The Flower Shop/Hiatus/Discon...

By brightlights101

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She saw him in a rehab facility. He saw her in a flower shop. ... Her name was Daisy Levingston, twenty two... More



6.8K 337 23
By brightlights101

All rights reserved...@brightlights101

November 24, 2017

Smile Jackson, you deserve to.

After having a rough night of tossing and turning, Daisy woke up at six in the morning. She let Seb wonder the great outdoors in the backyard, letting him take this time to bathe in all its glory before they go back home in the next couple of days.

Daisy started a pot of coffee, even towards her dislike for the brew, she needed something to keep her awake. Staying somewhere unfamiliar always left her uneasy, but she knew after the next couple of nights here she'd be sleeping like a baby in no time. That's if Daisy could get past Jackson's snoring too.

She stood by the sink, staring out the window as the sun peaked over the house in front of her, holding the warm cup of coffee in her hands. Everyone was still asleep in the next room over. And everyone was still asleep upstairs. It was just her and her thoughts. Or so she thought.

"You must be an early bird or you couldn't sleep," Devin walks in already dressed and ready to go somewhere.

"Couldn't sleep," she responds. "Want a cup?"

"Yes, please."

Devin takes a sip from his freshly poured cup and thanks Daisy. They stand in silence.

Devin clears his throat and gestures her to sit down with him at their small four seater table.

"Tell me, what are your intentions with my son?" He breaks the ice with a joke, hoping to ease the awkwardness.

To play along, Daisy says, "I can promise you this, there will be no X-rated shenanigans without consent first."

"I like you," he chuckles. "No wonder why my son is so smitten with you. You're a real catch."

Her cheeks flush red.

"So, what are you doing up so early?"

"Job searching."

"How's that going?"

"It's hard to be quite honest. When you haven't been in the work force for over a decade, the chances of being hired is not great. And with the times changing and companies expecting more than a high school diploma the competition is getting harder. But I promised Caroline that I'd try and that's what I'm doing."

"I'm very happy to hear that," Daisy places her hand on his.

"I'm sure my son hasn't painted the nicest picture of me, but I look to change things. I'm hoping that maybe me and my sons can somehow, someday mend what I've broken."

"Only time will tell."

A car horn goes off outside the house.

Devin stands up, "that's my ride. I'll see you for lunch."

"Okay," she waves him goodbye. "Good luck."

Finishing off her coffee, Daisy heads back upstairs to take a shower. She creeps into Jackson's room and grabs clothes for the day. He was still passed out, completely unaware.

Only taking a mere five minutes in the shower, she steps out and wraps a towel around her. Swiping a hand over the fogged in mirror and inspects her complexion, looking for any imperfections.

Abrupt and quick knocks hit the bathroom door. She jumps.

"Someone's in here," she says.

"Daisy, oh thank god it's you!" Yells Liam. "I need to take a piss. Open the door."

"I'm a little busy at the moment."

"And I'm about to burst a pipe in any minute. Come on! I'll be quick."

"Okay, just let me put on my-"

"No time!" He twists the doorknob and pushes in. Daisy is completely dumbfounded, she knew she locked that door.

"How did you-"

"No time to explain," he pushes his way in and starts to pull down his boxers. Daisy flees the scene and stumbles out into the hallway. Liam closes the door behind her.

Daisy soon hears him peeing. It sounded like a raging waterfall.

Completely exposed, she stands outside waiting to be let back in. But after awhile of not hearing him peeing, she knocks on the door.

"I thought you said you had to pee!"

"This has obviously turned into a number two situation."


The door to Jackson's room opens and Jackson steps out rubbing his eyes, annoyed.

"It's six in the god damn morning, why the hell-" his eyes regain focus and he notices Daisy's towel covered body standing in the middle of hallway. Without hesitation he grabs her arm and pulls her into the room.

"What were you doing naked outside in the hallway?" He questions. "Do you know how many single men are in this house?"

"I didn't ask to be vacated from the bathroom. Your brother somehow magically picked the lock on the door and kicked me out to take a piss. And plus, everyone is still asleep."

"Men can sense when there are naked women," was the lamest excuse Daisy had ever heard from a man to conceal their obvious jealousy.

"Okay, Tarzan," she snickers taking a seat on the edge of the bed with a firm grip on her towel.

"What are you even doing up this early anyway?" He asks, dismissively.

"Couldn't sleep."

Immediately, Jackson feels bad. "I forgot about the fact you have a hard time being in new places."

"It's okay. My body will soon get used to it."

The mention of body made Jackson forget that she was wet and naked on his bed in just a towel. There was a sudden stiffness in his boxers. He curses himself out in his head and he quickly walks to his window with his back towards her.

"Everything okay?" She asks.

"Peachy," he grits.

Liam walks into the room, "I'm out. You can go back in, but I'd hold your breath."

Daisy rolls her eyes and stands up, passing Liam on her way out. But he stops her before she can get to the bathroom.

"On second thought, I can use a shower. Do you think you can help me again, Daisy? I do miss those hands of yours."

"Liam," Jackson warns still facing his window. "Don't tempt me."

"You okay there, brother? You look like you're about to start a really sad music video."

"Leave me."

"What's with him?" He asks Daisy.

"I don't know. All I said was that once my body gets used to staying here I'll be able to sleep fine." Liam gives her a once over and realizes almost immediately what was wrong with his brother. He takes this opportunity to tease him.

"Is little Jackson up and ready?" Liam makes fun.


"Do you need any socks? Cause I always carry extra." Liam starts laughing even harder. "Or how about lotion?"

Not understanding their inside jokes, Daisy leaves them to their antics and returns to the bathroom. By the time she gets the door closed, she hears Liam shriek.

"Oh little Jackson is up!" He shouts.

"I'm going to kill you!" Jackson yells. Daisy knew that was bound to have everyone up by now.

After getting ready, Daisy heads downstairs where everyone was slowly waking up. Of course from the help of Liam and Jackson causing a ruckus.

That morning, Daisy makes breakfast for everyone. Including her trusty sidekick, Seb who made sure he got the first dig in before anyone else.

Jim and his family came over an hour later, then Bill joined. Everyone was finally where they were supposed to be. Around the house, eating, talking and smiling. All that was missing was Devin. But Daisy knew he had more important matters.

By the time lunch rolled by, everyone was in the living room playing a game of dominoes on the floor when everyone heard Devin shouting from outside.

He was yelling Caroline's name.

"Caroline! Caroline!" He yelled, everyone rushes outside the front door.

"What Devin?"

He runs to her and scoops her up, spinning her around. "I got the job!"

Caroline screams in excitement.

"What did I hear?" Beth questioned. "Did I hear my brother got himself a job?"

"Damn right, sis," Devin puts Caroline down, welcoming his siblings congratulatory hugs.

Everyone was excited for him, except Jackson. Devin approaches him warily, almost scared.

"I got a job," he said.

Jackson looks him up and down. "I give you a week," and he turns around and walks back into the house.

That was obviously not what Devin expected to hear.

"I'll go talk to him," Daisy says.

"No," Devin sighs. "I will."

Jackson was met in the kitchen by his father. He was cracking a beer open.

"Don't you think it's a little early in the afternoon to be drinking?"

"You're one to talk," Jackson snickers.

"Look, Jackson-"


"Jack, look, I'd really like to sit down and talk to you."

Jackson wasn't in the mood to have a heart to heart and wanted to pass his father and head back out to the others but Devin was adamant. He stands in the way blocking the only entrance out.

Jackson looks at Devin almost challengingly.

"Just listen. You don't even have to talk. Please," Devin begs. "Can we just step outback?"

"And if I do this you'll leave me the hell alone?"

"Yes," Devin says quickly.


Not feeling like picking back up on their game of dominoes, Daisy sits curled up on the couch, wringing her fingers together hoping all is going well outside. She could only wonder what they were talking about. And if any of what they were saying was making any difference.

It was about a good solid fifteen minutes before either of them showed their faces. Jackson takes a seat next to Daisy and she immediately asks if everything was okay. He took her hand and gave a reassuring squeeze.

Caroline followed Devin into the kitchen to ask the same of him. They never said what they talked about and both the girls wondered if they ever would.

Later that afternoon, Bill ended up leaving early to go back home. He thanked everyone for having him and for making this Thanksgiving one for the books.

Daisy helps him to his lyft with a plate full of leftovers.

Before she closes the door she says, "within just a matter of twenty four hours, I made a family. I think now I understand what it means to have a family that isn't by blood but by choice. I always used that reference but now I understand it's true meaning."

"It only gets bigger from here."

Everyone who was left waves Bill off, and the gang gets started on devising their plan to surprise Jackson that evening.

Fabian, Rick and Cameron go off to retrieve key items in order to play their little charades while Isabel and Liam are left to retrieve the fluids from the local store. And Jim and his wife and baby head back to his grandmothers, where he drops off his girls to meet the other three boys. Leaving Daisy to occupy Jackson's time.

"You're hiding something from me," he states. "What is it?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Really then, tell me why everyone has left."

"Not everyone is gone. Your parents, aunt and uncles are still here. And I'm here too. Maybe they all went out to eat."


"What are you trying to say, you don't want to spend precious time with me?" She flutters her eyelashes and puckers her lips.

"When you put it that way," he grins mischievously. "We can go upstairs and-"

"Okay you horny teenagers, I don't want to hear no Fifty Shades of Grey going on inside my sisters household," Tracy points an accusing finger.

Daisy's face turns red.

"Because I remember when your father," she refers to Devin. "And your mother would go at in the next room over from mine when we were younger and I still have nightmares about it to this day and-"

"Enough!" Everyone shouts at her. Her hands go up in surrender.

"I'm just saying," she laughs.

"All right, who wants to play a game of charades?" Hope asks.

"I do!" Daisy puts her hand up.

"Who else?"

Everyone but Jackson and Devin's hands go up. Their women coax them to play along to their demise.

They played for a solid thirty minutes. Across from the street, as you look into the Daniel's family home through their window, for once in almost two decades was a family who were all smiling and laughing. The neighborhood for once not having to stand outside on their porch as a set of cop cars are called on scene.

They were for once normal.

Daisy gets a text from Isabel saying it was go time. Everyone knew what was expected, except for Jackson who was completely left in the dark.

They put on their coats and head to his car.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?"

"It's a surprise."

"I don't like surprises," he says as they get inside his car.

"You'll like this one, I promise. Now start up the car and follow my directions."

Ten minutes went by and Jackson pulled up to a baseball park, an all too familiar baseball park at that. When he steps out of the car and meets her in front of it, he is left speechless as he sees his friends gathered at the center of the diamond.

"Surprise!" She sings. "You surprised?"

"What is all this?"

"I wanted to do something nice for you, so I asked your family what you liked to do during your troubled youth. And they told me you liked to sneak out to this place when times felt suffocating. You like it?"

His smile told her everything and more.

They walk to the center of the field where everyone stood waiting. There was a bucket of baseballs at the pitchers plate and a line of five bats behind home plate.

"Remember the times we all came out here looking for you?" Rick questioned. "And all the times we got wasted and hit home runs? Well we're about to do that all over again tonight!"

The look of a young boy came out of Jackson in that moment. He was beyond excited and couldn't wait to bring back old memories. Good memories.

"Well, what are we all doing standing here! Let's line up!" Isabel shouts.

Jackson was first to crack open the ice chest filled with bottles of Budweiser.

Jim takes first shift as the guy who runs the pitching machine while the others get the chance to hit.

Cameron is up first. And already Jim is at it with his antagonizing jokes to distract the batter from getting a clean shot.

"Let's see what little baby boy Cameron can do besides jerk off to his favorite porn star WinDixie."

The ball is thrown and Cameron hits it right field.

Up next was Rick.

"Old Ricky boy, steppin up to the plate. Maybe you'd step to the plate and actually settle down with one woman instead of catching STD's," the ball is thrown and Rick hits it straight towards Jim. Jim swerves to the right laughing.

Rick threatens, "next time I'm aiming right for your head."

Next was Isabel.

"Say anything Jim, and I'll make sure your daughter doesn't have any siblings cause I'll aim for your dick and you know I don't miss."

Jim zips his lips together and places the ball in the machine. Isabel hits it and goes into left field.

Next was, Daisy.

"Oh, no, no, no," she backs up.

"Oh come on!" Jim shouts. "I promise I got nothing bad to say about you!"

"Come on, Daisy. Play along," Fabian encourages. "I promise if Jim says anything like he says he won't, which we all know he will, I promise I'll aim right for his jewels."

"I-well...I've never played before."

"What?" They all question.

"I never had the chance to play anything growing up."

"Well, that changes tonight" Liam steps up, handing her a bat. "Come up, here" he pulls her up to home plate. "Stand here. Spread your feet apart, bend your knees," she follows his instructions. "Now grip the bat here and here," she does. "Now, raise your elbow. You ready?"

"No, but yes."

"All right, Jim! Let 'er go!"

She swings and misses. They encourage her to go on. Another ball is thrown and she hits at the edge of the bat, it flies behind them.

Daisy sets up again, this time more determined. The ball is thrown and Daisy hits it centerfield.

She squeals in excitement, jumping up and down in place. They all run to her with the same amount of hype.

"I did it! I did it," she exclaims to Jackson. "What a rush! Can I go again?"

"Go for it, you can take my spot."

She rushes back to the plate and picks up the dropped bat, ready then ever. This time after hitting the ball, she runs through all three bases.

As Daisy runs, Isabel walks up to Jackson.

"Look at us," she says. "All happy and everything. Who would've thought."

"Yeah, who would've."

"Even though I'm talking to a girl right now, Daisy is still fair game," she makes light of the situation to get a rise out of Jackson. He shoves her and makes a bet to see who can hit the farthest. The winner gets twenty bucks.

Eleven o'clock rolled by and everyone was buzzed except for Daisy and Liam. They called it in that night and packed up everything and put in the Jackson's car.

Jackson reassured Daisy he was sober but his obvious swaying back and forth didn't make his case any better. So they all agreed that Daisy would steer, Isabel would sit up front and the boys would push the car to his parents house.

Jackson took the driver side of the car, Liam took the passengers side while Fabian, Rick and Cameron pushed from the back.

"Now, all you gotta do is steer straight."

"Why can't your brother do this? I don't want to-"

"Since you and my brother are the only sober ones here, I trust you more than my dumbass of a brother. And maybe, someday, I'll teach you how to drive stick. Sound like a plan?"

"Sounds great!" She smiles. "So drive straight?"

"All you have to do, besides a couple of turns here and there. But I got you in case anything happens."

"Okay," she puts her hands on the steering wheel. "All right boys, start pushing!"

They all grunt simultaneously.

After an hour of pushing, they finally roll up to Jackson and Liam's parents house. They all sigh in relief.

Jim hitches a ride back home from Max, while everyone else gets ready for bed.

Jackson walked into the room after taking a shower, Daisy was lathering on lotion. The cold weather always reeved havoc on her skin.

He walked in with only his boxers on, Daisy catches sight of his scar again. Scared to ask, she does anyway, somehow.

"Did you have fun?"

"I did," his lips curved into a smile. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

She turns off the light and they both slide under the covers. Silence. The question itching away at her.



"Can I ask you something personal about yourself?"


"How did you get that scar?"

He heaves in an uneasy breath.

Daisy immediately goes to apologize when he says, "I was in a IED accident two years ago, part of the reason why I'm back in the states."

"Oh my god, Jackson. I'm sorry. What happened?"

"My team and I went out to do our routinely rounds in the outbacks of Afghanistan. We were driving in our Humvee when an arsenal strike came out of nowhere and struck the truck I was in. I had shrapnel in my chest. My lung collapsed and there was a tear in my right coronary artery. I was opened right on the spot by one of the medics we had with us in case of a situation like that," he pauses. His stare focused on the ceiling. He was reliving the moment and a cold sweat began to collect on the corners of his forehead.

"That's how I got my scar. I was shipped back to America the next day. I was relieved of my duties and sat in a hospital for a couple of months before I was released."

"Thats horrible, Jackson. You had your mom with you though, right?"

"Yes," he sounded almost disappointed. "If I had it my way I wouldn't have told her.  But because she's my emergency contact number my lieutenant made sure she was the first one to call."

"Why wouldn't you want someone there?"

"Preference. I just don't like to see my mom worried."

"I'm sorry," she says again quietly.

"Daisy, it's okay," he reassures. "I'm okay. I was one of the fortunate ones to have made it out."

"One of the fortunate?"

"Four of my brethren died that day. I was fortunate under the circumstances I was in. My chances were slim, my outcome wasn't high. My mom calls it gods miracle. She said that she prayed for me everyday while I was stationed that's why I was able to make it out okay. At least that's what got her through the night."

"That's absolutely insane. I can't believe you went through all that. But you're okay now?"

"I'd like to answer that with a yes, but no one is ever really okay after coming back from that. But I'd like to say I'm managing."

They lay in silence once again.



"Have I told you that you've made me smile more than anyone in my entire life before?"

She smiles. "No, I don't think you have."

"Well, you do."

Smile Jackson, you deserve to. And I'm thankful I can do that for you.

A/N: What? Another update within a week? Damn, who is this girl?! Just kidding. With all this time on my hands, I've got the time.

Also, it has come to my attention that I've been getting names wrong with my characters. For example, Isabel and Bill. So, as you all have noticed I've been calling Isabel, Isabella. And Paul is actually Bill. I am so sorry, there are so many names it's hard to keep track of. From now on, I'll do better.

I hope you all are staying safe and clean. Love you all.

Vote. Comment. Smile.

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