
By jaimeofoldstone

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She was a Targaryen, heritage hidden from the people of Westeros and safely kept at the side of the Lannister... More

Playlist - Jaime and Rhaella (updated 2023)
Prologue - In The Beginning
A Different Woman
A Kingslayer, His Keeper, and The Lady of Tarth
Oaths and How to Keep Them
The Roads Lead To Harrenhal
The Bear and the Maiden Fair
It's Hard Enough
The Purple Wedding
Guilty By Association, Or So She Believes
The Trial
Freeing Tyrion
The Most Powerful Man In Westeros
The Faith Militant and their Sparrow
The Water Gardens
To Put A Lion In A Cage
Dance of Dragons
Mother's Mercy
Sweet Myrcella, Lost to a Viper
Release from the Kingsguard
Whatever We Were (It's Not Together)
The Twins That Aren't Lannisters
Cersei Lannister, First of Her Name
The Dragons Are Home
The Sound Of War
Ruthless and Cruel (It's Her Trademark)
Cersei Vs. Daenerys
The Trial for Jaime's Honor
The Long Night
The Last of the Starks
The Battle for King's Landing
What She Craved (Very Nearly Destroyed Her)
Rhaella Targaryen-Lannister, Second of Her Name
Epilogue: Home
BONUS CHAPTER ONE: This is where he fell
Potential Bonus Chapters: You Choose
BONUS CHAPTER SIX: Ser Jorah Mormont, The Dragons Protector

The Future

3.3K 126 14
By jaimeofoldstone

The raven from Tyrion arrived a day after the letter from Qyburn did.

Dearest Rhaella, if you've received this, we are only days out from our arrival at Dragonstone. I imagine that's where you fled to when you were finally forced to leave that wretched city and my equally wretched brother.. and if you're reading this, I want you to know that your sister is desperately excited to meet you.

We bring an army, three dragons, and familiar along with new faces. I believe in Daenerys, and Daenerys believes in you. The next dynasty will come at the hands of the last Targaryens.

Regards, Tyrion

She wrote to him the same day and had Ada send it out on their only raven, watching as the bird departed from the parapet. Her mind pondered the words from the raven they'd received from Cersei, wondering if Jaime's devotion to his sister would be her undoing and the cause of her death. No one had even tried to approach the island since she'd been here. Jaime was the only one beside the twins who knew where she was, and Cersei would practically beg to know her location so that she could do what Tommen couldn't. She'd chosen Daenerys, and Jaime had chosen Cersei. It seemed that no matter what universe, what circumstances, Jaime would always choose Cersei.

We're two halves of one whole. We came into this world together.. We'll leave together.

She'd worked for years to try and give Jaime the assurance he so desperately craved that told him he was his own person outside of Cersei. That she was not him, and he was not her, and he had the ability to love in a way that wasn't destructive or dangerous. Jaime had been looking for his self worth for years, he'd been looking for his purpose, and being with Cersei had given him one. The only problem with that was after he realized how they felt about one another, his newfound predicament was choosing duty or love.

Rhaella loved both him and herself enough to leave that note at their camp and run towards her sister, towards her future. Despite all her efforts to show Jaime the goodness and honor he so obviously had, he'd still run back to Cersei. She'd loved him, and she'd cherished him, but Jaime had run back to what was familiar and away from her. Maybe it was better that way. At least for right now.

Here's the truth. You can't save everyone, but you can love them. You can love them right where they're at, and you can hope.. pray.. that it's enough.


No matter what Jaime says or insinuates about their current situation, he cannot succeed in getting Cersei to talk about what happened with Tommen. According to the servants around the castle, the former boy-king of Westeros had been found in a pool of his own blood, his body a mangled mess of broken bones and his face nearly unrecognizable. The people had wept at his loss.

His sister didn't shed a tear.

He didn't hear most of what she said, but he did remember one part: He betrayed us. How could she be so delusional as to believe that their son's suicide was a betrayal to her sitting on the same throne that had been the end of his son? Tommen had been like Myrcella, compassionate and kind until his last, and it had been his mother's disregard of his own emotions and feelings about the people and the woman he called his wife that had forced him out that window.

Tommen had told him once he always wanted to see the view from the sky.

Jaime believed he did, in those final moments before he collided with a very bleak, dark world. He hoped Tommen had a split second of joy before it was taken from him.

Cersei asked where Rhaella disappeared to and why he let her get away to begin with. He didn't answer, just fabricated a story about how she'd fled the camp at the end of the siege with no indication of where she'd be going. As far as Cersei and Rhaella were concerned, Jaime wanted the two women to remain as far away from each other as possible. She was safer that way.

"Think about what I've told you about Cersei. Think of all you know about this sister you so claim to love. In the time I've known you, Cersei has done nothing but manipulate you and your emotions for her own personal gain. I have watched the way that she's hurt you. Who shunned you when you lost your hand? She did. Who remained bitter and resentful when you hid me away from the world to save House Targaryen from certain demise? She did. Despite what you believe, Jaime... You are a better man then Cersei will ever believe you to be. I've seen your honor, I know of your honorable act to save King's Landing, and the way that broken, bleeding heart of yours care for people you love. Don't let her change the very essence of what makes you who you are."

Even when she wasn't there, Rhaella's words still haunted him like the ghosts that haunted Jenny of Oldstones.

The next predicament to be met was Euron Greyjoy in the throne room. Cersei claimed that the newly appointed King of The Iron Islands was their best chance at being able to keep control of the sea while the Lannisters kept control of King's Landing and the southern most parts of Westeros, but Jaime had seen the reputation of the Greyjoys and believed in his heart of hearts that making them their allies would be a disaster when their newest King cared nothing of no one but himself and whoever he bedded that week.

His newest bedding, or so he claimed, was to be Cersei.

Jaime paid no mind to his endless japes. He'd spent so much of his life learning how to ignore other people's scrutiny, the way they groveled when he was looking at them and whispered his greatest sins behind his back. It had been Brienne and Rhaella to teach him about his own self-worth, how the opinions of the many didn't matter compared to the opinions of the few, the ones closest to his heart. Brienne. Rhaella. Cer-

No. No. He needed to stop caring what his sister thought of him.

"In my experience, the best way to a woman's heart is with a gift. If I was able, I'd bring you a half dead Targaryen princess and lay her at your feet." Jaime froze, his eyes snapping over to Euron who was staring at him with such a pleasurable, amused gaze. "Unfortunately, nobody in this country seems to know where Rhaella Targaryen is! How ironic, considering she was last seen with your brother before she fled from the siege at the Twins. What a shame. I'm sure that would earn your trust quickly. But until I find that gift for you, I will not return to King's Landing."

When Jaime went to his chambers that night, he prayed for the first time in what felt like centuries.


Daenerys' breath caught as the shape of Dragonstone Keep loomed in the distance. It had been a long journey to get here, but now that she was here, it was almost impossible to believe that it was real. Her advisors and friends sat in the boat behind her as the Unsullied rowed closer and closer to shore, her dragons roar in the distance shattering the roll of the waves against the belly of the boat.

Her brow furrowed when she caught sight of two blonde girls not much younger then she was lugging a large assorted net of fish inland after what looked to be a successful fishing excursion. "Tyrion.'' Daenerys said to her Hand. "I thought you said no one was here." Tyrion peered around the Dragon Queen and grimaced as the two girls collapsed in the sand side by side, their laughter echoing in the air as their dinner lay at their feet.

"I may have forgotten to mention that someone is currently residing within the Keep." He replied. "That someone would be your sister. The girls.. I'm not sure who they are."

Alice's head snapped up at the sound of voices, and she dragged Ada to her feet as Dany's boat was pulled inland and the people within stepped onto Westerosi sands. Ada tugged on the sleeve of her sisters tunic as she recognized the form of three massive dragons following the armada of ships, and the bright silver hair of who they assumed to be Daenerys Targaryen as she stepped out of the boat with a very short man wearing a Hand of the Queen pin on his jerkin.

"Your-Your Grace!" The sisters bowed low to the ground as they approached Daenerys, who merely smiled at them in response. "Please forgive us, I promise we're not intruders here, we're the servants of your eldest sister Rhaella. She's inside waiting for you!" Dany's eyes lit up at the mention of Rhaella, but she was more curious to feel the sand between her fingers before she and her counsel ascended the cliffs to the Keep. "We can take you to the Keep, if you so wish. My name is Alice." Alice extended her hand towards her twin. "And this is Ada."

"Ah, I remember you both." Tyrion remarked as the girls' eyes snapped over to him. ''Rhaella found you on the Street of Steel begging for food and begged my father to let her take you in as her servants."

"Yes. Yes, she did." Ada replied. The small crowd that stood on the shorelines watched as the future Queen of Westeros bent down, face hidden from their view, to press her hand into the damp sand. It seemed to Alice that this was merely a way to recognize the fact that she'd made it here, and that her future resided just within the walls of her ancestral home, her place of birth.

Daenerys stood to her feet and dusted her hand on the fabric of her dress.

"Your Grace," Bright blue eyes followed the twins as they motioned up the cliffs. "Welcome home. Your future awaits you."


High in the Halls of the Kings who are gone

Jenny did dance with her ghosts

The ones she had lost, and the ones she had found

And the ones who had loved her the most

Tyrion beamed at the familiar, alluring voice that echoed against the walls of Dragonstone Keep as he followed Daenerys into the main Throne Room. The Unsullied stood at attention at the presence of an unfamiliar face, but Daenerys hand snapped upward for them to stand down as she stepped deeper into the room. It was smaller then the other throne rooms she'd seen and mostly vacant, albeit the woman who stood in front of the throne.

The ones who'd been gone for so very long

She couldn't remember their names

They spun her around on the damp old stones

Spun away all her sorrow and pain

She had hair much shorter then her own, fashioned in a loose crown braid that accentuated the soft shape of her face. Her gown was deep red and black, cut low at the chest with sleeves that flared out just above the wrists with an accompanying black choker that sat high upon her collarbone. She looked every bit the part of a high-born woman from House Targaryen.

That didn't even begin to cover the dagger at her hip with the dragon hilt and ruby eyes.

"I never thought I'd miss the voice of one person so dearly." Tyrion said, causing Rhaella to freeze as she slowly turned around to face the newcomers. "Sweet, sweet Princess Targaryen." He breathed a sigh of relief. "I missed you."

Astonished blue eyes swept over the form of her sister as Daenerys stepped into the light. Nevermind the fact she was standing in her place of birth built by Aegon the Conqueror. Her entire life had been story after story about Rhaegar and Rhaella, the beloved Prince and Princess of Westeros. How her sister was one of the most beautiful women in the Seven Kingdoms and was never given the opportunity to be cherished by a husband because of her infertility. How Rhaegar had allowed love to cloud his duty and a war was started over Lyanna Stark. Story after story after story.

When their eyes met, Daenerys realized it was no longer a dream. It was real, she was real, and the future was just about to begin.

"I've heard all about you." When the Unsullied stepped forward, Rhaella snapped something in High Valyrian and it took every ounce of her self control to not gape at how fluent she was in a dead language. "Daenerys Stormborn, First of Her Name, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons. Do I really have to go through all your titles too? That's too much work for me."

"No," She replied. "As long as you tell me all of yours. I'm such it's much less rigorous."

Rhaella rubbed her hands together and smiled. "We can do titles later. Before I greet you like a Queen should be greeted," She stepped away from the throne and slowly crossed the room to approach Missandei and Greyworm. "Tell me who your friends are, besides the Lannister. I don't always have the opportunity to practice my High Valryian."

"This is Missandei, my most trusted friend. She was one of the slaves I purchased and easily became one of my most trusted counsel." Daenerys said. "She speaks many, many languages. The man beside her is Greyworm, the Captain of my Unsullied. I'm sure you already know Lord Varys, and my Hand.. Tyrion Lannister."

Rhaella's eyes widened. "Tyrion is your Hand?"

The youngest Lannister snorted. "Don't act so surprised, Rhaella."

Rhaella turned her attention to the two strangers and said, "Issa iā pleasure naejot rhaenagon ao. Nyke jurnegon naejot naejot hearing skoros ao contribute naejot ñuha mandia's ondor ōregon." Missandei grinned proudly and murmured her own greeting to the elder Targaryen before slipping away with Greyworm, who also greeted her in a stoic manner she was not used to.

The small group was lead to the map room after Rhaella urged the sisters into the kitchens to begin preparing their evening meal. Rhaella had been working to remove every essence of Stannis Baratheon from the Keep since she'd arrived, but the only place she had not bothered entering was the map room. She was skilled in many things, but strategy was not one of them.

She watched as Daenerys crossed the room, dragging her fingers over the valleys and mountains that lined the map table and signified specific occupied parts of Westeros. Rhaella stood on the southern end, hands wrapped around a carved lion, as the two sisters eyed one another. Tyrion had only ever seen so much similarity in Jaime and Cersei, and that alone had made them a formidable foe in the inevitable War of the Two Queens.

The future was coming at the hands of two dragons who were more then ready for the world to remember who they were.

"Shall we begin?"


Valryian words:

"It is a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to hearing what you have to contribute to my sister's reign." 

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