Chapter 1

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As the cab pulled around the corner, a glimpse of the white mansion caught my eye, standing tall and huge, elegant, a breath of panic attack stirred in my stomach. They are so rich, how am I going to stay among them.

I wish I did not listen to dad. Before leaving home, I begged dad not to send me away from him. I was going to a city, unknown to the dark sides, to stay with strangers to further my education.

My dad is a simple man, with a bakery shop back in the small town, he insisted for me to study in the city university to make a career. He insisted on me to apply for the Harrison sponsorship, which I got through merits.

My dad's childhood friend stays in the city and dad asked for his help to accommodate me. Dad's friend Uncle Sam told dad that I could stay with them for 3 years during university study. I pleaded to dad to check for the hostels or rented room, or a dormitory, but dad as in dad, is very protective of me since mum left us 5 years ago, he wants to feel secured from the perspective where I stay. So here I come.

Now as the view became clearer, there are two mansions, very similar in colour and design, stood tall in front of me. The cab drove into the long driveway and stopped in front of the mansion; I gave the cab driver the address card with Uncle Sam's name on it, let alone he gave a wired look and stared at my clothes and back at the card.

He finally said, Madam, we have arrived at the house. I slowly with my mouth slightly open, gazing out of the car window, staring at the tall buildings, forked out money from my pocket to pay the driver, he took the money and opened the boot for my suitcase.

As this was happening, a couple appeared near the door, the man in his tuxedos, tall and handsome and besides was a plump lady, smiling and looking at me with the lovely and warm eyes.

Looking at her husband, she whispers, my dear, Nancy has arrived. She comes rushing towards me and says, welcome my sweet girl, pulls me towards her and hugs me tight, she calls out a name, Charlotte, please show Nancy her room.

She apologetically advised they have to leave home for two weeks for some urgent matters in the next city, and again holds my shoulder and told me but honey don't worry, we have organized with Marylin she will take good care of you. The university will start soon in three weeks, and we will be back before time, please make yourself home.

Till then Charlotte did not show up but the lady named, Marylin came, she greeted me and assured Madam, that she will take good care of me. I was feeling shy and also scared that Uncle Sam and Aunt was living me alone with I don't know who Charlotte was till now and I have met Marylin she looked warm, pleasant, made me think about the ladies back in my town. She was full of hospitality.

Anyways, Uncle seemed very pleased and hugged me twice and said, he will call Dad and let him know that I have reached home safely.

As Uncle Sam and Aunt moved towards their car to head out, Marylin apologetically explained that Charlotte is Uncle Sam's daughter, she must be sleeping, and that's why she did not come down to receive me.

It did not really matter to me, so I politely said, it's okay Aunt, she gave me a funny smile and mutters, and everyone calls me Marylin.

I smiled and thought to myself, I will call you Aunt Mary. Marylin asked the doorman to get my luggage and put them in the hall when Charlotte gets up, she will show me the room, in which I am supposed to stay in.

I walked with her into the hall, she asked me to sit, while she gets something for me to eat, I said it's okay Aunt Mary, I don't feel hungry, she stared back and said, you are already so skinny, I need to feed you well.

I stared back at myself in the mirror, in jeans and sneakers with a body-hugging T/shirt, I am a tall, skinny, brown in colour, brown eyes, long black thick spiral hair by birth and slender legs. Thinking, I can have tea with Marylin, Aunt Mary, I called out, have you had your tea, suddenly all went silent and a head stuck out from the kitchen door and looked at me, a boy, smiled and said morning.

Marylin brisked passed him walked towards me and patted my hand and said, no one has ever asked me if I had my tea, I make tea for others and make sure they drink. I giggled and said, can I have tea with you.

She signaled me towards the kitchen. As I entered the kitchen, there were two kids sitting at the table, as I walked in the kitchen went silent. I smiled and said hello and put forward my hand, they smiled and shook hands with me.

Marylin called out to them Harry, Julie please remember your manners, meet Nancy, she is here to stay and attend the university. I could see the gleam in their eyes and instantly we started chatting about me and where I was from, which studies have I undertaken.

Harry was a tall guy, with blonde hair, handsome looks and a masculine body. He seemed friendly and jovial. His blue eyes shined as he talked and laughed. Julie, was a very pretty girl, short, bob cut hair, and her smile melted away my fears.

While in the full conversation, Marylin moved to respond to the doorbell, vaguely I heard, a deep male voice saying his greetings to Marylin, asking about Charlotte.

The smell of a deep scent floated in and gave me a shiver; the smell was so appealing and breathe taking.

Suddenly a female voice also was heard greeting and asking Marylin regarding Charlotte and heard footsteps rushing inside the house, calling Charlotte loudly. I sat and drank tea and ate delicious chocolate muffins with Harry and Julie.

After a few minutes, heard footsteps rush down the hall, Marylin rushed and called out to Charlotte, heard her saying, Nancy is here, Madam said you know which room to be allocated to her, Charlotte didn't seem to notice and said, will come back and do it and I heard the door close.

Before the door closed, I heard the male voice ask, who is here.

I felt disturbed with the way Charlotte responded and thought what she thinks she is, I want to rest, bath after such a long ride and here, I am sitting and waiting to be given a room.

I turned and looked at Marylin, I said Aunt, can you please show me a room here where I can have my bath and rest for a while, my back is killing me, she smiled and added, yes my dear,I have a spare bedroom here at the end of the hall, no one stays there, I will have this cleaned for you until your room is allocated.

I could not thank her enough for the pleasant gesture. Aunt had got my bags placed in the room. I was shown to the room and guess what, wow what a site, it was like a treehouse, and this room was on piles, wooden, neat and clean.

Big wide windows looking over a valley, full of houses. A wooden table and bench right near the window,beautiful just something I wanted.

The room was cold filled with breeze. I noted there was a second gate at the back of the mansion. I also saw some old cars and two bike at the back of the house. I will surely ask aunt what is this gate for.

I went in the shower, felt relieved with the cold water hitting my body and dripping down, I washed my hair with homemade shampoo, beautiful scent of flower mixed together, dad told me mum taught him to make perfume, body oil and shampoo out of the beautiful wildflowers from the jungle.

Dad made sure he packed these in my bags and told me not to use any other shampoo and oil on my hair and body.

I laid down on the wide soft bed so accommodating, and slowly dozed off.

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