Ducktales 2017: Gizmoduck's...

By wolfchibi27

16.9K 327 206

Maria Rose is the niece of famous adventurer Scrooge McDuck. She was adopted by Donald Duck shortly after Del... More

A Normal Day In Duckberg.....Right?!
Helping An Adorable Nerd Out
A Little Break Is Just What You Need
Fenton's Sick Day
Beware The B.U.D.D.Y System/ Fenton!!???
Our First Date Together
Dewey-Dew-Night!: The Romantic Pair!
Watching The Stars Together
Who Is Gizmoduck?....My One And Only Hero!
Rewrite Time!!!! (Not an official chapter)

McMystery At McDuck Mannor!

1.6K 24 27
By wolfchibi27

Maria's Point Of View
I was currently organising my bouquets on the dining room table for my current clients as Huey came rushing in with Dewey and Louie following him.

He was walking frantically up and down, muttering something about party supplies as I looked over to Louie as he mouthed 'Birthday Party' which made me worried.

Anytime a party came up wether it be birthdays or surprise parties, Huey would go over the top and in Dewey's words have a case of..and I quote: "Party madness"

Huey: "Of course we need a giant chalkboard for the best game possible.....crossword!!! all about the man of honour obviously....oh Balloons!!!....definitely need balloons I mean what kind of party doesn't have balloons!!"

Louie: "Huey! calm down it's just a party"

Huey: "Just....a party? Maria! You get why I'm doing this....this is for our adventurous Uncle Scrooge that everyday brings joy to our hearts"

I tried to not awe at my brother who was looking at the junior woodchuck guidebook circling important details for the party as Louie and Dewey sighed walking away to get the peperations for the party started.

Since he was little, I've always supported Huey by attending his annual junior woodchuck meetings and always cheering for him when Huey earns another badge for his amazing efforts.

It reminded me of memories being a fellow junior woodchuck myself.

It's been ages since me and Fenton were in the junior woodchucks together gaining badges, camping and cooking s'mores in pairs and even gazing at the stars.

Knowing Huey can get a bit.....obsessed with a party I, being the big/loyal sister decided to have a break from my business and kneel down, stopping him from having a actual

Me: "Okay Huey calm down-I'll help decorate for the party as well as helping you set up the schedule, Meanwhile Dewey sorts out the music and I'm thinking Louie sends out the invitations?!

Louie: "You got it sis"

Dewey: "Dewey's time to shine in the spotlight of fame and fortune!"

Me: "All right gang let's throw our uncle a party he'll never forget!!"

Huey: "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about we'll need at least a few...dozen invitations labelled Exclusive!! Oh maybe with golden lettering Ah! I love my party planning brain!...Thanks Maria!"

Me: "Junior Woodchuck Rule #162 a junior woodchuck always looks out for their fellow woodchuck"

Once he hugged me and walked off muttering away, I headed to Scrooge's garage looking around before finding an old box of party decorations labelled 'Never to be used again' as I debated putting the box back from where it came from.

But once I saw Huey's excited expression and him jumping up and down in one place I made up my mind, bringing the box into the mansion and sorting out the balloons and ortaments.

I just can't disappoint my family like that.

Dewey started to practise his Dj act as 'Dj Daft Duck' as I helped Louie put the finishing touch to the letters as he started to send the letters to the invitated guests 'the Louie way'.....which means he somehow scammed the mailman into doing his bidding.

With the decorations placed and the food made for the guests from the best of my ability although I had to keep the boys away from in Louie's words 'Taste-Testing', Huey pushed me towards the staircase in order to get ready for the gathering.

Huey: "C'mon Maria, the dress code is fancy and fabulous!!"

Me: "Alright I'm going, I'm going"

As I stepped into my room making sure the door was locked as well as the curtains were closed, I stepped towards my bed and pulled out a wrapped present that I used some of my savings on for Uncle Scrooge.

Knowing Scrooge was a world famous treasure hunter and collector of ancient artefacts it was hard knowing exactly what to buy the richest duck in the world.

Hopefully Uncle Scrooge will like his gift.


TimeSkip brought to you by Huey fuelling his Party Ego.

3rd Point Of View
As Scrooge slumps down in his seat in anger Huey tries to lighten his mood by announcing the party agenda for the evening.

Huey: "So, next is mingling from 6:00 to 6:05, Bathroom break at 6:06, but keep it under a minute 'cause at 6:07 we're scheduled to have fun!"

Dj Daft Duck: "A fun time!"

Dj Daft Duck plays various sound effects from his keytar which include cheering and a sheep bleating causing Scrooge to stare in disbelief.

Scrooge: "What the blazes was that?"

Huey: "Oh, just the one and only DJ Daft Duck"

Dj Daft Duck: "Yeah! What up, Yo?"

Huey: "Dewey's only answering to his DJ name tonight, just go with it"

Scrooge: "Why are there a bunch of masked weridoes in my house?"

Huey: "Louie's put together a guest list of Duckberg's most powerful and elite"

The boys + Scrooge turn to face 4 masked strangers looking very familar but alas in ingognito as the famiy don't regonise them.

Huey: "It's about quality not quantity"

Louie: "Everyone here is kind of a big deal, You know we had to make it a costume party to throw the paparazzi, Get in the spirit!"

Louie puts a fake smiling Scrooge mask onto him before Scrooge removes it, revealing his frustration clearly to the boys.

Louie: "Or not it's cool"

Scrooge: "Ugh this is going to be a long night, wait where's your sister?"

Suddenly gasps are heard as the guests including the family stare towards the top of the staircase seeing Maria holding a present, wearing a beautiful dress with familiar eyes staring at her in disbelief.

As she gracefully steps down the stairs she is unaware of her brothers holding onto each other trying not to squeal from her presence.

Maria smiles putting the present onto the table walking past two certain guests unaware of their jaws dropped because of her.

Maria smiles, standing in between Huey and Louie as she greets Scrooge, peeking over at Huey's schedule.

Maria: "Oh Happy Birthday Uncle Scrooge!, Glad you're liking the party so far just wait until you see what Huey's got planned for a night, dedicated only to you"

Louie: "Where did you get that dress from, It's so...fancy"

Maria: "Oh uncle Gladstone sent it to me as he won it in a ring toss, what are the odds"

Scrooge: "Of course"

Huey: "Come on hop aboard the party express!!"

Maria backs away watching from a distant as Scrooge rejects every one of Huey's party games, making Maria feel frustrated as he calls a quick staff meeting.

She sighs, walking up to Scrooge with a concerned expression.

Maria: "You know, Huey put a lot of hard work to give you the perfect party experience"

Scrooge: "I know Lass, but I hate celebrating my blasted birthday each long year"

Maria: "Of course but it would really mean a lot to Huey if you enjoyed at least one of his ideas, c'mon please?"

Scrooge: "I'm sorry Lass but my mind's made up"

Maria takes a quick sigh before placing her hand on Scrooge's shoulder, trying to not lose her temper.

Maria: "Perhaps I didn't make it clear accept one of Huey's party ideas., or I'll make sure you won't get it have another treasure hunting adventure......EVER AGAIN"

Scrooge gulps as flames come from behind her before it disappears as she smiles softly again seeing Huey come from the curtains, a confident expression clear on his face as Scrooge walks away, trying to use his mask as a decoy.

Huey: "Oh-ho there's the birthday boy!, I've got just the thing to help get you into the birthday mood!"

Maria turns off the lights with Dewey turning on the most labelled 'Mist opportunity' as a dark figure appears at the top of the staircase as Maria looks on in amazement.

Huey: "Ladies and Gentleman, grand illusionist and Master of the Arcane, Nik Nokturne"

Nik Nokturne: "Spelled with two K's 'cause I made the c's....disappear!"

Maria awkwardly claps for him, trying not to laugh at his act knowing it was going to be terrible but still let's out a snigger.

Scrooge: "Ugh, if there's one thing I hate more than birthday parties, it's birthday party magicians!, Ugh!"

Huey: "Well, good thing he's an illusionist, then!"

Nik Nokturne makes his way over to one of the guests, starting a card trick, shuffling in a dramatic fashion.

Scrooge: "The card's in his pocket next to a dove"

The card falls out of his pocket as the dove flies off somewhere in the mansion as Maria tries to stay positive and claps for the illusionist.

Nik Nokturne: "You, nonbeliever, come forth to experience real magic!"

In an instance Nik Nokturne reappears next to a box as DJ Daft Duck plays ominous music to suit the mood.

Nik Nokturne: "Behold, the Abyss Box!"

Scrooge: ".....Nope!"

Huey: "But, Uncle Scrooge, you have to, for the party"

Before Scrooge can say no to Huey, he spots Maria with a death glare his way as he sighs in defeat walking into Nik's Abyss box.

Scrooge: "To be clear, you want me to hide inside this trap door in here?"

Nik Nokturne calls upon the spirits as the lights suddenly go out followed by sounds of crashing and a flash going off.

Then.... a mysterious voice is heard.

???: "The party has just begun"

The lights turn on as the Abyss box is destroyed with Huey, Dewey, Louie and Maria stepping closer to inspect further.

Huey: "Hang on. Our dear old Uncle Scrooge wouldn't go anywhere without.....his precious wallet"

The guests gasp in shock at the mere thought of the richest duck in the world simply leaving his wallet around.

Maria: "Uncle Scrooge isn't just gone, he's gone missing!"

Dj Daft Duck hits a wrong button on his keyboard before playing foreboding music with Maria holding her laughter in.

Huey: "Take that thing off!, our uncle has been captured!"

Huey runs around the room testing the doorknob as Maria tries to help Dj Daft Duck's helmet off him but to no avail.

Huey: "Clear the party schedule!, things just got interesting!"

Louie: "Hubert a word"

Maria walks along with the boys as she kneels down in between Louie and Dj Daft Duck wondering why Huey would continue the party under these strange set of circumstances.

Maria's Point Of View
Knowing how persistent Huey can be, I was worried for him as he continued to start a famous party game which is known as a murder mystery.

Louie: "What are you doing?, This isn't the time for some dumb party game"

Huey: "You're right, it's time for the ultimate party game, a locked room mystery party!, And the stakes couldn't be higher....."

Huey/Louie: "Uncle Scrooge's love of parties/ Uncle Scrooge's life"

Oh dear it's Huey's detective phase all over again when he tried out for his junior woodchuck sleuthing badge all over again.

Louie: "Wait what did you say?"

Huey: "We gotta solve the mystery and find Scrooge so he can experience the true joy of a flawless birthday party"

Louie: "And you know, not possibly die?"

Huey: "Of course, and that, but if we succeed and have a good time doing it, Scrooge May have experienced the most amazing party of all time!"

Me: "Woah there!, Huey you can't force someone who doesn't like parties to instantly love them, that's unheard of!

Louie: "Yeah! besides shouldn't we call somebody?"

Huey: "But who can you call when everyone is a suspect?"

Me: "I know a few Mrs Beakly, Webby, Launchpad...."

Louie: "Maria's boyfriend"

I gently punched Louie's shoulder, blushing in the process as Huey stepped out dramatically knowing that the mystery has just begun.

Huey: "C'mon boys, Maria the party game is afoot"

Louie: "Ooh I hate this already"

Dj Daft Duck: "Oh Yeah!"

Louie: "You can't get that helmet off can you?"

Dj Daft Duck: "....Oh No!"

Me: "Oh boy look's like we have to wait until the mystery is solved before we have a shot of helping you out Dewey, now let's go support our brother....and find out what happened to Uncle Scrooge"

I really hoped Huey wouldn't take his Detective persona too far like the last time, I don't know how many times he accused the mailman of hiding Uncle Donald's pay-checks from him.

Huey: "Ladies and gentlemen, you are no longer guests you are now suspects in the disappearance of Scrooge McDuck"

And...he's going into his detective phase early-Oh boy.

Huey: "How fitting, since our prime suspect is a master of making things disappear.....Nik Nokturne?"

We turned around to face Nik who was still upset about his magic trick going wrong but to be perfectly honest, his trick did raise a few red flags with me but since this is Huey's case I was fine being one of his assistants.

Nik Nokturne: "Hmm? You accuse me?, I'm merely a messenger of the Dark Arts"

Huey: "Who had the motive?"

Louie: "Scrooge was making fun of you"

Me: "He was revealing all your magic tricks thus breaking the illusion"

Huey: "And the means"

Louie: "That Dumb box thingy"

We cornered him on the stairs with the boys making fun of his act with DJ Daft Duck using his sound effects to the advantage of the situation.

Before Nik fell on him I managed to pull him away as the stranger's cloak fell off revealing him to be.....

Louie: "A Beagle Boy!"

Huey: "And where there's a Beagle Boy.."

Me: "There must also be..."

Nik: "MA!"

??: "Oh, for crying out loud!"

The woman with the mask was revealed to be Ma Beagle herself, head of the Beagle Boys who listened to her every word.

How did she get an invitation? I stopped my thoughts as I pulled Huey and Louie away in the nick of time with Ma Beagle running up the staircase and trying to smash the door handles off.

But to no avail.

Ma Beagle: "I can't believe i'm stuck in here with you morons"

Nik: "Thats right fools, Nik Nokturne was really me, Black Arts Beagle"

Me: "Still have no clue who you are"

Black Arts Beagle: " This was all part of our sinister plan,Together we would pull off the greatest illusion of all!

Ma Beagle: "Shut it Black Arts"

I could tell Ma Beagle didn't want her 'son' about her plan which was to steal the deed to DuckBurg which Uncle Scrooge leased to the town for a small profit.

It's official our Uncle can turn anything into a profit.

Huey: "Ma Beagle, I accuse you of abducting Scrooge McDuck, and breaking and entering!"

Ma Beagle: "Breaking and entering? Why, I was invited to this party"

Me: "Louie!, You invited Ma Beagle?"

Louie:  "What, she's a totally legit business woman"

Me: "Because her boys rob for her and plan schemes out?"

Louie shrugged, naturally only caring about the business side of her which is only how much  money she takes.

Louie: "Well, Huey only gave me one hour to put together a guest list!"

Ma Beagle: "Why would I abduct Scrooge?, He's more trouble than he's worth"

I started to put my thinking cap on, figuratively  of course as Ma Beagle had a point. Kidnap the Richest Duck in the world and he would've been freed within a minute with the power he had.

Ma Beagle: "I was counting on Black Arts for a distraction, but, of course, he messed that up"

Me: "Kinda like his first trick"

Black Arts: "Hey!"

Ma Beagle: "So when the lights went out, I went to grab the deed while you dingbats weren't looking"

Me: "Unfortunately someone had already locked the doors, preventing your thievery and your means of escape"

Huey looked on at me impressed, with Dj Daft Duck playing a 'Gasp' sound effect. Yep...those mystery movies Huey made me watch really paid of in the end.

Ma Beagle: "Precisely, I didn't think this dummy would actually make Scrooge disappear"

Black Arts: "I'm not a dummy, I'm the master of the Arcane"

Huey: "Ah, yes, the blackout!, The chandelier mysteriously went out, but if we follow the power supply for the chandelier to......"

Being the protective big sister that I am, Huey nearly made me have a panic attack in that moment carelessly zipping down thankfully safely standing in front of a portrait which was ,of course Uncle Scrooge and his late butler.

Ma Beagle: "A stupid painting, can I go now?"

Huey: Stupid painting, or..elaborate security system? Ha!..Top that, former best party planner"

I stared the painting closely, as if I felt Huey was missing something but I couldn't put a clear image to it right yet.

Ma Beagle: "Boy, Howdy, that's a DT-87, toughest security system out there"

Me: "And one of the only security system that knows if the owner is being forced to put the code in, which will then...."

Louie: "We get it, your boyfriend is a scientist plus a genius; what's next you gonna make a list of your favourite kissing moments"

That time I didn't stop myself punching Louie in the shoulder... hard

Huey: "As my dear sister was saying, It would take some kind of tech genius to hack it and turn out the lights"

Dj Daft Duck chimed in, showing pictures of a guest posting about the party live to the world which could only mean one person I want to be far away from.

Huey: "Mark Beaks!"

Mark Beaks: "What up,Playa?"

Ugh, I wanted to throw him outside, not caring who witnessed it but I have to stay positive for my brothers, do not want to be a bad role model like he is.

Huey: "You were dying to take Scrooge down"

Mark Beaks: "Okay listen...Hat, I'm not threatened by Scrooge's money, Please, Cash is dead, the new currency is buzz"

Me: "Louie"

Louie: "Yeah"

Me: I will pay you $10 to please keep him away from me at all costs"

Louie: "You gotcha...but"

Me: "The $10 will include covering the tax, trust me"

Of course Louie invited him to the party but I'm not mad at my brother, just annoyed he had to invite a jerk and my $10 will be used wisely.

Mark Beaks: "I wasn't trying to hack the lights, dummy, I wanted to hack the security cameras"

Huey: "To ease all evidence of Scrooge's disappearance"

Mark Beaks: "Erase? Uh, no, no, I was looking for footage like huh-this"

Mark Beaks showed us all a video of Uncle Scrooge walking into a glass-screen door, which personally was a jerk move of him to do so.

Mark Beaks: "Oh, man I am gonna post this jam all over the interwebs!, Oh Scrooge'll look dumb while my account gets a dumb amount of views!, Kaboom! Beaks out"

Of course Karma hit Mr Beaks and he hit the wooden door just like the video he showed us and a certain someone may have been recording it for later.

It was me.

Not sorry in the slightest.

3rd Point Of View
As Mark Beaks brushes himself off he sees Maria away from her brothers staring at the abyss box, naturally he walks over to her causing Louie and Dj Daft Duck to block his path as the fourth guest glares at him from a distance.

Louie: "Woah Buddy, no going past this point our sis is busy"

Mark Beaks: "Yeah with me, just squeezing by you and over to the most gorgeous duck in the room"

Maria sighs, trying to act pleasant around him but slowly backing up as he approaches her, not noticing the fourth guest glaring at Mark Beaks.

Maria: "Mark Beaks, To what do I owe the chance of speaking to you?"

Mark Beaks: "Woah, I knew you thought I was handsome but save it, I know just what you really want......Me!"

As Mark Beaks keeps talking about how great a couple they will be, all the while Maria uncomfortably chuckles, the fourth guest growls storming up to the pair.

Mark Beaks: "Once we get a perfect couple score, mostly 100% of course we'll have the wedding of the entire history of the interwebs"

Maria: "B-But I a-already have a......"

Mark Beaks: "Sure you do babe, Me!, I mean it's totally obvious"

The fourth guest springs into action, taking Maria by the hand and spinning her into his arms, throws his golden mask in the air revealing.............

The Boys/Maria: "Fenton?!"

Ma Beagle: "Who now?"

Mark Beaks: "Hey, hands off my girl"

Fenton: "No! She is my girlfriend and I'm not letting some big-shot egotistical influencer take her away from me, not now, not ever, Got it!"

Fenton stares down at Maria, her face turning redder by the second as he smiles kissing her in front of the guests as the boys oooh at her with Mark Beaks crossing his arms. She giggles, shyly looking away as Fenton does the same action with Huey waking up to the pair, standing in between them.

Huey: "You acuatally invited a proper guest?"

Louie: "Nope, to be honest 3 invitations was hard work"

Maria: "Then, how did you know about the party Fenton?"

Fenton nervously chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck as Maria crosses her arms with Huey raising his eyebrow.

Fenton: "Okay!, I-I may have looked online at Mark Beaks's post a-and once I noticed he was going to your mansion, I may have over-reacted, rumaged through the lost and found in the lab and rushed over to the mansion.....That sounds mad when i say it out loud doesn't it?"

Huey: "Aha!, Fenton Crackshell Cadbra, you had a motive to get rid of Scrooge, As a genius you had infinite knowledge of security systems, so when you successfully hacked the lights, the opportunity was upon you to murder our uncle"

Maria: "What?! Huey! Are you crazy?!"

Huey: "Crazy cause I'm on a roll here sis, after Scrooge disappears from the scene you would swoop in and have the chance to finally marry Maria and run into the sunset hand in hand"

Fenton and Maria stand silently.....before bursting into laughter, holding onto each other for balance, calming down.

Fenton: "The Odds of me succeeding in a crime like that is 0 out of a billion, I would never do anything to harm MrMcDuck or your family"

Maria: "Plus, Fenton has not set foot into the mansion ever, how would he know about the security system behind the painting?"

Huey sighs, pacing back and forth mumbling as the pair wait for his answer, knowing he was wrong of accusing Fenton.

Huey: "You're right, even though Fenton has a heart of pure gold, he would never, ever want to harm the family of his intern's boss, I'm sorry Fenton"

Fenton: "Apology Accepted Hubert!, Though I can see why you would picture me as a suspect"

Maria nods, agreeing with Fenton, smiling as she, along with Fenton huddle with the rest of the suspects to reveal the final suspect of the night......

Flintheart GlomGold!!!!!

Seeing her brother explain why Flintheart was there apart from the fact it was from Louie's invitation, Maria's brain begins to piece together and the clues revealed so far.

She gazes at the abyss box then the door locks before memorizing the mysterious voice before the lights turned back on.

Maria: "Hold on it can't be him?, I thought he was.....Ahh!!"

The lights flicker, revealing Maria missing as the boys and Fenton gasp before all three of the boys run about in panic with Fenton joining in, slapping himself and calming the boys down.

Key word: Trying

Maria's Point Of View
As the culprit kidnapped me and teleported me away from my brothers, I smiled at the figure who helped me up from the floor.

Me: "You must be Duckworth, Correct"

Duckworth: "Of course, Miss Rose, terribly sorry for the inconvenience"

He bowed, vanishing out of sight again with Scrooge offering me some popcorn for the show had just begun.

To be perfectly honest, it was funny seeing my brothers screaming for their lives even though they weren't really in any danger but I tried to keep my laughter silent when it came to Fenton.

As soon as my brothers arrived at our location, the boys wasted no time leaping into my arms, responding quickly and making sure they were safe as Duckworth appeared to the boys, to their shock as Huey promised not to throw another party in the mansion again.

Smiling, I walked out of the room, seeing Fenton stumble around with a knight's helmet on his head making me laugh at his actions, running over to take off his helmet being tackled by Fenton in the process, hugging the lifeforce out of me before kissing my cheeks.

Fenton: "Thank the heavens you're safe, I thought the worst had happened to you!"

Me: "I'm alright Fenton, now who wants cake!"


I ran towards the kitchen before the boys, preparing some candles that spelled 'Happy Birthday' as we all sang to Uncle Scrooge seeing him tear up and blow out the candles.

Me and Fenton decided to clean up the decorations together as we thought the boys were chatting with Scrooge.

Fenton: "What a party your brother planned for your uncle, it really was a great experience"

Then Fenton was silent, I think he was over-thinking what to say next as I gave him a hug hearing him hum in happiness.

Then a spotlight shone on us, as the music began with the boys teasing us. Fenton bowed in front of me as I copied him but I curtsied instead, feeling his hands in mine as he began to dance with me.

I believe Duckworth had a small part to play as the lights began to change colours but I didn't mind, seeing Fenton smile at me as he twirled next around.

As the music began to stop, Fenton brought me in for a kiss, making my heartbeat faster, It was one of my favourite moments with Fenton so far.

Fenton: "I love you Maria"

Me: "And I love you Fenton"

Unfortunately Fenton had to leave for the night thinking Gyro was going to fire him but Uncle Scrooge cleared it up so he was still his intern, much to his relief.

3rd Point Of View
As Scrooge's birthday comes to an end, Scrooge goes to the table, picking up and shaking Maria's gift slightly as he opens it up, reading the note that Maria placed beside the present.

Dear Uncle Scrooge, Happy Birthday and too many more which won't be too hard for an adventurer like yourself, Thank you for helping my brothers learn from the best!

From Maria!

Ps Hope you love your birthday gift!

Scrooge smiles, wiping away the tears threats to fall, walking upstairs towards Maria's room as she sees Maria sleeping with her brothers hugging her in their sleep. 

He chuckles softly, closing the door and heads off to bed, holding the gift tightly.

End Of Episode.

(All Credit for the Fenton picture at the top is AnnFerMoon)

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