Toy Story (completed)

By GlamDiva

11.5K 81 112

Woody is Andy's favourite toy and the leader of the toys of Andy's room. Opal and Buzz are Andy's new toys an... More

Toy story part.1
Toy story part.2
Toy story part.3
Toy story part.4
Toy story part.6
Toy story part.7
Toy story part.8
Toy story part.9
Toy story part.10
Toy story part.11
Toy story part.12
Toy story part.13
Toy story part.14
Toy story part.15
Toy story part.16
Toy story part.17

Toy story part.5

661 6 9
By GlamDiva

Buzz presses a button on his chest.

"He's okay." replied Opal,

(Voice Box) "Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!." he said,

The toys all GASP IN AWE.

"Wow!." replied Bo Peep,

"Hey, Woody's got something like that. His is a pull string. Only it's-." said Slinky,

"Only it sounds like a car ran over it." replied Mr.Potatohead,

"I think it's unique." said Opal,

"Thanks." replied Woody,

"Oh, yeah, but not like this. This is a quality sound system. Probably all copper wiring, huh? So, uh, where you from? Singapore? Hong Kong?." said Hamm,

"Well, no. Actually, I-I'm stationed up in the Gamma Quadrant of Sector Four. As a member of the elite Universe Protection Unit of the Space Ranger Corps, I protect the galaxy from the threat of invasion from the Evil Emperor Zurg, sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance." replied Buzz,

As Buzz speaks, Woody glances down at the box in which Buzz arrived.


There is a cartoon drawing of Buzz giving the exact, word-for-word spiel that Buzz is now giving.

"Oh, really? I'm from Playskool." said Mr.Potatohead,

"And I'm from Mattel. Well, I 'm not really from Mattel. I'm actually from a smaller company that was purchased in a leveraged buyout. Well, I don't really understand the financials, but..." replied Rex,

"I don't know exactly where I came from I wish I knew." said Opal,

"It's alright you'll find out someday." replied Slinky,

Woody walks over to Bo Peep.

"You'd think they've never seen a new toy before." said Woody,

"Well, sure. Look at him. He's got more gadgets on him than a Swiss Army knife." replied Bo Peep,

Slinky presses the button on Buzz's arm, activating his laser light. Buzz quickly pulls his arm away.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah! Please be careful. You don't want to be in the way when my laser goes off." said Buzz,

"Hey, a laser! How come you don't have a laser, Woody?." replied Mr.Potatohead,

"It's not a laser! It's a-- It's a little light bulb that blinks." said Woody,

"That may be true." replied Opal,

"What's with him?." said Hamm,

"Laser envy." replied Mr.Potatohead,

"All right, that's enough! Look, we're all very impressed with Andy's new toy." said Woody,

"Toy?." replied Buzz,

"Umm yeah." said Opal,

"T-O-Y. Toy." replied Woody,

"Excuse me, I-I think the word you're searching for is "Space Ranger." said Buzz,

"The word I'm searching for I can't say because there's preschool toys present." replied Woody,

"That's okay Woody you can say it." said Opal,

"Getting' kind of tense, aren't ya?." replied Mr.Potatohead,

"Oh! Uh, Mr. Lightyear, uh, now, I'm curious. What does a Space Ranger actually do?." said Rex,

"He's not a Space RangER! He doesn't fight evil or or shoot lasers or fly!." replied Woody,

"Excuse me." said Buzz,

Buzz calmly hits a button and wings pop out.

Again the toys GASP IN AWE.

"Oh, impressive wingspan! Very good!." replied Hamm,

"Oh, what?! What?! These are plastic. He can't fly!." said Woody,

"They are a trillium-carbonic alloy, and I can fly." replied Buzz,

"No, you can't." said Woody,

"Yes, I can." replied Buzz,

"You can't." said Woody,

"Can." replied Buzz,

"Can't. Can't. Can't!." said Woody,

"I tell you, I could fly around this room with my eyes closed!." replied Buzz,

"Okay, then, Mr. Light Beer, prove it." said Woody,

"All right, then, I will. (to toys) Stand back, everyone!." replied Buzz,

The crowd of toys make room for Buzz as he heads toward the edge of the bed and climbs up the bedpost. He poses like a high diver, shuts his eyes...

"I bet he can't really fly." said Opal,

"To infinity... AND BEYOND!!." replied Buzz,

...and leaps off the bed.

Buzz plummets straight down, hits a big rubber ball and bounces right back up.

He then lands on a Hotwheels car, which races him down the track, through the loop, and off a ramp. Buzz soars upward into a plane mobile hanging from the ceiling.

Buzz becomes wedged between the plane's wheels. The impact turns on the PLANE'S MOTOR making it (and Buzz) spin around and around.

All the other toys watch from the bed, mesmerized.

Finally, the centrifugal force causes Buzz to separate from the plane, sailing him across the room toward the bed.

Buzz makes a perfect landing right in front of Woody and then opens his eyes.

"Well that was okay I guess." said Opal,

"...can!." replied Buzz,


"WHOA!! Oh, wow, you flew (Mr. Potato Head whistles) magnificently!." said Rex,

"I found my moving' buddy." replied Bo Peep,

"Thank you. Th-Thank you all. Thank you." said Buzz,

"I still don't have a moving buddy oh well." replied Opal,

"That wasn't flying! That was... falling with style." said Woody,

"Man, the dolls must really go for you. (aside) Can you teach me that?." replied Mr.Potatohead,

Woody stands alone at the other end of the bed, fuming. Slinky, caught up in the euphoria, approaches Woody.

"Heh, heh, heh! Golly bob howdy!." said Slinky, (He says that all the time.)

"Oh, shut up! (All the toys chattered.) You know, in a couple of days, everything will be just the way it was. They'll see. They'll see. I'm still Andy's favorite toy." said Woody,


SONG: STRANGE THINGS plays over montage.


A) Andy plays with Woody: jumping up and down on the bed, running around the room.

Singer: I was on top of the world living high

It was right in my pocket

"Whoa!." replied Andy,

Singer: I was living' the life

Things were just the way they should be

B) Andy sets Woody down on the floor. Next, he "lands" Buzz Lightyear on the floor opposite Woody. Andy shoots Buzz's laser at Woody and then smacks Woody across the room as if he'd been blown away by the laser.

Singer: When from out of the sky like a bomb

Comes some little punk in a rocket

C) Andy runs into his closet wearing his cowboy hat and cowboy pajamas.


Andy runs out of the closet clad in Buzz Lightyear pajamas and a homemade spaceman's helmet.

Singer: Now all of a sudden, some strange things are happening to me

"Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!." said Andy,

D) Woody observes all the cowboy-themed items in the bedroom transform to space motif: the posters, the drawings on the wall, the pillow, the bedspread.

Singer: Strange things are happening to me

Strange things

E) Buzz watches Rex execute a WIMPY ROAR. The space ranger suggests a few tips for the dinosaur. Rex tries again, this time giving a "JURASSIC PARK" ROAR.

Singer: Strange things are happening to me

The roar blasts Potato Head's features right off his face.

Singer: Ain't no doubt about it

F) Woody passes Etch-A-Sketch, who's sporting a portrait of Buzz.

Woody looks across the room to see Buzz combing Troll Doll's hair, chatting away like a hair dresser.

Singer: I had friends I had lots of friends

Woody angrily shakes Etch, removing Buzz's image.

G) Rocky, Snake, Troll Doll and Rex are lifting Tinkertoys as weights. Buzz works out on top of an upside-down Robot, using his feet as a treadmill.

Singer: Now all my friends are gone

And I'm doing the best I can to carry on

Potato Head attempts to lift his Tinkertoy barbell but ends up tumbling backwards, leaving his arms connected to the barbell.

Singer: I had power (Chorus) Power

H) Woody looks under the bed for Slinky, finding only the checkerboard.

Singer: I was respected (Chorus) Respect

Woody peeks around the corner of the bed to see Slinky and Robot, under Buzz's direction, setting Buzz's "ship" up on top of ABC blocks for repair.

Singer: But not anymore

And I've lost the love of the one whom I adore

In frustration, Woody kicks the checkerboard, sending the pieces flying. One of the checkers ricochets off the dresser and boomerangs into Woody's mouth.

Singer: Let me tell you about it

I) On Andy's bed, Buzz pets Slinky whose back end is stretched over to the other side where Woody sits. Slinky's wagging tail whacks Woody in the face repeatedly.

Singer: Strange things are happening to me

Woody shoves Slinky's rear end off the bed, leaving his front end no choice but to eventually follow.

J) At bedtime, Andy loads his toys into the toybox until just Woody and Buzz are left. He deliberates as to which toy to keep and which to toss into the toybox.

Singer: Strange Things


Andy is sound asleep, with Buzz tucked under the covers next to him.

Singer: Strange things are happening to me

Ain't no doubt about it

Woody peeks out at them from the toybox.

Singer: Strange Things

Woody then sadly sinks back into the box, closing the lid to...


Singer: Strange Things


The black screen splits horizontally to become...

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