The King's Devotion

By ishtararahman

30.4K 869 179

Xason Anderson. My name was enough for everyone to get down on their knees and plead for their lives. Everyon... More

Chap 1 - Hatred
Chap 2 - Tried
Chap 3 - Smoke
Chap 4 - Piece
Chap 5 - Broken Glass
Chap 6 - Angry bird
Chap 7 - Control
Chap 8 - Queen
Chap 9 - Disappointed
Chap 10 - Jace Williams
Chap 11 - Queen (II)
Chap 13 - Smack
Chap 14 - Demands
Chap 15 - Urgency
Chap 16 - Pain
Chap 17 - Stay
Chap 18 - Familiar
Chap 19 - Stitches
Chap 20 - Regret
Chap 21 - Blue eyes
Chap 22 - Trouble
Chap 23 - Blue Margarita
Chap 24 - Freedom
Chap 25 - War
Chap 26 - Date
Chap 27 - Gift
Chap 28 - Red Window
Chap 29 - Purpose

Chap 12 - Choked

954 31 3
By ishtararahman

With confident steps, I approached him. I recognised the alpha he was talking to, to be Michael, the Alpha of Rose moon pack.

"Alpha Michael, would you mind if I interrupted your conversation with the King? I have to talk to him in private about some urgent matter that needs his attention immediately." I swiftly spoke when they had their attention on me.

"Sure! Anything for you." He exclaimed excitedly, more than happy to be away from him.

"Thank you." He walked away hurriedly and I turned my attention to him.

"I need to talk to you about something in private." His eyes narrowed, probably not believing me. I raised my eyebrows in question and he nodded his head. I walked him up to my office. The tension downstairs seemed to decrease with his absence. The sighs were not unheard. His presence behind me was causing shivers to run down my spine. My dress being backless did not help either. I could feel his stare on me.

It was not long before we reached my office. I slammed open my door on entering and he followed suit, closing the door behind him.

"Make it fast." His deep voice filled the silence of the room and I felt like jumping him.

Damn him and his sexy voice!

"What was that?" I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest as I stood in the middle of the room facing him. The look of confusion on his face gave away that he knew nothing about what I was talking about.

"What was what?" He questioned in his as usual demanding tone. His accent was something I couldn't really point out.

"You know what I am talking about. Don't play me."

"I don't have enough time in my life to play you. Say it clearly or I am leaving." His tone was getting me all worked up. He talked as if I was some dirt under his shoes. Who did he think I was? Rage filled me and I tried hard to control myself for now was not the time to play. I wouldn't want this house to break into pieces just because him and I got into a fight. I have invested too much money after this.

"What got you so worked up that everyone could feel this aura coming out of you? It was literally suffocating us." I seethed out, mad that he somehow managed to ruin something every time. This time it happened to be my party.

"You do not question me. I am not answerable to you." He gritted out. His grey eyes flaring with specks of gold. Anyone wanna know what happened next? I lost it.

"You are answerable to me when you are in my territory. Who the fuck do you think you are talking to me like that?" I took a step forward. His attitude was making me think of doing wicked things to me. How I wanted to slit his throat.

"Watch the way you talk to me otherwise you will have to bear the consequences." His words dripped with authority and power as he pointed his finger at me. But they did not have any affect on me.

I smiled softly and took a few steps forward. Being this close to him made me realize how tall he was, almost around 6'2. His calculating eyes watched me like a hawk.

"Or what? What are you going to do to me? Kill me? Tear me apart? Feed me to your oh so precious rouges? You know what? Do whatever the hell you want! Cause that's what you are good at. Oh, I am sorry. That's what rouges are good at. All you can do is kill everyone. All you think about is your selfish, arrogant selves! Nothing is greater to you than your ego, pride, money! So if you wanna rip of my neck. Then go ahead. Go ahead cause I'm not afraid of you. Never was, never will." I seethed out the last part right on his face. All my bottled up hatred towards rouges was surfacing and I was having a hard time controlling it. If he thinks that he can use his power to scare me then he is wrong. I am not his puppet.

Not even a second longer, I was pushed to the nearest wall with him choking me.

"Do not talk about my people like that! I don't care about what you think of me but don't you dare insult my pack like that. For I will not hesitate to kill you. Mate or not, I don't care." He applied pressure on my neck as he whispered in my ears.

I wrapped my hand around his arm, trying to loosen his grip. But it was futile. I could feel my oxygen supply being cut off. I coughed trying to get air in but his death grip on my neck was not allowing it. Being choked and hanging from a wall was not a good combination. His yellow golden eyes flared like fire and his jaw stiff. I refused to die like this even though there was no chance of me surviving for I had pushed the king way too far. With a miserable attempt at trying to suck air in, I lifted my feet to kick him hard in the abdomen. He was surprised and loosened his grip a bit. That kick seemed to enrage him further. The lack of oxygen was getting me now. My body felt heavy and I almost died when he tightened his grip again.

Out of the blue, I was thrown onto the floor and I cried out as my back hit something hard. I coughed hard as my vision turned blurry.

"Athena, are you okay?" Someone asked holding me up but I was too busy attempting to breathe to hear him. The pain searing through my spine was making the situation worse. Fatigue hit me like a train. I was getting hard to breathe and I was too tired to try to.

"Shit! She's fainting! Where is Dr Susan?! Athena, stay with me. Look at me." The familiar voice spoke again, gently tapping my face. I tried to look at the person but my hazy vision did not allow me to. Moreover I was too sleepy. I wanted to sleep.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

An annoying sound managed to irritate me enough to open my eyes. I couldn't see anything. It was a blurry mess of white. I blinked quite a few times only to be able to see a white ceiling. Slowly, I became attentive to my surroundings. I recognised it to be a hospital room. An IV tube attached to my hand.

What happened?

I tried hard to recall but nothing was coming to me. My sore throat helped to remember the events that took place. Us having a fight. Him choking me. Now that I am thinking of it. It feels worse than it did when he choked me. I should have died. At least I would have been able to see Mom and dad. Tears pricked out of the corner of my eyes. I made a move to wipe them only to realize my whole body hurt like hell.

What the fuck did he do to me?

A creaking sound interrupted the peaceful silence and I noticed the door opening. Hayden entered the room shuffling through his pocket but soon he froze in his place to see me awake.

"When did you wake up?" He asked taking slow steps towards the bed.

"A while." I croaked and shit did it hurt. A burning sensation rushed through my throat and I winced.

"Here, drink it." A glass of water was offered and I took it, feeling the water help a little though it continued to burn.

"You scared me, you know." He whispered slowly. I met his gaze to see him looking helplessly at me.

"I thought I was going to lose you." He clutched my hand in his hand, avoiding my gaze.

"Well, you are not getting rid of me so easily." I joked and the burning sensation returned full on. He smiled looking up and I saw his eyes fill with I shed tears.

"Is my mighty beta crying for his alpha?" I cooed but failing miserably. His eyes hardened as he scowled at my humour and I smiled not being able to control it.

Throughout my life, this is the first time I am seeing him cry. It might sound wrong but I felt kind of happy. Someone actually cared enough for me to live.

"Come here." I said urging him to come forth.

"Even in this state you are ordering me." He broke out into a laugh but nonetheless coming forth.

"Yes, I am. Now give me a hug. I just survived a near death experience." I sarcastically said, trying to lighten the mood. I did not like seeing sad Hayden. He looked better with his stoic expression. He gave me a look and I returned it back.

"This patient is waiting for you to hug her." I whined a bit and I regretted it immediately. This sore throat was going to be the end of me. He grinned and hugged me.

"I don't like seeing you cry." I whispered in his ear.

"I don't like seeing you hurt." He whispered into my neck.

The hug was comforting and after that I forced him to tell me as to how he got to know and what happened after I fainted. Turns out he felt my pain as to being a pack member and the King left in all his glory.


Hello! So I am finally updating. Since we all are quarantined, I will probably be updating now. Let me know how it was. The next chapter will probably be our King's POV. Be ready!

Vote and comment! Ignore the typos.


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