Animal Attraction 2

By thatkidbex

115K 4.6K 2.6K

In this sequel Niall and Harry have more to overcome in their blossoming relationship. Louis and Zayn are sti... More

Animal Attraction 2
Before We Start the Party...
2 - Shades of Cool
3 - I Wanna Take You There
4 - R U Mine?
5 - I'll Be Your Thrill
6 - High Voltage When We Kiss
7 - Like Real People Do
8 - Nobody Does it Like You Do

1 - Another Breed of Cat

14.2K 642 516
By thatkidbex

Niall and Zayn sit opposite each other on the suede brown couch of their flat.

The blonde is concentrating on the lined piece of paper he's scribbling sentences on as per Zayn's request.

Nowadays, Zayn assigns Niall with more challenging tasks than writing facts like he used to. It's usually paragraphs or stories now that he's advanced. The only times he has to write down facts is when he isn't paying attention or defies Zayn's teachings. It's more like a punishment.

Now for instance, Zayn had been teaching Niall how to write a research paper. Just the week before Louis was showing him the wonders of the internet. Except Niall wasn't paying attention with Zayn. He was more interested in pressing on the fading love bite around the collar of his shirt Harry had given him two nights ago.

"Let's see what you've got so far." Zayn says taking Niall's paper from him.

Harry is my tall boyfriend and I love him very much.

Louis is so funny because he makes a lot of jokes that make me laugh.

Liam has little hairs on his head like a kiwi.

Zayn farts.

Zayn rolled his eyes. These days, Niall is much less toddler-like. He's more like a snarky teenager. Not snarky like Louis but snarky in the way that he calls out the lads when they try to pull a fast one.

"Not bad. Getting smarter everyday, bud." Zayn grins handing the lined paper back to Niall.

The blonde's cheeks warm. He did feel smarter. Now he didn't get a huge ball of anxiety in his stomach from not wanting to sound stupid when he spoke to new people. It felt good, better than good, like he's normal.

"We'd better get going." Zayn sighed getting off the couch and closing all the workbooks on the coffee table.

Niall nodded, following suit.

The pair were heading to Perrie's townhouse to pick up the rest of Niall's things. Granted there weren't many but Niall insisted on going so he could give a proper goodbye to Perrie.

"Zayn?" Niall chirped as they drove over.

"What's up?"

"Do you still like Perrie?" Niall questioned pulling down the visor in the passenger seat.

"As a person, I s'pose I do." Zayn answers solemnly.

"You like Louis more?" Niall asks with a giant smile.

"I guess you can say that." Zayn says softly trying to hold in his grin.

Zayn rarely acknowledges his relationship with Louis. He gets this uncomfortable shift in his body and awkward laugh that Louis rolls his eyes at. It just matters that Zayn tries. He holds Louis' hand, whispers silly things to him, and does his best to appease Louis' whims.

If he tries to analyze it, he realizes he doesn't know what he's doing and he thinks himself into endless circles. He doesn't want it to be stressful. All this overthinking only happens when Louis isn't around. The moment he sees Louis with his smug smile and those damn fitted clothes on his curvy figure. It's tough not to be wrapped around his finger when he's talking to you in that Doncaster lilt of his.

His mind is still on Louis when he pulls up to Perrie's flat.

Once upon a time, parking in front of Perrie's place would've felt second nature to him. It's strange thinking about a time when his mind felt consumed by thoughts of her. It sounds so ridiculous to him now that he's got this thing with Louis. His heart doesn't pound at the thought of seeing her and it's so relieving.

"Hurry!" Niall jumped excitedly in his seat. It's been a while since he's seen his fellow blonde friend. While the others weren't crazy about her, Niall still felt connected in friendship with her.

As soon as Zayn shuts the car off, Niall is bolting towards the familiar front door and knocking on it rapidly.

It only takes a moment for the door to swing open revealing Perrie in a pair of denim shorts and a loose plain white t-shirt with an array of necklaces and bracelets stylishly added.

"Hi, Niall!" She smiles warmly, platinum hair up in a messy bun. Her face is clean of make up and her eyes bright turquoise.

"Hello Perrie! I haven't seen you in a long time." Niall beams.

"It's so odd. S'like you've aged a few years since I last saw you." Perrie tilts her head.

Zayn sees exactly what Perrie means. Niall is more matured. Niall styles his hair on his own and has built up a respectable wardrobe. He wears most of Harry's things although his clothes are a size or two too big. Harry seems to fancy it quite a lot though which makes Niall more inclined to keep wearing them. His speech has to be the most noticeable improvement.

"I haven't seen Perrie in a whole month." Niall slumps in exaggerated sadness.

"Feels like longer!" Perrie laughs pulling him into a hug, her bracelets clinking.

Over Niall's shoulder, Perrie catches Zayn's amber eyes all the way from the car. It sets an unwelcome spike in the pit of both their stomaches.

"Come on, Ni. You don't want to keep Louis waiting." Zayn calls not bothering to get out of the car.

The blonde suddenly remembers his lunch plans and the fact that Zayn has classes to attend soon. He didn't mean for things to be cut so short but it's not something he can help.

"I've got your things over here." Perrie says softly, looking like the epitome of a wilted flower.

Perrie leads Niall into the flat, a massive wave of nostalgia hitting him as he remembers nights of junk food and chick flicks while cuddled on the comfy red couch.

Sitting on the coffee table is a tote bag that has Beyonce's face on it with Niall's clothes freely laundered and folded neatly inside it along with the soft cream throw blanket that had originally belonged to Perrie which Niall became obsessed with.

Just as Niall picked up the bag, Fay, Perrie's gray house cat, circles around his ankles. The feline peers up at him with arm familiar pair of green eyes.

"I will miss you too, Fay." Niall kneels down to pet the mewling animal.

"You'll keep in touch, won't you? I know that you're happy now and things between me and Zayn are just blah but I really am going to miss you." Perrie rambles, toying with the pendant on one of her necklaces.

"Yes. I will ring you and send sext messages."

"What? Sext messges?" Perrie nearly goes cross-eyed.

"Yes! Louis told me one time that you give sext messages on the phone with people you miss and love."

"Oh, I'm gonna miss you." Perrie giggles pulling Niall in for one more hug.

Niall holds her tight, a rush of adulation filling him so fast that he feels his face warm. Sure he loves the lads and being with Harry but 

Perrie also had a special place in his heart for all the things she'd done for him. She'd taken him in like a stray cat, mind the pun, with 

nothing in return but Niall's company. It's a ridiculous amount of trust she had bestowed on him but he hadn't let her down.

She's the very first female he's ever met and she's left him with a good impression about women. He reckons the gorgeous blonde will always be his favorite Perrie of them all.

When Niall and Perrie release each other from their embrace, the pair have matching misty blue eyes and flushed cheeks.

"You'd better get back to Zayn." She says with a wobbly smile.

When Zayn sees Niall exiting the house towards the car, the lad looks depressed to say the least. But Niall tends to feel things to the extremes, Zayn has noticed. Much like Louis, Niall's sometimes one for the dramatics.

"You'll see her soon." Zayn reminds Niall as he puts the bag of items into the boot of the car.

Instead of replying, Niall sighs deeply depositing himself in the passenger seat of Zayn's silver Acura.

With a little shake of his head, Zayn jumps into the car and pulls into the busy street.

They arrive a little late to the café Louis is waiting at. Once they reach it, the pair can see Louis sitting in one of the outdoor umbrella'd tables.

Zayn's flushes a bit. Louis looks perhaps normal to anyone else but not to Zayn who knows Louis must've spent ages picking out his outfit; a printed t-shirt with a denim button down loosely thrown over it and black skinnies that are rolled up artfully.

Louis' wearing his glasses and furiously texting on his phone. No doubt shooting a text to Zayn asking where the hell they are.

"Are you gonna come say hi, Zayn?" Niall asks in a way that makes the older lad feel like he's a Dad dropping his little boy at the mall with his mates.

"Yeah, real quick. Let's go."

Zayn parks where he shouldn't, turning his hazard lights on before they approach Louis.

"Pooey Louis!" Niall shouts.

"That is quite honestly the worst thing anyone has called me and I've been called a lot of things." Louis grumbles.

Just a few days ago Louis' had gotten some bad stomache bug leaving him stuck in the bathroom for ages.

Louis can just remember the annoyance when Niall had gingerly knocked on the door and asked what he was doing in there.

"I'm knitting a bloody sweater, Niall! What do you think I'm doing!?"

A still confused Niall, looked to Harry for answers because of course Harry was there to witness his extreme embarassment.

"Baby, to put it simply. Louis is quite literally having a shit attack." Harry had told him.

Niall and Harry had been sworn to secrecy but Niall was beginning to grow attached to the silly nickname.

"Well I hope you like room temperature tea, Zayn." Louis says curtly shoving a cup of chai tea in his hand that had stopped steaming minutes ago.

"Thank you." Zayn says softly, pressing the quickest, softest kiss on Louis' temple in gratitude despite the boy's obvious irritation.

Needless to say, Louis' heart skips.

"Just dropping this one off. See you later." Zayn sighs, ruffling the blonde's hair.

Louis and Niall watch Zayn head back to the car. They don't sit until Zayn's speeds off into traffic.

The older boy pushes a cup of hot cocoa towards Niall although the weather doesn't exactly warrant a hot beverage. Still, Niall takes the cup with a big gracious smile, gulping down half the contents, leaving him with a caramel colored mustache on his upper lip.

"Sorry but Harry's not here to lick that off." Louis teases pushing a napkin towards Niall who flushes and crinkles his nose.

Niall wipes his mouth before balling up the napkin and throwing it at a grinning Louis.

"So how was seeing Perrie?" Louis asks, an undertone of spite in his voice that Niall doesn't understand.

"It was good. I am going to miss Perrie." Niall answers, tracing the rim of his cup with his finger.

"But now you get to live with Harry and Zayn. Isn't that what you wanted?" Louis questions, peeling the black paint off the table top.

"Can sleep in Harry's bed and Zayn's bed." Niall mused just to bug Louis.

"Hey don't get any ideas." Louis warns.

"How is school? It is fun?" Niall asks curiously.

It's been a few weeks now but he can already feel Louis and Zayn's absence. He's usually guaranteed to see Zayn now that he's living back with him and Harry but he's noticed that he's been talking to Louis on the phone more than in person. It saddens him thinking of the days spent doing mischievous things but Louis constantly assures him that sooner or later he'll "cock up" and start missing school.

"Besides, like, making the footie team, it's okay. You aren't missing anything, Cat Boy." Louis makes a face of distaste.

Louis can't stand school and that is the understatement of the century. But per the agreement with his mum and dad, he has to be in school in order to live out here with their help. If it was as easy as getting a job, he would but there isn't a job out there that would pay him enough to cover rent, utilities, and food. Which leaves him with finishing school until he can find a decent job.

Harry's beginning to struggle with his restaurant job and has once or twice commented about picking up a second job. Louis doesn't want that for himself.

Louis takes Niall for a walk around the city as they chat idly and sip their drinks. They stop by a small shop and pick up pairs of sunglasses just as the sun finally makes an appearance. Louis' in a pair of cheap Ray Bans while Niall sports some aviators.

This is why Niall enjoys spending time with Louis. Not only is Louis hilarious but it's easy to be around him. It's all lighthearted fun when they tease each other and Niall feels not so different, like one of the lads. Louis tells him all these stories that he doesn't quite get but it's worth it just watching how animated Louis gets when he tells them.

When they begin their trek back to Harry and Zayn's, that's when Louis finally brings up his relationship with Zayn.

"Things are a little…I don't even know! We kiss a lot but there's something missing, like he's holding back and I mean, I get it. He's a former straight guy and there's some kind of transition he's going through that has to be awkward."


"Yes, like most of your conversations with Liam." Louis elbows Niall who narrows his eyes at him.

Louis is still chatting Niall's ear off by the time they're entering the flat. The smell of something delicious baking is the first thing thay greets them but then Niall is searching.

Harry is sitting on the couch watching the telly but as he turns towards the front door, he's got a big dimpled grin for Niall on his face.

The green eyed brunette is handsome as ever in a plain white scoop neck shirt that dips low enough to reveal the tattooed swallows on his chest. His hair is messy and in need of a wash but his emerald eyes shine in a way that only happens when he sees the object of his affection.

It takes all of two seconds for Niall to forget about Louis as he runs and launches himself at Harry, the tall lad catching him easily in his arms as the blonde smothers his face in noisy kisses. Warmth blossoms in Harry's chest. He hopes there never comes a day when Niall doesn't greet him this way.

It isn't until Niall settles down on his lap that Harry lifts the aviators up from Niall's eyes and into his hair. "Hi, baby." He whispers softly against the blonde's blushing cheek.

Then it's Niall's turn to be nothing short of dazzled by Harry, by the gruff of his voice and the way he holds him securely around his waist in a way that makes him feel irresistible.

"Hi." Niall breaths, his forehead pressed against Harry's.

And Harry can just taste the hot chocolate on the boy's tongue. He can't help but think he'd be disgusted if it were anyone other than Niall.

Louis stands in the doorway unsure of what to do with himself now that the two are off in their own little world.

Why do they have to do that? He wonders. Why do they need to smother each other as if they haven't seen one another in years? They're so shameless about it. Niall is understandable since he doesn't entirely know what it is to be embarrassed but Harry is a surprise.

It's something all the lads thought would fade at least a little but Niall still gazes at Harry as if the sun shines out of his ass and that's true love isn't it? For Harry's part, he seems just as mad, always indulging in Niall's whims. Just the other day Louis saw Harry purring and nuzzling Niall like a mama kitten and if that wasn't the strangest thing, than Louis isn't sure what is.

Louis isn't quite certain what it is that's making him feel put off by the couple lately. He doesn't want to chalk it up to jealousy. Then again, he wouldn't mind Zayn acting with overbearing affection like Harry or desperate for his attention like Niall.

"Oy, forgot how your legs work?" Harry calls to Louis with a massive grin, Niall sporting a matching smile.

"No, ah, I have to go actually." Louis checks his imaginary watch on his bare wrist and scratches the back of his head.

"Where are you going, Louis?" Niall asks, sapphire eyes looking saddened.

"I've got footie practice and coursework that I need to fold into paper airplanes." Louis sighs.

Harry frowns noticing something a bit off about Louis' demeanor. Before he has a chance to question it, Louis is making his way to leave. He makes a mental note to ask him about it later.

"Just me and you." Harry turns his attention back to the blonde on his lap.

Niall is wearing a gray sweatshirt and his cheeks are flushed a pretty pink but it's those sweet baby blues that make Harry's stomach swoop.

"How was your day, little love?" Harry asks, his hands settling gently on the lad's thighs.

The blue eyed boy thinks for a moment before he replies.

"It was nice. I went to see Perrie and then went with Louis. I think that Louis is sad." Niall explains softly.

"I caught that too. Sad about what do you think?"

"I don't know." Niall hums, fiddling with the gold disc necklace Harry had given him when they'd first gotten together officially.

Instinctively, Harry touches Niall's cat collar that he wears doubled around his wrist like a bracelet.

They've come a long way since then.

"How is yours day?" Niall asks so adorably that Harry could hardly restrain himself from nuzzling at the blonde's cheek.

While Niall is advancing in his studies, he still has a few grammatical missteps now and then that Harry finds too sweet to correct.

"My day was alright. People ordered food and I brought it to them." Harry shrugged.

"My day is alright but then really good when I see you." Niall cuddles up against Harry, throwing his arms around Harry's neck.

"I wish I had the energy to take you out, love, but I'm so knackered." Harry says with a little half-smile.

"Take a nap?"

"Those are the three most beautiful words you've ever spoken to me."

Niall tilts his head to the side slightly, eyes narrowed at Harry accusingly. "Not 'I love you'?"

"Second most beautiful." Harry backtracks, pressing a chaste kiss on the blonde's lips as he picks him up suddenly.

Niall laughs against Harry's lips as they stumble to the bedroom.

When they collapse on the bed, Harry gets under the covers while Niall kicks off his shoes and shucks off his gray hoodie to slip under the thick white comforter. Harry watches with amusement as the lump under the blanket moves up onto him and Niall's messy blonde hair pops up against his chest.

"Too tired to kiss?" Niall asks, worming his way up Harry's body.

"I'll snog you 'til I pass out." Harry says, voice already going rough with sleepiness.

Niall pushes the lad's hair away from his forehead. Harry watches him curiously, watches as Niall rakes his fingers through his messy hair. It's soothing. Harry's eyes begin to drift shut as much as he tries to fight sleep but Niall curls up on top of him, his face tucked into his neck, lips pressed to Harry's throat.

Harry cracks a hazy smile when the blonde grabs Harry's limp arms and wraps them around himself.

Work has been rough lately and he does come home a little more tired than usual but he gets to come home to Niall. It feels like a reward when he's arriving after a long day of work and Niall drowns him in gentle affection. He needs it. He craves it after having the blonde on his mind all day.

Later that night, Niall wakes up hugging something that shouldn't be as soft as it is. The blonde rubs the sleep from his eyes, realizing he's hugging a pillow and Harry is missing.

He turns his bleary eyes towards the neon green bedside clock. The blonde squints his eyes. He knows those numbers. One, two, three, four! Those are the easiest ones. 12:43 AM. Zayn would be proud.

Niall shuffles out the bed, padding into the living room in search of his curly-headed love.

The living room and kitchen are empty but before Niall can have a proper spaz attack, Harry is whistling from the balcony. "Over here, kitten."

The blonde tugs on the sleeves of the jumper he's wearing and pushes open the sliding glass door of the balcony. Harry is sitting on the bench swing they'd bought off a friend who was moving and desperate to be rid of the thing.

"Come here. Too cold for kittens tonight." Harry mumbles, opening his arms for Niall.

Niall gingerly sits beside him, the swing moving slightly as Harry gathers him in his arms and wraps them both in the warm fleece throw.

It's cold out. The stars are hardly visible and the moon is hidden behind clouds. The view isn't terribly spectacular but there's something about this spot that means something to Harry.

"Are you alright, love?" Harry wonders.

The blonde nods against his chest.

"Didn't mean to wake you up." Harry whispers.

"It's okay…are you okay?"

Harry had come outside to worry. Just like anybody else he wakes up late and worries about his life. Night time is when those thoughts come creeping in. While they start off lovely with images of being with Niall, they tend to get darker. He thinks of Niall turning into a cat. He thinks of losing his job. He thinks of not being able to pay his bills. One of those three things kills him the most.

"Yeah, I just wanted some fresh air. 'M sorry for falling asleep. Didn't even kiss you, did I?" Harry says softly, scooting a bit back to look directly at Niall.

Its too dark to see the flush of the blonde's cheeks but Harry can see the contours of his face, knows that Niall is staring right back at him. He's warm and sleep soft. It's a sweet kind of Niall, although, Harry thinks, every side of Niall is sweet.

"Harry is tired." Niall brushes off angelicly, knowing full well that sometimes the brunette comes home quite beat from work.

"Still. Makes me sad when I don't give you the attention you deserve."  Harry tells him honestly.

"It's one time. It's okay."

"Love you."

"Love you, Harry."

Harry begins with a lingering kiss on the blonde's forehead, then his cheeks, kissing his way to the blue-eyed boy's mouth. When he reaches Niall's lips, the smaller boy is breathless in anticipation. Harry's lips and the tip of his nose are chilled from the cold but when Harry's warm tongue swipes at Niall's lips it's such a chill inducing sensation that Niall shudders.

The blonde is lost in the affection. Harry's kisses seem to always make him feel like his skin is vibrating and his blood is racing. It's a wonder how a single kiss can make him feel so infinitely loved, can make him feel like he could live off of Harry's touch.

Harry isn't much better off. His worries vanish with Niall pressed against him, giving him everything he has with a single kiss. Niall inspires him to be playful and passionate.

"Let's go back to bed, lovely." Harry grins to himself as Niall begins nuzzling and keeping against his neck.

"Carry me?"

"How 'bout you carry me?" Harry groans, nuzzling Niall right back.

"Like a piggy's back ride?"

Harry laughs, and Niall all but melts at the muffled sound against his throat.

"Yes, like a piggyback ride."

The couple is all giggles as Harry wraps his long legs around Niall's waist as Niall shakily stands up. The blonde speed walks to the bedroom, Harry grinning the whole way.

Harry can't even remember what it was that was worrying him anymore.


It's nearing two am when Zayn is roused from sleep. He blinks away the sleepiness and groans at the crick in his neck from the uncomfortable position on Louis' couch. He hazily remembers coming over to Louis' after he left the gym.

"You're still studying?" Zayn mumbles, not bothering to sit up.

Louis is sitting beside him, legs criss-crossed, his glasses on, and a thick text book perched in his lap. He looks so sexy, cute, and smart all at once that Zayn just lets the briefest glimpse of a smile play on the corners of his lips.

"Shouldn't of waited the day before the test to study." Louis mutters, his eyes skimming the paragraphs in the text book as if the faster he reads the more he'll remember.

"Maybe you should sleep on it. You've got to sleep sometime." Zayn stretches his arms in front of them, his joints clicking loudly.

"Sleep is for the weak."

Zayn rolls his eyes. He doesn't say it aloud but he's never actually seen Louis study. "Since when did you take your coursework so seriously?"

"Since I need decent grades to stay on the football team." Louis answers, biting the cap off a yellow highlighter and spitting it on the floor.

"You don't usually study." Zayn points out as he watches Louis highlight sentence after sentence.

"I study." Louis objects.

"Studying porn for sex doesn't count." Zayn teases.

Louis cracks a smile. "Doesn't it?"

"No. It doesn't. Now let's go. I don't wanna fall asleep on this lumpy couch again." Zayn complains with a deep yawn.

"Lumpy? How dare you? I'll have you know that Liam and I happen to adore this couch." Louis scowls.

"Have you slept on it? I slept for an hour and its my neck that smarts." Zayn growls as he stands up from the couch, stretching once more.

"Fine. My bed it is. And if you're lucky, I'll let you suck my dick." Louis shuts his book loudly, tossing it on the mess on the coffee table.

"And if you're lucky, I'll let you wank my morning wood." Zayn calls over his shoulder, making his way to the bedroom.

"You're a real pervert, Zayn." Louis turns his nose up snootily.

"Hurry up, you twat!"

"Oh, straight away darling." Louis slips his glasses off, realizing his eyes burn with every blink.

Louis doesn't bother to clean up the mess on the coffee table. He knows he should since Liam will probably wake up and see the mess prompting a lecture about being conscientious of what it means to have a room mate.

But it's late and he studied and that must count for something he decides as his eyes scan the strewn text books, snack wrappers, and the empty pizza box on the table. It was nice having Zayn there. Even if he was sleeping.

"Louis, babe, come on." Zayn calls.

Louis ditches the mess and skips off to his bedroom where Zayn is unbuckling the belt of his black jeans.

The smaller lad is already in his t-shirt and joggers. He quietly makes his way to the bed to watch Zayn who hasn't noticed him yet.

It's when Zayn's shucks off his black cashmere sweater that he startles at the sight of Louis.

"Jesus! Don't you usually make noise when you enter a room?" Zayn snaps, running a hand through his newly trimmed hair.

"I didn't want to be heard. Besides, watching you undress is like a personal fantasy." Louis smirks.

Zayn smiles and shakes his head.

Of course Zayn is gorgeous with his clothes on but he's even more so out of them. There's that over all warm tan skin and tattoos that Mark his lean body. There's the deep v that is mouthwatering just above those loose slung boxers. It's everything, Louis realizes. The face, scruff, body, and quiet but firm way about him.

Instead of Zayn immediately joining him in bed, he picks up a pile of Louis' dirty clothes and sets them in the hamper near the closet. It's awfully domestic but Zayn's always been the homebody of the group. He fancies lazing about and watching tv. Partying has never been on his list of priorities.

"Can you stop cleaning my room? I'll never be able to find anything." Louis adjusts the pillows all over the bed.

"Because everything'll be in its proper place?" Zayn chuckles as he organizes the clothes in Louis' messy dresser. "Look. You see these drawers? If you fold the clothes, you can actually close them."

"You're such dick." Louis throws a pillow at him.

"Dunno how you can function in such a pigsty." Zayn says as he relents and joins Louis in bed.

Louis wraps his arms around Zayn's warm torso and proceeds to snort like a pig obnoxiously against Zayn's neck.

Silence settles between them until Zayn reaches over to shut off the bedside lamp. The darkness somehow makes Louis bolder. He finally asks the question that's been bothering him since his lunch with Niall.

"So…Niall says you two went to pick up his things at her flat."

Zayn is quiet for a minute and Louis worries briefly if he shouldn't have brought her up. Then again he can't help but be curious. Zayn and Perrie had been together for two years. That's, like, 20 years in dog years which is practically the same thing.

"Is that jealousy, Louis?" Zayn says in this overly smug tone that makes Louis pull Zayn's hair at the nape of his neck.


"Shut up."

"Such a child, you are." Zayn grumbles. "I'm in your bed, aren't I?"

"You are." Louis sighs sleepily, pressing his cold toes against Zayn's legs.

"Just so y'know, nothing happend."

"So would it be accurate to say I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one?"

"You're the worst."

"You promise?"

"Shut up."

A/N: It's fiiiinally here :D I've missed you guys and this story! You guys are so damn cute and sweet and just ughh, the best

Just some fluff to remind everybody where the boys stand.

Dedicated to kalina_iona for the lovely art in the multimedia!

*If you made me something for the story a cover or anything, please remind me so I can post and dedicate a chapter to you.

I'll try to stick to updating on Thursdays, no promises though.

Stay golden. xx

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