My little accelehearts

By Gogeta900

810 1 1

Hi my name is yuki and I am a Displaced. But its not just me but my familey. Me and my family are characters... More

chapter 1.2
chapter 1.3
chapter 1.3 part 2
Chapter 2.1
chapter 2.2
Chapter 2.3
Chapter 2.4
chapter 2.5
chapter 2.7
chapter 2.8
chapter 2.9
chapter 2.10
chapter 2.11
chapter 3.1
chapter 3.2
chapter 3.3
chapter 3.4
chapter 3.5
chapter 3.6
Chapter 3.7

chapter 2.6

27 0 0
By Gogeta900

Everfree forest

So let me get straight discord gave you a letter about he knows what going on and he will help us? Sora asked Nolo after saveing zecora and they met up with each other. Yep he did gave us a look saying the he thinking the event happen Is not funny. Karma said the rescue team still dumbfounded by it. They were walking in the Everfree forest looking out for the main six the heros did have to stop when they got attack by more vines. Xigbar then spoke up looking around in case anything else comes to attack. I still cant believe rainbow dash thinks were bad guy trying to be fake heros. I mean yeah we look like the bad guys from the kingdom hearts games but it rainbow dash being rainbow dash. Yuki then spoke up shaking his head.

Yeah rainbow does not think about anything I pretty sure she upset about something. Hmm and what's that Yuki? Sora asked. I think when zecora said that she saw moving fast I think rainbow though that you guys were taking her so called "fastest creature in equistiera title". Yuki said finger quoting. And thinks that xigbar and the rest were wearing black cloaks are a sign of bad guys. The group then thought about think that be the reason. While they were talking marluxia and Rosey notice something from there left side. Hey guys wait I see something. The group then stop and walk towards him. What is it marluxia? Rosey and I just saw something over there. The group looked were he was pointing and what they saw a huge claw mark

The group was terrified they knowing that something is in the forest. Monkey went up the claw mark looking at it. What ever did this we should be careful think we should separate angin this time and find this thing and one of the teams still follow the mane six. The team talked about about then they agreed of which team they will be in. All right then Yuki you and the kingdom hearts characters you will find the monster while team acceleracers watch over mane six. Said Nolo give the team the plan. Allright lets go. Yuki said running with his team to find the creature.
Team kingdom hearts

As the warriors were looking for clues for anything else from the claw mark they were able to find some strange things as well. One of them is finding a piece of meatl that has black color all over it. Then the next claw saw is holes in the trees and in the ground. Man what ever did this is not a a living thing. And these holes is a sign that what ever did this is a machine. Luxord said looking at the metal they found. Axel went over the tree to look thought the hole he then notice something he put his finger in it and pull it out his glove had some kind of powder. Hey guys over here I found other clue. Xigbar went up to Axel seeing the powder on his finger. Is that gun powder? Xigbar shaking his head. Nope that the tree dust what ever was shot at got fired by a laser then a bullet. The team got worried about that sora then spoke up. So it seems we are fighting a robot or a cyborg. Or it can be a hybrid pony. The group look at him after what he said. Maybe sora but what do know is that I dangerous and no cant be a hybrid pony. Riku said after the said that they heard a loud roar and howl. WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!?! terra soumon his keyblade. Yuki got up and then started to run to the roar. Guys let's go if we find I might find the monster as well. Then the team started to run to noise.
Team acceleracers

The teku and meatl maniac ran to mane six but there was only five now. Crap twilight heading back to ponyville. Taro said looking at the five of the mane six. They then head rainbow dash spoke up. I telling you girls those creatures in black cloaks have to be evil I mean the way zecora said wht they look like must be evil. Apple jack then pull rainbow dash tail hard. ENOUGH rainbow dash stop saying that they are monster they save zecora from timber wovle and other creatures. Apple jack was geting annoyed with rainbow dash Asubstion. Yeah rainbow stop being mean to those creatures they might be friendly and they saw some pony geting attack so thay want to save them. Fluttershy while finding her face. Rainbow dash then geting angry start to agure. No way! The only heros here in equistiera is us girls those thing must have summoned those monster and killed them to show us that there good. But then they will attack us destroying our homes think about they suddenly appear out of nowhere weird looking wepons and wearing black cloaks are sign of bad guys.

The team hearing it were hearing really annoyed. Then they heard pinkie spoke up. Why are so mad at these mysterious figures Dashy? Is it because zecora said that she saw buler moving faster then se can see. Ohthatwhyyouarejealousbecauseyouthinktheyarefasterthenyouandstrongerthenyouormaybeitbecauseyoursacedoflosingeveryponyattentioncausetherearenew heroes! Pinke said with out thanking a berth. Rainbow dash then stop moving looking at pinkie who was smiling brightly. The team were dumb founded of what they just heard what pinkie just said. Raity then look at her. Is that true darling? Are jealous thinking that these heros are villains because they move fast and defeating Timberwolves and these new monsters? Rainbow dash tried to say a excuse but Apple Jack gave her a look saying to tell the truth. Rainbow dash then sigh of defeat. Yess its just that I dont what to be forgotten I what to be remembered of being a hero. She sad sitting down looking at the ground.

Fluttershy then walk towards her giveing a pat on the back. It's ok rainbow you told us how you feel. But it but not ok I was makeing a lie saying that these creatures are monster and want to rule equistiera! I was jealous that these other creatures are being fake heros and are villains and when zecroa said what they looked like I thought they wer badguys. I guess I been reading to many daring do books. The four mares went to hug rainbow dash makeing her feel better.

The acceleracers team felt bad for rainbow being afried of not being remembered. Man I guess her pride was going to be in ruins If she think of us being faster and stronger. Vert said. Yeah let's hope they will be nice to us. Then the group walk ahead to the tree waiting for them. 10 minutes have passed and the teku and metal maniacs are still hiding and watch the 5 of the mane six heading to the tree and hearing them agure of leaving twilight behind because she was a princess. Man even were up here i can still hear them. Kurt said scathing over them using his new ability seeing there aura. Then they heard a scream coming from the forest. Shirako was that twilight? Karma asked Shirako then shook his head confirming that screaming was twilight. Then they saw the apple jack, rainbow and pinkie and fluttershy and Raity comeing out of the cave running to help twilight. Ok there they go I hope the others are ok. Nolo said while they were watching the 5 friends going help they did not notice something wacthing them. Shirako ears perk up turning to see something attacking them. Woah Shirako got pushed back from the attack and out of his hiding spot in the open ground. Shirako you ok bet and the other jump away from there hiding spot to help him up.

What the heck just happen as porkchop, Tork and wylde geting In to a fighting stance. The group then notice a two red eyes poking out of the forest. Over there! Wylde point out karma then pulled out her bow and arrow. She shot an arrow towards the red eyes but when was about ot hit it the eyes move fast enough geting out of the way. Then it came out of the bushes and what they saw they could. Ot believe of what they are seeing. They were seeing a blade wolf from the series knows as meatl gear.

The team then all got a fighting position waiting for the robot to attack. Guys I think balde wolf is the one who made that calw mark we found earlier! Monkey said holding his monkey werch. Then the wolf then howled stared to charge at them. heads up her it co-----. Then all of sudden a Humgoues green vine came out out of the groud destroying the blade wovle and destroying some of the trees. What the heck!? Porkchop said as jumping out of the and the gang did the same. Then the ground started to shake violently. Waaahhh cant h-hold on guys. monkey said falling down. Then out of the groud came out more vines the group got ready but then more vines came out in form of a pod the group then saw the vines separating. The teku and the metal maniacs were shocked of what they are seeing. No-no-no no it cant be.  Nolo said not able to move. It is! Vert said as the vines started to move away a strange shpae took place. Then all of sudden eyes open up and a mouth open up as well then a  humgoues roar cryed out blowing wind every were. Karma then spoke up. It really it. It's the swap realm monster!

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