My First Love Story

By JyotikaRao25

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This is a story of a beautiful girl from the village who comes to the city to pursue her dreams of studying i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 11

20 3 0
By JyotikaRao25

Few days were left for the university to open; uncle Sam and Jonathan's father organized a dinner for both family members.

Surprising, this time Harry and Julie were invited to join the family dinner with me. I was feeling happy for Harry and Julie, they were looking forward for the dinner.

I secretly told Harry of Jonathan's proposal. He looked shocked, asked me so many questions and was very curious to know my thoughts on this. He said, he was feeling happy for me. I told him that I am planning to say a final no if he asks me one more time.

Harry made a face towards me, as if he was not sure what to say to that.

Julie was busy looking for a evening dress, she was not satisfied with what she had in her cupboard, finally we both went for shopping and bought ourselves lovely dresses for the night.

Uncle Sam, Aunt and Charlotte and I went to Harrison's house, this is the first time, I am actually standing inside their house.

As I entered the hall, the sight amazed me, beautifully decorated, I noticed a lot of antic pieces placed elegantly and very eye catching.

The walls were white as snow. Jonathan's mother and dad stood up to meet us. They were delighted to see us. Janice was with them, there was no sign of Jonathan, I felt at ease, at least someone is not pondering over me.

Aunt Mary with other maids were catering tonight, all were laughing and joking with the family. Soft music was being played. The gents all rose for the bar and poured themselves with the drinks.

Ladies resorted to wine, Charlotte and Janice invited us for the drink, Aunt nodded her head towards me and said, "go ahead, relax, chill with some wine." I nodded to Janice and she poured wine for Julie and I.

The wine was chilled and tasted very nice. I was drinking slowly, didn't want to feel tipsy. Plus, I have to be alert with Jonathan.

While I was looking around at the wonderful ambience, Janice walked over and whispered to me, Jonathan should be here soon, he has gone to pick something.

I stopped drinking wine, I had two already and that was enough for me. We talked about the commencement of studies in the next term, we made fun and jokes out of incidents in the previous term.

It was a while now Jonathan did not turn up; I was getting uneasy of his absence. In some way glad as well, that I don't need to deal with his staring, teasing and making me feel uneasy with him.

Whilst we were just getting ready for dinner, Jonathan walked in, he was still in his business suit. He was looking happy and was in full of smiles.

Everyone greeted and hugged him.

I smiled and greeted him. I observed, he did not drink any alcohol.

Just before dinner, Jonathan's mother stood up and said that she was happy and pleased with the family gathering, out of all the busy days, we must at least meet once a month and relax over drinks and dinner.

She looked at Jonathan and winked, raising her eyebrow pleasantly, she announced that Jonathan has something to say in this occasion.

Jonathan stood up slowly, He faced towards us, and he said, " I thank Uncle and Dad for organizing this dinner and it is a pleasure to see both the families enjoying each other's company.

I am sorry that I came in late." Everyone cheered at him, he looked at them shyly. He continued to say "I would like to share an important happening in my life with you mum, dad and Janice that I have finally fallen in love and I am seriously looking to settle down with her.

Everyone cheered and raised the glasses for a toast. I sat there with my mouth open with fright. I felt my mouth dry; feeling tipsy now, just sat there frozen and motionless. Harry stared at my face.

I was swallowing hard, thinking what if he takes my name, oh my god, what will I do? He was like dropping a bomb on me after a week's silence.

Jonathan continued to say, "I have shared my sentiments with the girl I love and she thinks I am joking, I have been waiting for a week for her to answer but I can't hold it anymore."

He continued to say, this announcement is to inform her that I am serious about her and I love her very much. In whole of his conversation, he only looked at me when saying the last bit of his speech. His look ran an excitement of warmth from top to bottom.

Everyone was cheering at him, they were asking him, who is the lucky girl.

I just wanted to disappear in the crack on the floor and in the perfect house, I can't see any. He announced that the love of his life is in the same room, he walked around the table and stood beside me, he slowly kneeled down, everyone became quiet at the dining table, he took my hand and said, "I love you Nancy, will you be my wife."

I sat their frozen, gasping for air, my throat was dry, I was looking at Jonathan, as if, a ghost was in front of me. I was taken aback with his boldness and courage of just sharing his feelings.

What would his parents be thinking, this village girl, how dare he. What would Uncle Sam and Aunt be thinking? I was so ashamed to look at anyone. I just gasped out saying "no".

The room was pin drop silence, Jonathan was tensed and his jawline was firm with anger, before he could say anything, I ran from there, I went to my room and locked myself.

How could he embarrass me in front of his family and Uncle and Aunt? He is so desperate that he used this technique to get my answer out of obligation. I was angry at the same time emotional and wept myself to sleep.

In the early hours of the morning, I heard some noises, glasses breaking and then Jonathan's mother call out his name. Her voice was hysterical, I looked out of my balcony, Snr Harrison and Uncle Sam was running towards the vehicle.

The vehicle rushed out of the premises. I was scared, I didn't know what was happening, shivering at the sight of people rushing here and there.

There was a soft knock at the bedroom door, I opened the door, Aunt and Aunt Mary with Charlotte, Harry and Julie were standing outside the door. Their faces had worried look.

They saw me shivering, held be and sat me on the bed. They were polite hence looked worried. Slowly Aunt Mary, told me that Jonathan had drunk so much alcohol, he could not control himself, in his anger he smashed the glass shelves with his hand and is badly injured.

He has sustained deep cuts and there lots of blood has been lost. I sat there still, I had difficulty in breathing and slowly lost my vision, could not feel anything.

I regained my consciousness, found Charlotte and Julie with me, they touched my hand and asked me softly, if I feel better.

Curiously looking at both, I asked, "how is Jonathan, is he okay." They said they don't know yet. I asked them if I can go to the hospital to see him.

They looked terrified and said no, not now. The situation is bad. I stayed in bed helpless, thinking about Jonathan.

I do love him but I don't trust him, I don't know what to do. I have seen him with Lorraine so many times, kissing and cuddling each other, he has done this in front of me.

I have seen how his eyes have wondered over other girls, those lusty looks. I will die every day with him. My love is not just enough, I don't know for how long, he will love me.

He was in relationship with Lorraine for two years, now he has a new love interest that is me, now what about Lorraine. I feel sorry for her.

I got up and went looking for Harry, I shared my insecurities with Harry, Charlotte and Julie. I confessed my love to them with a promise never to disclose this to anyone particularly Jonathan.

They insisted me to talk to Jonathan, he will understand and I may get the answers I am looking for.

I told them that even though we may love each but the fact is we will never be able to stay together, we are so different.

Jonathan was admitted in the hospital due to loss of blood; his wounds were stitched and he was weak.

I did not go to the hospital for two days, I did not want to face Jonathan's parents, they may be hating me now for what has happened with their son.

While I was thinking about this, Janice came to see me, she was quiet, she asked me how I was. I was confused as to how to greet her. Jonathan and Janice is very close, and he has always been a good brother to Janice, very protective. She told me of Jonathan's medical condition.

She held my hand and said, don't blame yourself, Nancy, you have the right to think about yourself. He confessed that he loves you, it does not mean that you have to love him back.

That is your choice. I looked up to her and hugged her and wept uncontrollably. Last thing she said before she left, Nancy, "Jonathan truly loves you."


My body is paining so badly, I feel weak and nauseated. I looked around, Nancy, where is she? Why has she not come to see me. Is she really not in love with me?

Ouch, my hand hurts, can hardly move them. I drank too much last night, I have hurt my parents by doing this, I can't think living without Nancy.

There is definitely something which is bugging her, she is scared or is insecure about something. How can I assure her that my love is true?

Please someone get her here. Whilst this was boiling within me, mum and dad walked in. Mum was devastated and dad looked weak and old. I know they are worried about me.

I was feeling so low in front of them, remorsefully, I apologized of my behavior and promised not get involved in this type of actions.

I told them, that I really love Nancy and want to spend rest of my life with her. Mum said, Jonathan then you have to give her a reason to believe in you and trust you.

I could see where mum was coming from and I promised mum and Dad that I will not drink alcohol ever in my life and work towards winning my love.

Lorraine came to visit me at the hospital; she was shocked to see me in this state. I confessed my love to Loraine and my intention to marry Nancy. She was not ready to accept this information, we argued and then I reminded her that we had no strings attached and I am feeling differently when I am with Nancy.


On the fourth Day, Aunt Mary made some soup, I packed it for Jonathan and took it to the hospital. As I walked towards his ward, I was feeling nervous as how Jonathan will react.

As I reached the door, Jonathan was lying on the bed with bandages on his arms and hands. He was looking up and smiling. My eyes moved to Lorraine, she was sitting on the bed, touching his forehead.

With a deep sigh, I told myself let this not get to my head. She is in her right place; she needs to spend more time with him. I wanted to quietly move away and take a step back, just then Jonathan's head turned towards me, it was too late for me to run away from here.

I took a breath and smiled at them and moved in with the soup container. Jonathan just stared back to me, Lorraine was not too happy to see me but I mumbled" whatever, let me do what I have come for." I pleasantly told Jonathan that Aunt Marry has sent a bowl of soup for him and has wished him speedy recovery.

He acknowledged and smiled back to me. I move towards him, opposite of Lorraine, sat at the corner of the bed and pulled out the soup container and spoon. I slowly started feeding him conscious of the fact that he is hurt. He anxiously looked at me and was drinking the soup.

He looked up to me caringly, his eyes looked sad and questioning for my response. I just wanted to melt in his arms, giving him the warmth of the relationship, he is looking for.

I observed, the bandages on his fist, hands and arms. I wanted to touch it; how could he injure him self like this. Did he do this for me?

While Lorraine was still there, he looked at me and asked, why didn't you come for last three days? I whispered back; I was scared. He said, "you don't need to."

Bidding farewell, I gently hugged and kissed him on the forehead, when I tried to kiss him, he got nervous and moved his head, my lips landed on his lips, for a moment, we froze and then I moved away. My cheeks were red, he was blushing himself too.

Before walking out, Lorraine gave me a long hard look and then turned to look at Jonathan.

My visitation to the hospital became daily, Jonathan was picking up faster, and was able to move around freely, though was still weak.

Jonathan was discharged in next 3 days with a month's rest at home.

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