My Antidote - Soobin x Huenin...


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Huening Kai is a nurse in training and is assigned to watch a peculiar boy who always seems to be getting him... More



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Soobin wanted to fight back. All he wants to do is wipe that smug smile off of the other boy's face, but his body wouldn't allow it. Even the smallest movement would send a surge of pain coursing through his body.

But he couldn't let that stop him.

Slowly he pulled himself up from the ground only to bit knocked right back down by a baseball bat. "Just give it up already," the other voice sneered, "I'm getting bored of this."

"No," Soobin's voice wavered, but he refused to give up. This caused Soobin to receive another impact to the head.

"You really need to watch what you say before I end up killing you," the boy hovered the bat inches away from Soobin's face.

"You don't deserve to lead us," Soobin said in-between breaths, "You're not even a Choi."

The younger tossed the bat to the side and pinned Soobin down, "You're right. I'm a Kang and you're a Choi, yet I was selected to take over, not you. How pathetic is that?"

"Don't get too comfortable Taehyun," Soobin threatened through gritted teeth, "I'll take my rightful spot as the leader of the Choi Clan soon."

Taehyun chuckled as he observed the position they were in, "Over my dead body Choi Soobin." Taehyun stood back up and glared at the boy who still didn't move from the ground and let a sickly sweet smile appear on his lips, "You have ten minutes to get out of here," he picked up the baseball bat and swung it over his shoulder, "Or else."

Soobin watched as the younger walked away and waited for him to be out of sight before attempting to get back up. He groaned as his head ached but managed to stand up and leaned up against the wall. He used the wall to support him as he made his way to the door of the abandoned building. Soobin could hear a few conversations from his peers about their fight but he didn't care. They were all cowards for not standing up against this outsider. Once he reached the door he scanned the area until he saw a familiar silver haired boy, "Yeonjun!"

Yeonjun noticed Soobin and his expression immediately became concerned as he made his way over to the younger, "Did you get into another fight with Taehyun?"

Soobin slowly nodded his head and Yeonjun rolled his eyes, "You can't keep doing that! Your injuries are only getting worse!"

Soobin scowled, "I have to. It's not right."

"You just have to accept the fact that you dad picked him over you," Yeonjun furrowed his brows together, "I know it sucks but there's nothing we can do about it. Besides it's not like Taehyun is a bad leader."

Soobin sighed. He thought if anyone would have his back it would be Yeonjun.

"What's wrong Soobin?"

"Nothing," Soobin scoffed, "Can you just help me get home?"

Yeonjun looked around the room for someone, "Is Taehyun close by?"

"Who cares."

"You're right," Yeonjun flashed him a nervous grin and helped Soobin wrap his arm around Yeonjun's shoulder, "Let's go."


Huening Kai loves his job. Not many people can fully say that and mean it, but Kai is one of the few people he can.


It's technically not his job.

Not yet, that is.

"There's my favorite intern!" Beomgyu ran to Kai as soon as he entered the building and pulled him into a bear hug.

"Beomgyu," Kai whined at the tight embrace, "It's too hot for this."

"Love can beat any sort of weather or obstacle," Beomgyu finally pulled away, "And it's Dr. Choi to you."

"You're not even close to being a doctor yet!" Kai exclaimed, "You're just an intern like me."

"Yeah but check out this nifty doctor's coat Dr. Kim gave me," Beomgyu held out his arms and flapped his arms up and down, "This just means I'm one step closer to being the real deal!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Kai laughed.

"So once I graduate I'll be Dr. Choi, but what will you be?" Beomgyu rubbed his temples as if he was thinking really hard, "Will I just keep calling you Kai?"

"Actually," Kai pointed to Beomgyu, almost hitting his face, "It'll be nurse Kai to you!"Beomgyu tried his best to suppress his laughter and Kai pouted. "Nurses are just as credible as doctors!"

"I know, I know," Beomgyu grinned, "I just think it's cute is all."

"Well," Kai crossed his arms, "We will see who will be laughing when I start getting my paycheck while you're still studying at med school."

"Okay," Beomgyu puffed and Kai stuck his tongue out.

"There you are!" Dr. Kim came out of the office and grabbed Beomgyu by the ear, "What did I tell you about running off on your own?"

"I'm sorry!" Beomgyu gasped at the sudden pain, "I just saw Kai come in while I was leaving the vending machine and I wanted to say hello!"

Dr. Kim sighed and let go of Beomgyu, "Well, you said your hello, but now we have to go. My patient is waiting on us."

"I'm sorry Dr. Kim."

"Good morning Kai," Dr. Kim turned his attention to the younger boy, "It seems like Nurse Choi is going to be late again so you should go and take a seat in the lobby."

"Oh," Kai frowned, but was quick to return his smile, "Okay, will do."

"See you later Kai," Beomgyu waved as he followed Dr. Kim to the back of the building.

Kai sat in one of the beige colored chairs and began scrolling through his phone. He opened up Instagram and saw some pictures of his friends that were still in high school. Sometimes he wished he didn't graduate early and played dumb on those placement tests. At the same time he's happy to get on with his life and is able to be where he is now.

A woman rushed through the door, almost stumbling over herself. She looked around until she spotted the dark haired boy and smiled, "I'm so sorry I'm late Kai!"

"Is everything alright?" Kai asked as he noticed her disheveled appearance.

"It's my son. He came home with a lot of injuries last night," Nurse Choi shook his head, "Ever since his father passed away he seems to be getting hurt almost everyday."

Kai noticed Nurse Choi's voice was shaking and he got up to hug her.

"I don't know what to do Kai," Nurse Choi explained as she lightly pushed him off, "He won't talk to me or let me help him with his injuries."

"I'm so sorry," Kai looked at her with a tang of pity, "I wish there was something I could do to help."


"Well what?"

"I've been thinking for awhile now," Nurse Choi hesitated for a moment, "Of something you can do for my son."

"Oh?" Kai slightly tilted his head.

"Yes just" Nurse Choi looked around the lobby to make sure nobody was listening to them and hushed her voice, "Follow me to the break room."

"You're kinda scaring me," Kai admitted.

"Please Kai."

"Y-yeah," Kai followed Nurse Choi to the break room and they were now alone. He observed the kitchen like area before sitting down at the table. He never noticed how worn down the area was. The baby blue wallpaper was starting to peel away and the pain on the table and cabinet were also chipping. Not to mention the chair he was in was very wobbly. Kai held onto the edge of the table to make sure he didn't fall over.

"Coffee?" Nurse Choi asked, pulling out two mugs from one of the squeaky cabinets.

"Sure," Kai smiled, trying to ease the anxiety that was building up inside of him. Nurse Choi hasn't said much of anything since they entered the room and it was making Kai feel very uneasy.

After a few moments Nurse Choi sat in the seat across from Kai and placed the two drinks on the table, some of the liquid slipping from the cup, "I don't even know where to start."

"Please just tell me what you're thinking," Kai pursed his lips together, "It's best to just be straightforward about these kinds of things."

"The thing is," Nurse Choi cleared her throat, "I'm not sure if interns are allowed to do this sort of thing."

Kai widened his eyes, "Then I can't do it. I don't want to get in trouble." Kai didn't spend all of his time studying to get into a good school early just to throw it all away for a plan.

"You won't get in-"

"Is it illegal?" Kai shook his head, "Oh no, Nurse Choi, I can't get involved in the crime business."

"Calm down Kai!" Nurse Choi demanded. Kai gulped and continued to listen to Nurse Choi. "If someone were to get in trouble it would be me but I doubt that will even happen."

"Well," Kai went to take a sip of his coffee but accidentally burnt his tongue and almost dropped his drink, "Ah, sorry, but what is your plan?

"Do you know what a visiting nurse is?" Nurse Choi asked.

Kai nodded and had a feeling of where this is going.

"For the next month I want you to be a visiting nurse for my son," Nurse Choi explained, "Not only do your classes end way earlier then the time I get off of work, but you are also close to my son's age. I'm hoping you could try talking to him for me and see what's going on."

"It's not that I don't want to-"

"Please Kai!" Nurse Choi begged, "I hate seeing him so hurt and I'm running out of options."

Kai bit his lip, "I just don't know if I'm qualified for that."

"But you are! You're on of the best interns I've had in a while," Nurse Choi slammed her mug down, causing Kai to jump, and her drink to splatter everywhere, "And if you do it I'll even pay you!"

Kai slowly shook his head, "You really don't have to-"

"If you find out what's going on with him and figure out a way to stop it I'll buy your textbooks for a whole year!" she added.

Kai let out a small gasp, "A whole year?"

"A whole year," a smirk appeared on Nurse Choi lips, "And who knows he might even become your next boyfriend. I know how much you've been wanting one."

Kai couldn't help but allow his face to redden up, "D-don't tease me like that!"

Nurse Choi laughed for a few seconds before becoming serious again, "Please Kai. I'm really worried about Soobin. I already lost his father to violence and I don't want to lose him too."

"I, uh," Kai fiddled with his thumbs, "Are you sure I won't get in trouble?"

"I promise I won't let anything happen to you Kai," Nurse Choi assured him.

"Okay," Kai sucked in a breath, "I'll do it."

"Really?" Nurse Choi's face lit up, "Thank you so much Kai! When do you think you can start?"

"My latest class ends at three everyday."

"How does three to five everyday sound?" Nurse Choi questioned.

"S-sure," Kai smiled. The whole situation made him feel strange but there was no backing out now. Plus free textbooks for the rest of the year would help him a lot. He doesn't have a stable income at the moment.

"Starting today?" Nurse Choi winked at him.

"Why not?"

"You're the best! I'll pack you a medicine kit for you," Nurse Choi stood up and began to head towards her office, leaving their mess behind. Kai quickly got up and ran after her. "Oh, I also need to give you my address and key code for the house."


"How are you holding up?" Yeonjun asked his cousin who was laying on the couch.

"My head is still pounding," Soobin whined, "I thought it would be gone by now."

"He probably hit you hard," Yeonjun sat on the armrest of the couch, "That guy can be pretty ruthless."

"That's why he shouldn't lead us," Soobin threw his hands in frustration, "We weren't always such a violent gang."

"One day we'll get rid of that guy," Yeonjun rubbed one of Soobin's shoulders and the younger glared at him.

"That's not what you were saying last night."

"Well I didn't want him to hear if he was close by!" Yeonjun defended himself.

"Whatever," Soobin scoffed and rolled over so his back was facing outwards.

The two boys sat in silence and Yeonjun went to grab his phone when he realized that it was not in his pocket ,"I'll be right back."


Yeonjun headed up the stairs and Soobin closed his eyes. Maybe if he slept a little longer the pain would ease up a bit and he can try confronting that prick again. His soon to be slumber was interrupted by the door opening, but Soobin ignored it. He figured Yeonjun must have gone outside for something. It wasn't until heard an unfamiliar voice call out his name that he jumped up off the couch, "Who the hell are you?"

"Are you Soobin?"

"How do you know my name?" Soobin let his mind flood with possibilities, "Taehyun sent you here didn't he?" Soobin clenched his fists, "You better leave before I hurt you!"

Kai could feel the boy's glare piercing through his soul. What is he supposed to do? He's never met anyone so hostile before. Kai went to speak but he couldn't find the right words.

"Leave my house now!" Soobin yelled, "If Taehyun wants to be violent," Soobin picked up the vase that was sitting on the coffee table, "Then so can I!"

Kai quickly took a few steps back until his back was against the door, "P-please, I , uh, no."

"Why are you still here?" Soobin raised his voice even more which Kai didn't think was possible."

"I-I don't even k-know who this Taehyun person i-is!"

"Why are you being so loud?" Yeonjun groaned as he made his way down the stairs and his eyes fell on an unfamiliar figure, "Who are you?"

This guy was a lot calmer than the first person he talked to so Kai hoped he could explain himself better, "My name is Kai and I was sent here by Nurse Choi."

"Nurse Choi," Yeonjun clicked his tongue, "He's talking about your mom Soob. I doubt it has anything to do with the gang so get a hold of yourself."

Soobin slowly lowered the vase and crossed his arms, not taking his eyes off of Kai, "Why did my mom send you here?"

"She wants me to work as a visiting nurse for the person named Soobin," Kai tapped his foot anxiously as he explained the situation, "I'm guessing that's you?"

"I don't need someone to watch after me," Soobin stated coldly and Kai flashed him a smile.

"Your mother is worried about you so I'm just here to check up on you."

"As you can see, I'm fine, so you can leave."

Kai shook his head, "Two hours a day."


"I have to," Kai shrugged, "It's my job."

Soobin looked like he was about to curse out the younger when Yeonjun joined in on the conversation, "Hey this might be a good thing."

"What are you talking about?" Soobin looked at Yeonjun in disbelief, "How is this situation good?"

"If he's a nurse he knows how to treat your wounds and can help you heal faster," Yeonjun nudged him, "The faster you heal, the faster we can figure out what to do about Tae."

"I guess," Soobin muttered under his breath, obviously unhappy about the situation.

"How long are you going to be coming here for?" Yeonjun asked him.

"Two hours a day," Kai repeated.

"I know," Yeonjun waved him off, "I mean how many days."

"Oh, sorry," Kai nervously chuckled, "I'm supposed to come here everyday until the 28th of April."

"The 28th- that's a whole month from now!" Soobin complained.

"Wow it seems like you guys are going to be spending a lot of time together," Yeonjun chuckled, "You two should try and get to know each other better."

"Don't even think about leaving," Soobin said through gritted teeth.

"You can't tell me what to do! I'm older than you, remember that," Yeonjun smiled before turning away to head back up the stairs, "At least try to play nice."

Kai waited for the silver haired boy to leave before speaking, "So, uh, can you take a seat on the couch for me."

Soobin didn't say anything and reluctantly did as he was told.

"So what seems to be the problem?" Kai asked with a smile on his face. He could see a few bruises around his face area and some scuffs on his arms, but what Soobin felt was bothering him was Kai's top priority.

"My head hurts."

Kai ran his hand through Soobin's pink hair, which was as soft as Kai had imagined, and felt for any bumps. He found a big area that felt swollen and he could feel Soobin flinch when he touched that area. The bump was also right above the bruises that were on Soobin's cheek and jaw. "What did you do?" Kai asked as his worry grew.

"Does it matter?" Soobin snapped back, "As long as it gets better what caused it shouldn't be a big deal."

"If you tell me what caused it I can figure out a solution much easier," Kai calmly explained as he ran his fingers along the bruises.

Soobin slapped his hand away, "It may be harder but it's not impossible, right?"

"Yeah but-"

"You don't need to know what's going," Soobin sternly stated.

Kai's smile wavered but didn't drop completely. Soobin noticed this but didn't let it get to him. His mom probably sent him to spy on him or something. She's a nurse so the need for a visiting nurse made no sense to him.

Kai didn't say anything and got up to grab the medicine box. He pulled out an ice pack and returned to Soobin, placing it on top of the bump. Soobin jumped at the cold impact and pushed Kai away from him.

"Are you scared of it?" Kai softly giggled.

"No!" Soobin's cheeks were a little flushed, "I just don't like how it feels."

"I know but if I don't do it the swelling will take forever to go down," Kai said, "Let me help you out, okay?"

"Fine," Soobin pouted his lip and crossed his arms. Soobin flinched a little when the ice pack touched him.

Soobin may be a bit scary but Kai had to admit the boy was really cute. It was probably because Kai was such a hopeless romantic but he could see them getting together. Definitely. The classic bad boy cliche. Soobin is so cold towards everyone then suddenly Kai comes into his life and they hate each other. Eventually as they are forced to spend more time with each other they become more open and realize they aren't so different after all and the bad boy really isn't so bad. By the end of the month they will fall in love and go on cute little dates to the park, the movies, and-

"Are you okay?" Soobin looked at the younger in a funny way, "Your face is really red."

"I-" Kai jumped back and covered his face, dropping the ice pack in the process.

"What is with you?"

"Sorry," Kai regained his composure and his smile was no longer there. He was already messing things up. Kai picked up the ice pack and handed it to Soobin, "Can you hold this on your wound for me."

Soobin took it and did as he was told. Kai made his way to the kitchen on the hunt for a glass of water. After opening a few cabinets he finally found the cups and was able to fill it with water. He returned to the living room and gave it to Soobin to hold in his free hand. Kai then grabbed his medicine bag and pulled out a bottle, retrieving two pills out of it.

Kai held the pills in front of Soobin's mouth, "Open."

Soobin shook his head.

"You have to," Kai sighed, "They will help you feel better."

Soobin handed the glass of water to Kai and took the pills away from Kai, taking them himself. Soobin then took back the glass of water. "You don't have to make it weird like that."

"Sorry," Kai frowned and took a seat next to Soobin, "Is there any other injuries that are particularly bugging you at the moment."


"The bruises and scrapes don't hurt?" Kai asked, observing his arms.

"I'm fine."

"If anything changes let me know," Kai wanted to check him for other injuries, but didn't want to make the pink haired boy mad again.

"I'll be fine."

"So, uh, do you wanna talk about stuff?" Kai fiddled with the ends of his sleeves, "Like that other guy said, we should get to know each other better."

"Sorry I'm not interested."

"Oh," Kai didn't know why but he felt like his heart just got shattered into a million pieces. There goes the chance of that relationship.

Soobin noticed how sad the other boy looked and couldn't help but feel a bit guilty, "I-It's nothing personal. I just don't want to talk while my head hurts."

"Oh!" Kai grinned once again. There's still a chance! His cliche romance fantasies are coming true.

Well maybe.

The two boys sat in silence. Soobin had his eyes closed and Kai was on his phone. Every now and then Kai would sneak a peek at the older to make sure he was okay. Eventually it was time for Kai to leave.

He packed up everything except for the ice pack. He was pretty sure Soobin was asleep and didn't want to wake him. Plus he'll see him tomorrow so it's not really a big deal

"I'll see you tomorrow cutie," Kai whispered before leaving the house.


Once Kai returned back to his dorm he threw down his stuff down and flopped onto the bed. He didn't realize how exhausted he was. He shut his eyes for a minute or so before sitting back up. He had almost forgotten to do something very important, "Beomgyu are you home?"

Kai called out for his roommate and luckily got no answer. He's grateful his roommate and best friend was such a social butterfly so he could get some alone time every now and then.

Kai went to his closet and pulled out a small yellow book. He made sure to hide it under all his stuff so Beomgyu wouldn't be able to find it. He's also very lucky that his roommate is awful at looking for things.

Kai returned to his bed smiling, making sure to grab a pen off of his desk, and flipped to an empty page. He pressed the pins against his lips as he tried to figure out where to start.

Kai giggled when he finally figured out a good way to start his entry today.

"Dear diary, today I met a boy."



I'm still in the process of writing Sugar, Please but I'm so excited for this story and I couldn't wait much longer to share it with you guys!

This is a new story so I hope you guys are just as excited for it as I am!

Please let me know your thoughts down below in the comments it will help guide me so much while writing this! Besides I love hearing from you guys. It's what motivates me to keep doing what I do!

And as always, thank you so much for reading :)

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