
By ndallejoy

222K 12.5K 1.1K

She clung to people. He ran from people. She was broken. He thought he could mend her. She lost a baby. ... More

Chapter 1; Stalker Ex
Chapter 2; It's Not a Date.
Chapter 3; Emily.
Chapter 4; My Hope.
Chapter 5; Thank you.
Chapter 6; Good night.
Chapter 7; Coffee Thingy.
Chapter 8; Friends.
Author's Note
Chapter 9; Meet the Chef.
Chapter 10; Meet Emily.
Chapter 11; It's Official.
Chapter 12; Dad!
Chapter 13; Idina Menzel.
Chapter 14; Loss.
Chapter 15; Lie.
Chapter 16; Daddy?
Chapter 17; Pure Bliss.
Chapter 19; Not Exactly.
Chapter 20; Diamonds, Bills and Parents.
Chapter 21; Secrets.
Chapter 22; Christmas Wishes.
Chapter 23; Time.
Chapter 24; Gone.
Chapter 25; Pain.
Chapter 26; Lifeline.
Chapter 27; Breakdown.
Chapter 28; Thanksgiving.
Chapter 29; Forgive me yet?
Chapter 30; I have a Girlfriend.
Chapter 31; Christmas Eve.
Chapter 32; For real this time...
Chapter 33; Afternoon After.
Chapter 34; New Year in LA.
Chapter 35; The Police.
Chapter 36; The Therapist (Part 1)
Chapter 37; Olivia.
Chapter 38; Emily's Birthday.
Chapter 39; Meet the CEO.
Chapter 40; The FiancΓ©e, Engaged?
Chapter 41; The Therapist(Part 2); Find your Parents.
Chapter 42; The Russells.
Chapter 43; Los Angeles.
Chapter 44; Warren King.
Chapter 45; Ethan's POV.
Chapter 46; Not Goodbye.
Chapter 47; I'm sorry.
Chapter 48; Baby.
Chapter 49; Marry me Again.
Chapter 50; Deal.
Chapter 51; Epilogue.
Author's Note...😭

Chapter 18; Love at First Sight.

3.6K 227 19
By ndallejoy

"Love isn't planned, it's kinda simultaneous..." By N. J

"I have to go. I'll see you later okay." He rushed out.

I rounded the kitchen island to get to him.

"What? Why? You just got here." I said frantically. He was already by the door.

"I know, and I'm sorry but the office just called and it's important."

"Why are you using the back door?" I gestured towards the door.

"Later okay."

And he was out the door.

"Hey, hey hey..." Said a new voice.

I jumped, startled and put a hand on my chest. I didn't even know someone had entered inside.

"Jesus Christ!! Liv, what is wrong with you and how did you get into my house?" I all but screamed.

"One; nothing is wrong with me and two; the front door was open."

"Shit. Ethan just got here. I guess it slipped my mind."

"Ethan is here?? I finally get to meet him? Where is he?" Immediately she finished, we were both graced with the sound of screeching tires and rewarded with the sight of the said car speeding off like there was no tomorrow.

"I guess that answers your question..." I trailed of and she frowned.

"I finally get a chance to see him and that," she points at the window, "happens. If I didn't know better, I'd say he didn't want to meet me. Why did he leave? Did you two fight?"

"Work emergency." I sighed and sat on a kitchen stool.


"Nothing happened." I quickly said before she begun another lecture about how necessary fights are in a relationship.

"I'm just saying fights make your relationship interesting. Don't even get me started on the angry sex, Dan is the best at-"

"Okay okay. Why are you here again?" I quickly interrupted.

"Well," this was not good. "Since it's left a week and three days until Em's operation and a little more for Halloween, I decided we could both go shopping." She said squealing the last part.

"I don't think-"

"No excuses Ken. The night is young, the mall is calling and our credit cards are thirsty. Besides, you owe me."

"First of all, it's 3pm in the afternoon, secondly, I don't hear the mall calling, thirdly, my credit card didn't complain and last of all, I owe you nothing Liv."

"True, true and true again but false."

She walked around the counter to get to me and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"You, my friend have been dating a guy I've never met for approximately five months now, give or take a few weeks. You owe me."

"I could always arrange for you guys to meet-"

"No!" She cut me short. "Shopping right now, is the only way you can make it up to me. And besides, it's a really special occasion."

"Liv..." I whined.

"I think Dan's going to propose soon." I froze.

Then I screamed, jumping up and down holding her shoulders for support.

"Wow, I'm so happy for you Liv. How'd you know?"

"I saw the ring while sorting out the laundry."

I screamed again.

"Okay, give me five minutes, Em's asleep." I said sprinting up the staircase.

"Okay " I heard her shout.

Ten minutes and two burgers later, we were standing infront of a store in the mall where a purple dress had called out to Liv. In her own words.

"It's too short." I stated.

"It's perfect," she countered.

The neckline was too low, from the breast down, it was a glitter fest and it didn't seem to even reach mid thigh.

Liv and I were total opposites when it came to the clothes we wore.

She was more daring than myself.

"How may I help you?" A sales girl asked.

Liv was quick to get to the changing rooms. They talked and the sales girl brought out other options. They went on for thirty minutes before Liv finally paid for all what she'd chosen.

"Finally..." I groaned.

We were walking and laughing after having bought two milkshakes.

"This was fun Liv, thank you."

I was genuinely grateful to her for distracting me for awhile.

Since we entered the month of October, I was so stressed out about Emily's condition I was freaking out inside.

"You can thank me better by accompanying me inside." She said and halted me midstep.

I glanced at the store and my eyes widened in horror.

"No!" I firmly stated.

"Oh come on, virgin Mary. Don't tell me you and Ethan haven't done the deed yet?"

She was so loud, we both got stared at by some shoppers.

"Liv be quiet."

"You haven't?" She screeched. "We got to get you ready then. You're coming inside."

"No way. I'll wait outside."

"It's just lingerie, Ken... You won't go to hell..."


"Fine. Wait here, then." She said and strutted inside.

I sighed and turned to find a seat when I bumped into someone and dumped my milkshake all over them.

"Shit! I am so so sorry."

I tried wiping off the stain with a napkin and continued apologising profusely not knowing we now had an audience.

"Miss... Miss..." A husky voice called out.

I glanced up at the owner of said voice.

He. Was. Beautiful.

Defined cheekbones, sky blue eyes and hair as dark as midnight.

"Miss..." He called again showing all his pearly whites.

"I'm sorry." I said again. My cheeks warm already.

"It's okay miss. Come with me." He said and gestured to the crowd watching us.

"Oh. Sure."

He took me to a food court and went to the restroom to change his shirt which I now realized probably cost $400 or more.

I sighed. Then I remembered I left Liv at the lingerie store.

I sighed and sent Liv a quick text, telling her where I was.

I kept my phone down and realized I had company again.

"I am so sorry sir."

"It's okay Miss. I'm Warren." He stretched out a hand over the table.

"Nice to meet you Warren. I'm Kendra." I accepted his hand.

"Beautiful name. It suits you very well."

I smiled. "I'll take that as a compliment."

He smirked. "You should."

We laughed and had a bit of a conversation over a tray of fries and chicken wings.

"So... Uhm... Do you believe in love at first sight?" He suddenly said as I picked the last fry off the tray.

"I don't think so... Why?" I asked after chewing.

"Because I think I now believe in it." He said in a more serious tone.


"I said I believe."

"Seriously? Good for you then."

"Yeah, good for me." He smiled looking straight into my eyes.

He was really good looking but in a bad boy kind of way unlike Ethan. He was the funny, nothing can get me riled up kind of guy, which made him unnaturally beautiful.

"So... I have to go now. My friend is waiting for me." I said and stood up. "Thanks for the food and I'm sorry about your shirt."

"It's okay. But I am immensely surprised..."

"Why?" I frowned.

"You have no idea who I am, don't you?" he smirked again.

His smirks and smiles could be seriously lethal if I wasn't so sure I was in love with Ethan.

"I'm sorry, am I supposed to know you?" My frown deepened.

"I am quite an important figure if I do say so myself, but I like that you have no idea."

I laughed. "I see we're keeping the mystery alive?"

"It is Halloween season after all." He said.

"I better get going." I said and began walking.

"Thank you Kendra." He grabbed my wrist.


"For being you. For bumping into me." He smiled and continued. "For allowing me truly know the meaning of love. At. First. Sight." He finished and used my wrist to turn me around.

"L-love??" I stammered.

"At. First. Sight." He finished.

"I have a boyfriend." I suddenly said.

He placed a hand on my cheek and sighed.

"The good ones are always taken." He said

"I have to go." I said. "We could be friends, if that's okay."

He let go of me.

"Thanks for the offer Kendra, but if I stay friends with you, I'll keep thinking of what could've been. Thank you for today though."


I was about to speak again before being rudely interrupted by Liv.

"OH MY GOD!!! It's Warren freaking King. Oh my Gosh. Ken, you always meet the good ones." She screamed.

"I'm assuming this is the friend you talked about?" Warren said eyeing Liv cautiously. I would too. She looked like she was about to pounce on him any moment now.

"Yes and from her reaction, you might actually be right about being important." I surmised.

"Warren fucking King!!!" She screamed before lunging herself at him.

Hey guys. I'm really really glad you take your time to read my book and even more to vote.

Hope you keep reading and endeavor to stay safe.

Remember to wash your hands.

With love, Joy.

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