Heart Versus Heart

By jilverine

104 43 63

Free spirited and fiesty Ivanka Lockhart has nothing to lose when she has the perfect boyfriend who is determ... More

Author's note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

16 8 20
By jilverine

Song of the chapter: Sweet but psycho - Ava Max
If I had a gun, besides Trump, most of the Kardashians, ok fine, the list of people I'd kill is long but principal Roy is certainly on it.

I mean, who makes the entire student body watch the student council meeting?! It's just plain dumb and pointless. It would've made more sense if they actually talked about useful things but all they discussed in these meeting were absolutely useless.

"So Miss Lockhart what do you think? Should the bathroom cleaners be Astonish or Mr muscle?" One of the student council members who I only know facially asked me.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now!" I couldn't help but exclaim.

If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a very impulsive and spontaneous person. That explains a lot of stupid ass stuff I have in my school records and criminal records (don't ask).

"No one cares what god forsaken toilet cleaner you use. Why the fuck are we even here!!" OK so, I also have a bit of a language problem. Correction, a huge language problem.

“Ms Lockhart you drop that mic right now and behave yourself before I lose it” Principal Roy said in his most menacing voice but it did nothing to faze me.

“Lose what?” I dared to ask which is something no other normal person would've done. Safe to say that I'm not normal. At all.

"Lockhart get back here this instant" Roy yelled when I started to leave.

"Go fuck yourself Roy. Cause I'm sure as hell that no one's gonna do that for you" although I wasn't so sure about that.

There were a lot of ohs and burns coming from the crowd but I didn't care about that.
I was almost out of the exit when I heard Roy say "Ms Lockhart, your actions are a disgrace to this school and I will not condone it".

Clearly, the man was yet to learn that the more dominance he tried to establish with me, the more I'd rebel and fight back.

"Awww, I'm sorry but did I ever give you the impression that I cared? Cause I really don't". I deadpanned and with that, I slammed the door of the auditorium shut behind me.

I'd only taken a few steps away from the auditorium when I heard the unmistakable sound of someone clapping behind me.
I whirled around in panic and sighed in relief when I saw that it was Ivan Knight and his crew. Riverview's most sought after guys; Ivan, Ryder, Curt and Jason. The stereotypical and infamous bad boy gang. Dangerous rebels who all looked good enough to eat and towered over dwarfs like myself with their palm tree like heights.

And no, I'm not one of those girls who hate the bad boys for reasons best known to them. And I'm not one of their desperate fan girls who kiss the ground they walk on either. I'm kinda in between. They're all very hot (especially Ivan) and I'm not gonna lie about that. I actually get along very well with them. Sometimes, I'm like an unofficial fifth member of their group.

In fact, there was a time when everyone is school was shipping Ivan and I even though neither if us liked each other as anything more than friends. It was actually mainly because of our similar names that everyone thought we'd make a fantastic pair. So I guess it's safe to say that I broke their hearts when I went for Danny instead.

"Knight, you scared me" I told him laughingly.

"Uhuhhh so little Miss Brave and tough is scared" he cooed while laughing as he pinched my cheeks and I punched his arm.

"Quit picking on me Knight!" I whined.

"Can't Vee. It's the highlight of my day" he replied smiling brightly and tucking a loose strand of my brown wavy hair behind my ear.

The smile made his green eyes sparkle and despite myself, I blushed a little. But let's face it, any other straight female in my place and probably some gay ones too would've done the same. Ivan was a walking definition of an Adonis.

"Yeah right" I snickered slapping his lingering hand off. "The real highlight of your day is your daily session with Tiffany in the janitor's closet".

He looked a little embarrassed and I burst out laughing. Oh man, and I thought that was a rumour.

"It's just a rumour" he replied even though his face said otherwise.

"At least I'm not the one who's in love with their geography teacher" he shot back with a smirk as he exaggerated the word love. He knew that he had me with that one.

"Ivan!!" I blushed a bright shade of red and now it was his turn to double over laughing.

"That was a long time ago Ivan. And you have to admit, Mr Anderson is hot"

"Yeah, because yesterday is such a long time ago" he replied laughing even harder.

"I'll buy you lunch today if you shut up on that one" I bargained.

Cause apart from holding dirty secrets over each other's heads, one thing Ivan and I have in common is our love of food. And even though Ivan is like, crazy rich, I can always manage blackmail him with free food. I don't even know how he lets me.

"Today and tomorrow " he countered.

"Fine" I agreed.

"And you have to eat it with me" he added probably noticing how easy it was to get me to agree.

It's not like my crush on Mr Anderson was anything serious or unusual (98% of the girls in my year also had crushes on him) but I had a reputation to maintain and that crush was not good for my image.

"Whatever" I replied rolling my eyes and walking away.

"Bye Vee. See you at lunch that I don't have to pay for" he replied cheerily.

I good naturedly gave him the finger with both hands then turned again and left. And right then as I was walking away,I realized that I'd met Ivan with the guys but now that I was leaving, he was alone. The guys had pulled the disappearing act on us again and we didn't even notice. As usual.

After the hall event where my outburst had led the principal to dismiss the program and so we had the remaining forty seven minutes as a free period. So am I awesome or am I awesome? Students everywhere including seniors and freshmen had been giving me high fives and thanking me for the free period.

"What exactly is your deal with Roy?" One of my close friends Bella asked as we sat down on the bleachers and watched both the cheerleaders as they practiced and sharing a large bowl of cookie dough ice cream which Ivan and I had to sneak out and buy.

For some reason, our caf only serves chocolate ice cream which is the one flavour of ice cream that I don't like. Well, I don't like mint too and banana and blueberry. Ok, so maybe there's more than one ice cream flavour that I don't like. But chocolate probably tops it.

"Deal with Roy? I never made any deal with Roy" I replied trying to feign ignorance.

Bella didn't say anything but her eyes did and they were saying "you either tell me or I'll force it out of you"  and that she could do.

"My mom has a thing going on with Roy" I blurted out quickly after looking around to make sure that no one was within hearing distance.


"I know. He's trying to get her to divorce my dad and marry him but she's making it look like it's my decision.... "

"So Roy's trying to impress you and can't do shit to you!”

“Exactly" I confirmed "but I really think she's just trying to make my dad jealous and bring him back"

Bella looked like she was about to say or ask something else but then the bell rang and I took off at lightening speed and shouted out a goodbye to her.

I had algebra next and that was the one subject I sucked at so I had to give it my all. Worse yet, our teacher Ms Blackman somehow had Roy scared of her. So yes, I'm usually an angel in her class.

Algebra was a blur and after that we had our lunch break so I headed to the cafeteria where I usually had lunch with my five closest friends. They were already sitting at our usual table close to the middle of the two fifty sitter hall. But I had to get my food so I just made a silly face when they spotted me and went to join the lunch line.

Our school caf has the best food. Sure, the menu isn't as large as I'd like it to be but the quality of the food is top notch. People don't even bother eating out except they want to cut classes or avoid someone and the only people who pack their lunch are those who are trying to save money.

After spending a great deal of time looking at the menu which they change weekly, I decided on two slices of BBQ chicken pizza, a small plate of spaghetti with meatballs and a good ol' Nutella sandwich to eat in class. Thank Heavens that I don't get fat else I'd probably be fatter than Adele's former size.

"Hello there miserable people of Riverview High. Your queen has arrived to put you out of your misery" I announced as I dropped my tray at my usual spot on the table.

Although I roll with a lot of very different people, I have a group of friends that are the closest to me after Bella. There's six of us; Elton, Derrick, Slayde, Gracie, Chyna and I.

"All hail her Royal majesty queen Ivanka of pooplandia" Slayde replied and the others joined him to laugh while I gave him the finger.

Slayde Hemming. The clown of the group. He's quite a looker with his blonde 'I just got of of bed' hair which I learned from Gracie isn't actually natural.  He spends quite a bit of time getting it to look that way. But that doesn't undermine his good looks because apparently, "even his actual bed hair is hot." Again, Gracie's words not mine. Remind me to ask her how she knows that.

"Oh my Gosh guys! Hottie alert. Two o clock" Chyna squealed from across the table.

The guys rolled their eyes as usual and I laughed. Chyna Lindel is always drooling over one hot guy or the other and when you attend a school like ours, there's an abundance of them. Chyna is definitely one of the most gorgeous girls in our school. Her mom is Arab so she inherited her stunning exotic beauty and beautiful black hair. Her lashes are so thick that she doesn't need extensions and her figure is amazing. But sometimes, she's insecure and thinks she's "not pretty enough." Cue the eye roll and jealous muderous glare.

"Good morning beautiful ladies" a familiar voice called out from somewhere beside me.

"Hi Handsome" Chyna greeted Ivan flirtatiously and Gracie just smiled up at him.

He greeted the guys with a head nod and one of those bro shakes. And then, Elton scooted over to give Ivan room to sit next to me. And he gladly did.

"So guys, I've been wondering, what do you do to someone who promised to buy you lunch but ended up duping you?" He asked looking right at me.

And that, I was when I realized that I'd completely forgotten about our lunch plans. And the Ivan I know isn't going to let it slide.

"You should totally make her buy you dinner instead" Elton offered.

"Elton!" I scolded while giving him a death glare.

"Hi Sugar. Did I do something wrong?" He asked smiling brightly and he even started fluttering his lashes. The girls were doing all they could to keep from bursting out laughing.

"Oh come on baby girl, you know I love you" Elton told me with a wink.

I rolled my eyes and Ivan took the opportunity to wrap his arms around me but I quickly smacked it off.

"I agree with Elton" Derrick offered as he also winked at me "Ivan, you should totally make her buy you dinner" The nerve of these guys!

"Guys, Ivan never said that this person was a she you know"

"Thank you Chyna" I appreciated.

"Oh please, like Ivan'd be bothered about a guy buying him lunch" Gracie pointed out.

"Well, he could if he's started to bat for Ellie's team"

Of course, that was from Slayde. He's the one who calls Elton Ellie because of his feminine tendencies.

"Shit. Ivan tell me it's true. I'd totally drop Harvey in a heartbeat for you" Elton replied fanning himself and we all burst out laughing. Even Ivan.

"Sorry bud. I'm forever gonna be on team skirt" Ivan apologized.

"Pretty sure El wouldn't mind wearing a skirt" Derrick said and we all laughed as Elton shouted out that he wasn't wrong.

"Well, I'm one hundred percent for natural females. But I'd tell you if I'm gay in my next life. Or, never mind, I'm pretty sure I'd be straight in all of my nine lives" Ivan told Elton.

"Alright Vee, I'll pick you up at seven sharp. Don't you dare try to run away. And thanks for the idea guys" he was standing up to leave and I turned to face him.

"What? Me? Psshaw. Never" I told him while I copied Elton's sickeningly sweet smile and lash flutter. Turns out, it works.

"Someone's got a date" Gracie sang.

"You're crazy Geegee. Ivan and I go out to dinner the time it's totally normal and definitely not a date" I told her.

"Yeah Geegee. Our girl Vanka is still totally in love with Jordan" Slayde told them while dragging out the word love.

And he wasn't wrong. Well, I was definitely not in love but I definitely still had strong feelings for him.

"Sort of. Not love but close. Besides, Ivan and I having matching names doesn't exactly make us a match made in heaven." I told them.

“Sure it doesn't" Elton drawled and thankfully, everyone just let it go.

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