Blood Crown ✓ [A Snow White R...

By bjorghalla

14.4K 648 17

[A Snow White Retelling] Katherine is a Vampire Princess whose stepmother has forced to become a slave in her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
The Retelling Series

Chapter 16

530 32 0
By bjorghalla

Blood Crown


The night is dark and gloomy yet the snow light up the whole world with its glowing white presence on the ground and the more the snowflakes fall the brighter is becomes and the night might not be as dark as it was before. A royal ball in a palace where hundreds upon hundreds people have gathered together to celebrate and their happiness and joy soars through the air like never before. None of them knowing what has taken place in the palace gardens where a young maiden had once been. Yet she might still be there.

Her hair the blackest of them all that might resemble the black raven. Crimson red blood colors her lips that is darker than the darkest rose. The pale skin on her body almost the shade of the white snow she lies on in silence. Her body softly on the snow and the snowflakes fall on her and get suck in her hair and her dress. Katherine Twilight Darkblood is dead. The cup of blood beside her and she lies on the ground, no air going into her lungs and no beat can be heard in her once beating heart that has no gone silent.

Her eyes closed and one would mistake her from sleeping soundly and peacefully yet that is not the case. Footsteps from the palace run to her yet they already know they are too late. Jamie running towards the girl in his knight uniform falls down to the ground when he sees her lying there. The tears prick his eyes yet he does not allow them to fall. As if a knife has pierced his heart, the pain in his chest is unbearable. He stands up and walks over to her, kneeling on the snow in front of her.

He gently touches her freezing cold cheek that was once blushing badly yet is now as cold as the snow that falls on her cheeks. When he feels not warmth in her face, he feels this anger rise within him and he cannot control it. Banging his fist into the ground as hard as he can out of anger he feels his chest tighten with both anger and heartache that has formed. Then in the corner of his eyes he notices something. The silver cup lying there. Few drops of blood have leaked out of it and have blended with the snow that has now been painted crimson red with it.

Picking the cup up he brings it to his face and smells down into it. His grip tightens on the cup as the anger only grows. He had smelled poison inside the cup, inside the blood. Poison that the poor innocent girl would not able to smell. He throws the cup in pure anger away from him, it hits a tree and bounces off it and then lands softly in the snow near the tree with blood leaking from it still that will stain the white snow.

His hands go under her lower back and her legs and lifts her up bridal style. Her body light and small in his arms as he walks with her to the back entrance of the garden where not many people know of. The tears staining his face as he walks, having have lost the battle with them and letting them softly fall down his face. The snow has gotten more violent than before yet there is still not wind. The snowflakes fall on the two of them and while on him the snowflakes melt they stay on her for her body is already cold as the air around them.

The cold does not bother him at all yet the freezing touch of her skin does. It sends chills down his spine yet not from the cold itself but from how she is dead. Most people are at the royal ball to notice one knight missing and holding onto a girl that is dead in his arms and walking down the dark road. The snow on the ground is able to bring a little light yet it cannot show all that is and the darkness still rules the night like it is always meant to.

Jamie holds onto her tight, not wanting to let go of the young maiden that he holds. Wondering what he could do now, the girl is dead. He cannot believe that the girl that he has learned to care for yet not romantically, Jamie's feelings were to a sister and cared for her as if she were his sister, yet he did care for her and he will forever mourn this girl. Even when he does not know much about her, she will always have a place inside his heart and he will never forget her.

The house where the seven brothers live soon comes into vision and as he walked there he almost tripped a couple of times yet managed to stay standing, for the girl in his arms cannot fall and he cannot drop her. The snow has gotten slippery and as he walks he often feels himself slip yet still stands. He walks to the house and see that it has been lit and all his six brothers are in there and wide awake. He will have to be the one that is literally the bearer of bad news as he carries the dead Katherine in his arms.

Inside the house the six brothers that could not make it to the royal ball sit by the table and chat amongst themselves, not knowing who is about to walk into the front door and not knowing what has taken place in the garden of the palace and not knowing of the pain that they are about to experience when they see the young maiden in their brother's arms who he has carried from the palace all the way to their house where she was always supposed to be in the first place and not to a ball.

The wooden door is kicked open and the six brothers jump up from being startled by it and none of them calm down when they see who comes inside. Jamie holding Katherine in his arms and tears staining his face. Snow rushes inside while the door is open and all of them stand up as he lays her down on the table and throwing everything on the floor that was on it. "What has happened to her?" Joseph asks him as he goes over to the girl and check for her pulse and his face falls when he doesn't find it.

"She was poised, I could not stop it" He answers and all seven brothers look at the girl, dead yet peaceful on the table. In their eyes she looks like a Queen in that gown yet none of them know that she truly is a Princess and could've been a Queen of her kingdom if that had not been taken away from her and her birthright stripped away like if it were nothing. Tears prick everyone as they let them fall. Fall for the girl that showed only kindness and all that is good in the world yet all she got was death.

Arthur sits down on one of the chairs and takes her hand into his, feeling how cold she is. The snow that had fallen on her slowly melting and soaking into the gown she wears. "She deserves to have a good resting place" He says as his tears fall silently to the wooden floor of the house. "The forest where she was found, by that tree. It looks peaceful enough" Warren says to them and they all agree. "She did not deserve this" Oscar says to them and it was what all seven of them were thinking.

That the girl that only wished to help did not deserve to be taken from this world so soon, she did not deserve death when she had barely lived her life, she did not deserve this endless rest for being awake and living in the world was what she deserved and living with a smile on her face. A smile that can never be seen again for she has not passed away. The cruelty of the world winning over the kindness and Katherine could not fight it any longer, the endless battle of good and evil has taken another victim.

And the world will suffer for it, for the Princess of Arecia and the destiny that awaited her will not forever be uncompleted for what she was meant to do is have a crown on her head and sitting on the high throne and rule until she takes her last breath. She was never supposed to die and never be able to fulfill her destiny, however perhaps this is her destiny, perhaps this death is the destiny that was meant for this Princess and perhaps Katherine will see the light of day and walk under the sun someday. Perhaps that is her destiny.


Seven brothers carry a glass coffin with a Katherine inside of it to the tree that they first saw her and rescued her from a fate worse than they would've offered her, yet it was with them that her life ended and her bright, beautiful smile can never be seen again. The night hangs over them and the clouds have cleared the sky, giving the majesty moon access to shine its light on the coffin made out of pure clear glass which holds a young girl inside it that the moon is eager to shine its light on.

The stars glitter on the night sky all around the moon and as they set her down by the tree and sit around the coffin. Looking inside it where she lies so peacefully and so calm that is almost frighten them to see that she can look like she is just sleeping and in a way she is, only she will never wake up again and her eyes will never open and never see the moon that was supposed to guide and protect her when she needed it the most and perhaps the moon has just done that.

The moon has always been there for her when she needed it the most, when she went to river and sat there, the moon was often hanging over her and keeping her safe and it is no different now. This time the moon is keeping the coffin safe and protected. Its reflection is on the glass and none can miss how the moon's reflection is on her forehead, as if it were trying to speak to the seven brothers, letting them know something yet all of them lost in their own sorrow notice that the moon might be trying to speak, speak without words.

While the brothers cry for her, Derick is looking for the girl that he has fallen in love with, the girl he hoped to propose in the garden yet forgot the ring and had to go inside to get it. When he returned to the garden he did not see the girl he loves. Only a cup that smells of poison and faint footsteps that the snow have almost buried yet not quite. With the ring in his pocket Derick runs back into the ball where people are dancing and having the time of their lives, not knowing what has taken place.

He does not care for that, only takes a couple of his guards and his horse and rides out of the palace, to a place he can feel the girl he has fallen in love with is. The tree where their friendship began. He can feel it inside of him that she is there, only he doesn't know in what state she is in or who is with her. The Prince and his guards ride out to find her. Derick not stopping until he finds her for his love for her is strong.

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