It's your job to keep her safe," Scott states back to him.

"Just kidnap her," Malia replied, but it wasn't a joke, she was actually telling Liam to kidnap her.

"Do not kidnap her," I told Liam sternly as we all began to move towards the end of the hallway.

"We'll be back tonight after we talk to Stilinski's dad," Scott states to Liam, ensuring that we would be back soon.

"Do we have to do this?" Malia asks, but there was no other way.

"He's our only lead," Scott states to Malia.

"Ok. What if the Ghost Riders show up?" Liam asks, but there was clearly worry in her voice. We all stopped at the end of the hallway, with a double door leading us out of the school.

"Then you'll handle it, Liam. And look, you're not alone. You've got Mason and Corey and Hayden. Ok? Just find a safe place for Gwen and keep her there," Scott told Liam, he would need to relay on his friends for help because we won't be around forever... Well besides me...

"Any suggestions?"

"It doesn't matter as long as she's safe," Scott tells Liam, but something was bugging me, a deep feeling in my stomach that told me to stay here with Liam and help out.

"Actually Scott," I pipped up before we could start walking again. "I think I'll stay behind. They will need help and if a Ghost Rider comes, maybe I could stop it," I told him but he gives me a puppy dog look with those brown eyes he has or was it his natural look. "I'll be fine. I'll keep them safe," I told him as he nods his head at me, agreeing me to stay with them. Scott heads for the door opening it and leaving us behind.

"Kidnap her," Malia leans forward whispering it to us.

"Do not kidnap her," we hear Scott's voice echo in our ears, as Malia leaves us to our own devices. I took my gaze to Liam, as I gave him a soft smile.

"Keep me updated with the plans," I told Liam as he nods as I began to walk out of the doors as school was over. But I had a feeling I'll be called soon enough...


Liam had informed me on what was happening. Gwen was going to be at Nathan's party tonight, so Mason came up with the idea of throwing it at Scott's house because it was lined with mountain ash. To be fair it was a good idea on Mason's part. So, I got dressed for the occasion, a lovely flowery patterned dress, with knee-high boots and a leather jacket.

I stood besides the door as the record that the DJ was using began to scratch as he was doing a beat drop of something. The house was filled with horny, teenagers, with alcohol going into their systems. Reminds me of the first party I went to when I came back to Beacon Hills. The music was loud and the teens were dancing. Suddenly, the front door came flying open and Nathan came storming in, looking pissed. The picture frame to the left of me rocked before falling, but I quickly caught it in my hands.

"You stole my party," Nathan states with anger as his gaze was on Liam. Nathan grabs Liam by the throat and slams him against the wall, right beside of me, choking Liam out.

"What, are you gonna steal lacrosse captain, too?" He spoke at Liam.

"I didn't think you'd be mad," Liam tries to defuse the situation.

"How'd you think I'd take it?" He asks kind of smugly, but I felt bad for Liam so I was gonna help him out.

"Nathan, dear," I began as he cocks his gaze to meet mine, offering a half-cock smirk. "How about you let him go as you aren't mad, you're quite thrilled. Because you don't have to clean up after," I spoke as I wad compelling him, feeling my irises rise and fall. Nathan drops his hand from around Liam's neck, and smiles. "Now enjoy the party," I spoke one last time before he turns around an 'whooing' into the crowd as he was going to enjoy it. I turn my gaze to Liam, as I handed him the picture of Scott and Melissa. "Try not to break anything," I told him as Mason came over and began chatting...

The night went on and the dancing of the teenagers continued. However, I kept my wits about me and made sure that Gwen was safe or she was with one of the others. She was currently upstairs with Hayden watching over here. I was positioned at the door, my eyes on the dance floor as I see Mason and Corey dancing with one another. Just then a feeling of dread washed over me, and then thunder and lightening rang through my ears. But my gaze went up to the ceiling it was a strange lines stretching out through the ceiling.

A scream came to ear as I shot my head towards the stairs seeing Gwen come bounding die, her expression scared as hell. But I couldn't hear properly because of the loud music. A cool shiver ran down my back as my gaze went up the stairs but I couldn't see anyone. I was kind of lost in my own trance, but before I knew it Gwen ran through the party and into the kitchen Hayden running after her. I snapped out of my trance and came to stand next to Liam.

"Liam, it's a Ghost Rider," I could hear Corey's voice boom out but couldn't see him.

"Where?" Liam announce as we still couldn't see the Ghost Rider.

"Headed for the kitchen... Right there," Corey states but with a blink of an eye the Ghost Rider appeared in front of us all, Corey's hand was on the Rider's. But the Rider grabs hold of Corey and slams him against the wall, but the teenagers scream at what they witnessed. But the Rider turns on the spot, knowing that everyone could see him now.

"Everyone out, now!" I yelled as the music had stopped and people began to scream and run for the front door or the back one- which ever was the closet. The Ghost Rider continued to stalk forward to get to Gwen. But Mason quickly steps in and grabs the ash and lines it across the kitchen line, stopping the Rider in it's tracks. The Rider reaches his hand to the line of ash but a blue field of energy stopped him from advancing. But he moves his hand all over the place, trying to find a weak spot in the barrier...

This wasn't good...

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