Allison Riddle & 21st Century...

By BoldAuthorAI

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Despite being the youngest girl, the daughter of Voldemort was the best. She fought harder and faster than an... More

Chapter 1: The Mission
Chapter 2: Diagon Alley
Chapter 3: During Induction
Chapter 4: Platform Nine & Three Quarters
Chapter 5: Targets
Chapter 6: Halloween
Chapter 8: X-Mas
Chapter 9: Realities Bold Return
Chapter 10: Final Exams
Chapter 11: Sorcerer's Stone
Chapter 12: Aveline
Chapter 13: Summer

Chapter 7: Answers

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By BoldAuthorAI

The beginning of November brought frost, covering the grounds in grey flurries. People started wearing scarves over their faces and the sky threatened rain. More often than not, I forgot to remove my hood after returning from Herbology and nobody called me on it. Students have had other things on their minds. The news that Harry Potter had been made Gryffindor Seeker spread like wildfire, leaving Draco in a vindictive mood.

I was patient. I waited for it to pass. I said nothing when he preyed on poor Neville Longbottom, or when he'd tell long wistful tales of riding his broom back home. I buried myself in Aveline Malfoy research- which thus far was going slower than honey- and hoped Jane would step in soon, whether to continue our conversation from Halloween or make Draco feel foolish. On the eve of the game, I finally snapped.

"If you don't stop being such a git, I'm not going to the game with you tomorrow!"

Draco rolled his eyes. "Fine by me," And stormed off for the boys dorms.

I huffed and tried to return to my reading, this time a book on Herbology instead- hey,  I had to make up for my lack of knowledge somehow!

The next morning, I stuck to my word. After breakfast, as everyone headed outside for the game, I headed upstairs to the library. I was on the fourth floor when I heard it. In the previously dead silence, a voice emerged.



I stopped at a corner, suddenly thankful Hogwarts had so many for easy cover, and drew my wand. The footsteps soon revealed a brunette I was seeing no more of than before Halloween.

His amethyst eyes flickered to my wand, then to my face. "Nice to see you too."

Avoiding his gaze, I stowed away my wand. "What did you stun just now?"

"Just Mrs Norris. She's been following me for two floors and it's getting a bit annoying. What are you doing up here? Thought you'd be at the game."

I rolled my eyes. "Quidditch isn't my cup of tea. I was just heading to the library."

"On a Saturday? Come on, take a break!"

Oddly enough, I couldn't help smiling. "And do what? Go to the game?"

"No, I'll do you one better. We can go hang out by the lake for a while, since it'll be quiet."

"Hmm...I suppose some quiet would be nice. Alright."

He gave me one of his simple smiles and I couldn't help returning the gesture. It was easier to ignore his odd eyes today, or the cold radiating off him as he passed me for the staircase. As we walked downstairs, I tried to starve off my suspicions.

Perhaps giving Alec the cold shoulder wasn't such a bad idea after all. If he still wanted to be around me, then who was I to judge? He was only making my job easier! He wanted attention, no matter how humble he acted- just like every Pureblood. Because his coven- for all intents and purposes- behaved like Purebloods. That gave me a familiar edge.

"So," Alec finally broke the silence. "What do you do outside school?"

"Read, mostly. You?"

"I like exploring."

I raised an eyebrow, finding my gaze flickering to him again. "Exploring?"

"My family owns a lot of land. I reckon that I'll never see the edge of it, but that hasn't stopped me trying."

"You must be wealthy."

"That's what happens when you copy The Godfather."

That puzzled me. Who was the Godfather? His coven leader?

He smiled at my confusion. "Ah, I forgot you're a pureblood. No time for movies, even the classics." He shook his head, generally amused.

I glowered at him. Hermione had explained what movies were, but The Godfather had never come up. I had a feeling telling him as much would only make it worse.

"I heard a rumor that you grew up with Malfoy's, but they aren't your blood family." Alec added after another moment of silence.

The usual self-preservation instincts kicked in. I had to be sure my secrets were being spread all over school, even if this particular one wasn't exactly dangerous. "Yeah, that's right. Where'd you hear this?"

He shrugged. "Lisa and her friends."
I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Lisa Turpin and Lavender Brown gossiped as much as Pansy Parkinson- in fact, if she were here rumors would probably get around a hundred times faster.

"Sorry if this is- erm- intrusive, but do you remember them? Your parents?"

I shook my head. "I've been with the Malfoy's since I was in diapers. All I know is Narcissa's my blood aunt, so one of my parents definitely was born into the Black Family."

"Have your tried researching them yet?"

"No. Had other things on my mind. What about you though?"

He raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"You and Jane act so...independent. It makes me wonder where your parents must've been if that's how you developed."

At first, I didn't think he was going to respond. He definitely looked speechless, though not upset. You could say he looked almost...resigned, as though he expected this question. Just as I was resigned to keeping his secret without him knowing, but it looked like my teasing comment might've spilled the beans.

When he finally met my eyes again, they were sparkling. The lack of wariness- or guard- stunned me momentarily. "What you must understand about that is-"


The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, all thoughts of family forgotten.

"Stupefy!" "Impedimenta!"

Our spells hit what I'd thought was Peeves halfway down the corridor. As the body fell, I instead saw the ugly form of Argus Filch, the Hogwarts caretaker. Before Alec could move, I was running toward Filch, wand raised.

He caught my wand arm. "Stop! He's just stunned."

"He saw us," I muttered, ignoring the freezing sensation of his hand. "He'll report us."

Alec shook his head. "He didn't see us. Trust me-"

My scoff spoke legions as I wrenched my arm from his grasp and turned my wand on Filch. "Obliviate,"

The memories left his head and floated upward, through the ceiling and toward the heavens, never to be seen again.

Before Filch could stir or Alec could object, I turned on my heel and ran. The world around me blurred as the wind hit my face with the speed of my escape. I had no idea if Alec had followed me. The hairs on my neck were still on end. Running would starve off the shivers.

Keep warm.

Keep safe.


I was halfway through the second-floor when Mrs Norris stepped into my path, hissing. I stopped, my foot catching on a crack in the floor. The floor rushed up to meet me and I going to hit it head first. It was gonna hurt- a lot.

Except it didn't. (A/N: Yes, this is a Vampire Academy refrence. Good job to those who caught it!)

A pair of cool arms caught and steadied me. "Keep your wand in your pocket and let me handle this," He hissed in my ear before letting me go.

Before I could ask just who he thought he was bossing around- or even consider the problems that kind of sass could cause- panting met my ears.

Mrs Norris slipped past us, towards Filch as he hobbled towards us.

"Twerps- last time- no magic in the corridors! Dumbledore will hear about this!" He panted, quickly turning red.
"I don't think that will be necessary," Alec said, a calm naiveness to his expression. "We were just heading down to Entrance Hall."

Filch went to say something, then his eyes landed on Alec. His face changed from raging red to a stark white. He opened and closed his mouth a few times like a fish, then turned on his heel and left. Mrs Norris followed him, leaving the corridor deserted save Alec and I.

He turned to me. "We probably should head downstairs. The game'll be over by now."

I nodded and followed him downstairs, my curiosity burning along with where he'd grabbed me earlier. After maybe five minutes of pondering in dead silence, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Since when is Filch afraid of first years?" Or more specifically, why was Filch afraid of Alec? Was he in on it?

Alec shrugged, refusing to comment.

Minutes later, we reached the crowded entrance hall. People were milling about, gossiping about the game and Harry Potter. Gryffindor was nowhere to be seen- probably already upstairs celebrating. At least the castle would be a little more quiet.

When I looked up to say something to Alec, he was already gone. I sighed and went into Great Hall to eat with the angsty Slytherin, then retired to my room for the remainder of the day, reading more about Aveline.

The only place she's mentioned was the Pureblood Secrets book- I'd been through half the library already and she wasn't mentioned anywhere else. I was tempted to check the Restricted Section, but nothing about her history indicated Dark Magic so I don't know if she'd be there.

Of course, there were other avenues that would grant me this information, though neither were ones I wanted to risk. The first- and easier- was Draco. He was a Malfoy descendant- there was a chance he may have heard of her and not told me, but it was unlikely.

The other source was Jane, but that was a last resort- ever since Halloween, we'd carried on business as usual, never bringing up that conversation in the dorms. I didn't want to bring up her past again, even if she seemed to know who was causing my alarms to go off.

Yep, definitely her.

Definitely who?

If only I knew how it connected with Shadow! I wasn't sure it was him, but Shadow was my main suspect from the start. I couldn't see how the mystery person would know both Jane AND Shadow, given how their worlds were so seperate. I needed a peice of one world for both to become clear!

"Allison? Allison, hello?!"

I looked up to see a rather flustered Amelia. "What's wrong?"

She rolled her eyes, pouting. "We've been trying to get your attention for five minutes!"

Jill nodded behind her, though I could see the amusement in her eyes. In the past 4 months, I learned two things thr blue-haired beauty loved. One was Amelia's adorable pouty face and the other was teasing me about my constantly drifting thoughts. If only she knew the truth about what goes on in my head. Ha!

"For what?"

"A Prefect told me to give you this." Amelia handed me a perfectly furled scroll, then left with Jill.

As soon as they were gone, I stared at it for a long moment. It couldn't be Lucius- he wouldn't go through students to get me a private letter. It was too barbaric. This had to be a fellow student or a teacher. For a moment, I wondered if Cameron was inviting me to hang out. Then I opened the scroll to find unfamiliar handwriting.

I'm calling it quits with our age-old rivalry. If you're going to be a legend, I want to be your ally. Come to the lake at Midnight and I'll give you the key to your research. Tell no one. Bring no one.

And just like that, the scroll turned to dust in my hand. Time slowed down, as it always does when you're waiting for something. I couldn't focus on studying, so I gave up. I ate dinner with my friends, barely tasting the food, then returned to the common room. I sat with the boys and even played a game of Exploding Snap with them. Draco was warming up to me again- thank merlin- but I didn't tell him about the note.

The girls went to bed around 10, but Jane didn't join them. I watched her leave the common room, a blond dot in a crowd that didn't care. I gave it five minutes, then headed up to the dorm. I grabbed my wand and threw on my simplest cloak. I didn't have to tiptoe because Jill's snores covered my footsteps.

The common room was another story. Older students were still milling about, their discussions nothing more than a buzz as they tried to finish last minute homework and gossip about the latest scandals. In a corner where I knew nobody could see me, I used my invisisilence charm, then crept into the common room.

Once I was safely alone in the dungeons, I ran and let the world become a blur, only stopping at the Entrance Hall for breath. For a moment, Draco's pale face stood beside me, watching the fog swallow everything whole as it approached us.

My heart raced. A dull stinging in my palms effectively snapped me out of it.

Alec didn't write that note. He wasn't watching me. I was safe.

Except my neck hairs were on end again. I wrapped my cloak around me and pulled out my wand.

I was safe. SafeSafeSAFE!

It took great discipline to move silently across Great Hall and open the door. It took even more to stop myself from running to the lake. I wanted answers, especially as my core began to shake. Running would make things worse. I needed to wait.

I walked towards that familiar tree beside the lake, almost shocked nobody was under it despite the late hour. Stars were visible in splotches between clouds, the moon a single spotlight over the lake. And as I sat under the tree, the clock stroke midnight.

A beautiful cloud- no, a tornado- appeared before me. Before I could cast a shield charm, it started to calm and a familiar figure formed in its midst.

He took a step forward as I stood, wand at the ready. Then I noticed he appeared defenseless- not a good sign. Had he really progressed to wandless dark magic so quickly?

His unusually wary blue eyes flickered to my wand. "Stow that away...p-please. Blah! That's hard to say!"

My mind was reeling. Shadow was supposed to be at home, hundreds of miles from Hogwarts. How long had he been watching me? The whole school year? Just today? And how did he know anything about Aveline?

"If you want the info, you should listen to me."

I scowled, returning my wand to its pocket. This was too important to me. "So you're the one whose been watching me?"

He shook his head. "Another power player. Don't worry about it," From his own cloak, he withdrew two large lumps and handed them to me. "There. Just don't do anything stupid when you see the truth. And remember your mission."

And just like that, before I could ask who this power player was or why someone was watching me at all, the wind picked up and he disappeared in that beautiful storm again.

I watched him flee into the Forbidden Forest, then glanced down at the lumps- books, from the looks of them. I couldn't make out their titles in the darkness. After a quick shrinking charm, I stowed them in my pocket, recast the invisisilence charm, and returned to the castle.

By the time I reached the darkness of the dormitory, my eyes itched with exhaustion. I quickly changed into my pajamas and fixed the books and replaced them in my bag. Then I laid down, cocooning under the duvet to try and stop the shaking.

Something about that encounter was off- you know, besides Shadow's behavior. And despite my best efforts, I couldn't figure out who this power player was. In fact, I was more worried about him having the ability to sneak into Hogwarts.

This entire time, I assumed Hogwarts was safe from intruders, from Shadow's influence. And if someone was using Shadow to watch me, or vice versa, then my recent behavior was going to raise eyebrows when the holidays came. This complicated everything!

My ring began glowing green. I threw a hand over the black crest and sat up. Peeking out of my canopy, the room was calm. Jill's snores filled the dormitory and Amelia's arm poked out from her canopy. Jane still wasn't back and probably wouldn't be until morning. 

I looked down at my hand, the greenish glow filling the cracks. Had Shadow cursed it when I wasn't looking?

Slowly, I removed my hand.

The glow solidified, shooting up to the top of the canopy. Before I could think to chuck it, a figure rose from its depths. A woman, probably not much older than 30, with dark hair and bright eyes that soon focused on me.

"Hello? Can you see me? Hear me?" She whispered.

I chucked the ring, watching it land at the edge and the woman move with it, steadying herself against my bedpost. I didn't have the chance to summon spark ropes or even my wand, something that should've worried me.

"Wait! Allison, please-"

I froze mid-lunge, halfway to my wand laying on the bedside table. "W-what'd you just call me?"

No adult- with the obvious exception of the Malfoy's- called me Allison. It was always Black or Riddle. Always!

"I swear if you give me five minutes, I'll explain everything."

I studied her for a long moment. Her hair, I could see now, was curly and held back in a ponytail. She was paler than me- which was saying a lot. Her eyes were a light color- I couldn't tell any specifics with the lack of light- and very wary as we studied each other, but there was also awe. I got so caught up in watching her, wondering why she looked so familiar.


I jumped, wide-eyed. Jill turned over, gave another grunt, and snored on. Taking a deep breath, I returned my attention to my guest.

"Alright, five minutes."

She gave a sigh of relief. "Thank you."

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Jacqueline, Jacqueline Black."

For what felt like the eighth time today, I started to reminisce. Old stories of runaways danced through my head, but one in particular stood out.

"But what happened to her?" Maxine Caro- barely 8 years old at the time- asked eagerly.

"Nobody knows," Mirabelle shrugged, her eyes bright with idealism. "But when we catch the blood-traitor Black, she'll pay for her crimes against the Dark Lord!"

Jacqueline Black was a blood-traitor menace to D.E.T's like me growing up. She also happened to be sort of inspiration to me- she proved it's possible to hide from those who know you inside and out. But I wasn't worried about her reputation. I had better questions. If she's on the run from Death Eaters, then why visit Hogwarts? And why me specifically? And how did she charm the ring?

When I asked her my slew of questions, she frowned. "Narcissa really never told you?"

I shook my head.

Something sparkled in her eyes- tears perhaps. "I'm your mother."

And just like that, everything I gained over the past three months no longer mattered. Shadow and his ally, the mystery of Aveline Malfoy, my plans of escape, and my mission. It all went up in smoke as a new mystery appeared before me.


"Didn't she tell you any-"

"No, of course not. And I hope for reputation's sake you're lying because mine's already going to be in shambles as it is!"


"None of your business," In one swoop, I grabbed my wand and pointed it at her. "Now leave. And if I hear you told anyone you visited me, you'll be sorry!"

Frowning worse than ever, she sighed. "Fine. Just...Just press the crest if you want me to appear again, ok?"

And with that, she disappeared back into the ring.

Over the next few days, I researched her in the library whenever I had free time. The ring was tucked away in my trunk, along with the Aveline Malfoy books. My neck prickled as more and more articles piled up around me.

The woman who visited me certainly looked like Jacqueline Black, but there was a number of charms and potions an impostor could use. I was tempted to write Narcissa, but I didn't want anyone to know I was looking into a blood-traitor who disappeared before I was born. Even if said blood-traitor might be her sister. 

Looking through old Daily Prophets, I found she appeared most during the year 2000. Before that, there were a few scandals that made the pages, especially about Lady Walburga possibly abusing her children.

Jacqueline had two siblings- Sirius Black and Regulus Black. Both boys were infamous, though for different reasons. One was in Azkaban after being framed for murder and disowned, the other died a Death Eater after getting cold feet. Neither could help me in this case.

An article from July 2000 showed a picture of the three siblings, the two eldest fresh from Hogwarts, nodding solemnly beside the casket of their mother. The one good bit of news in the article was that Jacqueline had been named Lady Black after her mothers death, effectively carrying on the line.

It explained how I got the Black ring in the first place but didn't prove the woman who visited me was indeed Jacqueline. Especially since she disappeared without a trace in 2004 and hasn't been spotted since. The last two articles I found with her connected some of the dots between Jacqueline Black and I. 

The first was released in August of 2002, announcing her engagement to an unknown Pureblood- possibly my father. The second article was published a month before I was born, announcing the birth of her daughter, unnamed. She disappeared maybe a year later, effectively destroying the Black name beyond repair. 

But when she went into hiding, why did she leave her daughter and husband? Had she become like Regulus and gotten cold feet? Or had she gone on a mission nobody else was briefed on- a common occurrence for Death Eaters whose loyalty needed to be tested during the war- and died? Was there anyway to find out without summoning the woman from the ring and questioning her? 

I put my head in my hands and squinted my eyes shut, trying to block out the libraries gentle murmurs and the rain outside. 

My thoughts were going in circles and I was left helpless without any leads. Even if I confirmed her identity, there was still the issue of those missing ten years. Why come back now? Or at all? Had she missed me? Or her husband? Part of me wondered if she came to break her brother, Sirius, out of Azkaban, but I quickly squashed that train of thought. Her motivation wasn't important until I had confirmation. 

Opening my eyes, I focused on a picture of Jacqueline holding her newborn daughter, smirking just as I did when trying to look confident at parties. Even in the black-and-white photograph, I could see the pride sparking in her eyes. Could that pride ever be for me? 

"I'll see you guys later," 

Glancing up, I watched the first year Ravenclaw's leave the library. All except Alec and Lisa. 

She stole a glance at me, then turned back to Alec. "You sure you're alright here? You could always study in the dorms."

"And have to listen to you lot get the riddle wrong for ten minutes just to enter?" Alec rolled his eyes playfully, but his smile was strained. "No thanks, Liss. Just go, please."

She glanced at me again. "If this is about the Slytherin-"

"That's none of your concern. Just leave me be."

Her eyes widened at his sudden rudeness. Even I was a little chocked. Usually Alec was very patient with our classmates. What had him snapping? And why did it feel like he was defending my honor? 

"She doesn't like you. She doesn't like anyone." 

He gave a single, humorless chuckle. "Yes, I've heard how you and Lavender discuss her. But have you even attempted speaking to her? Either of you?"

She opened and closed her mouth a few times, apparently at loss for words. Then she huffed and with one last look at me, she muttered something about seeing him at dinner and left. 

I lowered my gaze after that, afraid he'd catch me eavesdropping. I haven't really spoken to Alec since the Quidditch Game. Part of me wondered if I should, considering how things left off. I listened to his footsteps approaching me, staring at the picture without really seeing it. 

"History of Magic project?" he asked, sliding into the chair across from me just as Cameron had on Halloween. 

"Not quite," I stacked the Daily Prophet articles as something to do, avoiding his curious gaze. "Is there something you wanted?"

"Yes, actually. I- erm- missed Potions today and the others won't tell me if there was homework."

I pushed my curiosity as to his tardiness aside. "Of course there's homework. For Merlin's sake, I don't think a week's gone by when Snape didn't assign homework!" 

"Fair point. Would you tell me what was assigned? For a price, of course."

I rolled my eyes, finally turning to meet his. "I don't want you're filthy money, mudblood."

He ignored my jibe, as per usual. "Of course not. But I have something I know you want."

"Really? What?" I asked, barely paying attention. No vampire had anything I didn't.

He smirked. "Knowledge on your family." 

For a moment, I wondered if I misheard him. Then I felt stupid. Alec's been to Hogwarts before- he would've been here for the war and Jacqueline's disappearance. He might've even known her personally! Before I could release my slew of questions, another problem occurred to me. Did Alec know I knew his secret? 

My eyes racked the library. Since today's Monday, it was kinda busy. Madame Pince was at her desk, well out of earshot. The students milling about weren't Charms-class levels of loud, but there were enough of them that I'd be safe from any overreactions.

Slowly, I met Alec's eyes again. "You tell me what you know, and I'll consider telling you the homework."

He nodded. "What do you already know?"

"I'm caught up through 2003, but that's not really the problem. I already knew she existed."

His eyebrows furrowed. "I don't understand, then. What more could you need to know?"

So I explained, very quietly, about the ring and the supposed impostor. Alec listened without interruptions- something I'd ceased to expect from people our age- though his eyes darkened with each word. I almost wondered if I should stop, but it felt good to tell someone the truth- even a vampire. 

Boy, that's going to bug me later!

"You still have the ring?" He murmured as Madame Pince stalked past us.

I nodded. "Possessed or not, it's a Black family heirloom. I wouldn't throw that away."

"You don't have to justify your actions to me, Allison. Anyone would toss a 'possessed ring'."

My eyes widened. "Did... did you just call me Allison?" Something about hearing my name made the room heat up. 

He shrugged. "I suppose so. It's just easier than this sir-name nonsense."

Nonsense that he probably used at home, but I wouldn't mention that. 

His eyes hardened. "Don't talk about stuff you have no idea about."

The warmth that had filled me moments before vanished. Did I really say that aloud? 

"You can threaten me all you like. I won't tell." I replied, hoping he'd catch the double meaning behind my words.

He rolled his eyes. "We're getting away from the point. You need to summon and question her yourself. And before you say it, yes I think it's really Jacqueline. I knew her at Hogwarts and even a few years after. I knew she had a daughter, but I didn't think to ask for any info. It's most likely you, no matter how much you wish otherwise." 

It was then I lost my filter- something that was becoming a dangerously common occurrence with Alec. "You have no right to make assumptions about me, Bennett."

"On the contrary, I'm probably the only one who sees through your act. It makes sense, considering how- Oi, where are you going?"

I slid over a piece of parchment and pulled out my wand. "That's this weeks Potions assignment. Try to follow me and you'll be spewing slugs for a month."

With a flick of my wand, the stack of Daily Prophet's returned to their original place. I picked up my bag and left the library, trying to ignore the sinking sensation in my stomach and prickling neck.

*TIME SKIP Brought to you by BTS' Wings Album (and all the inspiration it provided me)* 

*Also this song is the mood for the remainder of the chapter- which I apologize for being so long. Enjoy!*

I walked along the castle's perimeter, watching the sun set. I'd have maybe an hour to pull this off before I had to return inside.

Under an eave on the less populated side of Hogwarts, I pulled the ring from my pocket and donned it. The ring began glowing again, but it didn't look as eerie under the setting sun. 

Holding my breath, I pressed the crest in. At first, nothing happened. I stared at the ring, almost willing her to appear.

Maybe five minutes later, I was starting to feel dumb- and frustrated. Maybe I should just go back inside. I could swallow my pride and write Narcissa in the morning.

The light shot up to hit the eave. 

Jacqueline looked shocked as she appeared, though she smiled. 

Fingering my wand in my pocket, I watched as she steadied herself against a pillar. Her hair was down today, curly in a way I'd never achieve without a potion and brushing her shoulders. Even with the sunlight, I couldn't make out her eye color. 

"You wanted see me?"

I blinked, returning to reality. "Right. Yes, I have a couple questions for you."

She nodded. "That's to be expected after dropping such a bombshell. Did you ask Narcissa about me?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of course not. Even if I trusted her not to blab to Lucius, it's been ten years. I needed someone with a more reliable memory," And someone who didn't have Pureblood connections, I thought to myself.

"Alright, then. What do you want to know?"

Alec's words returned to me. I knew she had a daughter......It's most likely you, no matter how much you wish otherwise.

"If it's really you- if you're not an impostor- then what happened?"

She frowned. "I never meant to desert my post, but Bellatrix made it impossible."

"Bellatrix Lestrange? The one in Azkaban?"

She nodded. "The very same. We were close in age and both prodigies, though her... sadistic nature made her a star on the battlefield. I was always more cautious, you see. I tended to view every angle of a problem before making a decision."

The personal similarities bothered me but I pushed on. "Sure, but what happened to make you desert your post?"

"Bella was put in charge of the D.E.T program upon its creation, but she only had two or three kids under wing at time. Even then, the idea of you- my beautiful Allison, so young and bright, being used for a war you had no idea about..." Something flickered in her eyes. "I was already on thin ice after Regulus' mistake, but I couldn't stand the Death Eaters using you. I had to run before Bella told the Dark Lord, so I left you with Narcissa and-"

"But why? Why come back if they're still looking for you?"

Hurt flickered but she covered it up. "Allison-"

As she moved closer to me, I drew my wand. "Stay where you are and answer the question! Why come back?!"

Unlike most people, she disregarded the wand and simply stopped moving. "I never meant to abandon you. I had plans to return and check up on you, and Hogwarts seemed the perfect place."

"How do I know it's really you?" I blurted out. "You could've transfigured to look like the photograph and studied enough information to impersonate her."

For the first time, she laughed. "Why would someone go through all that trouble, just to reach a first year? There are far simpler ways."

Ok, she had a point.

There was a short burst of silence. The chilly night had me pulling on my hood to protect my face. Her eyes followed my every movement. 

"So..." She tucked some hair behind her ear. "Care to catch me up on the Pureblood gossip?"

I almost laughed at the question, but I couldn't fight the smile. "Did you really live under a rock the past decade?"

"No, but I can't exactly go to events or have the Daily Prophet delivered." She carefully inched closer and this time I didn't stop her. "Is there anything in particular you'd like to tell me?"

I was on the verge of shaking my head when I remembered something. I'm probably the only one who sees through your act.

And for the first time in possibly my entire life, I talked on and on and on without a break. I told her about my mission and Draco semi-abandoning our escape plan. I told her about befriending Jane and how Alec had almost charmed me like all those silly Ravenclaw girls. There were times when I wondered if I should stop and breath, but it felt good to say everything. The longer I talked, the lighter I felt, as if she were evaporating my problems into thin air.

"I left before I could hex him, but I almost regret it. I don't know exactly what he was referring to or who he told. He's friends with some of the biggest gossips in our year, so it wouldn't be difficult for him to spread something about me. But I also can't get in a confrontation with him for sake of the mission! What am I supposed to do?"

When I finally stopped, she stayed quiet, watching me catch my breath. The sun was settling behind the Forbidden Forest now, giving the grounds and alcove a purple glow. A quiet voice in the back of mind reminded me what the approaching darkness meant, but I ignored it.



She carefully placed her hand on mine- or tired to, it went right through. "I asked if you were finished talking."

"Oh. Yeah, I think so." Despite the nights chill, I could feel my face heating up. "I'm sorry. Normally I don't talk this much."

"It's alright. I'm glad you trusted me with your- erm- dilemma. And I think I have an idea."

"Wha- Really?" I hadn't expected any advice, just for her to listen. I've never wanted more than that from anyone- well, except Draco. 

"You're problem- and do correct if I'm wrong- seems to be an inability to communicate."

She stopped, watching my face. I'm not sure what it showed. I'd been so focused on her words, but they didn't make sense. 

"An inability to communicate? Like I need to talk to him again?"


"But...I don't know. Isn't that dangerous?" I knew it was- spending any time alone with Alec was a risk even when he kept himself in check- but I was determined to make her say it. 

She shrugged. "Yes, but I think you already knew that. Alec will always be a little- erm- bipolar. But that doesn't mean he won't listen if you calmly explain-"

"Explain how I know he's a vampire?" I almost laughed- I could feel a smile creeping onto my face.

"He already knows that or he wouldn't have reacted. And if he thought you were a true threat to his secret, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now."

I shivered. "I do not need another enemy. Especially a vampire one!"

She smirked. "Just how many enemies did you have before?"

"Honestly? Merlin knows how many. I've always been above the other Before's- the youngest part of the D.E.T program- and I'm prettier than the other girls. If it weren't for my reputation of hitting first and asking questions later, I probably would've gotten myself killed by now."

That got me a laugh. "So everyone's your enemy."

"No! Everyone but Draco. Shadow's especially dangerous. Um, do you know who he is?"

"Think so. Bella's son, right?" 

I nodded. "He's a year old, but he doesn't attend Hogwarts- thank merlin! If I'm dangerous to others, then Shadow's straight up deadly! He- wait a second. Do you know anything about other vampires? Like ones that could get into Hogwarts?"

She frowned. "No. The Witch Twins were the only real vampires I met. Well, besides-"


She shook her head. "Sorry. I'm sworn to secrecy."

My hopes of solving the spy problem deflated. "Whatever. It's fine."

The light was gone now, leaving the forest oddly distorted.  The grounds and lake were silent. Thoughts of curfew and vampires returned to me. 

"I should get inside." 

Jacqueline stopped me from heading inside. "Wait!"


She looked very hesitant. "I...I was just wondering if you'd want to come see me when the break comes. You know, for Christmas."

Again, her words didn't register at first. Then they settled in my head, cozy and promising. Christmas with the Malfoy's was a stressful thing, if not required. I couldn't leave Draco alone with his parents for so long! But...I would still see him at training. Jacqueline couldn't keep me from my duties as D.E.T., after all.

"You know what? Forget it. You probably already have plans. And you barely know me anyways. It's fine."

"Wait! No! I mean...Yeah, I'll visit you at Christmas."

She beamed and for a moment, I could see myself in her face. Then she returned into the ring. For a moment I stood there, staring at the spot she'd disappeared from. Only the chill of the night broke the stupor and forced me back inside the castle. 

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