Black Blue And Gold S2

By username_0t9

10.5K 174 5

Story owned by The Donkatsu More

1 Chapter 1 (Part 1)
2 Chapter 1 (Part 2)
Chapter 2 (Part 1)
3 Chapter 1 (Part 3)
Chapter 2 (Part 2)
4 Chapter 1 (Part 4)
5 Chapter 1 (Part 5)
Chapter 2 (Part 4)
6 Chapter 1 (Part 6)
Chapter 2 (Part 5)
Chapter 1 (Part 7)
Chapter 2 (Part 6)
Chapter 1 (Part 8)
Chapter 2 (Part 7)
Chapter 1 (Part 9)
Chapter 2 (Part 8)
Chapter 1 (Part 10)
Chapter 2 (Part 9)
Chapter 1 (Part 11)
Chapter 2 (Part 10)
Chapter 1 (Part 12)
Chapter 2 (Part 11)
Chapter 1 (Part 13)
Chapter 2 (Part 12)
Chapter 1 (Epilogue)
Chapter 2 (Part 13)
Chapter 2 (Part 14)
Chapter 2 (Part 15)
Chapter 2 (Part 16)
Chapter 2 (Part 17)
Chapter 2 (Part 18)
Chapter 2 (Part 19)
Chapter 2 (Part 20)
Chapter 2 (Part 21)
Chapter 2 (Part 22)
Chapter 2 (Part 23)
Chapter 2 (Part 24)
Chapter 2 (Part 25)
Chapter 2 (Part 26)
Chapter 2 (Part 27)
Chapter 2 (Part 28)
Chapter 2 (Part 29)
Chapter 2 (Part 30)
Chapter 2 (Part 31)
Chapter 2 (Part 32)
Chapter 2 (Epilogue)
Bonus Case (Part 1)
Bonus Case (Part 2)
Bonus Case (Part 3)
Bonus Case (Part 4)
Bonus Case (Part 5)
Bonus Case (Part 6)
Chapter 3 (Part 1)
Chapter 3 (Part 2)
Chapter 3 (Part 3)
Chapter 3 (Part 4)
Chapter 3 (Part 5)
Chapter 3 (Part 6)
Chapter 3 (Part 7)
Chapter 3 (Part 8)
Chapter 3 (Part 9)
Chapter 3 (Part 10)
Chapter 3 (Part 11)
Chapter 3 (Part 12)
Chapter 3 (Part 13)
Chapter 3 (Part 14)
Chapter 3 (Epilogue)
Christmas Bonus

Chapter 2 (Part 3)

182 3 0
By username_0t9

One Step At A Time

"Sure. I understand. Let her take all the time she needs. No rush."

Taeyeon read the incoming message from Sunny and replied with a quick thank you before placing the device in her pocket. She had briefly texted her friend, informing her that Tiffany might be late and explaining the reason why.

Carefully grabbing the full cup of hot coffee, she made her way back into the quiet living room where Tiffany's father was sitting on the couch, silently observing his daughter take care of a little girl's breakfast at the kitchen counter.

"Here you go, Mr. Hwang," said Taeyeon, placing the cup on the coffee table.

"Thank you, Taeyeon."

"Are you sure you don't want something to eat? Toast, maybe? Eggs?"

"I'm alright, thank you," he replied politely. "Coffee is good enough." His eyes then went back to his daughter for a moment before he reached out for the cup and took a small careful sip.

Taeyeon noticed the sad look and automatically felt bad for the man. She knew that there was guilt in those eyes - in addition to curiosity and wonder. The man must have been very confused to discover his daughter's current living arrangements.

Tiffany hadn't said a word after Taeyeon let the man in. She just continued helping Jiyoon put her pants on and fed her like nothing had happened.

Taeyeon had to introduce herself - as Tiffany's roommate, since she didn't know how her father would react to their relationship - and Jiyoon, as a relative she regularly took care of. She wasn't exactly fond of lying but she figured that it would be better to keep things looking less complicated than they really were, at the moment.

"Um..." For a second, Taeyeon wasn't sure what to say or do.

"Go to your room and play for a bit, okay?"

She heard Tiffany's voice and turned around to see her wiping the girl's mouth.

"We need to get going soon so don't make a mess, please," said Tiffany as she helped Jiyoon down from the chair and ushered her inside her room.

The girl seemed to sense the tension so she obediently did as she was told, leaving without any question or protest.

Tiffany cleaned up the counter, placing the dirty plate and glass in the sink, then grabbed herself a cup of coffee. She took the mug with her to the living room and sat on the chair, as far from the couch as possible.

"Why are you here?" she asked after taking a sip, without even looking at the man.

Taeyeon started to feel like she was intruding on a private conversation so she stealthily inched her way back towards the kitchen.

"You can stay, Taeyeon."

Tiffany's voice stopped Taeyeon in her tracks.

"Ah. Okay. But I need to finish my breakfast first." Taeyeon pointed at the kitchen awkwardly then walked away without waiting for Tiffany's reply, hurriedly heading towards her waiting plate.

"I came to see my daughter," he answered.


"Because she's my daughter and I'm worried about her."

Tiffany scoffed. "That sounds so fake coming from someone who left his so-called daughter to clean up his mess."

Taeyeon heard it and winced. She exhaled quietly as she chewed her food. Fany...

"I'm sorry for that," he said, looking down at his hands.

Tiffany only shook her head.

"I really am, Miyoung-ah."

"Good for you then," replied Tiffany coldly as she placed her mug on the table. "Well, you've seen me. Is there anything else you need? Because I need to get to work and so does Taeyeon."

He lifted his head. "You're going to work on a Sunday?"


"Can you forgive me?"


"I'm really sorry, Miyoung-ah."

"You're years too late," said Tiffany at last. She then stood up and went inside Taeyeon's room to finish getting ready, closing the door behind her harshly.

Taeyeon took another deep breath, feeling constantly sorry for the dejected man.

"I'm sorry to have bothered you so early in the morning," said Mr. Hwang, standing up to leave. "Thank you for the coffee, Taeyeon."

She rushed out of the kitchen, towards the man. "You're welcome, Mr. Hwang. Err... where are you staying, by the way?"

"With an acquaintance."

"Oh okay. How long will you be staying in Korea?" she asked again as she followed him to the door.

"Until I can fix everything."

Taeyeon raised her eyebrows when she heard that answer.

He turned around and saw the confused expression. "Her sister told me about what happened. How Miyoung lost her apartment and her job because of me, of what I did." His jaws clenched. "And that you took her in. I sincerely thank you for that."

Taeyeon's eyes widened when she saw the man bowing 90 degrees.

"It's alright, Sir." She also took a bow. "It's really no trouble at all."

"Do you..." He was about to say something but changed his mind. "How is she doing?"

"She's doing great. She has a new job and she's been a tremendous help to my team. Your daughter is very smart, Mr. Hwang."

"Yeah." He smiled in spite of himself. "That she is."

"Just... give her time," Taeyeon hesitantly said. She didn't want to sound nosy but the sadness in his eyes really tugged at her heart.

He observed Taeyeon for a second. "You're a cop, right?"

Taeyeon nodded. She was about to say something when she heard a door open.

"Taeyeon-ah, let's go. You're going to be late," Tiffany said as she went to her room to get Jiyoon ready.

"I better go then," the man said, fully realizing how unwanted his presence was.

"Wait just a second, Mr. Hwang." Taeyeon rushed inside her room to get her card out of her wallet. She gave it to him, knowing that he might need it. Not only because of Tiffany but also because of his past activities in that city. "This is my card. Call me if you need anything."

"Thank you," he said as he took the card. He paused, hesitating before he carefully spoke again. "Is she... your partner or something?"

The question caught Taeyeon off guard. "Um... w-what do you mean, Sir, exactly?"

"Cops have partners, right? And you said she worked with you and your team?"

"O-oh! That partner. Yes. Something like that," she replied, relieved that the question came in work context.

He noticed her reaction and furrowed his brows. "What kind of partner did you think I meant?"

"Um... We... I..." She started to fidget, unsure of how to tell him about the truth to their relationship.

"Taeyeon, get ready! We're running late!"

Tiffany's loud voice interrupted the awkward conversation.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but she's right. I am running a bit late right now so I really need to get ready," she quickly said, grateful for the chance to avoid answering his question.

"Ah yes. I'm sorry for barging in on you like this." He bowed again then turned around to put his shoes on. He then opened the door. "Thank you, Taeyeon."

"You're welcome, Sir."

She watched him leave then exhaled in relief before going back inside the apartment, strolling towards Tiffany's room.

"Is he gone?" asked Tiffany the minute she caught sight of Taeyeon appearing at the doorway.


"Good riddance."


"Let's go then. Sunny's waiting for me and Yoona's waiting for you," said Tiffany, walking past Taeyeon with Jiyoon in tow.

"You haven't had breakfast."

"I'll get something to eat at the restaurant." Tiffany grabbed Jiyoon's jacket and helped the girl put it on. "Hurry, Taeyeon-ah."

Taeyeon knew that there was no use arguing with Tiffany right now so she just went inside her room to finish getting ready as fast as she could.


"Be good, okay?" said Taeyeon as she kissed the girl's cheek. "I'll see you at lunch."

Jiyoon nodded and waved goodbye before she went inside the restaurant with Sunny holding her hand.

"Sorry about this morning," said Tiffany after they were left alone.

"What's there to be sorry about?"

"Him showing up unannounced like that."

"It's alright," Taeyeon said, moving to hug Tiffany and soothe her. "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Come on."

"Really. Why wouldn't I be okay?"

"He's your father, Fany."

"He never acted like it."

"And I think he's genuinely sorry for that."

Tiffany pushed Taeyeon back a bit to look her in the eyes. "How do you know?"

"I can see the remorse."

She scoffed. "He should be an actor. Remorse my foot."

"Hey, come on. Don't say that."

"You're defending him?"

"Of course not. He shouldn't have done what he did."

"Then why are you-..."

"But the fact remains that he's still your father. And he's sorry. He came because he heard what happened to you and he was worried. He told me that he's here to fix everything. He said he realized that it was all his fault."

Tiffany clenched her jaws, choosing to not let what Taeyeon had said affect her anger towards him. "Then he should just leave me alone."

"You're his daughter, his family."

"So? Not like he ever cared."


"Just... stop." Tiffany took a step away from Taeyeon, withdrawing her hands. "I don't want to talk about him anymore."

"Okay," Taeyeon relented. She didn't want to get into an argument with Tiffany. "I'll see you later then," she said as she gave her a quick peck. "Cheer up, okay?"

Tiffany turned around and went inside the restaurant without another word, leaving Taeyeon shaking her head at the stubbornness.


"I'm so bored and hungry," complained Sooyoung as she pushed her chair with her feet, gliding towards Taeyeon's desk. "What are you doing? You haven't moved an inch since you sat down on that chair this morning and it's now lunch time."

"Hm?" Taeyeon didn't even bother to turn her head to look at her tall friend.

"What are you doing?" Sooyoung repeated her question, edging Taeyeon's chair aside with her foot so she could look at the computer monitor. "You're reading news? Old news?" she asked, noticing the date on the online article. "The prison riot?"


"Still not convinced that your old pal Seungjin's dead?" she joked.

Taeyeon leaned back in her seat. "Honestly? No."

Sooyoung was taken aback by the unexpectedly serious answer. "Really? Have you read the coroner's report and the other files pertaining to his death?"

Taeyeon nodded.

"Then why, Taeng?" asked Sooyoung as she swiveled her chair to face Taeyeon. "Why can't you believe that he's dead?"

"Because this whole thing is fishy. Yongbak doesn't get personal. He wouldn't have spent so much time and energy to stalk us. That's not how he works. Seungjin, on the other hand, always seemed bent on getting personal revenge."

"Maybe it's just Yongbak's way of distracting us? To make us think he's after us so that we'll be busy protecting ourselves and thus leave him to prepare new batches of drugs?"

"Plausible. But we're clearly showing how unaffected we are by this so his plan had already failed before it even got him anywhere. If that's really his plan. See how impossible it is for him to think of something this... faulty? Yongbak's not dumb. He could be a little reckless and make mistakes but he's definitely not dumb."

Sooyoung raised her eyebrows. "You have another theory then?"


"And that is?"

"Simple," said Taeyeon. "That it's not Yongbak after all."

"What?! That's his warehouse, his little factory. The task force didn't make a mistake, Taeng."

"I know that. I meant to say that the one who put all those photos there, the one who's after us personally, isn't Yongbak."

"Then who-... Seungjin?! He's dead!"

"Is he?"

"Come on, Taeng." Sooyoung nudged Taeyeon aside so she could grab the computer mouse. She clicked one of the open windows, displaying a report. "It's still open in your computer. Coroner's report. Victim's name: Ji Seungjin. Right there, Taeng," she said, pointing her finger at the writing on the screen. "There's even a picture of him, looking much uglier than usual thanks to the bruises and cuts but it's him alright."

"How can we know for sure? This is a convict's death, Syoung-ah. The coroner didn't even perform an autopsy. They just accepted the fact that this prisoner died because of the injuries inflicted during the riot and moved on, glad to get rid of one more criminal. No one cared enough to verify beyond doubt that this was indeed Ji Seungjin. That could be someone who looks like him. The swelling, bruises and cuts could easily fool us. The photo isn't even of good quality."


"What if he got badly injured on purpose so he could get out of prison and go to a hospital?"

"Why would he do that? To fake his death somewhat easier? How? Switch bodies?" asked Sooyoung, thinking how ridiculous her questions were.


"Wha-..." Sooyoung's eyes widened. "You're obsessed, Taeng!"

"I'm not. You have to admit that it's possible."

"But the doctors would know if their patient suddenly looked different right before he died!"

"The hospital they sent him to wasn't exactly a nice, elite one," said Taeyeon, reaching for her mouse to show Sooyoung the information. "He's a convicted felon. A criminal. They don't get quality treatments, okay? What if he bribed a nurse or a doctor there? Or threatened them like he did others so many times before? If he could have a warden and a judge in his pocket, why not a doctor or a nurse?"

"But would Yongbak even let him-... You're crazy, Taeng."

"You know I'm not."

Sooyoung frowned, quietly contemplating everything Taeyeon had said.

"I need to go see Fany for lunch and visit Mrs. Yoon," Taeyeon spoke again after a minute of silently letting Sooyoung think. "Can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

"Prove me wrong."


"Prove beyond reasonable doubt that the dead prisoner is indeed Ji Seungjin."

"Wha-... But you just said-... How?"

"By going through the hospital records. Find out who else died on that day, in that hospital, and where their bodies are now. And who treated Seungjin. Check their backgrounds," replied Taeyeon. "You said you were bored, right? Well, here's something to keep you occupied. Ask the others to help. I'll join the hunt as soon as I'm back." She stood up, getting ready to leave.

"What if Yoong finds out?" asked Sooyoung.

"Just tell her the truth. I already talked to her about this - that I don't believe that Yongbak would get personal. And since we don't have any high profile, urgent cases to handle right now, I think it's okay to focus on our team's safety, right?"

"And should she object?"

"I'll talk to her," said Taeyeon firmly while putting her jacket on.


"Please, Syoung-ah?"

The plea surprised Sooyoung. Taeyeon was the team leader, the supervisor. She had the right to order Sooyoung around so there was no need to say 'please'. In fact, she rarely ever said that when it came to work matters.

Sooyoung knew then how much it meant to Taeyeon and how it worried her. "Nothing will happen to Fany or Jiyoon, Taeng," she gently said. "Or to any of us, for that matter."

"Then prove me wrong," replied Taeyeon. She held Sooyoung's gaze. "Prove me wrong, Syoung-ah. That I'm crazy. That Seungjin's dead. Because I swear, if he turns out to be alive and tries to hurt Fany again, I'll gladly throw my badge away and kill him with my bare hands. No questions, no lawyers or courts. I won't let him get away this time. I'll make sure he pays for it."

"You're an officer of the law, Taeng. Don't talk like that," warned Sooyoung sternly. She had never heard Taeyeon say that; not even after what happened to Yoona's brother.

Taeyeon was always smart and careful - someone who played by the book. She believed in justice and the law. She would never break it no matter how much she wanted to avenge his death. The Taeyeon that Sooyoung knew would find a way to control herself and her emotions to get the crooks and put them behind bars the proper way.

It scared her a bit to see this new Taeyeon. The unfamiliar dangerous flicker in her eyes told Sooyoung that she could really do what she said she would do, that she would risk everything to go after Seungjin herself.


"I'll see you later," interjected Taeyeon as she ended the conversation and shouldered her bag, leaving her baffled friend.


Sunny had just finished talking to her staff when she saw Taeyeon stepping inside the bustling restaurant. She raised her hand and waved to her, beckoning her over.

"Hey," greeted Taeyeon.

"Hey. You're alone?"

"Yeah. The others have work to do. How's Fany? Did she talk to you?"

"About her father?"

Taeyeon nodded.

"No, she didn't. I asked but she said that there was nothing to talk about so I let her be," said Sunny. She noticed Taeyeon exhaling. "How bad was it?"

"Pretty bad."

"Did he stay long?"

"No. But I expect him to be back. He seemed genuinely sorry."

"Well, give her time. I'm sure she could forgive him if he's really sincere. What do you want for lunch?"

"Have they had lunch?"

"Fany's waiting for you but Jiyoon's having hers right now," answered Sunny.

"How's the wedding preparation coming along?" Taeyeon asked, walking alongside Sunny towards the back of the restaurant.

"Stressful but getting there. My sisters are handling most of it, thankfully, so I'm still sane."

Taeyeon let out a chuckle. "Good. It would be weird to attend a wedding with an insane bride having a mental breakdown, right there at the altar. Although it would be quite entertaining, now that I think of it."

"Shut up," retorted Sunny.

They went into the small office where Jiyoon was sitting across from Tiffany, eating her lunch.

The girl turned her head when she heard footsteps and smiled widely the moment she saw Taeyeon.

"What are you eating?" she asked, patting the girl's head.


"Is it good?"

Jiyoon nodded enthusiastically.

"Then finish everything, okay?"

"Okay." She quickly returned to her meal, shoving the pasta into her mouth.

"What will you guys have for lunch?" Sunny asked her two friends.

"I'll have what she's having," said Taeyeon, pointing at Jiyoon's plate.

"I'll just have soup," said Tiffany.

"Just soup? You're not hungry? You only ate half a sandwich this morning," remarked Sunny.

"I'm not in the mood for anything else."

Sunny shot Taeyeon a glance before she headed to the door. "Okay then. Soup and pasta coming right up."

"Thanks, Sunny," Taeyeon thanked the young woman before she approached Tiffany. "You okay?" She bent down to kiss the top of her head.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You only ordered soup."

"I'm not that hungry. How's work?" Tiffany asked, quickly trying to change the subject.

"Boring." Taeyeon gently rubbed Tiffany's back. She didn't want to tell Tiffany about her theory regarding Seungjin. It was tough enough for her to have to deal with her father. Taeyeon didn't want to add unnecessary worry to that. "Talk to me? Later?"


"Anything you have on your mind." She didn't want to directly mention him.

"I have nothing on my mind."

Taeyeon raised her eyebrows skeptically.

"We should go visit Mrs. Yoon after lunch and bring her some food," said Tiffany, completely avoiding the issue she knew Taeyeon was referring to.

Taeyeon just silently watched Tiffany grab a tissue to wipe Jiyoon's mouth, wishing that she could somehow get her to change her mind about her father and at least talk to him.


The door opened, revealing a weak and pale Mrs. Yoon.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Yoon. How are you feeling?" greeted Taeyeon.

"I'm alright," replied the woman before she walked inside, leaving the door open. "Thank you for looking after Jiyoon." She headed to the kitchen to finish preparing the food for the market.

"I got you healthy ginseng chicken and some vitamins," Taeyeon said, following the old woman into the kitchen. She took a deep breath when she saw what the woman was doing. "You're going to the market tonight?"


"Mrs. Yoon-..."

"Thank you for the food," she cut Taeyeon off.

"Please rest? Just for one more night?"

"I'm fine."


"Do not argue with me, Taeyeon," she sternly retorted, turning her head to glare at Taeyeon.

"It's for your own good, Mrs. Yoon."

The woman quietly went back to her task.

"Will you consider seeing a doctor then?"

"No doctor."

"You don't have to worry about the cost-..."

"I said no."

"Just one quick check-up," coaxed Taeyeon. "Please?"

The woman ignored Taeyeon from that moment on until the latter gave up, changing the subject.

"Jiyoon can stay with us until you're fully recovered. We'll take her to school and visit you every day."

Mrs. Yoon's hands stopped moving at the mention of her granddaughter. She let go of her spatula and left the kitchen, gesturing for Taeyeon to follow her.

Taeyeon wasn't sure what was going on so she just left the plastic bags she brought on the messy counter before she went to the other room.

She saw the old woman sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall with her eyes closed, looking exhausted.

"You should rest, Mrs. Yoon," she said as she took a seat in front of her.

Mrs. Yoon opened her eyes after a few seconds. "Thank you."

"Huh?" Taeyeon was genuinely surprised by the woman's words.

"I might not ask for that girl but I admit that she's a good kid," continued the woman. "And I know that you and Miyoung think that I had mistreated her. Well, I don't blame you. I considered her a bother, a burden." She paused, taking ragged breaths of air. "It's the truth although I'm not proud of it."

"Mrs. Yoon-..."

"She's lucky though," she interjected, not allowing Taeyeon to talk. "You two came along and rescued her from me, and even from real kidnappers. You gave her a better life."

Taeyeon wanted to argue but knew that it would be better to just wait until the woman had finished talking.

"I've seen how happy she looks every time you come for her. I hope she's not a burden to you."

"She's not. Not at all."

"Good. Because I don't think I have much time left."

"W-what?!" The surprises never seemed to end for Taeyeon that day. "Don't say that, Mrs. Yoon."

"Take her. Take all her stuff with you and don't come back here. Forget about me, forget I even exist."

Taeyeon was completely flabbergasted. She just stared at the woman with round eyes and mouth open.

"Her father had a folder with him when he brought her here. It contains her documents." Mrs. Yoon lifted her hand, pointing at an old cabinet at the corner of the room. "Bottom drawer."

"B-but she's your granddaughter!"

"I won't be here much longer."

"Then let's go see a doctor and get you treated!"

"Do you want her to see a dead body at such a young age?"


"Because that's what she'll see if you leave her here. She had seen me faint. Next thing she'll see is me dying."

"Please don't say that, Mrs. Yoon."

The woman took a few deep breaths then slowly pushed herself up, grunting as she struggled to get back on her feet.

Taeyeon quickly moved to help. "Mrs. Yoon..."

"Tell Miyoung thank you," the woman said as she freed herself from Taeyeon's hands and shuffled back to the kitchen to resume cooking.

Taeyeon just stood there for a minute, staring at the woman's back in disbelief. Her mind was still trying to wrap itself around the words she just heard.

"What if she asks about you?" Taeyeon finally finished digesting everything.

"Tell her whatever you want."

"I don't want her growing up without knowing her flesh and blood."

The woman scoffed. "Her flesh and blood is good for nothing. She's better off with you."

"Don't say that, please," pleaded Taeyeon for the umpteenth time that hour.

"It's the truth. Tell her I'm dead, tell her I went away or tell her that I abandoned her... it's all up to you. I don't care."

"I will never tell her that. You're her grandmother. She does love you, you know. She cares about you."


"Mrs. Yoon, please reconsider? I don't mind taking care of her most of the time but surely there's another-..."

"No. If you don't want to do it then I'll hand her over to some orphanage or child services or whatever. I will not let her live here again."

Taeyeon inhaled sharply. "B-but... Can she at least see you one last time? To say goodbye?"


"Mrs. Yoon?"

The woman never said another word after that, ignoring everything Taeyeon said until the young inspector gave up since she couldn't stay there for much longer.

"I'll take her uniform and the folder first then," Taeyeon ended up saying as she moved slowly towards the living room.

She never got a reply so she just went about her task, picking up Jiyoon's school bag, her uniform and the folder she took out of the cabinet drawer. It contained Jiyoon's birth certificate and a picture of her parents. There were a few other documents belonging to the girl's father that Taeyeon decided to sort out later, back at home.

"Mrs. Yoon, are you sure about this?" she asked one more time before she took her leave.

"Goodbye, Taeyeon," replied the woman without even turning her head.

"I'll still visit you. If you don't want Jiyoon to see you again then I won't bring her but I will come back and visit you. Please call me or Miyoung if you ever need anything, okay, Mrs. Yoon? Please?"


Taeyeon heaved a sigh. "I'll come back for the rest of her stuff. See you, Mrs. Yoon." She bowed then left the small house with a heavy heart.

The old woman waited until she heard the door close before she took a deep breath, wiped the tears that finally spilled out and straightened up, focusing everything on her cooking.

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