
By daviidsofiia

108K 4K 224

Jemma Jones has had a rough life right from her birth. Born of a prostitute, thrown out by the age of ten, th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Cast- Part Two
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
New Story- Forever His
Status & Glory

Chapter 25

1.3K 80 3
By daviidsofiia

"You're still as smart as ever Kyle."

I froze.

A figure appeared from the kitchen and Kyle visibly relaxed.

"Max!" Kyle hugged the guy.

I took a good look at the stranger, he looked like the older version of Jasper, the hair and the freckles were exactly the same as I saw in the picture yesterday.

"Who's the lady," Max said walking to me.

"Jemma Jones, but please call me JJ," I said shaking his hand.

"Maxwell Vanderwaal" a smirk emerged on his face.

Even their smirks were alike. He was quite the charmer with his dimples. Jasper didn't have dimples so that was a difference.

"What are you doing here I taught you weren't coming till Friday or Saturday?" I've never seen Kyler this happy before.

"Well, I finished up early so why wait?" Max shrugged.

Both guys walked into the kitchen chatting about whatever and totally forgetting my existence.

I don't think Jasper is aware that his brother is around so I'm not going to spill the beans to him just yet. I'm sure he'll be excited to see him again.

I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge, looking for something to eat and ignored the guys.

I took out the juice in the fridge and went over to get a glass. After taking my juice and emptying the glass I rinsed it in the sink and returned it where I found it.

When I turn to the guys, they were both looking at me. I rose a brow at them, "what?"

"Are you the girlfriend?" Max asked, his voice a bit deeper than usual.

"I guess," I shrugged.

"You guess?" Kyle gave me a confused look.

Before I could say anything again my phone beeped in my pocket so I sat beside Kyler fishing my phone from my pocket to read the message.

Jasper: I hope Ky isn't given u problems. I'll soon be back. :)

I chuckled at his text and sent my own reply.

Me: missing me that much?

A few seconds after another text came in.

Jasper: is that even a question?

Me: that's why there is a question mark there dumbass 😒

Me: nd u don't answer a question with a question, it's a simple yes or no

Jasper: fine, I'm missing u

I smiled at that and that made the guys look at me like I've just grown two heads.

Me: just focus on what ure doing. I'm in real need of my calculus lesson 😉

He didn't reply after that so I placed my phone back in my pocket.

After an hour of listening to the guys talk about bullshit and occasionally occupying myself with my phone the front door finally opened and Jasper walked in.

"Kyle you can get out now!" he yelled walking into the kitchen.

"Hey boss," Kyle droped his gaze from anywhere that's Jasper.

The air automatically changed as Jasper's gaze locked on Max. It's first confusion then it's anger, fuming anger.

It's like I can see the smoke fuming out of Jasper's head. It's obvious that the brothers have some bad blood between them and I will not be in the middle of their manly brawl so I as sneaky as possible walked out of the kitchen.

I'm not the only one with the idea of running before it gets too bad. Ky sneaked out after me. We're sitting in the living room. Kyle is tense and nervous for some reason but I decided to ignore him.

"What are you doing here?" I could hear the anger in Jasper's voice from the living room.

"I came back," Max said and the scraping of the stool on the tile indicated that he was standing up.

"Came back from your hiding huh? After how many years in hiding you now feel like its time for you to come back? To do what exactly?" Jasper raised his voice.

I taught he went to get a degree in business management? What is Jasper talking about?

"I was scared. I know that it's a stupid reason but I was fucking scared Jasper and I didn't know what to do" Max sounded broken.

"You were scared and so was I. We're brothers, we were supposed to fight together, you weren't alone. I was always there for you. I looked up to you but you threw it back in my face by running away! You ran away and left me to deal with it alone, you left a twelve year old boy to handle a gang on his own, I trained alone, I got bruised and badly injured alone when it was supposed to be both of us. You made a promise to me and you broke that promise Max! I guess that just proves to me that all promises are meant to be broken." A loud crash followed and I'm on my feet in a second  running back into the kitchen.

Shards of glass were on the floor and a few fruits were scattered around too. Thank God it's just the fruit bowl.

"I'm sorry Jasper. I know what I did was wrong and I've come back to make it right. If you don't want me around, I'll leave but I just want you to know that I have your back." Max was breathing heavily now and I knew what that signified.

I ran back into the living room and took out my inhaler from my bag. When I got back to the kitchen I threw my inhaler to Max and he caught it in one swift motion and nodded in thanks.

Jasper waited for him to finish with the inhaler before he spoke again, "I don't need your fucking support so get out!"

With that he stormed out and upstairs to his room.

I turned to look at Max and he tossed my inhaler back to me, "thanks."

"You welcome," I nodded. "You might want to clean this up and don't leave just yet, I'll go talk to him."

I sadly but slowly returned my inhaler back to my bag, trying to give Jasper a little time to gather his thoughts. I don't want to just run after him after that intense conversation.

I've known that feeling of betrayal all my life and I know just how deep it cuts you so I don't blame Jasper for his anger at the moment.

But the most important thing here is that Max came back and he came back apologizing and ready to make amends. Jasper should be grateful that he still has a family member who cares for him, even though he didn't show it but he is doing so now.

I knocked on his door but no response so I stepped in and I found it empty. I checked his bathroom, the balcony and his walk in closet but he wasn'tt there so I headed over to the gym. He's either there or on the roof.

Just as I taught, Jasper was in the gym and he was showing the punching bag no mercy.

I leaned on the door frame of the gym, taking in the sight before me. I watch as his muscles flex as he threw punch after punch and the sweat that glistens on his back just makes him more glorious. I've never seen him work out before so this is new for me.

At this point the chains of the punching bag are threatening to loose but he still won't stop. I would stop him but I won't, he needs to let out the steam.

He threw one final punch to the bag and it was sent to the floor with a loud thud. Jasper stood there for a second before unwrapping his hands and walking over to the bench.

"Do remember to add that to your expenses," I said and he jumped a little, slightly startled by my presence.

He turned to face me and I just can't help but gape at him. His six pack shines in all its glory making me drool, don't blame me.

"You scared me. When did you get here?" He asked downing his water in one go.

"Before you destroyed the poor punching bag," I said, not taking my eyes off his chest.

"You know you can just ask to touch my chest and I'll let you instead of drooling over it," I tore my eyes away from his chest.

"Eww no, you're covered in sweat," I pulled a disgusted face.

He laughed, "you didn't deny the fact that you wanted to touch me,"

I looked up at him and walked a lot closer, "you need to take a shower first before I lay a finger on you."

"You have a deal," he said pecking my cheeks before walking out.

"You stink, get that shower as quickly as possible before the whole house begins to smell," I yelled over my shoulder at his retreating figure.

His laughter rang through the room in reply and I smiled to myself.

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