~The Puppetmaster~(On Hold)

By Nightstar246

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First time posting so try to work with me people. Error now lives in the Creepypasta AU world after jumping i... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Puppet Master Story Idea/ Chapter 1

7.5K 219 452
By Nightstar246

Story idea belongs to @Glitchy_Shadow. P.S. If you do read this see if I do this right or if I missed anything just send me a message. Thanks

Multiverse/World/AU: Creepypasta


Pariring: Error x All Creepypasta but still debating on doing that or one character.

Main Character: Error-Forced God of Destruction

Creepypasta name: The Puppetmaster (Yes, their is a Puppeteer Creepypasta character but he will not be in the story unless something changes. For now wont be in it)


Error has been in a strange world, Creepypasta verse, for a while now. Humans and Monsters lived in peace on the surface. Monster were never banished into the underground. The destroyer bought himself a pretty big house near the woods. His reason being that there weren't many people around that area. Due to the fact that he had no need to sleep. He spend his nights with knitting, watching TV while eating chocolate or both.

Then one night a certain creepypasta serial killer decided to break in because he wanted to and well kill...Till realize he messed up bad and seeing the state Error in. Then "decided" to live with Error and try to teach him "normal" things while killing. Error not amused but at the same time not kicking him out...Oh how he wish he did sometimes but other times forget about.


FGOD Error

Jeff the Killer (Using Best friend idea belonging to owner but could change later on depending the story)





Jane the Killer

Ben Drowned

Eyeless Jack

Laughing Jack



Ticci Toby

Smile Dog

Grinning Cat





Homicidal Liu

Bloody Painter



Doctor Smiley

Other Creepypasta character may be added just depends how far this story goes.

Well lets begin!

Chapter 1

He really should send these materials out soon. Error look through his order through his laptop and glance at the side of clothing, puppets, and small accessories in the extra room. He sighs and took a break. He technically was done and packaging will be easy. He can do it in the morning. Leaves his office while brining a few supplies with him with his string. He passes the kitchen while he use a string to open the freezer and grab the chocolate milkshake he left. Goes to the living room and sit down on the comfy couch. Turn the tv on to his favorite show, place his drink down on the lamp table, sitting Indian style and took out his knitting needles out. Sit back, relax, drink his shake and knit away making a beanie.

Now you thinking. Oh Error why should you work? You could just use your portals and steal stuff? Don't you have gold stashed somewhere? Cant you change the code to help you out? Yes, he could do those three thing. The second and third one he did. First, making sure his code fits in and "exists" here and little things to not be question about. Then he bought a nice big place by the woods.

Its just well he wants to do something. Yes, Error wants to do something. Especially since he cant die, damn that stupid void, and stuck here. Well stuck one way to put it. He didn't try to see if he could go back to his multiverse. Besides everyone probably still throwing parties for his suicide. Okay well maybe not anyone. Dangit he going to be depressed again if he thinks about the ones he did care and probably be dead soon, or already, from the multiverse crashing. Yep, chocolate break.

Oh where was he?

Right, yeah. Can be lazy whenever now. Have enough gold to support him till he "dies". But he might as well "try" to fit in to this time. It his choice what he can do now. Now Error not the smartest, depends what it is, but he can learn fast and use that to his advantage. And learning how to use the internet was a great advantage, does still get annoyed though with stupid ads, especially for his online shop.

It was just simple idea at the time. Heck he didn't think he get much out of it. Just scarfs, gloves and little puppets at first. People really love the puppets. He well based them off Nightmare group, Blue and all the Charas. Along with well animal versions. Then well eventually people found his site and wanted to buy the stuff. He was quite surprised and how he sold out soon. Then the comments he gotten how great they were, couldn't wait to see what else he will put up, wanted to know if they could do a request and then some point later on clothes got in the mix.

He just didn't get it how they all love this stuff. Stuff he made out of these disgusting hands of a killer. But hey they want it and he'll give it. Plus, he hates to admit it. When the buyers post pictures of them either just the  puppets, cuddling with the puppets, or posing wearing the clothes he made. It was quite comforting in a way. Gave him pleasing memories with the Charas giving them puppets and fixing their outfits.

Now and then they even chat with him on email or a private chat box. At first for certain request, measurements, theme ideas, and etc.. Now he never showed his face. Even if anyone asked it. Don't need to see his ugly face  and bones. Some of those chat though are entertaining and interesting. Along with their usernames. Heck certain people he keeps in contact a lot and became a odd internet friends. Never see faces but he likes it like that.

But yeah big house and use extra room basically as his office. Barely even go in his bedroom or the bathroom. Hey he doesn't sleep so what's the point. Its either his office, the living room, outside on the deck or the kitchen.

Yes, kitchen. He doesn't need to eat but dammit he wants chocolate. Plus, he regrets watching those chocolate making videos and the stuff he saw on Pinterest. He want it! Could have stolen it but hey it was strangely interesting to watch. He had to admit he feels a bit proud able to make different chocolate dishes. Now and then he'll see something with Tacos and Spaghetti. He tells himself he just made those tacos and spaghetti to see what they would taste if he made them and if Blue and the others would have like them...Well just like the chocolate the first few times. He messed up till he finally got it right!

All and all he was fine. Yes, he doesn't have any friends, well their his customers that he talks in private but that's different. Barely goes out unless to deliver packages, buy certain sewing and cooking supplies, or at times randomly walk out at night in the park. He has his work, his chocolate, his tv, and his stars outside what else does he want.


Huh he thought he forgot something. He put magic around his house for danger and alert. But he swear he forgot a spot. Well he found it, well heard and seeing it, and it was the window. He actually like that window it was good to see the moon while watching tv and knitting. 

Now some idiot or fool crash through his window. Okay he would do something like that but hey he can't feel pain. Wonder if this person can't either. Look at the one who crashed into his window.

"Now then let's go put them to-" The "fool" stop when they look up and eyes widen, if possible, bigger at what they are seeing. A skeleton, a black bone one then notice red and yellow around the hands, with lots of cracks he can see on the skull. It was quite impressive and wonder the stories how he, he thinks he, got them. Wearing a red sweater with a blue scarf, and black pants. Unamused red and yellow mix match eyes. Blue marks that look like tear drops down his face. Just sitting there knitting, a chocolate milkshake and watching some Spanish show. Well defiantly on top of his what the heck he burst into the house moment. And that's rare. "This is just a dream now go back to sleep."

So, I can carve you up and see if he can make a skeleton cry blood down those eyes. Oh it would be a pretty sight.

"I don't sleep."


"Huh?'' Stare at the skeleton at thought process went blank. What did he just say? Heck his voice sounded glitchy. Should skeleton sound glitchy?

"I don't sleep." Error tilt his head at the person. The guy probably standing around 5'8. His clothing a white hooded sweatshirt, black skinny jeans and black tennis shoes. Extremely pale skin that shouldn't be normal for human. Then again this world is different. Error reminded himself.  Well he thinks a human. Notice a knife in his hand and quite amused. It was like seeing Chara almost how he handle it. Long wild black hair past his shoulders. His eyelids were burnt off and can see blue eyes. Then a carved smile that was on his face. Well now he just confused as he looks at him.

"What you mean you don't sleep? Everyone sleeps! Even I do!" Why is he arguing with his victim? So, what if he doesn't sleep. He shouldn't care.  

"Why? Its a waste of time."

Error didn't think it was possible for someone eyes to go that wide. Especially for this guys eyes. It was quite a sight. Plus, it was amusing when the guy grab a pillow and screaming against it. Then later stab it. Dangit he like that pillow.

"Okay you!" Point the knife at the skeleton direction, who just watching and taking a sip of his drink.  "I don't have time for this! Close your damn eye sockets!"

"So, you can kill me?''


"Huh well good luck with that Ronald McDonald"

"That's it!" Jumping out and ready to stab the skeleton.

One minute the skeleton on the couch. Then the next thing the intruder knows he was slam against the wall. He was taken back at what happen. He never scene someone move that fast. Okay there Slenderman and his brothers and few others. But they were creepypasta! This guy isn't one. And why couldn't he move?! Look at the side and stare at what he was seeing.


No, blue string that was glowing.

Blue string going all the way back to the skeleton left hand. Still on the couch, not moving, no longer knitting but holding his milkshake. Taking a slow sip through the straw.

"What the hell?!"

"Look Ronald-"

"My name Jeff you pile of bones!"

"Whatever. Look im not in the mood to beat you up or kill you. Im relaxing and watching my show. Ill deal with you and the mess you made later. Now shut it and be a good statue against the wall."

Who damn house did Jeff crash into?!

"...Can I have a sip?"


"You greedy fucker."

"Yeah. Yeah now shut up and let me watch my shows."

Jeff silently wished he knew Spanish so he can spoil his dame show!


Alright! Done for now. What you think? Should this be continued?

Will Jeff get his justice and revenge? Will Error get to finished his show? Will the window and pillow get justice for what Jeff did? Just have too see!

Oh if you do want this to keep going. Which character should arrived or they meet next? 


Ticci Toby

Eyeless Jack


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