I'm in Love with a Killer

By MissXanderLudwig

21.8K 304 94

Alexis has trained all her life as an assassin in District 15. When she volunteers for the 74th Annual Hunger... More

I'm in Love with a Killer
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 4

1.7K 28 7
By MissXanderLudwig

Chapter 4: Training

I lay awake in my bed for hours. There was no way I could get to sleep with all this racket going on outside. I put on a warm jacket and some cargo boots, close to the ones I have at home and went up the stairwell to the roof.

As I opened the door, I felt the cool air cascade in. I could finally breathe for the first time in several hours. I felt like I was back home, since we were almost always awake at night. I looked up at the sky but found no comfort. All the lights in Panem clouded the stars, making them almost impossible to see. I sighed and sat on the ground before something I was not expecting happened.

"Watch your back 15." I almost screamed and jumped up. I whipped around and sure enough, Cato was leaning on the wall smirking at me. I glared at him.

"Perhaps you could make yourself known to others before you go scaring them like that."

"It's my tactic in the arena, gorgeous." I glared even more. The blushing was over. He was now officially flirting with me, so I decided to play it back.

"That's not going to work, especially when you've got an entire pack behind you."

"That's true and why I've come to find you. After all, in 15 they do have the smartest people." He was making no lie. We did have the smartest people in Panem.

"So you want me to join you because I'm so smart."

"Yeah, we could use your ability to think, not fighting of course." He raised an eyebrow cockily.

"Oh, I see. Just because I'm smart you don't think I can handle a weapon. Well, you've got a surprise coming for you boy. I could handle a sword just as easily as you could." He seemed impressed.

"Why don't we have a little competition tomorrow, you, Lexi, against me?"

His use of my nickname stopped me short. I calmed down, trying to fight down what was rising up inside of me. I would not cry, not here, not now. But the way he said it reminded me exactly of Andrew. I realised he was waiting for a reply.

"Sure, you're on Cato. I will squash you like a bug, just like my district did with the Peacekeepers." It was true, our district didn't have Peacekeepers for some reason but I like to think we bashed them.

"I'm no bug, Peacekeepers are though." He grinned.

"Yeah, but they come from your district." He raised both his eyebrows.

"We'll see about that tomorrow." He said, poking me in the waist.

I flinched, big time. I was really ticklish. Cato grinned, realising this and started to chase me around the top of the building. He finally cornered me and a devilish smile filled his face.

No, no, Cato, stop! Please don't! Cato!" I screamed as he walked forward, but all he did was place both his hands on the wall either side of my head and smirked.

"Shut up Cato." I knew he was laughing inside.

"Now you know how scary I can be." He whispered in my ear.

I shivered. He, being this close, felt amazing. He looked straight into my eyes and said,

"Don't be scared. I won't hurt you. Not here anyhow."

"But in the Games?" I left my query hanging. He looked a bit upset.

"I don't want to be the one to kill you." I was now confused, but still played it cockily.

"Why is that Cato?" I said, poking him in the waist. Was it my imagination, or did he flinch? I poked him again. No, I wasn't imagining. I felt a smile playing on my lips.

"Are you ticklish Cato?" I smiled.

"No. Why would you ask such a thing?" But I could already tell he was lying as he was blushing, big time.

"You are and don't lie." I said, poking him continuously. He managed to grab my hands and pin them tight against the wall.

"Not fair!" I complained. He smirked, happily.

"Serves you right for tickling me."

"I was only getting you back." I retorted. There was now one question replaying in my mind, "Cato?" I asked. He perked his head up and looked straight into my eyes, "What did you mean by you don't want to be the one to kill me in the arena?"

I watched him intently as he took a deep breath.

"I'm not good at this stuff." He said, breathing deeper, "Do you believe in love at first sight Alexis?" I stood there stunned. I heard a noise behind the wall, but I ignored it.

"Kind of. It does have a truth to the meaning, but it's not always true." I think I made him even more confused because his eyes went dark, as though he was thinking deeply about something. I decided to be brave and I gently lifted his head up with my finger so his eyes were level with mine. He stood up straighter, bringing me up with him.

He rested his forehead onto mine. I could feel his heart beating faster. I wrapped both of my arms behind his neck. He dropped both of his hands to my waist. I found that I only ever wanted to be here, wrapped in Cato's arms forever.

"Lexi, do you love me?" He asked. I couldn't speak. I was so stunned, I felt myself choking up. He was gorgeous. I thought someone like me would never be enough for someone like him. Obviously I was wrong. All I could manage was to look in his eyes and nod. "Well, it's good enough for me." He finished. He gently leaned down, his lips barely a centimetre from mine and then he kissed me.

It was soft and sweet. Like everything I had imagined with him. He held me into him, pulling me in tighter, like he never wanted to let go. I was doing much the same, pulling his head as close as I could to mine. It was like we were made for each other, both destined to be in each other's arms. I never wanted this to stop, but I knew it had to, sooner or later.

Cato gently broke away, resting his forehead on mine again, his eyes closed, treasuring the moment.

"I think we'd better go back to our floors. We've got a big day tomorrow." He said.

"I suppose so." I said distantly, the last thing I wanted was to let him go. My hands fell from his neck. He let go of my waist to hold them tight.

"Alexis, I love you. Don't let anyone persuade you otherwise, no matter what. I will always love you." I smiled and nodded, quickly kissing him again before I departed for my floor. I felt his eyes burn into the back of my head as I walked away. Could he be faking it? The words rang in my head. I had no way of knowing but I knew one thing for sure; I'm in love with a killer, I thought. I fell asleep feeling his cold, sweet lips on mine again.

I woke up really early, a complete change to yesterday when I got up extremely late. At least Ellie will be happy she didn't have to wake me in hysterics. I opened the closet and found the training uniform. It looked extremely tight. I pulled it on and admired myself. As I presumed, it was very tight, but I liked it. I pulled my hair back in a basic ponytail and hopped out of my room, ready for breakfast.

Only Cody was awake and he didn't look happy to see me, but despite that, he handed me a plate and gestured for me to serve myself. I loaded my plate with a couple of pancakes and some berries. I poured maple syrup over them and sat down across from Cody.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, wondering if they were still in bed.

"Ellie is with all the other escorts, Jerrod is gone somewhere, I'm not sure where Lucy is and Alec is getting dressed. He will tell us what to do, but he has to be somewhere to be as well. It is just about us defending ourselves today."

I nodded, letting him know I understood. I dug into my pancakes. They were really tasty and sweet, just the way I liked them. It didn't take me long to finish them. I went back and grabbed an apple and a glass of pristine clear water. Alec had now finally made an appearance wearing a very nice suit.

"What are you dressed up for?" I mocked him. I knew he hated suits. He made a face.

"I've got to make a good impression for all the sponsors." I nodded. Cody put down his knife and fork.

"What would you like us to do in the training centre?"

Alec thought about it for a second before replying.

"Though you are Careers and you are guaranteed to get most of the supplies, don't ignore survival skills because when the Career pack breaks up, survival is your greatest hope and water will be your new best friend.

"Do focus on weapons as well since you are Careers. Make a good impression. Try to intimidate others if you like. Don't pick fights. Stay away from the weapon you like the most, or, don't show all your skills with it. I think that's all. I'm late so goodbye and good luck."

With that, Alec left our floor and waved goodbye as the elevator doors closed. Now there was just Cody and I in the room. He seemed to be avoiding my gaze and it was really bugging me. I pulled his chair out and turned it to face me since I decided to stand next to him. He looked up impatiently.

"What's your problem?" I asked, frustrated. He smirked.

"Is it really any of your business, Lexi?" Now I was pissed. Only my brother and Alec could call me that, and maybe Cato.

"Don't call me that Cody."

"Why not? You seemed ok with it when Cato said it last night." Shit. Now I know what made the noise behind the wall. "Weren't expecting that were you?" No, I wasn't.

"Why do you care anyway, it's not like you ever liked me, was it?" I yelled.

"It's not like you would care anyway because you have Cato."

"Why do you care, Cody?" He seemed tight and didn't want to answer. "Why Cody? Tell me!"

Cody didn't want to answer. He pressed the button for the elevator.

"Because I loved you. I loved you this whole time. Since..." He never got to finish because I interrupted. We climbed into the elevator as I said,

"Since the time you saved my life." It was true. I had never forgotten that day.

When we were 13, Cody and I had gone high up the mountain alone for a training mission. We were meant to reach another team up there, an older team, so we wouldn't be alone, but they weren't there. Cody and I were left stranded. I wanted to stay, just in case they came, but he wanted to go back.

While we were walking down the mountain, I had slipped on a piece of ice and almost fell down the mountain if it wasn't for him. He had caught me and after a while, he was able to pull me back up. He was too petrified to keep walking and I remember that all through the night, we hugged each other, until finally the older group found us. Since then, he had never spoken to me, until now.

Cody put his hand on my face and it brought me back to reality. I looked into his eyes and saw that he was telling the truth.

"Then why didn't you tell me?" I asked. It was confusing. He seemed really upset.

"I couldn't have you. Someone else, close to me, also liked you and I swore I wouldn't go for you." This hit me really bad. I realised that Cody was actually a really good guy. He was committed. He had promised someone that he wouldn't go for me, and he's kept it. It really broke my heart and I felt sorry for him.

"Obviously no one has gone for you so I kept it for no reason." He said, partly angry. I would be.

"No. I haven't had a boyfriend, or anyone hit on me since James, who I would rather forget." He wasn't exactly the best boyfriend.

"No. It wasn't him." Cody curled his lip in disgust, "But since I'm most likely going to die in just over a week..." He let himself trail off. I thought he had gone into thought, but it cut me off as I felt his hand on the back of my neck and pull me in to him.

It wasn't as good as Cato, but I had to admit, he was a good kisser, and I felt for him. He loved me but he knew he couldn't. As the elevator stopped and dinged open, I broke away from him, looking into his eyes. He was about to cry. To stop me from crying, I hugged him tight.

"I'm sorry Cody. I love Cato, but truth be told, there was a time when I loved you."

"But I ignored you so you gave up. It's ok. You deserve Cato. You're too good for me." He stalked off into the Training Centre Waiting Hall.

I looked around and saw that no one was in here apart from us. I felt glad. I didn't want someone blabbering to Cato, even if it was accidentally because no one knows about us, that Cody had kissed me. It was the last thing I needed. I sat down on a chair and waited for everyone else to arrive here. It didn't take long. Soon, all the Careers were here and everyone else started piling in. The tributes from 12 were the last to arrive. I smirked. The boy seemed like a lost puppy dog, following the girl around.

Soon, we were allowed in and Atala, the head trainer, was lecturing us about survival skills, not fighting with other tributes and so on. I could tell Cato was eager to get started. I nudged him and pointed to the boy from 12. He was eyeing the medicine balls with eagerness, but the girl was shaking her head to him. I was suspicious, but Cato just smirked. Was I the only one keeping an eye on the other tributes? Finally, Atala let us train as we pleased.

We, being Careers, went straight to the sharp weapons. Cody was keeping his distance from me. I was fine with that. We trained with swords which I loved. I think Cato was extremely impressed with me right now. I smirked. Clove shoved a knife in my hand and pointed to the throwing station. I smiled. I loved this.

I hit every target right in the bullseye, including the last two where I wasn't even looking at them. Clove clapped her hands in delight. Cody was almost just as good. She was still impressed. Then, Marvel tried to hand me an axe. I shook my head and said,

"If you hand me that thing you will die. I'd much rather a spear." Which he was fine with. He laughed as he handed me the spear and I sent it flying, missing the bullseye by a centimetre. Now it was Cody's turn, he was amazing with the spear and completely showed me up. I glared at him and he smiled.

We then decided to do some courses, The Gauntlet and the High Ropes Course. I excelled in both. Nearly everyone made it around the Gauntlet, except Glimmer, who got whacked in the face with a club. Let's just say, she was not happy. Clove and I were the only ones to complete the High Ropes Course. Being the lightest Careers gave us an edge. We were able to hold ourselves up better.

After a while, Cato came up to me.

"Are we gonna have that little competition now Lexi? You against me." I smirked, but remembered the rules.

"Cato, she said we can't fight each other. I'd love to set you down on your butt more than anything, but she said we can't fight with other tributes."

"Damn, why are there such things as rules?" He asked, disappointed, "Fine. First day in the arena, we'll have a friendly competition."

"You're on Cato! Bring it!" I gloated, boosting my confidence, though I probably didn't need to. In 15, we were trained as assassins so we could take down anyone of any size. He should be no problem at all.

We were all hard at training for a couple of hours. In that time, we covered all the weaponry, minus the axe for me and the courses so I decided, with Clove, to do some survival skills, much to Cato's disgust.

"What? Maybe I want to live if it gets really cold and the Careers have broken up because it's only them left." He now saw the point and smiled at me.

"Same time, same place?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded, understanding what he meant. Atala made us all break for lunch. We were about to leave when Glimmer strode up to Cato.

"Hey Cato," she said flirtatiously, "Can I talk to you for a second?" she cooed. He shrugged.

"I guess. See you guys up there."

She must have told him something that really upset him because when Clove, Marvel, Cody and I sat down to eat, Cato stormed through the door, wiped out a whole set of trays and strode up the stairwell.

"I'm not dealing with that!" exclaimed Clove, "Last time I tried to comfort him, I almost got killed."

"No kidding," said Cody, "He's capable enough anyway." Clove nodded in agreement.

"I wonder what Glimmer said to him." Marvel said vacantly.

"Beats me." I said. There was no way she could've seen Cody and I. We were the only ones there. Cody and I looked at each other. I looked down at my food and felt sick. Cody kicked my leg and I almost gasped out in pain, but I kept my mouth shut. He shook his head, his eyes telling me to calm down. Glimmer sat down in a huff. Everyone was wondering what happened, but she waved a hand away in disinterest, though I could see a spark in those emerald eyes, a triumphant glow.

I looked over at all the other tributes. The girl from 4 didn't seem interested in joining the Careers, at least, not yet.

"What do you think about all the other tributes?" She asked. This annoyed me. She was interested in no one but herself. She was trying to take our minds off Cato.

"A few of them were staying away from weapons, the two from 12 and the boy from 11 included. The girl from 11 looked good in the ropes, but I doubt she could handle even a knife properly. The girl from 4 looked alright, but the boy didn't. That's basically it." I reported. Clove sat there, thinking. She looked impressed with my memory.

"Did anyone look decent with the weapons?" Marvel asked everyone in general.

"Apart from yourself? Is that what you are implying?" I asked innocently.

"Maybe," said Marvel, slyly, "After all I am marvellous!" We all rolled our eyes at Marvel's fail at a smart comment.

"Not that I could see." Cody responded.

"Looks like it's only us that will be the real fun." Glimmer spoke without lifting her head from her nails, painted with a dark pink. I smirked, like she's going to be real fun.

After lunch, we went back down to the Training Centre for a few more hours of training. Cato didn't show up the whole time. It worried me. Something must be really wrong for him to miss training. This session, we all kept a closer eye on the rest of the tributes. The only one to really catch my eye was the girl from 5. She seemed to have really good reflexes. I didn't like the sly look she always wore in her eyes. Other than that, they all seemed pretty average.

Soon, it was time for us all to go back to our floors. Slowly, the elevator emptied. We said farewell to 1, then 3, then the girl from 5 and lastly, the boy with the crippled foot from 10. After that, Cody and I were alone. He spoke first when he saw me drumming my fingers on the rail.

"I'm sure Glimmer was just flirting with him or something. It won't be about us. But if it is, I'm sorry. Tell him to talk to me. It was my fault. I kissed you." I didn't say anything, but I gave him a thankful look. It was nice to know that even though we had a strange lot of events this morning, he seemed happy to talk about them and forget them for the better.

Dinner was a flash again. I was so impatient to talk to Cato, if he even showed up. I was worried sick. Suddenly, Alec brought me back to reality.

"Alexis? Hello? Are you there?" I perked up.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked stupidly.

"Lucy was asking how your training went." I turned to Lucy. I felt so bad. This was the first time she had spoken to me and I wasn't even listening. So much of a tribute I am.

"Um, it was good. I think I did well at the courses, weapons were easy to handle, though I didn't try an axe. I'm just not confident enough, but I can use it. We did some survival skills. Snares, how to search for water, finding shelter, camouflage basics, things like that." Thankfully, she seemed impressed.

"Good to hear that you are spreading yourself out. Better not exhaust yourself at the weaponry station." She chuckled.

"I don't see the point ma'am." I said politely, "we're going to be using them in the arena anyway."

"You seem very versatile." She said. I was a bit confused, so she elaborated. "You seem to be able to transfer all your knowledge and split it up amongst everything. The Games aren't all about killing. It is also about staying sane." Lucy said clearly so I was able to understand.

"One thing, Cody and Alexis, could you kill a person? Anyone, even the one you cared about the most, or an adoring little girl?" Jerrod wanted to know. Alec and Lucy nodded in agreement. If you had asked me that when we got reaped, I would've said yes to all of them, but now, I'm not so sure.

"Yes." Said Cody confidently. They all turned to me.

"Same. I could take anyone." I said, not so confidently, but enough to let them pass it over.

"Good. It's just because that's what it could come down to. We needed to know if you could kill anyone, even your district partner." Continued Jerrod.

I glanced at Cody. He did the same.

"Maybe not sir." Said Cody, "I'm not sure if I could kill her, but I could kill myself."

"Same." I agreed. It would be easier to kill myself than either Cody or Cato, but I didn't mention that.

We finally departed for bed. Cody and I said goodnight to everyone else and departed for the stairwell an hour later.

"I will be behind the wall. If he tries to hurt you in anyway, I will be there." He said solemnly. I nodded, grateful for Cody's support. We climbed the stairwell, them he departed to hide. I took a deep breath and opened to door to the top of the building. For a minute, I couldn't see anyone up here. Then, a crushing blow came from behind. The blow sent me into the wall. I turned my face to my attacker, but I was pinned in place, his arm sitting on my throat, barely letting any circulation go through.

"Is it true?" Cato hissed, "True you were using me? True you were kissing Cody in the elevator? Did you even love me at all Alexis?" I could hear Cody coming through the door, but Cato was too fast. Letting me drop to the floor, he bolted the door to the roof. I could hear Cody slamming his fists on the door.

"Leave Cody. I'm ok." The drumming stopped, but Cato hadn't.

He lifted me up by my shirt and slammed me into the wall behind. He was holding me up so my eyes were level with his. His glare was deadly and I now know why he was so feared.

"Put me down." I said. He smirked, dangerously.

"No. You can tell me the truth before I do that."

"You won't believe anything but what you don't want to hear if you're like this." Cato saw the reason behind it and let me down. I saw him calm down a bit, but he wasn't going to any more. Before he could snatch his hand away, I grabbed it and led it out of earshot of Cody. I let him push me up against the wall as I explained.

"It's not like that. No I was not using you. I love you Cato, more than I have ever loved anyone. What happened with Cody was a one off accident." Cato brought one arm up and pinned my shoulder to the wall behind me.

"Enlighten me darling." He said, dangerously, with a little devil smile. Even though I knew he was better and different, this Cato scared me. This was the Cato that could kill without mercy, without care. I had to be careful with what words I spoke.

"Cody was ignoring me and I wanted to know why. He said he saw us last night and he was upset because he's loved me since we were 13, when he saved my life. But he told me he had promised someone that he wouldn't go for me because one of his closest friends liked me too. So he never spoke to me again, until now."

"And the kiss?" Cato demanded, as deadly as ever.

"It was accidental but it did happen." I winced as Cato pressed my shoulder harder against the wall. He cocked his head to the side.

"So, what happened?"

"We were in the elevator and I was talking to him about who would be that person. Then he kissed me." I felt Cato's other arm rise and pin my other shoulder to the wall.

"So, how was it Alexis? Don't lie. Was it good, better than me? Come on, don't be shy." He said evilly. He was getting darker by the minute.

"Fine, I won't lie. He is a good kisser," I don't regret saying that even though Cato's hold on me grew tighter, "But it wasn't as good as yours. I don't feel anything for him, apart from friendship. Then I broke the kiss, hugged him and said I was sorry, but I loved Cato. He said that's what he thought and that he didn't deserve me, but I deserved the best. And I feel the best when I'm with you Cato."

Cato's eyes flashed with conflicting emotions. He pushed me hard as he could against the wall so he could whisper in my ear,

"I'll go and talk to dear Cody. See what he says. You better hope he says something like you, because you know who'll be first dead in the arena if he doesn't." He glared at me and stalked off.

I shrank to the floor, but I didn't cry. I rarely cried. I was more in shock than anything. That is the Cato that could kill anyone, everyone in a heartbeat. The ruthless, heartless single minded killer. Once he's focused intently on something, he'll never stop until it's succeeded, or he's died trying.

After about half an hour, I heard Cato open and bolt the door again. I was getting really scared. If I didn't watch what I said, I could get killed, here, tonight, now. I scrambled to my feet as he rounded the corner. I searched his eyes for any emotion, but they were cold and dark. He turned to me and pinned both my shoulders against the wall again.

"I want you to tell me the truth Alexis, do you love me or not?" He whispered darkly.

"Yes Cato, I love you."

"Even after tonight?" He continued.

"Even after tonight." I said truthfully.

"Lexi, I'm sorry. I was so caught up in what Glimmer told me, I hadn't even thought about it properly. I should've known you wouldn't do it without a proper reason." I breathed a sigh of relief.

The use of my nickname meant that he was returning to me, the Cato I once had, before this one took over.

"Lexi, I don't know how to tell you I'm sorry. What can I do? I suppose you don't want me anym-," I cut him off by putting my fingers to his lips.

"Shh. It's ok. Do you still love me because that's all the matters?" I spoke in a barely audible whisper. I knew he was telling the truth because he looked straight into my eyes when he spoke.

"Yes. Alexis Harridan, I love you with all my heart." And to prove that he did. He kissed me. But it wasn't like the one before.

It was more passionate, deeper. As though he was afraid that he would lose me forever. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. I placed my hands in his hair and pulled him into me. I felt something stirring deep inside of me. Something I had never felt before and I knew. He was the only one I could ever feel happy with. He was the only one for me.

He pushed me against the wall, pushing his body against mine. He slid his hands around my waist and over my stomach, eventually leaving them to rest on my hips. I pulled my hands down, over his broad shoulders, onto his stomach. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into me. I could barely breathe as I was so close to the wall and Cato, but I didn't want it to end. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He was still pushing me harder against the wall, but it was oblivious to me. The only thing in my world right now was Cato. Being in his arms meant everything to me. I was so afraid that I would lose him. He was scary, but that isn't the Cato I know now.

I think we could've been there for a while if some stupid fireworks hadn't gone off. It brought us out of our trance. He gently put me down and looked into my eyes.

"Lexi, I don't expect you to fully forgive me after what I've done, but I want you to know, it was always you. You were my first, and you will be my last. You will be my only. I love you Lexi, and I want you to have this."

I looked down as he pulled out a beautiful sapphire and diamond necklace with an intricate star pattern, just perfect for me and only me.

"I don't have anything for you." I said back. He smiled and put his finger to my lips.

"You don't need anything. You've believed in me when you should've left me. You are here for me. That is all that matters." I smiled and kissed him as the clock in the distance struck midnight.

"I think we'd better go to sleep, Princess. We've got another big, big, big day ahead of us." Cato said in their silly Capitol accent. I laughed quietly and kissed his nose.

"Goodnight Cato." I breathed.

"Goodnight babe." He whispered back. He led me to the door to my floor and kissed me one final time, before he departed.

I snuck into our floor and raced to my bed, quickly getting dressed into some clothes that I could wear to bed. I jumped in, my head and stomach full of butterflies. I heard someone knock and Cody entered.

"So, you two fixed things?" He asked. I didn't have to reply. The way I bit my lip and blushed, he had presumed it already. "Don't worry. I won't bring anything on you like that again. It was my fault and I'm so sorry, Lexi, oh sorry, Alexis-,"

"No. Call me Lexi. You've earned it." He smiled and departed the room. I fell asleep clutching my lifeline, the necklace Cato gave me.


Hey!! I think this is my longest chapter so far.

Can't be bothered saying much but.. Hope you enjoyed!!!


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