Lost And Found

Door AlexandraSalviulo

54.1K 1K 295

Even though she was lost in the world, she wasn't lost at heart. Andromeda Jackson, the long lost sister of P... Meer

Chapter 1: Starbucks! and valdez
chapter 2: school sucks and river monsters
chapter 3: camp and friends
chapter 4: were sibling and we didnt know it
chapter 5: Camp fire and yelling sisters
Chapter 6: Monnster, Creepers & Apoligizes
Chapter 7: infirmaries & a fatherly visit
Chapter 8: Meeting MOM!
Chapter 10: Relief
Chapter 11: Taking Blame
Chapter 12: FRESH MEAT
Chapter 13: Nothing Happened, Right?
Chapter 14: DATE NIGHT! (part 1)
Chapter 15: Sneakouts and Makeouts (DATE NIGHT PART 2)
Chapter 16 : Maybe It Was For The Best
Chapter 17: Not Like The Movies
Chapter 18: STRIKE!
Chapter 19: Dr. Drew To The Rescue
Chapter 20: Stay With Me
Chapter 21: Pulling Me Back
Chapter 22: Kisses
Chapter 23: Worry
Chapter 25: Anchor
Chapter 26: Bad Blood
Chapter 27: My Rock, My Anchor, My Love
Update: I'm Doing A Q&A
Chapter 28: Inner Demons
Chapter 29: "There are much worser things to love."
Chapter 30: Hold My Heart
Chapter 31: A Twisted Fate
Chapter 32: Without A Trace

Changer 24: Unexpected

530 14 3
Door AlexandraSalviulo

*Quick Message: I have recently entered this book into the Watty's! Just wanted you to know. (And yes, I have written about this once before in the last author's note.)


"Andromeda, are you awake?"

I slowly roll over onto my other side, ending up getting cuddled into Drew's chest. Warm, comforting heat radiated off of him, keeping me nice and toasty. With my ears I could hear his heart beating in his chest, against his ribs cage, just the sound of it beating was soothing.

"Yeah, I'm awake," I answer after a short period time, my eyes closed, enjoying the moment.

It was sometime in the early morning, the sun not even coming up yet, the world outside asleep, and some, awake. Inside of the tent was either cold, warm, or freezing to where I'm shivering and my teeth are chattering. Right now, I was just in the midst of falling asleep, any minute and I would be out like a light.

"Good," he says. I open my eyes slightly, looking at him. Looking at him, focusing on him more closely, I see he was smiling like a complete idiot.

"Okay, what do you want?" I ask, sitting up, resting my head on my hand.

"Nothing," he mumers quietly, using one of his hands to squeeze my own.

"Alright," I whisper back, resting my head back down onto the pillow, closing my eyes.

I wasn't that tired, but for some reason it felt like Sand Man --from 'Rise Of The Gaurdians' -- was sprinkling a whole bunch of sleeping dust on me, making me seem more tired than I realized. Even with my eyes closed, and the very close imdepending arrival of sleep on it's way, I was still very aware of my surrounds. A flash of yellow light passed my eyes, making me cringe. The source of the light was probably from a flashlight, and the sound of scratching-- that could on come from when a pencil (or pen) is moving across paper. Meaning only one thing.

Drew was drawling.

When Drew drawled, and whatever it was that he made, was a piece of beauty. But, when he did at one in the morning, there had to be something bothering him. Something like troublesome thoughts or a bad feeling down in the out of his stomach; something that, for me, only happened on odd, and unexpected occasions. Which, by the way, was something that was happening now.

My breathing was even, my eyes were shut, and I was laying somewhat still, with the a little bit of drool coming out of my mouth, on the side that was smashed down into the pillow. There was probably going to be a puddle of my salvia on my pillow in the morning, and my cheek red, and covered in spit. What I'm trying to say is, to the human eye, I looked asleep. Out cold. In the midst of dream land.

I guess Drew thought I was asleep, because what I heard come out of his mouth took me by surprised. I don't know if it was just in themomentor if it was just from pure exhaustion, but the words were so close to the ones I've always wanted to hear. His voice was a whisper.

"Asleep, or awake, you mean a lot to me. And, I'm an idiot for saying this while you're asleep and not while you're awake." He rambled on nervously, making it really hard to not giggle at his awkwardness.

I've seen beat up and bruised Drew (which I still need to ask him about). I've seen flirtous Drew. I've seen angry Drew. I've seen happy and bright Drew. But, I've never seen this Drew. The part of him that showed a passionate, caring, loving, person. The part of him that made my heart swell. It was these moments, in the silence, in the dark, where even when I'm having a bad day, a troubling feeling, or negative thoughts, he became my bright light. My star in the night sky. MyBeasty.

I had to bite the inside of my cheeks to keep from smiling. His words ran through my mind, calming me, and helping me fall asleep faster. While I slept, I had no bad dreams, or any kind of dream for that matter.


"Somebody remind me why were sitting out here, in the hot sun, on a dock that could break any second?"

I look over at Peyton, another one of Samantha's friends who I've met over the course of the two weeks that I've been here. Looking over at her, someone who I called a friend, her skin was lightly tanned and had a slight shine to it from the sun, her candy apple green eyes were looking down at the clear lake water. A look of peace was on her face, but a frown on her lips took the peaceful look.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe, it's because it's a beautiful day outside, and some people shouldn't be cooped up in a kitchen all day," I suggest sarcastically

Beside me, Sam laughs. "I totally agree."

"Ha,ha, very funny, but seriously, what the hell are we doing here?"

"Ugh," I gasp, dramatically. "Peyton, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

At first it was dead silent, but after a couple seconds Leautie, another friend of my new friends, is the first to laughs. Than Peyton, than Samantha, and lastly, myself.

You see, we have this thing going on, where if someone makes a joke, and it's funny, we wait and try to not laugh, but whoever laughs first loses and whoever lasts the longest wins. There's really no point to this game.

"Nah, you got it all wrong, only Clarke gets to have my lips," she says, dreamily. My nose crinkles up in disgust.

"Now, that, is disgusting." I say.

"Well, at least I'm not sleeping in the same tent as mountain Drew," Peyton points out with a comical laugh. MountainDrew?

I don't laugh, smirk, or smile at what Peyton had just said, I don't see how it was funny, seeing as it was pointed at me, most likely as an insult. I try to ignore the burning feeling in my gut, the slight pull on my heart as I felt a wave of emotion come over me. Holding back the urge to smack the wide grin off their faces, mostly Peyton's, I look out at the lake. The sun high in the sky, casting over us and the lake and the people back at the camp. I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath and then exhale feeling somewhat like myself. Not knowing what had come over me, the urge to smack Peyton was odd, she hasn't done anything wrong, she was dishing out whaty I gave her.

I could feel their stares as their laughter quieted down, how they realized I hadn't joined in. My eyes shoot open, an idea coming to mind. I was hot, sweat beading down my forehead, back, shoulders, and even at the backs of my knees. If anything could calm me down it was going to be the cool lake water.

I stand up, quickly prying my shirt off my body and shimmying out of my shorts. I walk over to the edge of the dock, the tips of my toes hanging over the it. My nose fills with the calming smell of lake water, which to some people may have been unpleasant, like if you where at fishing market and all the dead fish were around you - except this time, the fish were alive.

"What is she doing?" The three of them whisper among themselves, questioning my actions.

"I think she going for a swim." No, really?

With that last reply I decide to stop eavesdropping on their little conversation and walk backwards a few steps and than with a leap I'm holding my hands over my head, going straight down into the water - head first.

Within a few seconds I was ingulfed into the crystal clear lake water, the water cold against my skin, the sweat and grim that coated my skin was instantly washed off and my hair sleaked backward. The temperature of my body slowly lowered, the the feeling of heat from the sun was no longer there, and instead of a burning sensation all I could feel was tingles. I stretch mg arm outward in front of me and then pulling them backwards towards my side and than pulling them back in front of me, and the rotation of my arms swinging backwards and frontwards becomes a repeating cycle. My lungs weren't even sore, wasn't out of breath - which I found was really surprising. The skill of not having the urge to breath under water was new to me but I'm a quick learner, and within at least mere seconds I found it not so uncomfortable.

My legs pulled side to side, than they would come back together, and just like my arms, the pattern repeated itself. With my eyes open I saw a variety of different fish swim by me, and for a second it seemed they stopped and decided to look over at me. Like they were trying to communicate. If I looked closely I was able to see what looked like a worried expression on their faces.

It's true! She's the one, the one!

Suddenly I could hear a squeaky voice in my head. I stop, using my powers to keep my anchored in place, the feeling of rope being clung to my ankles was what it felt like.

I told you she was real, but nooo it was all in my head!

I would've laughed at the bickering, but it all went away when I realized where the squeaking voices in my head were coming from. In a normal situation, and if I wasn't a normal human being I would've screamed and swam away from the fish. But, seeing as I'm not I look over at the group of fish and smile.

Dear lord,I knew I was going to regret swimming away from that fishing boat.

Oh, really? That card again?

I laugh, a muffled laugh, but a laugh never the less.

She's listening, everyone shut up!

I think she's finally listening.

I look at them, tilting my head, not believing my own eyes. Ha, talking fish. Who would've thought.

Oh, she's definitely listening.

I look over at the fish who had thought that, and glare at him.

What do you mean by 'she's the one'?

Well, you are Andromeda Jackson, aren't you?

Yes, but it's just Andromeda.

Right, sorry. Anyway, this might be a lot to take in, but what were trying to say is you have power.


Yes, power; strong, light, pure power. It's different then your brother's, some might even call it a gift.

A gift? A difference?

Yes a difference, a gift eve-

The difference! What's the difference?

Fine, no need to get pushy, I'm not the one having an agrument with a fish. Anyway, the difference is that you're special, important, blessed actually.

Blessed? What kind of bull are you pulling? I couldn't be special, important, or even blessed for that matter! So, what kind of game are you playing?

Watch your mouth young lady. Now, I'm just here to inform you, that you indeed, are blessed. That you, Andromeda, are important. I can also reasure you that I'm not pulling any kind of bull or playing a game with you.

Fine, then what are you doing here?

I'm here to watch over you,make sure you learn what you need to learn.

Watch over me? I give her a weird look, holding back a laugh. Can you even laugh under water?

She gives me a stern look -- or the best stern look a fish could give.

Sorry, it's just it's not like you can exactly walk on land.

Honey, I can do a lot of things. Besides, you'll know I'm watching over you; in fact I've been watching over you since the day you were born.

Well that's not creepy at all...

Is that sarcasm that I'm hearing?

Nooo..... Anyways, you were saying?

That's what I thought. Now, as I was saying, I've been watching over you, making sure you get to your full potential. I have to go, because it seems that you are needed else where.

She turns to swim away, but I wasn't quite ready for her to lease just yet.

Wait! I don't understand.

You will in time.

Okay, but I have one more question.

Go ahead.

What do I call you, you know if I need your help?

You won't need my help, but you call me Deia.

Alright, bu-

Andromeda, go. You are very well needed above the surface.

I nod, slowly, looking up and throwing my arms above my head, swimming towards the surface. It took me only seconds to reach it, and my arms break through and then my head and I'm sucking in as much air as I could.

I gasp, not realizing that my lungs would hurt this much. There were definitely disadvantages to getting to breath underwater, and I never thought I'd be so grateful to photosynthesis.

"Hey, are you alright?!" I hear one of my friends call, but my ears were so plugged that I could barely hear a thing.

"What?!" I shout, swimming my over to the dock. I think they said something else but I still wouldn't have been able to hear with the water splashes up in my face, and my head down in the water.

Once at the dock, the three of them help me up. Samantha offers me her jacket and I accept, slipping it on. They other two help me get my shorts on and than my shoes. Gotta love having friends.


"And, you're sure you're okay?" Drew asks for the hundredth time. I nod my head, giving out a weak laugh.

"Yes, how many times do I have to say it?" I ask back, and he shrugs?

"As many times it'll take for it to be true," he replies, standing behind me. He reaches out in front of me, grabbing the brush that sat on the table and brings it to my hair. The brush was a simple black, nothing fancy, and I'm pretty sure Drew was having the time of his life combing the tangles out of my very long black hair.

As he combs my hair I feel myself relax into his touch. The way his hands would glide over my hair and softly pull into his hand as the brush ran through it, giving me a feeling of calming satisfaction. Goosebumps suddenly appear on my arms, the hair rising, it was as if I was hit by a cold gust of wind. I lean my head back, giving him better access to my hair, letting it flow down my back. The movements of his hands were slow, but rough when the brush met my hair.

Like any normal teenage girl hormones were present, my nerves settling and then becoming bunched in knots at every stroke of the brush. My eyes close, a small smile on my face. Not since foster care when I was little had I had my hair brushed by another person, much less a guy. It brought back different memories, some bad and some somewhat pleasant.

Using my hand I reach behind him, grabbing the brush and stopping him from brushing my hair before I end up doing something I'll regret.

"Something wrong?" He asks, and I shake my head.

"No, nothings wrong," I mumble quietly. He gives me a questioning look, not believing me. I wouldn't believe me either.

Drew sits down beside me on the inflatable mattress, the only thing keeping the both of us from sleeping on the hard bottom. He takes his hand and puts it on top of mine, squeezes it and I squeeze back.

"Are you okay?" He asks, and this time I didn't say anything. Instead of using my words I wrap my arm around his, laying my head down on his shoulder.

A loud, exaggerated sigh escapes past my lips, leaving me to let go of Drew's and fall backward onto a pile of blankets, hitting my head on something hard. I sit up and roll over, cupping the back of my head with my hand, trying to look for whatever I had landed on.

"Ow," I grumble, feeling a small forming bump on the back of my head that hurt even worse when I ran my fingers over it.

As I continue to look I hear Drew suck in a breath of hair, I send I'm a curious glance. "What's the matter with you?"

"N - nothing," he stutters, and I raise a brow.

"Are you sure?"

"Y - yeah."

"If you say so."

After that I go back to looking for what my head had landed on and when I had set eyes on it I realized it was Drew's sketch book, butr what would it be doing out here? I grab it, settling down on my bottom, ready to open it, but right before I do I hear Drew yell at me.

"Andromeda don't!"

I look over at him, and let's just say it was a sight to see. His entire face was completely red and he was rubbing the back of his neck, looking absolutely terrified.

"What? It's not like it's going to turn into a bomb," I joke, but he didn't laugh.

"No, bu-"

I cut him off by opening the book, and when I did I was hit by a wave of emotion. The drawling, the beautiful sketch work, the gorgeous work of a steady hand, and the artist, Drew Grayson. My hand goes to my mouth to hide the gasp that had made it's way past my lips and just loud enough for Drew to hear, even with tears in my eyes I could still make out who the person was in the drawling.

I turn back to look over at Drew and I could see he was smiling, and without a second thought I flung myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He catches me, pressing me against his chest, most of my tears sliding down my cheeks, my one hand still holding onto the sketch book.

I smile at him, our lips only inches apart. In slow, but quick motion I close the gap between us, my lips landing on his. It took him a couple seconds to register what was happening but when he did he kissed me back, harder. His lips were soft, his arms safe, and his presence comforting. The way his heart would be faster against his chest when I kissed him or when he would lose his breath when I was around me gave me the reassurance I needed to tell me we were going to be okay.

I pull away, but only a little, giving me enough room for me to speak without our lips touching.

"I love it," I tell him, and his grin widens.

"You do?" He asks.

"Yes, I love, love, love it!"

Our lips meet one more time before were ridley interrupted by a voice outside of the tent.

"Drew, there's a man here, he says he needs to talk to you." The voice belonged to an younger girl, probably one of the other campers?

"Can it wait?" Asks Drew, the smile on his face disappearing. I found it odd, the happy glow in his eyes vanishing as if he knew who it was.

"No, not really. He told me you'd probably say that, so he told to tell you h - he's-" She stops, getting caught off by Drew.

"Just spit it out!" He yells, and even with being in the tent I could hear the younger girl yelp in fear.

There was long pause, one that I knew wasn't good. My gut told me something bad was about to happen. With the look Drew had on his face I could tell he already knew what the girl outside of the tent was going to say.

"H - he says he's your father, Josiah Grayson."

Thanks for reading :)

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