Paid to be fake

By 8whosthatchick8

27.9K 390 355

When the school player pays you to be his fake girlfriend to make a girl jealous he must find you attractive... More

Paid to be fake
A surprise
Getting to know dad
Unfortunatley for me
First day back at Preston high
The plan
Matt's party!!!!!
A suprise from Matt
Ari and her problem
The date
A different side to Jim
Can't have a moment to myself...even when I'm drinking my coffee!
Confused about the whole situation...:/
Should I or should I not?
Away for the weekend
Things aren't looking too good
The truth about Cam and his hate for me

What I seem to end up doing in my spare time!

1.1K 16 5
By 8whosthatchick8

I woke up with bright sunshine beaming through my window. I looked up and saw that my window was open and a fresh breeze whistled it's way in. I couldn't be bothered to get up and shut it so I stayed where I was and snuggled up tighter under the duvet.

Beep beep my phone went. Beep beep it went again.

"Urgh" I groaned and rolled over.

I took my phone from where it had been lying on the bedside table. Three new messages it read. I clicked on it and it took a minute to load! Jeez my phone was slow. I looked at the sender of the messages they were all from Matt. What does he want? I wondered?

Message 1 read

'Hey meet me at the mall at 12 if we wanna look like a real couple we have 2 b seen out n about!'

Message 2 read

'are u cumin or not???'

Message 3 read


Despite his awesomely hot looks he is a pain in the bum! Three texts and not one single kiss! Not one I thought, then again do guys ever put kisses I wondered?

'no' I replied.

I had several texts after that but I ignored them all. I was not going to be spending my Saturday doing favours for him! Then my phone started ringing to the annoying ringtone Ariadne and Nika had changed it to. I could kill them! I awnsered the phone and before I had the chance to say anything,

"TINA STOP IGNORING MY TEXTS" was yelled down the other end of the phone.

"Well I'm guessing this couldn't be Matt by any chance could it" I teased.

"That's not funny, meet me at the mall at 12" he angrily said.

"But it's 11:20 now I don't have time" I complained.

"As long as I pay you to do this you'll do whatever I say otherwise you know what will happen" Matt said.

He'd hung up before I had the chance to respond.

It was a struggle leaving my bed but I did it. I took a relaxing shower before putting on my new white tank top, with some faded blue skinny jeans and my favourite shoes which were my converses. I put my makeup on heavier than I normally do as it was a non school day and I picked a load of braclets and wore them on both arms. I grabbed my black cardie and slung my brown bag over my shoulder before leaving my house.

It was 11:50 and I stood waiting for the 11:58 bus which passed my house. I waited till 12:10 it didn't come. God I was annoyed. I checked my phone five missed calls from Matt. I ignored them ringing him back wasn't going to get me there any earlier. I didnt rush even though I knew I was late because I was in no hurry to get there at all.

I finally arrived and Matt came running up to me.

"Where the hell have you been?" he


"My bus didn't come" I said.

He gave me an annoyed look and left it at that.

"So erm what exactly are we going to do I mean it's not like you'll want to go to any of the shops that I like and I don't want to go to any of your pathetic shops" I moaned.

"We could go catch a movie?" he suggested.

"What's the point in that I thought we were meant to be seen?" I said.

"Good point. We have to try and find people from school and look like a couple in front of them so they tell all their friends they've seen us in town" he said.

"Fine" I replied.

We walked a round for a while and saw several people from school whenever we got near he stuck his hand out for me to hold or he'd wrap his arm round my waist.

"I'm hungry" I finally said.

"Well I'm not" he replied.

"I want to eat!" I argued back.

"Just shut up and look like your in love, there's that new guy from school over there, Cameron or whatever his name is" said Matt.

As we were a distance away from him at the moment I scanned him up and down. Mmm muscular, masculine and I love his eyes I thought! Was I finally going off Matt and coming on to this new guy Cameron? I mean I've been inlove with Matt since I first started

Highschool and when he asked me to be his fake girlfriend I was estatic but being with him has made me realize what a jerk he is. I think I am getting the hots for this new guy.

As we approached him Matt wrapped his arm around my waist. God I love this guy I thought, but a minute ago I was thinking about what a jerk he was. Gosh my feelings are all over the

place. I looked up into those piercing brown eyes that I'd met once before.

"Cameron" I muttered under my breath.

"Do I know you?" he asked.

Damn I'd said his name out loud, well this was akward.

"Erm yeah I saw you in the office, your the new guy at school, right?" I questioned.

"Yeah but I mean how did you know my name" he asked curiously.

"Well erm things go around" I made up. That was a cheesy thing to say bum!

"Babe c'mon let's go" Matt said.

"You too going out? you make a cute couple" Cameron said.

I said no, Matt said yes.

"Erm right?" Cameron said puzzled.

Matt glared at me.

"Sorry wasn't thinking" I quickly apologised.

"So you wanna hang with us" I asked forgetting this was meant to be Matt and me showing off as a couple.

"Yeah sure I don't see why not. Mums checking out perfumes and I'm walking round like a loner" he said happy that I'd offered.

"Actually no you can't" Matt said.

"What scared that I might steal your girl" he rudely said and then he walked off.

"What did you do that for you pighead! That was my big chance" I said annoyed.

"Well your going out with me now aren't you" Matt said but I hadn't been listening something else had caught my attention. 'Sarah's White Wedding' was the name of the shop Hallie was standing outside of peering through the window.

"Tina........, Tina........, TINA!! what are you looking at?" Matt asked.

"Who's that guy Hallie's with" I asked.

Matt quickly turned his head.

"They're all over each other" he said with anger covering his face.

We stood there just watching them for several minutes. He was flirting with her and she was flirting back. I absolutely hated Hallie, she just thought that she was better than everyone else.

"Urgh the sight of her makes me sick!" I moaned.

"Shh" Matt said trying to listen into their conversation.

"Your not going to hear anything from hear. I'm not even that dumb" I remarked.

"Kiss me" Matt instructed.

Without further noticed I leaned in and pecked his lips.

"Is that the best you can do? I need her to notice me" he said leaning in for a kiss once more.

This time he wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me in so tight I couldn't breath. He went in for a full on snog! When Matt finally pulled away we looked up and saw Hallie and this new guy looking at us.

"Success" Matt happily said.

"Hmm" I replied.

I glanced back over at Hallie her and this new guy were now holding hands.

"What's that?" I asked Matt.

"What's what?" Matt replied looking rather worried.

"That ring on her hand" I said.

"It's just a ring, no big deal" Matt said.

"No big deal! Are you sure? If I were you I'd be extremely worried right now that ring looks a little too expensive to be just a ring. I think there engaged! I mean look they're standing outside a wedding shop looking at wedding dresses and she's got a posh ring on her

engagement finger and look sure enough they're heading into that shop. Sorry mate your games are over" I said.

Matt was devastated, I thought he was going to start crying. I took him into my arms and cuddled him. I knew this was hard for him even though he'd never even had her but I could tell that he truly cared for her. For one Matts a player, he just sleeps with girls and then ditches them. People are in shock when they see him with me! He's never had a real girlfriend but for some reason there's something about Hallie that he likes, I almost felt sorry

for him in that she didn't love him back. I couldn't feel sorry for him though, I liked him too much. I wanted him. This was my chance!

"Hallie" Matt asked pulling away from the hug.

"Yes Matt" I said.

"I need you to do something really important for me" Matt said.

"Anything" I replied.

Matt told me what he wanted me to do, I was dumb struck, speechless, this was beyond stupid and I thought pretending to be someones girlfriend was crazy enough!


Oooooh so cliffhanger? What does everyone think is gonna happen? Also what do you all think of Cameron?

If I haven't started a new line on my speech in this chapter I did do that but the layout went all funny so if you think I don't know that I do the layout just goes spazed when I post!

Thank you everyone so much for all your reads votes and fanning its much appreciated! And thanks to everyone even more coz I'm back in what's hot now :D for humor paid to be fake is ranked at 510 and at romance paid to be fake is ranked at 744! Thanks so much everyone :D let's try and keep paid to be fake up there.

Don't forget to enter my competition before November 5th. Good luck :)






If you want to keep me on whats hot :)

Thanks again :D

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