Chapter 11

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Few days were left for the university to open; uncle Sam and Jonathan's father organized a dinner for both family members.

Surprising, this time Harry and Julie were invited to join the family dinner with me. I was feeling happy for Harry and Julie, they were looking forward for the dinner.

I secretly told Harry of Jonathan's proposal. He looked shocked, asked me so many questions and was very curious to know my thoughts on this. He said, he was feeling happy for me. I told him that I am planning to say a final no if he asks me one more time.

Harry made a face towards me, as if he was not sure what to say to that.

Julie was busy looking for a evening dress, she was not satisfied with what she had in her cupboard, finally we both went for shopping and bought ourselves lovely dresses for the night.

Uncle Sam, Aunt and Charlotte and I went to Harrison's house, this is the first time, I am actually standing inside their house.

As I entered the hall, the sight amazed me, beautifully decorated, I noticed a lot of antic pieces placed elegantly and very eye catching.

The walls were white as snow. Jonathan's mother and dad stood up to meet us. They were delighted to see us. Janice was with them, there was no sign of Jonathan, I felt at ease, at least someone is not pondering over me.

Aunt Mary with other maids were catering tonight, all were laughing and joking with the family. Soft music was being played. The gents all rose for the bar and poured themselves with the drinks.

Ladies resorted to wine, Charlotte and Janice invited us for the drink, Aunt nodded her head towards me and said, "go ahead, relax, chill with some wine." I nodded to Janice and she poured wine for Julie and I.

The wine was chilled and tasted very nice. I was drinking slowly, didn't want to feel tipsy. Plus, I have to be alert with Jonathan.

While I was looking around at the wonderful ambience, Janice walked over and whispered to me, Jonathan should be here soon, he has gone to pick something.

I stopped drinking wine, I had two already and that was enough for me. We talked about the commencement of studies in the next term, we made fun and jokes out of incidents in the previous term.

It was a while now Jonathan did not turn up; I was getting uneasy of his absence. In some way glad as well, that I don't need to deal with his staring, teasing and making me feel uneasy with him.

Whilst we were just getting ready for dinner, Jonathan walked in, he was still in his business suit. He was looking happy and was in full of smiles.

Everyone greeted and hugged him.

I smiled and greeted him. I observed, he did not drink any alcohol.

Just before dinner, Jonathan's mother stood up and said that she was happy and pleased with the family gathering, out of all the busy days, we must at least meet once a month and relax over drinks and dinner.

She looked at Jonathan and winked, raising her eyebrow pleasantly, she announced that Jonathan has something to say in this occasion.

Jonathan stood up slowly, He faced towards us, and he said, " I thank Uncle and Dad for organizing this dinner and it is a pleasure to see both the families enjoying each other's company.

I am sorry that I came in late." Everyone cheered at him, he looked at them shyly. He continued to say "I would like to share an important happening in my life with you mum, dad and Janice that I have finally fallen in love and I am seriously looking to settle down with her.

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