
By Ace_of_Grace

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Serendipity -(n.) finding something good without looking for it. More

Chapter 1 (Hazel)
Chapter 2 (Ember)
Chapter 3 (Hazel)
Chapter 4 (Ember)
Chapter 5 (Hazel)
Chapter 6 (Ember)
Chapter 8 (Ember)
Chapter 9 (Hazel)
Chapter 10 (Ember)
Chapter 11 (Hazel)
Chapter 12 (Ember)
Chapter 13 (Hazel)
Chapter 14 (Ember)
Chapter 15 (Hazel)
Chapter 16 (Ember)
Chapter 17 (Hazel)
Chapter 18 (Ember)
Chapter 19 (Hazel)
Chapter 20 (Ember)
Chapter 21 (Hazel)

Chapter 7 (Hazel)

89 14 2
By Ace_of_Grace

Hazel was one of the first to arrive to potions class.  She took a seat in the front right of the class room as she wanted to be sure she had a good view of demonstations and to take notes.  She started to busy herself as she began to set up all of her small potions kit and take out her parchment and quills.  She took out her Magical Drafts and Potions book as she she noticed a long, dark haired man walk in with black robes and black eyes.  

    "You are early, Ravenclaw." he stated as he began to set things on his desk at the front of the room.

    "Oh, I'm sorry.  Should I have waited?"   Hazel replied nervously.   She received a "tch" from the teacher.

    "No, its better than being late.  You would teach some of your fellow first years about being on time."  he stated in a semi-bored tone.

    "What is your name, girl?"  he asked her.

"Hazel May Halls, professor."  replied Hazel.

    "Halls?  Mathew Hall's daughter I presume?  You're father was a Gryffindor was he not?  I am suprised that you are not the same."  he stated slightly distastefully at the mention of Gryffindor house.

    "Well I'm not my father, professor.  We are quiet diffrent.  Most say I am more like my mother."  replleid Hazel.

    "Ah, yes, the Squib of the Gage family.   Such a shame."  he 'tch'ed at her.   Hazel's eyes narrowed for a moment.   "She would have been an excellent witch."  Hazel's eyes softened.  She was ready for him to be more insultant, but he seemed more just dissapointed.

   "You knew my mother?"  she asked curiously.

"Tanya Gage helped where she could at St. Mungo's hospital when she was younger, its where she met your father.  She helped heal a friend of mine there."  replied Professor Snape.  Hazel took in this information.  She knew that her mother had helped at the hospital but she didn't really think much of it.

    "I have high expectations for you, Ms. Halls.  I expect you to be able to meet them."  said Snape before other students befan to walk in to the room.  Hazel couldn't help but feel a small smile grow on her face as she nodded and looked down at her book.    Hazel felt actually pretty happy.  She felt like she had connected will with both of her professors, she had been making friends, even with that Gryffindor girl's comments and her awkward moment at breakfast, her day was going pretty well.  She hadn't really paid attention until she noticed that class was about to start and she was the only one in the room without a partner sitting next to herself.  She began to look around desperatly seeing if someone else was by themselves to see that there was a Slytherin boy in the back of the room all by himself.

    "Jeon, please move to the front and take a seat next to Ms. Halls, she will be your partner for the rest of the term since you two were unable to find your own."  said Professor Snape before beginning class.  Hazel felt her face heat up as the poor Slytherin boy gathered all of his stuff together and hauled it over to where Hazel was sitting and began to put his stuff up on the table next to her.  She got a good look at him in the dimly lit room and realized he was the innocent looking boy who she noticed had gotten placed into Slytherin after she had gotten sorted.  She believed she remembered his name as Jungkook?

    "Now that everyone has a partner let us begin.  I am Professor Snape. As there is little foolish -waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is . I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through the veins, bewitching the minds, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, , and even stopper death, if you aren't as bid a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach." Introduced Professor Snape. 

    "We will be starting right away.  I hope at least some of you did some reading ahead." he stated as he began to pace in the front of the room.  Hazel began to thank her lucky stars that she liked reading and potions was something that she actaully found rather interesting.  

    "Did you?"  a low voice asked Hazel who looked at the boy next her confused for a moment.

     "Read?  Yes, but I don't know what he want's us to do yet."  she replied softly.

    "We are going to cover the the basic preperations for the Draught of Living Death.  Now everyone open your books to page 26."  he announced.  There was a ruffeling of papers as all of the first year Ravenclaw and Slytherin students tooks out their books.  Hazel was already prepared and began to write at the top of her parchement.  She began to write down everything she already knew before looking in the book to double check.  She looked over at the boy next to her and realized that he was also already taking notes.  She was pleasently surprised.  

    "Ms. Halls, explain what asphodel is." Suddenly said Professor Snape.  Hazel took a deep breath as all eyes were now on her. 

    "Asphodel, also known as Royal Staff , is a memebr of the lily family and it has long slender leaves.  Its name comes from the Greek asphodelos.  It has both magical and mundane uses.  Powdered root of Asphodel is used in the creation of various potions such as the Draught of Living Death and the Wiggenweld Potion."  Hazel recited from memory leaving others in the room socked and some even impressed, others seemed a bit envious.

"Correct, Ms Halls, five points to Ravenclaw.  Yes, Asphodel is one of the two main ingredients in the Draught of Living Death. Now can anyone of you dunderheads tell me what is the effect that this draught has on ther drinker?"  he asked eyeing the class of first years.  Hazel was slightly surprised and so was apprently Snape when the Jungkook raised his hand to answer along with a couple of other Ravenclaws.

    "Jeon."  said Snape looking over at the boy for the answer.

"The Draught of Living Death brings upon its drinker a very powerful sleep that can last indefinitely. This draught is very dangerous if not used with caution".  He said.  Hazel was impressed she hadn't read that exact definition though, so she wondered where he had gotten it from.  

    "Excellent Mr Jeon, 10 points to Slytherin.  Now who can tell me the other main ingredient in the Draught of Living Death.  Anyone?"  Asked Snape.  No one raised thier hands,  Hazel didn't really want to answer again and seem like a how that one girl from Gryffindor already made her seem like.  

    "I know that some of you must have read something.  Its not that hard, to. Look. In. Your. Book. For. The. Answer."  Snape snapped at the students who began to scramble in their books to find the answer.  All, but Jungkook and Hazel who then glanced over at each other and saw that they were both already on the same page...with the answer.  Snape noticed this too.  

    "Enough.  Ms. Halls and Mr. Jeon.  Why did you not answer the question when you knew the answer and instead just sat there like a bunch of bowtruckles on a log?"  snapped Snape causing Hazel to look down at her book and not look at him.

    "Answer me!"  he yelled at them causing Hazel bite her lip.  The whole room was silent.  Holding their breaths as if to know what would happen next.

"We wanted to give the other students at least a chance to be able to get something right."  said Jungkook cutting the silence with a retort.  This stunned some of the other students.  A low  "Oh." rumbled amoung the student, who were too impressed by the comeback to be offended.  

    "Five points from Slytherin for your mouth...and five points from Ravenclaw for your incompetence, unless.  You can tell me what the second ingredient is."  said Snape.

    "Infusion of wormword, sir."  she said softly.  

"Again, louder so everyone can hear you, Halls." he demanded.

    "Infusion of wormwood, Sir!"  she suddenly shouted looking up at him for the first time in awhile with a glare.  

   "Correct, you just saved your self a loss of House points, Halls."  he told her as he met her glare.  "Be sure to answer when you know the answer, do not take others into account.  That goes for all of you."  Snape infromed, not looking away from Hazel who continued to glare at him before looking back down at her book her hand clenching her robe.  She took back what she said about getting along with this professor.  He was a jerk, how could he not care about others education?  Others needed a chance to be heard...right?  Hazel began to think about this for the rest of class while she was also on edge about answering anymore questions that Snape could produce for them, but he had moved on to teaching without questions.  They didn't actually make the potion, as it was way too advanced, but they did get informed that they would have to read about the first six of the tweleve uses of dragon blood and the types of cauldrons that can be used in potion making.   Hazel walked out that class feeling annoyed.  

    "We didn't really get to introduce ourselves in there, but I'm Jeon Jungkook, and you are?"  asked Jungkook who had snapped Hazel out of her bad mood for a moment.

  "Hazel May Halls, but most people just call me Hazel."  she replied with a smile.  

    "Professor Snape can be really tough, but he's actually a pretty good teacher, don't let him freak you out too much."  mused Jungkook as the pair walked down the dungeon corridor away from the potions class room.

    "Are you headed back to the Great Hall for lunch now?"  asked Jungkook in a seemingly good mood for just losing House Points and getting yelled at in class infront of everyone.  

     "Um, yeah, probably, I think I might stop by the Ravenclaw Common Room first to drop off my stuff..."  trailed Hazel as she tried to keep up with the slightly taller and faster walking Slytherin boy.

    "What classes do you have after lunch."  he asked interested.

"Herbology with Hufflepuff, Transfiguration, History of Magic, and Defense Against the Dark Arts.  Oh, Also I have Astronomy tonight around Midnight."  Hazel rattled off.

    "No free periods?"  inquired Jungkook.  

"I think I have one between Transfiguration and History of Magic, but I think I'm going to use it to either take a quick power nap or get a jump on homework."  replied Hazel she followed along with Jungkook.  She didn't even notice that they weren't heading out, but deeper into the dungeons until Jungkook suddenly stopped.

    "Um, I need to, um drop off my stuff in the common room so...wait right here."  he sputtered before turning a corner and disapearing down a hall out of site.  Hazel stood there awkwardly as she waited.  She got some strange looks from other Slytherins who passed by her to head towards the common room.  Hazel pleaded in her head that Jungkook would hurry up.

"What is a little Ravenclaw like yourself doing down here all alone in the dark?" asked an unknown voice that startled Hazel who turned around with a jump.  Whipping her wand out of her pocket with percision.  The boy put his hands up in surrender as she pointed her wand at him.   He wasn't alone.

    "Whoa, I'm not going to hurt you.  We were just wondering why you, a 1st year, was doing by the Slytherin House Common Room by yourself."  Said the boy with nearly white blonde hair. 

    "You're lucky it was us who asked an not someone with bad intentions.  You shouldn't be wandering around by yourself."  added the brown haired boy next to him with the longer face.

   "Well I wasn't alone, I'm waiting for someone."  replied Hazel bravely.  Her wand still pointed at the blonde haired boy.

   "Oh? Waiting for someone?  A Slytherin perhaps?  Who are you little Ravenclaw?"  asked the blonde haired boy with a slight smirk as he relaxed his posture and crossed his arms over his chest.

    "I'm Hazel May Halls...and who are you two?"  she asked, slowly lowering her wand to her side.  

   "Min Yoongi, 4th year Slytherin, and this is Jung Hoseok, 3rd Year Slytherin."  introduced the blonde boy.  "Now who are you waiting for little birdy?"

    "She's waiting for me."  a voice cut in as Jungkook walked up to him.

    "Jeon!  I wouldn't have guessed that you'd be one to have brought a little bird down here."  Mused Yoongi.

   "She is in my class, we were heading towards lunch."  replies Jungkook.

    "Hmm, interesting.  We'll so are we.  How about we all walk there. Now."  Said Hoseok with a smirk on his face as well.  Hazel began to feel a little uneasy as the two older Slytherins walked with  the two first years.  She felt a little surrounded.  

    "Um, I still need to drop my stuff at the Ravenclaw tower...maybe I could just meet you at the Great Hall..."  trailed Hazel as they walked out of the dungeon.  Jungkook's face dropped slightly.

   "Oh, sure."  he replied non-chalantly.  Hazel took this moment to practically run away from the trio of Slytherins.

   "Nice going Jeon, you scared the little bird away."  teased Hoseok as Hazel took off.

    "I don't think it was me."  huffed Jungkook.  "Let's just go eat.  I don't think she'll be coming back."

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